Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • mrnls
    mrnls Posts: 95 Member
    Here is my Recipie for today!!
    Baby Breakfast Quiches: chop up and layer of bacon, or if you are vegitarian like me you can add fake bacon or just skip it, a medley of fresh veggies, and shredded cheese. Whip up 6-8 eggs with milk and add 1tsp of flour. Pour mixture on top. Bake for 18 mins at 350 and you have a healthy on-the-go breakfast for the week!

    Thanks for the great recipe!!! Have you ever made with egg whites or egg beaters?
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    SO stressed out right now! About everything! Stuff I can control, stuff I can't control! Ugh! Hopefully I can beat the beast today because Lord knows I couldn't yesterday (even though I really tried)! :sad:
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    I came to the conclusion today that I needed another goal to keep me focused on diet and exercise. I can't just do the diet thing without an obtainable goal, I need that competition to push myself. I decided on my way home from the gym that instead of stopping at the KFC and getting food, that I want to be below 200 lbs for my birthday. That give me about 2 1/2 months. This is completely reachable. Keep an eye on me people, it's football season and I have a hard time not drinking my *kitten* off on Sunday and eating all the bad food at the bar.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I came to the conclusion today that I needed another goal to keep me focused on diet and exercise. I can't just do the diet thing without an obtainable goal, I need that competition to push myself. I decided on my way home from the gym that instead of stopping at the KFC and getting food, that I want to be below 200 lbs for my birthday. That give me about 2 1/2 months. This is completely reachable. Keep an eye on me people, it's football season and I have a hard time not drinking my *kitten* off on Sunday and eating all the bad food at the bar.

    Uh oh! Better find you some better muchies lol
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I'm actually scared to weigh in tomorrow...I am having serious anxiety about it...how lame is that? You would think what the scale says in the AM makes or breaks my world....ugh... I've been good all week, I've been working out like mad....but still...I just feel all full of jitters...

    And of course because apparently I'm a glutton for punishment, I signed up for a biggest loser challenge. Naesue is my teammate. So hoping we can kick some butt in this challenge!

    I don't know how many spots she has left, but if any of you are interested, I know quite a few of you are already on her friends list. But itsbigjoesgal is running it. Limited to 12 teams though.

  • rae_mayer
    Hi Everyone! Sorry I've been MIA most of this past week. I've been knocked out with a cold and we got some bad news about my Grandfather's cancer. Needless to say my weigh in tomorrow will not be pretty. I'm simply hoping that my gain will not be too large. :frown:

    I'm now trying (again) to do 30DS. Day 2 was today and I seriously need someone to hold me accountable. I've yet to get beyond Day 3... haha! :embarassed:

    Anyway I will try to post more tomorrow since I'm off for bed now.
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    @NeuroticVirgo - I know the scale will reflect all your hard work this week :)

    @rae-meyer - Sorry to hear about your GrandDad's cancer :( I'm with you on the 30DS. I had started at the beginning of the month, but would only do it sporadically. So out of 30 days, I think I only did 10 total.

    A few friends on my list are doing an "Oblivious October" challenge, which involves not checking the scale for an entire month. Not sure I'm up to that kind of punishment on myself, thought, part of me would love to do it. Would still want to keep up with the tracking here though, gah!!

    Also, I need to do 30DS every day, even if I decided to do tae bo or other exercises that same day. I just need to. I haven't given Jillian a chance, lol. So going to make October the month I do that regularly.

    Weighing in tomorrow, and I've got a bit of anxiety going. I've got my TOM, and am hoping I haven't gained in weight, that'll just depress me.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Alright I am officially out of the 270's today!!! Woohoo that means that I have officially lost 50 lbs! But my husband also lost weight and is now 1.6 lbs less then me :grumble: I can't get a break!!!!! Although its really nice that he is losing as well I want to be smaller then him :sad: ! Oh well it will happen eventually! I hope everyone has a good day and weekend. I will be up north at a wedding this weekend. But I have both my phone and my husbands so I will be logging!

    @ Nerotic Virgo we can rock this out!!!!! I know we can!
  • pattynava
    Good Morning Ladies & Gentlemen :smile:
    So...all this talk about beating yourselves up.....give you a break! If you try hard to do your best, and fail....You have tomorrow to try again. Not saying there aren't consequences to your actions, but it is NOT the end of the world.... It seems to me like as a group...We are doing pretty good on the weight loss thing! Keep your chin up....Tomorrow is a new day... For this week, I have not been the best, nor the worst... I'm fighting the battle everyday to not eat the wrong things, sometimes I win, sometimes I don't....but at the end of the day, I know that tomorrow is a whole new beginning! You give me inspiration that the goals we set ARE attainable, and as a group...We are in this together..... My Friday Fitness goal, is to simply do more...More of everything...Walking, playing, and enjoying the Me that I do have...even if it is not the one that I want just yet.
    May your day & weekend be filled with the goodness that life can bring. God Bless :flowerforyou:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Alright I am officially out of the 270's today!!! Woohoo that means that I have officially lost 50 lbs! But my husband also lost weight and is now 1.6 lbs less then me :grumble: I can't get a break!!!!! Although its really nice that he is losing as well I want to be smaller then him :sad: ! Oh well it will happen eventually! I hope everyone has a good day and weekend. I will be up north at a wedding this weekend. But I have both my phone and my husbands so I will be logging!

    @ Nerotic Virgo we can rock this out!!!!! I know we can!

    WOOHOO!!!!! :happy: :flowerforyou: :drinker: Congrats on 50 lbs lost, that is awesome!!
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    well I was pretty fed up with my 3lb loss in september, but today my badge says 20 lb lost in 95 days!!!!! and my ticker says 1lb till my first goal!!!!!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    well I was pretty fed up with my 3lb loss in september, but today my badge says 20 lb lost in 95 days!!!!! and my ticker says 1lb till my first goal!!!!!

    Yay!!! Great work!! Keep it up!!
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    well I was pretty fed up with my 3lb loss in september, but today my badge says 20 lb lost in 95 days!!!!! and my ticker says 1lb till my first goal!!!!!

    Well done!! :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Hey! Just a reminder, start adding this weeks weigh-in before Monday. :) Thanks!

  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    we will be continuing beyond september won't we here?
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    I have a dillema yesterdays weight in was fantastic todays not so much!!!! My normal weigh in for here is tomorrow but I am going to be away from my scale so should I use yesterdays, todays, or wait til monday, or do what my husband said and average yesterdays and todays and use that number?
  • Finigan84
    Weighing in today in the 230's!!!! Went from 243.4 to 239.2. Lost 4.2 pounds this week! Good luck to everyone on the scales.

    Thanks to everyone who perked me up after my complaining about seeing my doctor. FM pain has been brutal this week but, I have been doing as much walking as I can in the meantime. I just need to learn to adjust to the limits my body has given me and make the most of what I can do. Thanks for your support!!!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    BTW I found my pirate costume all I had to do was go shopping in my own closet. I decided on a black peasant skirt with a white satin button down shirt with a wine colored corset looking top over top. I also found a triangle shape shawl that is black with fringe with a burn out design in it that I will wear around my waist to hang down over my skirt and a wide black belt around my middle just under my chest. i also found a really cool silk scarf that I can wear on my head now all I need is a great looking hat and maybe a sword and my look is complete. Oh and I already have knee high black healed boots. Its amazing what you can find with a little imagination and some odd taste in clothes over the years!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    this week's challenge:

    When I looked in the mirror, what’s the first thought I had? "Eeewwww".

    I've gotta 'fess up... I've had a terrible time with this week's mirror challenge. I really can't stop the critical thoughts when I look in the mirror. I mean, actually *look* at myself. It's a crazy-spot with me. I can be curling my hair or plucking my eyebrows and not really see myself. It catches me by surprise when I see my reflection in a shop window or an unexpected mirror. Then I feel disgust and surprise at how big I am.

    I will say that I have this one dress I bought recently at a consignment shop (for all of $30 folks!), and it does look good on me. I was leaving the gym a couple of days ago while wearing it and I saw myself from a distance in a full-length mirror as I left the locker room. I thought - hey, I look pretty good. As I got closer the crazy-brain-criticisms started up again... but I think that moment was really cool, and I'll call it progress.

    So thanks for the mirror challenge. I can see I've got heaps of room for improvement there... and I'll get there yet. :)

    2. What’s one thing I did to improve my body image or to lead a healthier life?
    This week with a stair-climbing challenge I found it was easy to take extra laps down to the 1st floor and up to my office again, getting stairs in along the way. Nice break from the computer every hour too. It doesn't amount to much exercise, but it made me feel better, healthier, than just sitting at my desk all day.

    3. What’s one way I will improve my body image this week?

    4. Have I read something inspiring, uplifting or joyful? I've read lots of NSVs from the fabulous people here on MFP and felt tremendously encouraged. Thanks guys!

    5. What is something that made me laugh or smile? At the camping outing last weekend several of the kids did songs or skits at the campfire. They were delightful, and brave of them to face a crowd of strangers, unconcerned about whether or not they really had enough "talent" for the "talent show"... which totally held me back from signing up.

    6. What did I struggle with? I felt very hungry this week, even though I was eating plenty and well. It was a struggle to decide whether or not I should really eat more. I don't trust myself yet... I wonder if I ever will when it comes to food...?

    7. What is one thing my body helped me do last week? I outpaced some 10-14 year olds climbing a hill and most of the grownups too. Hehehe. It was a pleasant surprise.

    8. How did I help someone else? I hope I was able to offer support and encouragement. I had a conversation with a friend who's also on MFP and had a nice talk about how she seems to punish herself for eating, and setting more realistic goals for that last 10lbs she wants to lose.

    9. What made me feel beautiful this week? That dress I mentioned earlier. I need 12 of them! ;)

    10. What am I thankful for? I'm thankful for my friends, who have been tremendous support during my period of transition (read - divorce) last year. I'm thankful that I've been able to manage my diet well (overall) for two whole months - and I'm thankful to MFP and the awesome community of people here for the way and the encouragement. You guys rock!!!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    I've been slacking on the forums! Want to catch up with you peeps! :)

    @ krismsulli: Sorry your bike outing wasn't quite what you expected, but it sounds like you had a great time anyway! That's awesome!

    @ Learning2LoveMe: Awesome NSV on the measurements! Your nephews are adorable. :) You totally recovered from that binge - nicely done!

    @ Russdev: hurray for the 2lbs!

    @ naesue: awesome NSV with the closet-shopping! So sorry about the drama you're dealing with. A healthy distance sounds like a sensible approach. Don't let 'em mess with you. :) HOORAY about your 50-lb loss! Glad you found a costume!

    @ LauraTheBomb: nice resolve! I hope your one-day-at-a-time plan has gone well this week.

    @ mrssavvysteve: nice NSV! how wonderful to feel yourself getting stronger!

    @ ADTeachTX: woohoo! closet shopping! :) Great job on the step challenge! I was right there with ya starting behind the 8-ball. We'll nail the October boot-camp challenges too! Awesome job on this week's challenge. Thanks for posting - you inspired me to answer out loud too. :)

    @ mrnis: welcome! so far my small goals are just weight loss goals by certain dates. I think as I get stronger and smaller I'll add fitness-type goals/challenges like 5k and other stuff.

    @ NeuroticVirgo: those meatballs look fab! Thanks for sharing - I'm sure I'll try them soon! I know the scale challenge was tough for you! You did awesomely! (is that a word?) I feel that same anxiety before weigh-in day.

    @ Finigan84: that's a tough spot with your dr asking you to back off a bit. I wonder if there are specific exercises that are better or worse for people with fibromyalgia. Keep in mind that not all doctors have the same knowledge, so you could always pursue another opinion. I found this site that seems to have some good info on fibro and exercise http://www.fibromyalgiaexercise.net/ Also - 4.2 lbs is amazing! Way to go!

    @ andijohn: I'm so making those quiches. What a great grab 'n' go breaky.

    @ KLi531: Thanks for that link - I'll check it out. I've been reading The New Rules of Lifting for Women and intend to work some solid weight training into my life.

    @ raemayer: I hope you're feeling better. I caught a cold this week too. Waaah!

    @ TNAJackson: sorry you're feeling stressed... I hope it's getting better now! You're strong and focused - you'll find a way to manage it.

    @ BrendarB: good for you on setting more goals. I'm rooting for you and "onederland" by your birthday! :) I found I was starving after workouts - which made drive-thrus totally dangerous. I've started packing an after-gym snack (just a fiber one bar sometimes). That's been working for the fast-food hungries on the way home, and keeping me from eating everything in my cupboards once I arrive home because my body has had time to know it's been fed a bit.

    @ pattynava: right you are! it's hard not to beat ourselves up... but it's a good thing to strive not to do! :)

    @ caroltina: 1 lb away - man, you can almost taste it! Good for you! :)