Ladies please very random question!!



  • goatruns
    No you're not a prude. I think it's gross. She clearly wants to show her stuff and has nowhere else to do it. People are there for their health and she's spreading germs. Yuck!!!

    germs? Like what, cooties? This post reminded me of my friend' Grandmother who accused me of spreading yeast infections on her couch because I didn't wear underwear. I guess underwear is some kind of cootie armor that regular clothes don't have and I must be infected with yeast 24/7.
  • goatruns
    I live in an area with lots of European and Asian immigrants, which I think contributes to the fact that there's lots of nudity in the locker room at my gym, especially among the older women. It's no big deal, and I'm glad I got over my initial discomfort. There is a separate family changing room.

    What IS disappointing is reading the posts that say it's especially bad if the woman isn't in shape. That's just ugly.

    Agreed. I found that really repugnant myself. I also don't get how if she's naked she must be EVIL or germ ridden or looking for attention. I find some of the get ups on the gym floor to be more inappropriate.

    Now knitting and emu pandering would irk me because it's a small locker room, dress and get the hell out. Same with nails, can't stand the smell of polish. I just don't think those are appropriate locker room activities, naked or not.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    No you're not a prude. I think it's gross. She clearly wants to show her stuff and has nowhere else to do it. People are there for their health and she's spreading germs. Yuck!!!

    germs? Like what, cooties?

    naked lady germs! :O
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    No you're not a prude. I think it's gross. She clearly wants to show her stuff and has nowhere else to do it. People are there for their health and she's spreading germs. Yuck!!!

    I've run across them in gyms before and I don't care too much and it is awkward, but I was just going to say something of the same as this post above. It's one thing to walk around like that during changing (if you must) but if you come from working out and all sweaty then sit on the bench beside me... ew - then we have a problem! No need for that... LOL
  • goatruns
    Maybe today I will go to the gym and walk around the locker room naked, swinging my pannus fore and aft while singing a song about Loving Your Labia.
  • justyourtypicalgirl
    It's a locker room. Naked happens.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    My gym has changing rooms with doors that lock so in the 1.5 years I have been going there I have only seen 2 people doing a quick change in the main area. It's one thing I love about my gym, I don't have to change in front of everyone. The whole putting the exercise bra on is pretty much a lesson in how not to move the body and I prefer not having to do it infront of people.
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    guys its just a body and shes in the dressing room, who cares. Americans are way too uptight about being naked.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    This stuff happens everywhere. The guys rooms are worse. @ least she has all the same parts as you & it's not a co-ed changing room.
  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member
    Me and my husband had a discussion about this when the post came out. I told him it never bother me, unless of course the person gets IN my space. Now if the person is doing non-related activities like knitting or putting nail polish I might get annoyed simply because you SHOULD be doing these at home, not in a change room.

    Now my husband has a different opinion. He is a lot more reserve and while he never mentioned anything before he doesnt like it and he feels uncomfortable is someone is walking around all over naked.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    My guess is she is trying to show off
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    What is the real issue here? I think it's just hilarious that she does it. I would go every thursday and giggle to myself and make up stories about her naked escapades around the locker room.

    I would make friends with her and play cards or something. Omg, that would be so awesome.

    Love it! Or maybe knitting...

    Or "Twister"

    ... but seriously, hanging out nude happens a lot on the men's side, not by me, but it doesn't bother me.
  • laurad1406
    So first, I agree with all of the people saying how ugly it is that people are commenting "especially because this lady's not in shape" or whatever. Good for her for working toward getting in shape and being healthy, and the gym (locker room included) is somewhere you shouldn't have to worry about people, ESPECIALLY other women, judging and criticizing you.

    Second, maybe I'm weird, i actually EXPECT nakedness in the locker room. as far as bringing kids in there, she mentioned there's a day care, so why? it's a WOMEN'S LOCKER ROOM. not a playground. If you absolutely HAVE to bring your kid in there, then you need to be prepared with what you might see, and *GASP* OMG it might be a vag.

    There is an older asian women who goes to my gym, who as some of you would say "isn't in shape" so i guess she shouldn't be "flaunting" her stuff....and the first time i saw her i was uncomfortable, but then realized it was all on me. MY insecurities, not hers. She stands naked for 15 minutes thoroughly drying EVERY crack and crevice, putting on lotion, texting, etc.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    K so when last I went to a gym or public pool, which was admittedly a long time ago, you were supposed to wear flip-flops between when you took off your shoes and put them back on. This was to protect your feet from viruses and fungi that are ever present in a moist environment.

    We are expected to cover our noses and mouths when we sneeze and cough to prevent the spread of colds, flu and disease. Body fluids of all kinds contain bacteria (good and bad), germs and general flora specific to each person. Your bottom contains the same mucus membranes as your nose and mouth. This is a gateway for the aforementioned germs, bacteria, flora and disease.

    If you are in a public place and others have not consented to share this “flora” you are expected, and should be required by policy and by law (when did it stop being covered by law?), to cover your bottom (genitals and all male or female). This still applies as well to your coughs, sneezes and – please – your feet.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    It doesn't really bother me either though I personally am not comfortable to walk around in my bday suit at the gym. I have been to several gyms where there were a few ladies who had no problems with doing it.
  • goatruns
    K so when last I went to a gym or public pool, which was admittedly a long time ago, you were supposed to wear flip-flops between when you took off your shoes and put them back on. This was to protect your feet from viruses and fungi that are ever present in a moist environment.

    We are expected to cover our noses and mouths when we sneeze and cough to prevent the spread of colds, flu and disease. Body fluids of all kinds contain bacteria (good and bad), germs and general flora specific to each person. Your bottom contains the same mucus membranes as your nose and mouth. This is a gateway for the aforementioned germs, bacteria, flora and disease.

    If you are in a public place and others have not consented to share this “flora” you are expected, and should be required by policy and by law (when did it stop being covered by law?), to cover your bottom (genitals and all male or female). This still applies as well to your coughs, sneezes and – please – your feet.

    Thing is, if someone sneezes they are about head level to me. I'm not sticking my nose is someone's *kitten* print. Mucous membrane transfer means from one to the other. Mouth to mouth, nose to mouth, mouth on well, you get me. We could also get into the unlikelyhood of someones *kitten* firmly pressing down on a bench to the extent it leaves a bacterial footprint followed immediately afterwards by a mucous membrane of your own.

    It's like the Herpes on the toilet seat myth. So as long as you aren't putting your mouth on a strangers bottom you should be fine. I think what is happening is that you are confusing what you consider to be proper with actual disease transmission. Hopefully it eases you a bit to know that it's really not that easy to contract whatever you are concerned with contracting. I'd be more concerned with athletes food in the shower. Being a fungus it is capable of living independently.

    edited to add: I can't recall it ever being covered by law unless it's an indecency issue and that is in a public place. Bath houses, locker rooms and showers are sensibly excluded.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    This is precisely why I don't own a membership to a gym. I do not get the need to parade around naked in front of other women, not even trying to cover up.
    See that's just not fair. I have been thinking about joining a gym and this is a problem. Why should we have to avoid joining a gym or, having paid, avoid certain days so these people can behave that way? She is making people not want to use the gym. What about, as someone mentioned, children? Sometimes you have to bring girls and even boys too young to go alone in the men's change room (which evidently is also unsafe). Can the manager not speak to her?

    It seems a little extreme to me to avoid joining a gym bc you might see someone naked. Who says you have to use the locker room to use the gym? I teach spin 2x/week and rarely use the locker room; I'm in--teach my class, and out. I shower at home; it's so much easier than hauling everything with me.

  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I don't think it's weird. Not even a little bit. Sometimes I have to walk about nekkid to dry off because I hate towels. Also, when I danced (performance), the "dressing room" was usually one big room of coed people, you just can't be shy.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    What IS disappointing is reading the posts that say it's especially bad if the woman isn't in shape. That's just ugly.

    Yeah, this. I have enough issues changing in the locker room (and my gym is at work). The idea that people are looking at my fat *kitten* and judging me, like I'm not allowed to strip and shower and change because of my weight, makes me want to never go back.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Maybe this woman has a pre-planned hot date and they meet in the change room. :smooched: