Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Love the challenge! Does coaching cheerleaders (5, 6 and 7 year olds) for 2 hours count as exercise? :tongue:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Love the challenge! Does coaching cheerleaders (5, 6 and 7 year olds) for 2 hours count as exercise? :tongue:

    I would think so! You have patience! lol
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    So..... Would it make me a horrible person to delete someone with an eating disorder from my MFP friends list? :cry: I feel really conflicted. She's sweet, and I understand she has a problem, but it doesn't seem like she's really seeking any help. (Isn't seeing a therapist or counselor or anything, "says" her parents know, but then posts things like "I really want to throw up but I can't because my parents will hear me") So everyday there is something posted about binging and then posting about puking it all back up. Or on days she doesn't throw up, she's only eating between 300 & 700 calories. But she takes it hard when people delete her, or stop being her friend. Turns it all back on herself, like she doesn't deserve support etc. But other than buying a plane ticket, flying my *kitten* to NJ (from Az), and walking her down to the nearest clinic, I can't really do anything....and seeing all the negativity every day is driving me nuts. (I'm negative enough on my own). I've actually thought about asking for her parents phone number (because that wouldn't make me an internet creeper :noway: ).....

    Advice on this please.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Birthday NeuroticVirgo
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Virgo - how old is this girl? You are like me, very empathetic, and try to save the world, one person at a time. There comes a time where a person has to help themselves too. They can't rely on anyone else to better things for them. It's tough love. Have people called her out on her bad habits? Suggested couseling. We are peers here, and not professionals. She needs far more help than what MFP folks can give her.

    MFP is about mutual support. Her behavior is having a negative effect on you. Not much you can do over the internet to help her the way she needs help. Maybe see if you can friend her on facebook? Find her parents that way and message them?

    Good luck, not an easy spot to be in! :heart:
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    Good morning. Yesterday I got in 79 minutes of exercise between swimming and Crossfit training (threw some extra double under work in)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Happy Birthday NeuroticVirgo

    Thank you!
    Virgo - how old is this girl? You are like me, very empathetic, and try to save the world, one person at a time. There comes a time where a person has to help themselves too. They can't rely on anyone else to better things for them. It's tough love. Have people called her out on her bad habits? Suggested couseling. We are peers here, and not professionals. She needs far more help than what MFP folks can give her.

    MFP is about mutual support. Her behavior is having a negative effect on you. Not much you can do over the internet to help her the way she needs help. Maybe see if you can friend her on facebook? Find her parents that way and message them?

    Good luck, not an easy spot to be in! heart

    I might try the facebook idea. (though it makes me feel like a stalker lol). She's only 18 I think (or says she's 18 so she can be on here). Still a senior in high school. At first I thought it might not have been that bad. I mean everyone on MFP probably has some kind of disorder with food (even if its not an "eating disorder"). But then it started to seem like an everyday thing.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Good morning. Yesterday I got in 79 minutes of exercise between swimming and Crossfit training (threw some extra double under work in)

    Good job! My friend does Crossfit training and that stuff can get you fit fast! :)
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    You can friend me on fb if you'd like.....maybe by friending a few ppl at once it will seem like an MFP thing and not a stalker thing!! LOL!!!!

    My fb address is in my siggy! :glasses:
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    NSV Monday- Well a few weeks ago I'd been a bit sad because no one seemed to notice my weight loss yet. I was feeling better but it felt like no one else could see it. In any case I went to the store to get some new work clothes and surprise, surprise I had lost a shirt size! Not only that but my bra size had dropped from a 46C to a 42D. I wasn't sad anymore!! :bigsmile:

    That's awesome!! No one was noticing my loss yet either... until I wore a more form fitting outfit than normal! Then everyone was like, "You need to stop wearing such baggy clothes! You are looking good!" Made me smile! :bigsmile:
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    So..... Would it make me a horrible person to delete someone with an eating disorder from my MFP friends list? :cry: I feel really conflicted. She's sweet, and I understand she has a problem, but it doesn't seem like she's really seeking any help. (Isn't seeing a therapist or counselor or anything, "says" her parents know, but then posts things like "I really want to throw up but I can't because my parents will hear me") So everyday there is something posted about binging and then posting about puking it all back up. Or on days she doesn't throw up, she's only eating between 300 & 700 calories. But she takes it hard when people delete her, or stop being her friend. Turns it all back on herself, like she doesn't deserve support etc. But other than buying a plane ticket, flying my *kitten* to NJ (from Az), and walking her down to the nearest clinic, I can't really do anything....and seeing all the negativity every day is driving me nuts. (I'm negative enough on my own). I've actually thought about asking for her parents phone number (because that wouldn't make me an internet creeper :noway: ).....

    Advice on this please.

    I don't think it would make you a horrible person. I just deleted someone from my friends list because I couldn't handle all her negativity lately. She was posting multiple times per day complaining about everything! Don't get me wrong, we all deserve to have a bad day, or week, but come on now... every single day, multiple times?!? She was really getting on my nerves, so I deleted her because she was affecting me negatively.

    In your situation, is this girl someone that you chat with a lot or that has a lot of friends, or would she even notice that you de-friended her? If she would definately notice, I would send her a message. Tell her how much you do care about her and her problem. Suggest the counseling and tell her that other than those things, there's nothing you can do from AZ. Tell her to please come and re-add you when she's gotten help because her ways are affecting you and your health needs to be top of the priority list.
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Chrystal, I'm praying for you!:smile:
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks on my before and after pic !!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    So..... Would it make me a horrible person to delete someone with an eating disorder from my MFP friends list? :cry: I feel really conflicted. She's sweet, and I understand she has a problem, but it doesn't seem like she's really seeking any help. (Isn't seeing a therapist or counselor or anything, "says" her parents know, but then posts things like "I really want to throw up but I can't because my parents will hear me") So everyday there is something posted about binging and then posting about puking it all back up. Or on days she doesn't throw up, she's only eating between 300 & 700 calories. But she takes it hard when people delete her, or stop being her friend. Turns it all back on herself, like she doesn't deserve support etc. But other than buying a plane ticket, flying my *kitten* to NJ (from Az), and walking her down to the nearest clinic, I can't really do anything....and seeing all the negativity every day is driving me nuts. (I'm negative enough on my own). I've actually thought about asking for her parents phone number (because that wouldn't make me an internet creeper :noway: ).....

    Advice on this please.

    I don't think it would make you a horrible person. You are here on this website to take care of you, and you can't take care of you when you have negative people surrounding you. Maybe you could friend her on facebook... but from the sound of it she really does need professional help. I had a friend who was bulimic and its really hard, they don't see it as a problem which makes it even harder to get them the help they need. Maybe send her a message saying its nothing against her but you need to concentrate on yourself and making yourself healthy... and if she needs someone to talk to she can always message you. Help her understand she does deserve support and help, but people can't help & support her if she isn't willing to help herself get better... and you definitely don't want to be supporting an eating disorder.

    I'm probably a horrible person, I've deleted people on here for being too religious. Nothing against religion, but people who are 'jesus freaks' get on my nerves. I'm not a believer myself... maybe thats why it gets on my nerves so much. But when I see people who are all 'thank you god for making me lose X lbs' it irks me. Take the credit for yourself, you were the one who worked hard and you should pat yourself on the back, don't be giving the credit away! Anywho, sorry if I pissed anyone off... feel free to flame me if you like :laugh: :laugh: Thats just how I feel about it.
  • Godhas8
    Godhas8 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello everyone! Hope you all are having a great day today. I converted over to U-verse and am having all types of issues with my internet connection but hopefully they are resolved soon. Enjoy your day... hopefully I am able to stay connected :)
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Just finished my 30 minutes of exercise (32 minutes actually)! Going to do Zumba or Total Body later and starting 30 Day Shred tonight! I'm an exercise feind! LOL! Actually, the 32 minutes of exercise was because I needed AAA batteries and I don't want to go to the store after work! Walked to the store on my lunch. Zumba or Total Body is because I promised a friend I would go with her! :-)

    Need to start in on the water though... struggle with that.
  • theonlychuck
    theonlychuck Posts: 54 Member
    okay okay im sorry starting late been suoper busy ,

    SW 230.4 , loving you girls already im a FB junky you can add me http://www.facebook.com/charli.trawick
  • theonlychuck
    theonlychuck Posts: 54 Member
    oh and omg im dying my hair for the first time in my life!!! eeekkkkk ill post some pics later!
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    Just thought I would check in! I had a dr appt yesterday and I weighed 222.2 on their scale... about 2 pounds heavier than what mine at home says. I am blaming it on the fact that I had clothes on and that it was the middle of the day so I had been eating and drinking! She congratulated me on my loss so that made me smile. Working out is going well and I'm loving my gym. I actually look forward to going, which I never saw myself saying something like that! I just upped my calories from 1450 to 1700 because I generally burn about 700-800 during my daily workouts so I think I was eating too little. We'll see how that works. I have hit a mini-plateau so I'm hoping that helps break me through it!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    oh and omg im dying my hair for the first time in my life!!! eeekkkkk ill post some pics later!

    Ooooo what color are you going??