Ladies please very random question!!



  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    I wouldn't mind too much. Nothing can really weird me out.
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    Some people are just comfortable naked - more power to them! I am not. BUT the fact that I am not comfortable should in no way reflect on the fact that THEY are comfortable with it. It's not as though she is riding the exercise bike like that - she is in the locker room.

    Painting the toenails is taking comfort a bit far because I don't know anyone who can paint their toenails without bending over......
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I belong to a gym and love the aquatic classes.. Well tonight when i got out of class 2 for the evening there was a girl just walking around in her birthday suit in the locker room.. I've heard stories about her and saw her for the first time tonight... back to the story.. Aquatic class over and i grab my stuff to go rinse off and get dressed. 10-15 minutes later i come out she is STILL chilaxing in her bday suit. Pretty sure she was painting her toes or something didn't care to look closer.. WHO DOES THIS!?!? Went to pick up my son from the gyms childcare (my gym is pretty and asked the worker.. She was laughing just as hard as me.. She had only heard stories about the mythical creature too.. No more gym on thursday nights for Sorry but does this happen in your locker rooms? is this normal or am i just one big PRUDE? lol

    Yeah, you're kind of being a prude. I don't do that, and agree, nobody wants or needs to see it (at least I hope no women at my gym WANT to see it), but its easy enough to just ignore it, don't you think?

    An older (and NOT fit) woman who used to attend my gym did that all the time for some reason...we all laughed about it, but it was easy enough to look the other way and go about our own showering, changing and dressing business.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It seems a little extreme to me to avoid joining a gym bc you might see someone naked.
    What would be extreme: me trying to get management to do something about it. I would never do such a thing. I don't like it so I don't go. I have no problem finding other ways to exercise. It's my choice to avoid it. And usually, the ladies room is located in the locker room. I can't exercise without having to then use the ladies after.
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    When I was in high school I was very easily embarrassed and changed into my swimsuit for swim team in a bathroom stall instead of out in the open like everyone else. Now I live in a country where people regularly go to public baths together and sit for hours in their birthday suits while they dry off, do their hair, maybe even paint their nails. I've seen every age of woman naked now (and a few men because there are actually a few baths that are non-segregated by sex).

    I've come to realise that it's just what I'd been taught to think growing up. Other people are taught differently or come to different conclusions themselves. Just because someone is walking around naked in a somewhat public place doesn't make them weird or an exhibitionist (as someone else suggested).

    That being said, if you are uncomfortable, you're uncomfortable, so if you want to avoid going to the gym when she's there, that's your privilege. (^_^) <- smiley face

    Do you live in Japan? I remember my grandma taking me to bath houses when i was a little kid before i moved to the states.
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Lol this is making me laugh so much!

    I've never really seen it as most gyms and swimming pools I've been to had individual cubicals so everyone uses them. It does remind Mr of when I was little and had been swimming with my mum and a woman was naked using the hair dryer on her "lady garden" lol and me being a kid asked my mum why she had a fluffy bum!
    I was brought up to be very private so never knew adults got hair there lol.

    I don't think it would stop me going to a gym now though I would feel awquard but I can always look away.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Lol this is making me laugh so much!

    I've never really seen it as most gyms and swimming pools I've been to had individual cubicals so everyone uses them. It does remind Mr of when I was little and had been swimming with my mum and a woman was naked using the hair dryer on her "lady garden" lol and me being a kid asked my mum why she had a fluffy bum!
    I was brought up to be very private so never knew adults got hair there lol.

    I don't think it would stop me going to a gym now though I would feel awquard but I can always look away. mom and I went to swim at the YMCA one time back when I was about 12 or 13. The class before was like some pre-natal water exercise or something, so there were like 8 naked women in various stages of pregnancy showering off when we went in to rinse off before our class. She always said it was WAY better than any 'don't have sex' conversation she could have had with me....:laugh:
  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    Yeah, I do. I totally love it here! *\(^_^)/* <- smiley face holding pompoms

    I also have a friend who lives in Denmark and she said it's custom to go naked if you are swimming - co-ed! This includes public pools.

    Different strokes for different folks. I guess it's not surprising that on a website devoted to losing weight there are so many people with body issues, but wow! It's amazing to me how someone just doing their own thing can cause such a stir. This topic is four pages in and it's only been 12 hours or so!