fit & butt ugly OR fat with and stunning??.



  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    I'm fat and beautiful and I have a kickass personality so I WIN!

    LOL jk

    I'd pick fat and attractive.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I hate guys with big muscles, I hate skinny guys even more.

    I vote for fat and attractive :bigsmile:

    there is just no pleasing some ppl
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    It would depend ENTIRELY on which one had the best sense of humor, and twisted intellect compatible to mine.
  • jonesz922
    jonesz922 Posts: 89 Member
    Wow, your a jerk! I am overweight and I do not think I am ugly. There are many overweight people out there that are attractive! There ares some skinny people out there that may be fit and healthy but are butt ugly. Somebody should blow smoke up your butt!

    I'm with you!!
    I still have 70-80lbs to loose, and am in better shape than my size 2 sister in law
    and pretty enough to NOT be afraid to post my face on here.
    Gotta love the forum people who get their kicks on being an *kitten*. It's not what this site is about.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    fit and butt ugly OR fat with a stunningly gorgeous face??
    my trainer and I got into screaming match over what men (and women) would prefer. We always debate topics like these because I understand both sides of the coin. So I am taking it to the streets of MFP. here's what my dad always used to say: Nobody wants a bone but a dog and even he wants some meat on it. :bigsmile:

    SIDEBAR: so I personally believe beauty comes in ALL shapes, sizes, colors. Who can define it? INSIDE beauty is MORE important than asthetic beauty. It's interesting to see what everyone's take is. WOW. WOW. WOW. Blown away.:huh: :bigsmile: :noway:

    Why does this matter? When I pick the company around me it doesn't matter what you look like as long as I like being around you. Granted there has to be some physical/sexual attraction but.. a kick *kitten* sense of humor and a fun, energetic & lovable personality and we'll get along great ;-)
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Fat is ugly.

    Being fit is not ugly.

    Being fit means someone is taking care of themselves. Being fat means they've let themselves go.

    I find someone who is taking care of themselves more attractive than someone who has let themselves go.

    I've never met someone who is fit AND fat.
  • livnlite
    Fat is ugly.

    Being fit is not ugly.

    Being fit means someone is taking care of themselves. Being fat means they've let themselves go.

    I find someone who is taking care of themselves more attractive than someone who has let themselves go.

    I've never met someone who is fit AND fat.

    Are you completely unaware of the people who have physical or medical hurdles? Nothing like rubbing a little salt on a wound.

    Everyone is entitled to their who am I to say.
    Ya know what I find ugly ... Someone who is mean & judgemental.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member

    Are you completely unaware of the people who have physical or medical hurdles? Nothing like rubbing a little salt on a wound.

    Everyone is entitled to their who am I to say.
    Ya know what I find ugly ... Someone who is mean & judgemental.

    Yes, I am aware.

    Sometimes the reality is difficult to hear. I have been fat. It was ugly. I wasn't taking care of myself. I speak from personal experience.

    I've decided that for myself, I'm not going to enter into a relationship with someone who is not taking care themselves. It's not a healthy way to live.

    I need someone physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. That's how I live, and I expect that out of a mate. That's what I'm attracted to. Which is the OP's question.

    It sounds mean. Life is too short to deny reality. I have to "stand in my truth".

    We all must overcome hurdles. Some have very, very high hurdles; life can be extremely unfair. But everyone has to overcome their own hurdles. Success comes from getting through, around, over them. Success is beautiful, more than an attractive face.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    such a ridiculous argument in the first place.

    Just because YOU think someone is ugly doesn't mean everyone else in the whole world does either and let me tell ya I've met some people that every one thinks it's so gorgeous but then you find out that person is a total POS and you realize they aren't really all that beautiful at all.

    You're argument has no merit on either side. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  • livnlite

    Are you completely unaware of the people who have physical or medical hurdles? Nothing like rubbing a little salt on a wound.

    Everyone is entitled to their who am I to say.
    Ya know what I find ugly ... Someone who is mean & judgemental.

    Yes, I am aware.

    Sometimes the reality is difficult to hear. I have been fat. It was ugly. I wasn't taking care of myself. I speak from personal experience.

    I've decided that for myself, I'm not going to enter into a relationship with someone who is not taking care themselves. It's not a healthy way to live.

    I need someone physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. That's how I live, and I expect that out of a mate. That's what I'm attracted to. Which is the OP's question.

    It sounds mean. Life is too short to deny reality. I have to "stand in my truth".

    We all must overcome hurdles. Some have very, very high hurdles; life can be extremely unfair. But everyone has to overcome their own hurdles. Success comes from getting through, around, over them. Success is beautiful, more than an attractive face.

    Having a negative opinion about how someone looks and vocalizing it openly so as so completely insult or demean someone is not something I would ever consider as vocalizing 'reality' .. Do people's feelings not account for ANYTHING anymore? Have we become so insenstive, as a society, that THIS is acceptible?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Wow! I would want someone because of their personality, not what they look like on the outside. This is a really sensitive subject for me because I grew up being called ugly a lot.

    Edited to add, I'd go with the butt ugly and fit person because he'd probably be less judgemental.

    Why does someone always have to throw in the 'this wasn't an option but you all are jerks for not picking it' argument???
    <- fat & pretty ;)

    Katie, you're crackers lol. You're NOT fat, and pretty doesn't even come close do describing you properly...tyvm!

    For me, if I had to choose a partner, I'd probably choose attractive and overweight (I'm going with the spirit of the question here, not the letter...but at least I'm closer than option 'c' which wasn't even offered). Eyes I can drown in (which usually are framed in a relatively attractive face) are part of the required packaging for me. Ugly is a difficult hurdle...ALTHOUGH (and here's my disclaimer), I've met women I found less than attractive before, and after a few times of hanging around with them...found myself very, very much more attracted to them. A warm smile that reaches her eyes, and a great personality have won me over to date more than one woman that people might not expect. One of my favorite girlfriends (we never really got serious...but it's because I think she was scared to =l) was the opposite of my 'typical' girlfriends. She was pretty, blonde, moderately overweight, and was probably one of the most awesome people I'd ever met.

    Anyway, for myself...I'm already fit and butt ugly (shush Von!) I guess the choice was made for me lol.
  • Musicgrl4life
    Fat & stunning.

    You could always lose the weight (: then be skinny & stunning.

    can't change ugly (even with surgery), but you can change fat.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    How is this even a question. I have seen woman who have amazing bodies but have the ugliest faces I have ever seen. I have seen fat women with the most beautiful faces I have ever seen. The way I see it YOU CANT FIX UGLY. She may be fat now but that can always change. What about the best of both worlds. Stunning face and a Curvy body!! Now thats sexy
  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member
    hmmm.... but you left out the group of people like me...... fat and but ugly with a great personality..... geez.... im always left out.... :laugh:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I hate guys with big muscles, I hate skinny guys even more.

    I vote for fat and attractive :bigsmile:

    there is just no pleasing some ppl

    Nah, I'd say guys with bug muscles or really skinny guys are not the majority. I'm very easy to please.
  • kaaatielove
    kaaatielove Posts: 248 Member
    Wow! I would want someone because of their personality, not what they look like on the outside. This is a really sensitive subject for me because I grew up being called ugly a lot.

    Edited to add, I'd go with the butt ugly and fit person because he'd probably be less judgemental.

    Why does someone always have to throw in the 'this wasn't an option but you all are jerks for not picking it' argument???
    <- fat & pretty ;)

    Katie, you're crackers lol. You're NOT fat, and pretty doesn't even come close do describing you properly...tyvm!

    For me, if I had to choose a partner, I'd probably choose attractive and overweight (I'm going with the spirit of the question here, not the letter...but at least I'm closer than option 'c' which wasn't even offered). Eyes I can drown in (which usually are framed in a relatively attractive face) are part of the required packaging for me. Ugly is a difficult hurdle...ALTHOUGH (and here's my disclaimer), I've met women I found less than attractive before, and after a few times of hanging around with them...found myself very, very much more attracted to them. A warm smile that reaches her eyes, and a great personality have won me over to date more than one woman that people might not expect. One of my favorite girlfriends (we never really got serious...but it's because I think she was scared to =l) was the opposite of my 'typical' girlfriends. She was pretty, blonde, moderately overweight, and was probably one of the most awesome people I'd ever met.

    Anyway, for myself...I'm already fit and butt ugly (shush Von!) I guess the choice was made for me lol.

    thanks Cris.. youre such a sweeeeeetie pie =)
    & you're fit & so so handsome. who's crackers now? :P
  • shiggyshane
    Fat and attractive. Too expensive to fix ugly. And... everything works the same in the dark.

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    How is this even a question. I have seen woman who have amazing bodies but have the ugliest faces I have ever seen. I have seen fat women with the most beautiful faces I have ever seen. The way I see it YOU CANT FIX UGLY. She may be fat now but that can always change. What about the best of both worlds. Stunning face and a Curvy body!! Now thats sexy

    This is an interesting point of view. I totally get what you are saying about how you can lose weight but if you're ugly, you're just ugly. But if we're talking about being in a relationship with someone, I have to look at the mental and emotional aspects, as well, and 9 times out of 10 a person who has made a commitment to being fit has far less emotional baggage than someone who has made a commitment to eating everything in sight. I would be truly concerned about why that person doesn't care any more than that about their body, their health, their future, etc. The same can be said for smokers and people who drink excessively.

    A lot of fat people (who still haven't accepted the reason they are fat) will come back and say being fat doesn't mean you don't care about your body or your health, but, on some level, it absolutely does. Keep in mind, I'm not talking about fat people who are trying to lose weight. But if you're an adult, you simply can't be scarfing down McDonald's three times a day, never working out, and then say you care about being healthy. It just doesn't compute.
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Well if we go with the majority here, then I'm outta the running - I'm slim and would like think I'm attractive...

    Overall, id be drawn to someone's personality more than their looks..,
    My partners overweight, although I worry about his health, I love him for who he is.

    On a friends level, it doesn't matter, personality counts! And yes I would still worry about your health because I'm a great friend!

    Otherwise beauty / attractiveness comes in all shapes and sizes! :-)
  • ahalla
    ahalla Posts: 66 Member
    LOL! Great question!

    As a man:

    Fit & butt ugly!

    After a few hard drinks and the closer to last call it gets. The handsomer I get! :-)

    Besides, better to have the cardio when needed! A good reputation for performance & endurance will counter balance a lot of butt ugly!!

    I would actually have to agree with this one! When you say "fat" are you talking unable to walk fat or just lives life by enjoying food? Just saying if you are too fat then there isn't much bed time fun so what is the point of being with you?? Oh that's right the emotional and spiritual part...NOT!! If the person is ugly they might have a kick *kitten* personality and that will get me. I would rather enjoy spending time with someone then sitting with a fat, stunning person who I can't have a conversation with because they always have food in their mouth! Just saying...