Men... taking a poll...



  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    No plus id tell her she hits like a cheerleader. Next time put some stank on it.

    Oh man, I did this to a guy a few years back. It was at a sporting event, and this guy and his buddy were drunk, and looking to start a fight. I guess I gave him his target by my comments back at him. One guy runs over and holds me against a wall while his 6'2 buddy starts hitting me in the face. Three punches. When he's done I just told him he hit like a girl.

    Look on his face: priceless.

    And I got to learn that I can take punch.
  • legmotor
    legmotor Posts: 197 Member
    Everyone should keep their hands to themselves. What a lot of physical women whose men won't typically hit them back is that getting smacked the first primal reaction is to smack back, especially in the heat of the moment. This discussion could go so many directions with so many opinions.
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    I strongly believe in the right to self-defense. If you are in a situation that calls for defending yourself physically, then you should do it, no matter what sex the attacker is.

    I would not expect a woman to tolerate or accept physical abuse from a man, why should we expect men to tolerate or accept physical abuse from a woman?

    Ah, but unfortunately, you and the US legal system have an incredibly wide difference of opinion on this lol.

    I don't think the legal system makes a distinction. It's sexist judges that mire the issue.
  • flgirlsteph
    flgirlsteph Posts: 125 Member
    Well personally i was married to an abusive guy. so yeah if a guy were to hit me or choke me or any of the other stuff yeah i fought back. do i think women should walk around slapping men? hell no i dont its asking for trouble. but i also think if a girl slaps a guy for saying something or doing something then the guy should not hit her back for it... this is referring to the ppl saying that it doesnt matter gender or reason. because if ur being hurt instinct is to fight back.

    i also agree any guy saying yes to this is definatly a coward...
  • freshstart4me
    No, I'd just walk away. It's not cool to hit a woman for any reason. If you get slapped, you probably deserved it anyway.

  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Only if she doesn't make a sandwich the first time you asked. :smokin:
  • BIG_Lew
    BIG_Lew Posts: 513 Member
    Yes...Moral of story...Keep your damn hands to yourself.
    Thts bad for u to say.......would u want sum one slapping ur mother despite wht she may have done? No!!! Or would u want sum one slapping ur daughter. Ur crazy

    Then may God have mercy on that person's soul, cause I sure as hell won't. But, this is not about my mother or my daughter. This is about if a woman hit a man. I never saw my mother raise her hand in anger at a man or raise her hands period. I will teach my daughter to respect herself and to be a lady who will call her daddy if any man put their hand on her. I teach my sons not to hit others and to respect people, regardless of gender. Crazy...You ain't seen crazy unless you raise your hands at or woman. I guess when a police office tackles a woman who is being beligerant, he is being crazy also, or is he ju
    Double standard or shouldn't hit women.
  • RocketsGirl75
    if she slaps no but if she throws a punch then yeah I think it is ok....don't dish it if you don't want to take it.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I won't slap a woman but wouldn't hesitate to shake a b^tch.... (lol, running joke between my husband and me)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    My first wife tried to kick me between the legs once during an argument. I reflexively brought my knee up and she broke her toe on my shin. Caught hell for that.

    But, NO. I would never strike a woman. Period. She would have to be a threat to someone before I would put my hands on her. And then, only enough to stop her.
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    I would never hit a woman, just the way I was raised. Legal aspect of it is, if I were to hit her and she calls the cops I am going to jail if she has any redness or swelling, of course if I have redness or swelling she would also go (KY has some of the strictest domestic violence laws).
    When I was a police Officer my ex threw a fit becasue she had just had lasic surgery and wanted mcdonalds, so i took her thru the drive thru and when we got home I laid her food out for her. Apparently the fries were cold so she threw a glass vase at me, so i started cleaning up the mess and she came over and started telling me how fing stupid I was that I should have checked the bag before we left and kicked me in the ribs. I came up off the floor with bad intentions, grabbed my keys and left, called her mom to come stay with her and drove around. Why you ask...I again would never hit a woman, also if I did I would have been arrested for Domestic Violence , and lost my job.....
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I find it a little sad that there are a few men responding saying no they wouldn't hit back because if they got hit in the first place then they probably deserved it.
    Turn the tables around, and if you had a woman saying to you that their SO or whoever has hit them but they are staying with them because it was their fault and they deserved it, everyone would be shocked and telling her to leave the jerk and that there's no excuse for him hitting her and she can do so much better etc etc, so I don't understand how men can think they deserve it sometimes. If the relationship is that bad and they've done something bad enough to warrant hitting them, you may as well just not be with them at all IMO.

    You're right. I can't answer for anyone else but this is my reasoning. If a woman slaps me in the face as hard as she can, it's going to sting but I will be ok. I'm not talking about a full on assault, I'm talking about a single slap. It will bruise my ego but it won't do any real damage. It doesn't work the same when the tables are turned.

    True, if it was the opposite she'd probably get alot more hurt than he would from a hard slap. If I was the bloke though I still wouldn't want to stay with her after that, just because it didn't do any real harm it couldn't justify her actions and it certainly wouldn't portray her as the sort of person you'd want to be in a relationship with.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    My first wife tried to kick me between the legs once during an argument. I reflexively brought my knee up and she broke her toe on my shin. Caught hell for that.

    But, NO. I would never strike a woman. Period. She would have to be a threat to someone before I would put my hands on her. And then, only enough to stop her.

    I love all these absolutes that someone would NEVER strike a woman... then the assumption that you'd just use nice restraining moves to stop her from doing damage. The assumption that you could handle any woman in the world without ever hurting them in silly. I am a big guy with some martial arts training, and I know for a fact that there are women out there who could kick my *kitten*. If they chose to do it I couldn't simply grab their hands and hold them in place, I'd either have to let them do whatever they wanted (potentially hurting my family) or attempt to stop them by whatever means I had.

    It's not nearly as simple as you seem to want to make it.

    But I agree, "I would never hit a woman" sounds a lot nicer.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    It is never okay to hit anyone, period.

    This means the woman shouldn't be able to hit the man either.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Nope, if she got out of control i'd try and restrain her but not hit her back
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    I didn't read any of the previous, but my opinion is this:

    The gender of the attacker really doesn't make a difference, my reaction will (mostly) be same.

    If they hit me once I can, and will, walk away. However if it is a repeated attack I feel I have the right to defend myself and will hit back to the extent to stop the attack.

    The difference would be open hand or closed fist. I would NEVER use a closed fist on a woman.

    I know I'll probably get flamed for this responce, but this is honestly how I would most likely react.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Depends upon the situation.

    My first response is "No" I would not.

    However, much depends upon whether or not the slap was an attack or a reaction to some situation where at least some of the blame was mine. ie I made a joke/remark that offended.

    As for an attack. If I could remove myself from the situation with out escalating the violence, I would.

    In the end though, if myself, or any of my family or friends are being threatened and the only apparent choice at the time is to defend by violence. I would regardless of the sex of the person(s) involved.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    My first wife tried to kick me between the legs once during an argument. I reflexively brought my knee up and she broke her toe on my shin. Caught hell for that.

    But, NO. I would never strike a woman. Period. She would have to be a threat to someone before I would put my hands on her. And then, only enough to stop her.

    I love all these absolutes that someone would NEVER strike a woman... then the assumption that you'd just use nice restraining moves to stop her from doing damage. The assumption that you could handle any woman in the world without ever hurting them in silly. I am a big guy with some martial arts training, and I know for a fact that there are women out there who could kick my *kitten*. If they chose to do it I couldn't simply grab their hands and hold them in place, I'd either have to let them do whatever they wanted (potentially hurting my family) or attempt to stop them by whatever means I had.

    It's not nearly as simple as you seem to want to make it.

    But I agree, "I would never hit a woman" sounds a lot nicer.

    Agree that is why I said situational, if someone jumps me on the streets and takes me by surprise, I'm not stopping and checking the sex of the person first. Granted Missouri is a conceal carry state so in the long run I still might not ever hit the person. That is not being a coward like some have stated.

    Again if it's someone I know, and something I said and etc. Then hell no, much more respect than to hit a woman. My wife has smacked me a couple times, I just bite my tongue and get some air, would never hit back. Like I said though if it's a domestic thing like that and I'm walking to the store or something and someone tries crap like that, I'm not going to take the time to see if they are women or not. Like the poster that posted about the 3 girls jumping a guy at an atm, at that point they are no longer women or ladies but assailants, and that is a whole another ball game. Coward or not.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Yes...Moral of story...Keep your damn hands to yourself.
    Thts bad for u to say.......would u want sum one slapping ur mother despite wht she may have done? No!!! Or would u want sum one slapping ur daughter. Ur crazy

    Then may God have mercy on that person's soul, cause I sure as hell won't. But, this is not about my mother or my daughter. This is about if a woman hit a man. I never saw my mother raise her hand in anger at a man or raise her hands period. I will teach my daughter to respect herself and to be a lady who will call her daddy if any man put their hand on her. I teach my sons not to hit others and to respect people, regardless of gender. Crazy...You ain't seen crazy unless you raise your hands at or woman. I guess when a police office tackles a woman who is being beligerant, he is being crazy also, or is he ju
    Double standard or shouldn't hit women.

    So what? If a woman hits me, I should call my sister to fight my battles for me. That is so archaic of you to think that men should not hit a woman. It is not about men hitting women, but more about men defending themselves. In Florida, we have a John Wayne Law, that says if you feel threatened, you have the right to defend yourself, by any means necessary. It does not discriminate based on gender. Being the law abiding citizen that I am, I take that to heart. I live by the code that it is always better to be tried by 12, than to be carried by 6.

    Call it being a coward or whatever you want to...the basic principle is that no one have a pass when they hit someone. A 250 pound woman can inflict life threatening injuries on a 150 pound man. This would not even be an issue if the offense did not take place initially. As long as you keep your hands to yourself, it is all good. Once the blows start flying, be prepared for the consequences is all I'm saying.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    No, its not ok to hit back.
    I would rather go for grabbing, constraining, or walking away.

    Really if its a fight, the best thing a man can do it take it, and laugh in her face.

    Finally, can she really hit me in the first place if she is in the kitchen anyways?