Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • Godhas8
    Godhas8 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello... This past week I was down 1.2-lbs. Current weight is 283.4-lbs.
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    "I just wanted to post and let everyone know I will be back soon. On September 27th and 7:21pm my mom passed away. Thang have been really hard the last couple of days.

    What makes it even harder is that on the 27th I lost not only my mother but also my mom's Aunt. They both passed away on the same day. And I was very close with both of them.

    So I will be back soon but i am going to have to take a little time... Love you all."

    So Sorry for your Loss.....thoughts and prayers are with you at this tough time;
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    Hello Ladies :) Hope everyone had a great weekend!
    SW: 280 ( I actually think it was more like 268lbs..) I know...right? WHO actually ADDS weight to their self.....just took an estimated guess)
    CW: 256.4--- SOOOO, so far I have dropped 12.6 lbs....:laugh:
  • Hippititimus
    Am I too late to Join in?
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    I just wanted to post and let everyone know I will be back soon. On September 27th and 7:21pm my mom passed away. Thang have been really hard the last couple of days.

    What makes it even harder is that on the 27th I lost not only my mother but also my mom's Aunt. They both passed away on the same day. And I was very close with both of them.

    So I will be back soon but i am going to have to take a little time... Love you all.

    I'm so sorry, Chrystal - what an incredibly difficult loss! Let us know how we can be here for you if possible. Sending many positive thoughts.

    - Kristin
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    Ughhhhhh what a bad weekend! I had a crazy at-home exam (wrote 30 pages on the anthropology of art and tourism in three days!!), and I caved to stress eating. My exam was officially brought to you by Ben and Jerry's "Everything but the...". So, I actually have a 3lb gain (that I'm hoping is mostly water weight, what with some really high sodium foods in the mix). Bleh. Good news is it's a new week, I'm feeling pretty motivated, and I'll be heading to the gym to start getting this back off in just a few minutes.

    Have a great week all!! :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Dang! Our group has been busy!!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member

    I am so down for this!

    I needed something to kick my butt in gear, especially since TOM decided to visit me this morning. Bleck.. I hate cramps!
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    Well done everyone great work all.

    Well this week I have mainly been ill (sorry for the obscure uk comedy ref there) and along with rest of the house. However no weight loss but no gain either. Anyway decided going to try turbofire and start with 20 week plan.

    So hoping will meet the challenge this week..

    Might need some motivation to continue by thurs through ;)

  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Sooooooooooooooooo.......everyone might want to check the spreadsheet and make sure their names are still on there. I deleted people who haven't been updating/checking in (and who have opted to drop out, or not given us prior notice that they would be gone)....and I think I accidentally deleted someone that shouldn't have been deleted.... I looked...and it seems ok...but there is a lot of us. Its in alphabetical order, so just look for your name and make sure its still there. If its not. PM me and I'll get you set up again.


    @russdev - Good luck with Turbo Fire! If you feel your motivation dying out, don't be afraid to reach out for motivation :) I do it all the time.....and oddly...it helps. LOL

    @Learning2LoveMe - Ugh! I hate Cramps! But you know what they say is 2 best things to make them go away? Walking and Sex! The last two things I want to do when TOM is visiting. lol But supposedly it will help them go away and stay away. I don't know if I can do your no candy lol. I've recently started eating quite a few war heads. I think the insane flavor helps calm me down when I'm getting all antsy to eat something.

    @krismsulli - OMG! That exam sounds insane! I would have given up on page 1 haha! Good for you! What are you majoring in?

    @pattynava - Congrats! 12lbs is a great loss so far :)

    @andijohn - Cant wait to see the hair! That is awesome news about your dress!

    @Melroxsox - Its probably all water weight. Wouldn't worry about it! You'll see good results this week! No worries!

    @Nikkie_too - Thanks for sharing your last weeks challenge with everyone. I know what you mean by not trusting yourself with food. I actually do try and test myself...and its with 2 foods I don't care for. I mean, I'll eat them...but I have the choice to eat something else I will. And that's carrots and celery...bother are low in calories. If I feel like I'm starving or hungry, and its not a planed meal time, I break out the carrots, eat two, and put them back because I "want" something else...the I know I'm not really hungry, I just want to eat things I shouldn't lol. Because if I'm actually hungry I can easy down like 8 oz of carrots.

    @Finigan84 - Glad to hear your figuring out how to work out, but stay in your limits :)

    @naesue - So are we going to get a picture come Halloween on how this all looks put together? I would love to see how your costume looks. :) You got me all motivated. I haven't dressed up for Halloween in like 6 years. I dunno...I've just been all "I'm fat, and old...whats the point"....but I'm thinking this year I might dress up. My husband suggested we both dress up as little red riding hood and the wolf...but then he totally took that to dirty places that would require us finding a babysitter and getting a hotel! LOL
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Hey all! Jumping in quick to say I'm still here! Sorry been so absent - last week as our fiscal year-end at work and it was total chaos! The only time I have MFP time is during work hours ---ooops! I had little time to kill last week!

    I'll try to catch up later!!
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Here is my week three weigh in: previous weight 270.0 lbs current weight 265.0
  • rae_mayer
    rae_mayer Posts: 226
    Here is my week three weigh in: previous weight 270.0 lbs current weight 265.0

    Way to go!! That's awesome!
  • Laurathabomb
    Laurathabomb Posts: 44 Member
    Hi everyone. My starting weight this week is 231.

    Ugh, I have been breaking my own rules! I think not having movement on the scales is staring to derail me!
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Well done everyone great work all.

    Well this week I have mainly been ill (sorry for the obscure uk comedy ref there) and along with rest of the house. However no weight loss but no gain either. Anyway decided going to try turbofire and start with 20 week plan.

    So hoping will meet the challenge this week..

    Might need some motivation to continue by thurs through ;)


    Cracking! This week I have mostly been eating ... POPTARTS!!!! I'm with you !!!!!! UK too (haven't really been was a line rom a tv programme!
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Started a higher protein diet this week for 10 days, not sure what I will do past the 10 days cause this week I have learned already that I can eat WAY more food if I choose more protein! So I weighed on sunday and I can't weigh again till a week today, hope it shows on the scale. So Just a pre warning I wil not be giving my weight til tues ok, I will add to the spread sheet. I have not stepped on the scale for a day now and that has been the hardest hardest thing of all of this but change is good :)
    Hope your al having a fab week!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Ugh, I have been breaking my own rules! I think not having movement on the scales is staring to derail me!

    What if you took a break? I mean don't go crazy and eat Pizza 5 days a week. But change up your work outs, maybe go maintenance for a week or two, and then start back at it? I know that sounds like crazy people talk, but most of the advice on MFP about plateaus seem to say to eat more, and let your body adjust and then go back to being a deficit.
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Here is my week three weigh in: previous weight 270.0 lbs current weight 265.0

    Way to go!! That's awesome!

    Thanks alot!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    hey Neuro I love the pic its cute! Thanks!