Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Also... if anyone wants to add me here or on facebook feel free. http://www.facebook.com/Lizagna (If you add me on facebook shoot me a message saying you are from MFP though so I don't accidentally deny your request) :bigsmile:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Anywho, sorry if I pissed anyone off... feel free to flame me if you like :laugh: :laugh: Thats just how I feel about it.

    *flame* smiley_fire.gif Yes...I'm just a dork like that.

    Well, on the upside...since adding many new friends I hardly see her posts anymore. I just wish there was more I could do than walk away. But there isn't. I mean, if she lived in Arizona, I'd happily drive a few hours to go start an intervention (because I'm crazy). But its a little too far from across the country, especially for someone I only know through online. (had it been a family member etc, I'd be on the plane)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Hello everyone! Hope you all are having a great day today. I converted over to U-verse and am having all types of issues with my internet connection but hopefully they are resolved soon. Enjoy your day... hopefully I am able to stay connected :)

    hope your net gets fixed :)
    Just finished my 30 minutes of exercise (32 minutes actually)! Going to do Zumba or Total Body later and starting 30 Day Shred tonight! I'm an exercise feind! LOL! Actually, the 32 minutes of exercise was because I needed AAA batteries and I don't want to go to the store after work! Walked to the store on my luhttp://www.myfitnesspal.com/post/new/340238-dropping-pounds-with-inspiring-pals-closed-group?quote=4603381nch. Zumba or Total Body is because I promised a friend I would go with her! :-)

    Need to start in on the water though... struggle with that.

    Dang your on a role!
    oh and omg im dying my hair for the first time in my life!!! eeekkkkk ill post some pics later!

    Can't wait to see it! What color? I dye my hair tooo much. lol Its been every color out there. brown, blonde, pink, blue... lol
    Just thought I would check in! I had a dr appt yesterday and I weighed 222.2 on their scale... about 2 pounds heavier than what mine at home says. I am blaming it on the fact that I had clothes on and that it was the middle of the day so I had been eating and drinking! She congratulated me on my loss so that made me smile. Working out is going well and I'm loving my gym. I actually look forward to going, which I never saw myself saying something like that! I just upped my calories from 1450 to 1700 because I generally burn about 700-800 during my daily workouts so I think I was eating too little. We'll see how that works. I have hit a mini-plateau so I'm hoping that helps break me through it!

    You must have an awesome Gym to make you LIKE going. :) But its good, mean's you will. Let us know how the calories work out. I originally upped mine from 1240 to 1440 (what I was started at a year ago) and it helped me a lot. I wasn't losing and was crabby all the time eating only 1240.
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    Anywho, sorry if I pissed anyone off... feel free to flame me if you like :laugh: :laugh: Thats just how I feel about it.

    *flame* smiley_fire.gif Yes...I'm just a dork like that.

    Well, on the upside...since adding many new friends I hardly see her posts anymore. I just wish there was more I could do than walk away. But there isn't. I mean, if she lived in Arizona, I'd happily drive a few hours to go start an intervention (because I'm crazy). But its a little too far from across the country, especially for someone I only know through online. (had it been a family member etc, I'd be on the plane)

    As you said there is only so much you can do and she has to want help her self and if she is unwilling to do that no matter what you do nothing can help her. It is same with losing weight unless you want to and want to work at it you are never going to...

    Liking all the NSV been reading well done everyone.

    My NSV victory was walking past the very nice smelling burger van on way to work this morning and making the porridge that was sitting in my draw at work instead...


    My Facebook as we all seem to be joining in is http://www.facebook.com/russdev
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    My NSV victory was walking past the very nice smelling burger van on way to work this morning and making the porridge that was sitting in my draw at work instead...

    That is great! I think that's one of the hardest things to do!
  • theonlychuck
    theonlychuck Posts: 54 Member
    well i wanted a redish brown but it didnt turn out right so i think im gonna try again!
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    . But when I see people who are all 'thank you god for making me lose X lbs' it irks me. Take the credit for yourself, you were the one who worked hard and you should pat yourself on the back, don't be giving the credit away! Anywho, sorry if I pissed anyone off... feel free to flame me if you like :laugh: :laugh: Thats just how I feel about it.
    I feel exactly the same! That drives me crazy.....now if they at Ho hos all day long and watched tv for exercise and still lost the weight, then they can thank god for making them lose the weight....lol
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    In your situation, is this girl someone that you chat with a lot or that has a lot of friends, or would she even notice that you de-friended her? If she would definately notice, I would send her a message. Tell her how much you do care about her and her problem. Suggest the counseling and tell her that other than those things, there's nothing you can do from AZ. Tell her to please come and re-add you when she's gotten help because her ways are affecting you and your health needs to be top of the priority list.

    That sounds like excellent advice. Good call.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Hi everyone! I am part of this group (thanks Virgo) But right now I am struggling to just stay above water. I will try to post when I feel up to it, and I hope it's soon. Thank you for letting me part of this group :smile:
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Lisamarie my SW was 271lbs 5 days ago now I am thankfully 268.6lbs. I am happy to be apart of this group and looking to lose a 100lbs. Add me! ;)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Chrysal, you've done a great job keeping going, hope you are ok, and I am sure you know we will all be here when u are ready to resume. Sorry to hear about your situation.

    Wow I don't know you but from you pic I think you did a amazing job....keep it up
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hi everyone! I am part of this group (thanks Virgo) But right now I am struggling to just stay above water. I will try to post when I feel up to it, and I hope it's soon. Thank you for letting me part of this group :smile:

    Hope everything is okay... keep on trucking and soon you'll be able to breathe easy and not struggle so much. :flowerforyou:
  • rae_mayer
    Hello everyone!
    I got a little bit of good news today. Despite having issues with calorie counts (and uncontrollable issues) this past week I still managed to lose a little weight. I'm restarting today so that I can hopefully have better numbers again soon!

    I am a little nervous because tonight I'm going to a new class at my gym. I'm going to Zumba first (which I LOVE) and then I'm going to another class called Hip Hop Swag. It's supposed to be like a Zumba for Hip Hop. We'll see I guess. Hopefully I don't fall on my butt too many times! :laugh:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    My NSV victory was walking past the very nice smelling burger van on way to work this morning and making the porridge that was sitting in my draw at work instead...

    That is awesome!! You are much stronger than me... I would have stopped and ate way too much! :laugh: Keep up the great work!
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    Today, did about 80 minutes of exercise today. Hope everyone is trying to get their 30 minutes in! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I got a little bit of good news today. Despite having issues with calorie counts (and uncontrollable issues) this past week I still managed to lose a little weight. I'm restarting today so that I can hopefully have better numbers again soon!

    I am a little nervous because tonight I'm going to a new class at my gym. I'm going to Zumba first (which I LOVE) and then I'm going to another class called Hip Hop Swag. It's supposed to be like a Zumba for Hip Hop. We'll see I guess. Hopefully I don't fall on my butt too many times! :laugh:

    Good for you getting out to play! Soooo glad you enjoyed it!

    Group - I'm a bit of a geek and I'm sort of keeping an exercise spreadsheet...

    9/11/2011 39 min Cycling 7.9 miles
    9/12/2011 64 min Walking 2 miles, Cycling 5.1 miles
    9/13/2011 44 min Cycling 5.1 miles, Wii Boxing

    147 minutes total this week! Well... I guess the 11th doesn't count... so 108 so far. The week starts Mondays, right?
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    So..... Would it make me a horrible person to delete someone with an eating disorder from my MFP friends list? :cry: I feel really conflicted. She's sweet, and I understand she has a problem, but it doesn't seem like she's really seeking any help. (Isn't seeing a therapist or counselor or anything, "says" her parents know, but then posts things like "I really want to throw up but I can't because my parents will hear me") So everyday there is something posted about binging and then posting about puking it all back up. Or on days she doesn't throw up, she's only eating between 300 & 700 calories. But she takes it hard when people delete her, or stop being her friend. Turns it all back on herself, like she doesn't deserve support etc. But other than buying a plane ticket, flying my *kitten* to NJ (from Az), and walking her down to the nearest clinic, I can't really do anything....and seeing all the negativity every day is driving me nuts. (I'm negative enough on my own). I've actually thought about asking for her parents phone number (because that wouldn't make me an internet creeper :noway: ).....

    Advice on this please.

    Thought on this...confront her about how you feel and how her lack of effort to really get better is bringing your down too. Honesty in a compassionate way could be a way to go. At least then if you defriend her she will know why.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    I have to confess I have not exercized at all this week unless you count the LOOOOOOONG walk from where they now have the front entrance of the Hospital to where the Elevator is for the Maternity floor (stairs are only for fire emergencies and an alarm will sound) That and I went swimming a little in the hotel pool. I am finally home after spending two nights in a hotel with my mom to spend time with her and my sister and new baby. I can't wait to spoil that little girl and watch her grow up. I hope she cought the musicianship gene from her parents. Her daddy plays guitar and sings and co owns a recording studio. He used to be in several bands but now has a grown up job at a radio station. Her mom is, well my sister, we all have some musical ability. My sister doesn't think she can sing but she really can sing and used to play the piano a little and in high school played the clarinet. I can't wait to sing to her I hummed a little bit in the hospital to her but my sister was a little weirded out by it. Maybe because she wanted to sing to her I don't know.
    I have shown you all how happy I am for this new baby but there is a small part of me that is kind of sad! Those that have known me for a while know that my whole weight loss journey started because shortly after getting married my cycles stopped all together and I was only 30. Doc said that it was my weight mixed with PCOS which I already knew I had. After losing about 35-40 lbs they came back and I continued to have one more normal cycle before going on BC cause I want to reach 230 before getting pregnant. Well I started passing blood clots 3 weeks before the end of my pack of pills and that was three weeks ago I have been flowing now for 2 1/2 weeks straight. I'm a little worried that I may have lost my chance to have more kids. I love my daughter with all my heart but she was from a previous relationship that was very abusive and now that I have the man that I am meant to be with I want to have kids with him and he loves kids and I am so worried that we met too late in life and that my opportunity for having more kids have passed. I pray thats not the case but that fear is still there. I've already been to the doc for it this last week and if this continues to next week I am going to ask to be refered to an OBGYN. Its a bit overwhelming the new baby while I am personally struggling with all of this and to top it off everyone that is close to us keeps asking us when are we going to get the baby itch and I just want to scream at them I already have it but I want to be healthy too. If someone could tell me that I would have a perfectly healthy pregnancy and baby if I got pregnant tomorrow at this weight I would totally go off of BC and try to get pregnant right away but no one can and the closer I get to the weight I was when I got pregnant with my daughter the more guarantee I have that it will be a healthy one.
    All right I am just rambling now so I will be quiet now. I hope you are all having an awesome week! Hope we all have good numbers after this first week together!
    Much love to you all!
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    Daily check in -

    1. did not stay below my calories for the day. If anyone wants access to my diary add me as a friend. I forgot to include an afternoon snack in my counts and so when I was at the dinner table at an impromptu dinner out looking up calories for that restaurant I overcalculated what I could afford to eat.

    2. I did good on water though... I usually do really well on the water.

    3. I adusted my calorie ceiling with my most recent weightloss but I am having a really hard time staying under this week. I am going to have to start thinking about either adding exercise which I really don't have time for right now ---(I know that you all might now beleive that to be true but it is where I am at right now - I work 10 hour days - 5days/week and then still have to prepare food for myself and my family and I am in grad school...too much on my plate.)--- or change how I prepare the food to make it lighter in calories because I have done about all that I can right now on the quantity.

    4. I am working on the sodium but failing miserably...::sigh::
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    147 minutes total this week! Well... I guess the 11th doesn't count... so 108 so far. The week starts Mondays, right?

    lol yes Monday... but if you wanted to keep the 11th I don't think anyone on there would say anything. 147 minutes is fantastic!