Men... taking a poll...



  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I would never hit a man unless it was in self defense. I HATE it when a woman slaps a man for something he said or did. Nothing gives someone the right to put their hands on someone else in anger.

    The man shouldn't ever hit her back...but that's because a person should never be hit in anger in the first place.

    I like this answer
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I'm not a man but I am a single mom who raised a son. I've taught my son it's not okay to hit a woman. It's better to just walk away.
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member

    why is this even being debated?
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    No plus id tell her she hits like a cheerleader. Next time put some stank on it.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I strongly believe in the right to self-defense. If you are in a situation that calls for defending yourself physically, then you should do it, no matter what sex the attacker is.

    I would not expect a woman to tolerate or accept physical abuse from a man, why should we expect men to tolerate or accept physical abuse from a woman?
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I did slap a boy in highschool once and he slapped me back. I guess his parents never taught him not to hit a girl. I never hit another guy after that though. Lesson learned.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I find it a little sad that there are a few men responding saying no they wouldn't hit back because if they got hit in the first place then they probably deserved it.
    Turn the tables around, and if you had a woman saying to you that their SO or whoever has hit them but they are staying with them because it was their fault and they deserved it, everyone would be shocked and telling her to leave the jerk and that there's no excuse for him hitting her and she can do so much better etc etc, so I don't understand how men can think they deserve it sometimes. If the relationship is that bad and they've done something bad enough to warrant hitting them, you may as well just not be with them at all IMO.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    Any man who answers "Yes" to this is a coward.

    Yes. If someone hits another person the first person can expect to get hit in response. The gender is less relevant than the situation. Should a stronger, bigger woman hitting a smaller, weaker man, get some kind of immunity because she's got a vagina? That's absurd.

    Would I hit a woman back? I can't easily imagine a scenario where I would. But if I did I wouldn't be in the wrong.

    If that makes me a coward, then I am okay with being a coward.
  • BellySoonGone
    Throwing Chaz Bono in for a now the time for those guys who got slapped in the past and "behaved" - to get her/him back? lol...

    Personally - never happened to me - I know karate - LOL
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    If it's my wife, family member or friend then no. I probably did something to deserve it. If I didn't deserve it then I would file assault charges.

    If it's a complete stranger that I feel is a threat to myself or my family, then she's going down and anyone else with her is going down too. I wouldn't even think twice to protect myself or my family.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Would I hit her back? No.
    Would I restrain her if necessary? Yes.
    Would any relationship or association we had end immediately. Definitely.

    Violence in a relationship is never okay. Just like I tell abused women in self defense class. If it happens once it will happen again. Besides I can't say that if caught by surprise I wouldn't break her jaw before I realized it. So it's best not to risk the issue in the future.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Its not right, but men have testosterone, which can make then quick to anger and it can be a knee jerk reaction. So sometimes they dont' even realize what has happened until after they did it, just going on their natural reflexes. If you hit a man, you should expect to get hit like a man......thats all im saying.

    She shouldn't be hitting him at all, but if she does, she needs to understand that he very well could hit her back before he even knew it happened...fight or flight response and some people are just wired to fight.
  • jp09m
    jp09m Posts: 89
    NO. theres never a legit reason for hitting a girl unless ur life is legitimately at risk...

    theres also NO reason a girl should put a guy in that position tho. i
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    I find it a little sad that there are a few men responding saying no they wouldn't hit back because if they got hit in the first place then they probably deserved it.
    Turn the tables around, and if you had a woman saying to you that their SO or whoever has hit them but they are staying with them because it was their fault and they deserved it, everyone would be shocked and telling her to leave the jerk and that there's no excuse for him hitting her and she can do so much better etc etc, so I don't understand how men can think they deserve it sometimes. If the relationship is that bad and they've done something bad enough to warrant hitting them, you may as well just not be with them at all IMO.

    You're right. I can't answer for anyone else but this is my reasoning. If a woman slaps me in the face as hard as she can, it's going to sting but I will be ok. I'm not talking about a full on assault, I'm talking about a single slap. It will bruise my ego but it won't do any real damage. It doesn't work the same when the tables are turned.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    It is never OK to hit someone, regardless of gender. I hate when women do this, knowing most men would never hit a girl. We're not talking self defense here.

    ^^^ agree... but i do get tired of hearing women say that they will hit their SO knowing that he wont hit back..

    i would answer no almost always.

    But I have witnessed an incident where a female co-worker always cried abuse from her boyfriend. One night I was out with them and after a few drinks, she became verbally abusive to him and then took it to the physical level by jumping on his back and punching his face. He tried his best to remove her and finally he fell backwards (he wasn't a big guy), which caused her to hit her head on a table. She immediately started to scream that he was beating her when he never laid a hand on her other than to stop her hands from punching him.

    In that instance, I lost all respect for that girl. It took everything out of me to not say something when everyone at work asked what happen to her head and she claimed victim.

    Some women are mean and use the fact that most men won't hit a woman back. I agree with a previous poster that everyone should keep their hands to themselves regardless of gender.

    Are why the answer is even remotely muddied.

    No, it is never ok to strike a woman. Ever. That being said...I carry scars, and will for the rest of my life...from my ex's typical reactions to being called out verbally for her behavior. Walking away got me another one on the back of my head (good thing all she had to throw was a plate).

    The thing about it time, one time only...of this:
    Its not right, but men have testosterone, which can make then quick to anger and it can be a knee jerk reaction. So sometimes they dont' even realize what has happened until after they did it, just going on their natural reflexes. If you hit a man, you should expect to get hit like a man......thats all im saying.

    ^^^ thank you, finally someone said it!!

    Would have ensured it never happened again. I never did, and never could do it...but I'll tell you this much...there were times, after six and a half years...that it was a hair thin line.

    My daughter has been taught never to hit a man unless she fully expects to be hit back. However, if she ever is, they'll never find his body.

    Double standards? You bet. It's the world we live in.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    The question would be a lot easier to answer had it used the term lady.

    Then it would be an easy answer - No. You don't hit a lady.

    But alas, you did not use that term. As a result, it is not so cut and dry.

    Why would the wording make any difference?? No one deserves to be hit.

    Hell yes they do. If a "man" hits me, he's getting hit back, probably in the balls (I'm short). More likely, he'd have the Crimson Trace on his chest in a matter of seconds because at that point, I can only surmise that my life is in danger.

    What I think is really unfair about this whole societal construct about men hitting women is that a woman can randomly go insane and start attacking a man, but if he so much as puts a bruise on her wrist trying to restrain her, guess which one is going to take more heat.

    This is why, if a man's words are capable of making you so angry that you respond with physical violence, you belong in therapy.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Unless you are forced to protect yourself or someone you love, there's no good reason to inflict physical harm. If someone gets physical with you and it's possible to walk away, do it. This goes for both males and females.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Of course not!!!!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I strongly believe in the right to self-defense. If you are in a situation that calls for defending yourself physically, then you should do it, no matter what sex the attacker is.

    I would not expect a woman to tolerate or accept physical abuse from a man, why should we expect men to tolerate or accept physical abuse from a woman?

    Ah, but unfortunately, you and the US legal system have an incredibly wide difference of opinion on this lol.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Nope. It's never ok to hit a woman.

    (unless she talks back)