Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    BTW - I am proud of myself for walking out of the clothing store yesterday with only the bras I went in for. I did not buy a dress yet because I have not earned it. Still have 5 pounds to go!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Recipe Wednesday (under the wire...)

    Balsamic-Glazed Salmon Filets :http://allrecipes.com/recipe/balsamic-glazed-salmon-fillets/detail.aspx

    This recipe is quick and darned good on salmon. I'm sure it would be lovely on chicken too.
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    1. When I looked in the mirror, what’s the first thought I had?

    I really need to get my chin waxed. I hate that I have hair on my chin. Stupid hormones.

    "Rejecting and criticizing what you see in the mirror changes nothing. Accepting and respecting what you see changes everything!" - Elizabeth Patch

    Tip: If looking in the mirror is a negative experience, think about saying something positive instead, whether you believe it 100 percent or not. Think about one of your favorite features (or a “neutral” feature that you can’t find fault with). Think about what features you got from mom and dad. Or, next time, just smile at yourself — that’s it. Just practice looking at yourself and smiling.

    2. This past week, what’s one thing I did to improve my body image or to lead a healthier life?

    Climbed stairs as part of a challenge which made me feel good even it was only a little bit of exercise.

    3. What’s one way I will improve my body image this week?

    Take part in a challenge and do the best that I can do with it. Even if I don't finish it, I did something to better myself!

    4. Have I read something inspiring, uplifting or joyful?

    I try to read Bread for the Journey by Henry Nouwen every night. It keeps me centered.

    5. What is something that made me laugh or smile?

    This is a hard one. I can't think of a specific instance this today or even this week. This week has been all about business.

    6. What did I struggle with?

    I struggled with stopping at one serving for dinner. It is an inner battle almost every night. I know that my body does not need more but my head says something different.

    7. What is one thing my body helped me do last week?

    Not sure on this one. It just does what I ask it to do which I guess is a blessing.

    8. How did I help someone else?

    I hope that by sharing my story, my struggles, and my time with others on her that I have helped someone this week.

    9. What made me feel beautiful this week?

    Going shopping in my own closet and buy a smaller bra (band) size.

    10. What am I thankful for?

    I am thankful that my class is over for this week and that I had the opportunity to get some rest.
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    Here is my Recipie for today!!
    Baby Breakfast Quiches: chop up and layer of bacon, or if you are vegitarian like me you can add fake bacon or just skip it, a medley of fresh veggies, and shredded cheese. Whip up 6-8 eggs with milk and add 1tsp of flour. Pour mixture on top. Bake for 18 mins at 350 and you have a healthy on-the-go breakfast for the week!

    How many calories is each one?
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Alright I'm venting I have to! I have so much going on in my own life that has me all up in a tissy internally. But yet my family still has to cause all sorts of drama that I end up having to pick up the pieces of. My mother called me today cause she had a migrain which worries me in itself cause she really hasn't had too many since she had her surgery and now she is having them again. Well then my youngest sister starts a bunch of Drama and my mother gets called and bi+<#ed out by her sister cause of stupid s#*+ my sister is b*+<#ing to my Grandpa about. So then my mother calls me and tells me she wants to die. My other sister calls me up asking me whats up with mom cause she hasn't called her all week yet she has called me and the other sister. Dang I know I'm the oldest sister but do I have to hold this whole family together? I have to coddle my sister cause she thinks mom is mad at her (well she did completely push my mother away after this baby was born cause no one knows how to do anything but her with her baby), I have to talk my mother off her ledge cause her whole family just keep lashing out at her for no reason cause my youngest sister is a complete selfish B*+<#!!!!! And its like hello!!!!!!! does no one remember what I am going through right now? I kind of need you alls support right now while I wait to see if I have cancer or not. I'm so glad I have you all but I really wish I had some of you closer and in person! I really just need a friend to hang out with and to talk to and I don't have anyone. I haven't had a girlfriend that I could just hang out with and talk to and was there when I needed to vent in YEARS. It really is a lonely life I lead. On top of everything I feel like a total failure cause I was supposed to go to the Gym both monday and today to do my weights routine that my trainer gave me and I haven't gone!!!!!!! Looking at old pics today from when my hubby and I first got together I don't see much of a difference in my body! I know that there is cause my clothes are getting loose but I don't see it! On top of it all I planned something really nice and special for my step mom tomorrow and I probably won't even get a thank you because she is that much of an ice queen. She never even acknowledges me when I go to their house or she comes to mine. She will acknowledge my husband and then turn to Clara and focus all of her attention on her and I never even get looked at or said hello to. Needless to say the fact that I gained a freaking lb since yesterday really has set me off. I really wish I could just go away and just live in my owm little diet and exercise and weight loss world and do nothing but focus on that and then when i come home I am skinny and everyone will notice and be happy and there can be this big huge reunion and everyone can focus and love on me. Sorry I'm rambling, I've just had it. Love you all and thank you for listening.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I need to vent... I am just so frustrated!!!

    My doctor gives me praise for eating right and exercising, yay! Then she turns around and tells me all my latest fibro flare up pain is caused by the circuit training I have been doing and she thinks I should stick to walking/yoga. Just when I start to feel stronger and get a great workout and see some progress (inches more than pounds but still a step in the right direction) I feel like I am back to where I started with workouts that weren't pushing me. Now...do I keep it up and risk being incapacitated by pain or stick to workouts that feel incomplete and remain dissatisfied with myself and my weight loss. Either way I feel like I lose...

    How about just walking longer & faster? I know its not what you want, but being in so much pain you can't work out at all isn't going to help either. You'll still be able to lose weight, and maybe when you start feeling better you can pick the circuit training again?
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    YUM! These recipes look good!

    @ADTeachTX - Good work today! Glad to see you doing the challenge too. :)
    Alright I'm venting I have to! I have so much going on in my own life that has me all up in a tissy internally. But yet my family still has to cause all sorts of drama that I end up having to pick up the pieces of. My mother called me today cause she had a migrain which worries me in itself cause she really hasn't had too many since she had her surgery and now she is having them again. Well then my youngest sister starts a bunch of Drama and my mother gets called and bi+<#ed out by her sister cause of stupid s#*+ my sister is b*+<#ing to my Grandpa about. So then my mother calls me and tells me she wants to die. My other sister calls me up asking me whats up with mom cause she hasn't called her all week yet she has called me and the other sister. Dang I know I'm the oldest sister but do I have to hold this whole family together? I have to coddle my sister cause she thinks mom is mad at her (well she did completely push my mother away after this baby was born cause no one knows how to do anything but her with her baby), I have to talk my mother off her ledge cause her whole family just keep lashing out at her for no reason cause my youngest sister is a complete selfish B*+<#!!!!! And its like hello!!!!!!! does no one remember what I am going through right now? I kind of need you alls support right now while I wait to see if I have cancer or not. I'm so glad I have you all but I really wish I had some of you closer and in person! I really just need a friend to hang out with and to talk to and I don't have anyone. I haven't had a girlfriend that I could just hang out with and talk to and was there when I needed to vent in YEARS. It really is a lonely life I lead. On top of everything I feel like a total failure cause I was supposed to go to the Gym both monday and today to do my weights routine that my trainer gave me and I haven't gone!!!!!!! Looking at old pics today from when my hubby and I first got together I don't see much of a difference in my body! I know that there is cause my clothes are getting loose but I don't see it! On top of it all I planned something really nice and special for my step mom tomorrow and I probably won't even get a thank you because she is that much of an ice queen. She never even acknowledges me when I go to their house or she comes to mine. She will acknowledge my husband and then turn to Clara and focus all of her attention on her and I never even get looked at or said hello to. Needless to say the fact that I gained a freaking lb since yesterday really has set me off. I really wish I could just go away and just live in my owm little diet and exercise and weight loss world and do nothing but focus on that and then when i come home I am skinny and everyone will notice and be happy and there can be this big huge reunion and everyone can focus and love on me. Sorry I'm rambling, I've just had it. Love you all and thank you for listening.

    You are such a nice person! As for all the family drama, maybe they need to hear what you just told us! Sometimes people need a wake up call to snap them out of their own little world and realize that other people need support too. I'm sorry everything is so crazy for you right now, and you know what. If you get to your goal and people don't celebrate the way you want just let me know. I'll throw you a party :) Because you deserve to be appreciated!
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    Alright I'm venting I have to! I have so much going on in my own life that has me all up in a tissy internally. But yet my family still has to cause all sorts of drama that I end up having to pick up the pieces of. My mother called me today cause she had a migrain which worries me in itself cause she really hasn't had too many since she had her surgery and now she is having them again. Well then my youngest sister starts a bunch of Drama and my mother gets called and bi+<#ed out by her sister cause of stupid s#*+ my sister is b*+<#ing to my Grandpa about. So then my mother calls me and tells me she wants to die. My other sister calls me up asking me whats up with mom cause she hasn't called her all week yet she has called me and the other sister. Dang I know I'm the oldest sister but do I have to hold this whole family together? I have to coddle my sister cause she thinks mom is mad at her (well she did completely push my mother away after this baby was born cause no one knows how to do anything but her with her baby), I have to talk my mother off her ledge cause her whole family just keep lashing out at her for no reason cause my youngest sister is a complete selfish B*+<#!!!!! And its like hello!!!!!!! does no one remember what I am going through right now? I kind of need you alls support right now while I wait to see if I have cancer or not. I'm so glad I have you all but I really wish I had some of you closer and in person! I really just need a friend to hang out with and to talk to and I don't have anyone. I haven't had a girlfriend that I could just hang out with and talk to and was there when I needed to vent in YEARS. It really is a lonely life I lead. On top of everything I feel like a total failure cause I was supposed to go to the Gym both monday and today to do my weights routine that my trainer gave me and I haven't gone!!!!!!! Looking at old pics today from when my hubby and I first got together I don't see much of a difference in my body! I know that there is cause my clothes are getting loose but I don't see it! On top of it all I planned something really nice and special for my step mom tomorrow and I probably won't even get a thank you because she is that much of an ice queen. She never even acknowledges me when I go to their house or she comes to mine. She will acknowledge my husband and then turn to Clara and focus all of her attention on her and I never even get looked at or said hello to. Needless to say the fact that I gained a freaking lb since yesterday really has set me off. I really wish I could just go away and just live in my owm little diet and exercise and weight loss world and do nothing but focus on that and then when i come home I am skinny and everyone will notice and be happy and there can be this big huge reunion and everyone can focus and love on me. Sorry I'm rambling, I've just had it. Love you all and thank you for listening.

    You are such a nice person! As for all the family drama, maybe they need to hear what you just told us! Sometimes people need a wake up call to snap them out of their own little world and realize that other people need support too. I'm sorry everything is so crazy for you right now, and you know what. If you get to your goal and people don't celebrate the way you want just let me know. I'll throw you a party :) Because you deserve to be appreciated!

    ...and I'll bring the balloons!

    I totally agree. Try telling them. If that doesn't snap them out of it, just try to shut them out for awhile and focus on yourself. It's totally ok to do that, especially with what you're going through.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    This is my newest status message on facebook and hopefully it will take care of some of my problems but I'm sure not all and I just need to tell the rest of them that I can't deal with their problems right now.

    Attention ALL ( and yes this mean you) I am no longer accepting or subscribing to your drama!!!! I have enough of my own Drama. I really need to focus on me right now and everything that is going on with me. So please if you want to talk to me don't bring your problems or drama to the table. This is the time that I need the support not to have to support everyone else. Thank you

    Thanks for listening to me last night. I know I always have you all for support.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    .... I only have to make it through today because tomorrow I get to weigh in. This feels like its been the longest week of my life (a whopping 4 days!) because I haven't peeked at the scale. I'm a little worried about the weigh in tomorrow. Granted I've been good with my food and I've been working my *kitten* off...but I don't usually have gigantic burns (800-1000 a day), so I'm scared that its going to make my body all crazy, and I'll end up staying the same, or worse. Because you know how our bodies don't understand logic, as in 1 + 1 = 2 .... no no...they just go *kitten* your logic, I don't wanna...

    Ok...off to go watch the biggest loser week 2 and get some of these pictures I have edited. Meant to watch it last night, but after I finished my walk I was exhausted and just couldn't stay up any longer.
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    I need to vent... I am just so frustrated!!!

    My doctor gives me praise for eating right and exercising, yay! Then she turns around and tells me all my latest fibro flare up pain is caused by the circuit training I have been doing and she thinks I should stick to walking/yoga. Just when I start to feel stronger and get a great workout and see some progress (inches more than pounds but still a step in the right direction) I feel like I am back to where I started with workouts that weren't pushing me. Now...do I keep it up and risk being incapacitated by pain or stick to workouts that feel incomplete and remain dissatisfied with myself and my weight loss. Either way I feel like I lose...

    It's hard, especially when you know that you have made progress. Stop and think about the exercises you are doing, is there a way to modify it so you still get the that feeling but will be less stressful for your body? I started out doing stuff seated after foot surgery. It was slower and I didn't get the same rush, but it at least can keep you in track until you can build up to it again. You can find a middle ground once you get past the pissed off stage, I know you can do this!
  • andijohn
    Here is my Recipie for today!!
    Baby Breakfast Quiches: chop up and layer of bacon, or if you are vegitarian like me you can add fake bacon or just skip it, a medley of fresh veggies, and shredded cheese. Whip up 6-8 eggs with milk and add 1tsp of flour. Pour mixture on top. Bake for 18 mins at 350 and you have a healthy on-the-go breakfast for the week!

    How many calories is each one?

    It really just depends on how you make it, but since there is so few ingredents it is pretty easy to count it that way.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I broke down yesterday and totally binged. :angry: I'm not really sure why I did it either which bothers me more than all the stuff I ate. I was hungry no matter what, even after I ate my dinner and half of my fiance's dinner... my stomach was full but I still felt hungry. I ended up eating a bunch of cheetos puffs and a kit-kat and reese's cups (and I don't even really like reese's cups!). Finally went to bed about 1000 calories more than what my goal is. :embarassed:

    Awh, it's ok though. At least you logged it all, right? Use the frustration you feel with yourself right now as a motivator for doing better today... and tomorrow... and the next day... etc. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm extrememly disappointed in myself, but I'm doing great today and looking towards the future! Hang in there! Maybe you were extra hungry because you didn't eat as much protien as usual? Or maybe you ate lighter at breakfast than normal? I dunno... just a couple thoughts (be aware though that I can't see your diary because I don't have your key, so I could have no idea what I'm talking about right now!) LOL! :laugh:

    I don't normally eat breakfast (bad I know!)... I gotta get back into that habit. I didn't eat much at lunch, maybe thats why? My key is 1985 if you wanna take a look.

    That'll be easy to remember! That was the year I was born! LOL!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    How cute is this! LOL

  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I broke down yesterday and totally binged. :angry: I'm not really sure why I did it either which bothers me more than all the stuff I ate. I was hungry no matter what, even after I ate my dinner and half of my fiance's dinner... my stomach was full but I still felt hungry. I ended up eating a bunch of cheetos puffs and a kit-kat and reese's cups (and I don't even really like reese's cups!). Finally went to bed about 1000 calories more than what my goal is. :embarassed:

    Awh, it's ok though. At least you logged it all, right? Use the frustration you feel with yourself right now as a motivator for doing better today... and tomorrow... and the next day... etc. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm extrememly disappointed in myself, but I'm doing great today and looking towards the future! Hang in there! Maybe you were extra hungry because you didn't eat as much protien as usual? Or maybe you ate lighter at breakfast than normal? I dunno... just a couple thoughts (be aware though that I can't see your diary because I don't have your key, so I could have no idea what I'm talking about right now!) LOL! :laugh:

    I don't normally eat breakfast (bad I know!)... I gotta get back into that habit. I didn't eat much at lunch, maybe thats why? My key is 1985 if you wanna take a look.

    That'll be easy to remember! That was the year I was born! LOL!

    Thats the year I was born too :wink: When is your b-day?
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Just checked and am WAY under sodium goal set by MFP, so no blame there!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I broke down yesterday and totally binged. :angry: I'm not really sure why I did it either which bothers me more than all the stuff I ate. I was hungry no matter what, even after I ate my dinner and half of my fiance's dinner... my stomach was full but I still felt hungry. I ended up eating a bunch of cheetos puffs and a kit-kat and reese's cups (and I don't even really like reese's cups!). Finally went to bed about 1000 calories more than what my goal is. :embarassed:

    Awh, it's ok though. At least you logged it all, right? Use the frustration you feel with yourself right now as a motivator for doing better today... and tomorrow... and the next day... etc. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm extrememly disappointed in myself, but I'm doing great today and looking towards the future! Hang in there! Maybe you were extra hungry because you didn't eat as much protien as usual? Or maybe you ate lighter at breakfast than normal? I dunno... just a couple thoughts (be aware though that I can't see your diary because I don't have your key, so I could have no idea what I'm talking about right now!) LOL! :laugh:

    I don't normally eat breakfast (bad I know!)... I gotta get back into that habit. I didn't eat much at lunch, maybe thats why? My key is 1985 if you wanna take a look.

    That'll be easy to remember! That was the year I was born! LOL!

    Thats the year I was born too :wink: When is your b-day?

    November 10th. :smile:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I broke down yesterday and totally binged. :angry: I'm not really sure why I did it either which bothers me more than all the stuff I ate. I was hungry no matter what, even after I ate my dinner and half of my fiance's dinner... my stomach was full but I still felt hungry. I ended up eating a bunch of cheetos puffs and a kit-kat and reese's cups (and I don't even really like reese's cups!). Finally went to bed about 1000 calories more than what my goal is. :embarassed:

    Awh, it's ok though. At least you logged it all, right? Use the frustration you feel with yourself right now as a motivator for doing better today... and tomorrow... and the next day... etc. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm extrememly disappointed in myself, but I'm doing great today and looking towards the future! Hang in there! Maybe you were extra hungry because you didn't eat as much protien as usual? Or maybe you ate lighter at breakfast than normal? I dunno... just a couple thoughts (be aware though that I can't see your diary because I don't have your key, so I could have no idea what I'm talking about right now!) LOL! :laugh:

    I don't normally eat breakfast (bad I know!)... I gotta get back into that habit. I didn't eat much at lunch, maybe thats why? My key is 1985 if you wanna take a look.

    That'll be easy to remember! That was the year I was born! LOL!

    Thats the year I was born too :wink: When is your b-day?

    November 10th. :smile:

    Oh wow, your birthday is just around the corner! I'm January 8th
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    So I got lost on the message boards and found this little link. I thought it was pretty interesting...

  • mrnls
    mrnls Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you for the meatball recipe. Definately healthier than mine...it's all that cheese I use :o(