Fat girls are easy



  • aurorasangel2000
    I think it's a bogus stat. I am no researcher, but in my lifetime I have seen that low-selfesteem in women is pretty much the same percentage wise regardless of weight or looks. There are very confident large women I know, and thin ones that society would deem "hot" who have still developed eating disorders.

    So yes, women with lower self-esteem are more likely to have sex, but how about heavier women that have sex because they enjoy it, not because they are debasing themselves?

    And why is no one mentioning the guys who sleep with these girls. Seems to me that many, many men sleep around not from a genetic predisposition for promiscuity, but in order to prove themselves and feel wanted.

    So if you are going to discect a womans sexuality in the way it sounds like this show have, they had better be more fair across the board.

    Thank you very much!!!
  • carpediem3
    carpediem3 Posts: 320 Member
    I've also noticed most the morning talk shows on the radio are not kid friendly & degrade many walks of life. I made a cd of the music my kids like and we listen to it on the way to school every morning :)
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    38% of all statistics are made up.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I love that they equate "fat" and "ugly". They could not be more wrong. There are many skinny people who are quite ugly, especially on the inside.
  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member
    It's true though. Just cause someone on here may be bigger and doesn't do that doesn't mean other larger girls don't. It's a case study and unfortunately the results are in
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Personally, I avoided sex for a long time because of my weight. I had no desire to be seen naked, even by guys that were clearly interested in me despite my size. When I got to my heaviest (while I was married) I even became shy about being naked in front of my husband, who (obviously) didn't care about my size and just loved me for everything I was, but it was just a mental block for me. So I can't imagine associating anyone being easy directly to being overweight because that just seems so unlike my experiences and those of other overweight friends (who I've talked about this with in the past).
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    38% of all statistics are made up.
    Sources? I heard it's 68%.
  • Fredrigo
    Fredrigo Posts: 134 Member
    So I decided to look up the actual study and it's being misrepresented even more than I thought. The study itself was intended to address the fact that research showed obstetricians and gynecologists were less likely to do appropriate follow-up on birth control for women who had a High BMI due to the widely held belief among them as professionals that they were less likely to engage in sex. The researchers wanted to prove that this was false so they could correct the practice. In the process not only did they find that women with a high BMI engage in sex as frequently they discovered they engaged in sex more frequently.

    This University research (not to be confused with that done by private commercial labs) was undertaken in an attempt to help protect women. Now due to the poor excuse for journalism in this country half of you seem to be under the impression this study was intended to target women for exploitation.

    I again ask you to focus on the problem that has been pointed out. Ironically getting angry at how you heard about the story is just providing the attention that will drive the media to continue to cherry pick facts and portray thing in the most sensational way in the future.

    Here is an excerpt from an interview about the study

    “I was glad to see that the stereotype that you have to be slender to have sex is just that, a stereotype,” Harvey said.

    Kaneshiro said the data showed that overweight women were more likely to report having sexual intercourse with a man, even when she controlled for age, race and type of residence. Ninety-two percent of overweight women reported having a history of sexual intercourse with a man, as opposed to 87 percent of women with a normal body mass index.

    “These results were unexpected and we don’t really know why this is the case,” Kaneshiro said.

    Harvey said the important part to take away from the study is that physicians and others who work in women’s medical health should never make assumptions about sexual behavior based on outward appearances.

    Notice how much the content changes if you only read this part

    Kaneshiro said the data showed that overweight women were more likely to report having sexual intercourse with a man, even when she controlled for age, race and type of residence. Ninety-two percent of overweight women reported having a history of sexual intercourse with a man, as opposed to 87 percent of women with a normal body mass index.

    “These results were unexpected and we don’t really know why this is the case,” Kaneshiro said.
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    I'm not really sure why it's so offensive to discuss a "study" on the radio...
  • Fredrigo
    Fredrigo Posts: 134 Member
    I'm not really sure why it's so offensive to discuss a "study" on the radio...

    I'm offended because it was bad science journalism.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Note: This response isnt intended to offend anyone, its just to show you a possible outcome

    I just gonna tell you guys, complaining to the station, might be a waste of time, no offense. Heres my reasoning:

    The morning show I listen to is one of the more vulgar ones in the metro detroit area. They are also the highest ranked morning show. On the show, they will talk about sex, drugs, and other more 'adult content'. Its the belief of the radio station that you have the right to choose your own station you want to listen to, and some people choose to listen to the adult content. The point is one day someone called and left a very angry message on their voice mail, saying they say the word Penis to often. The morning show thought the message was funny (which through the guys unintelligable comments, and the fact he swore maybe 30 times through it, but was offended by the word Penis), and callers started calling in, everytime starting by saying Penis. Now its a big joke on the show, now saying penis every time on the show. So essentially the guy who wanted to get the word removed, now made it the most popular word on the show.

    Nevertheless, Id just say I have been offended by topics before, and I choose to tune out for those segments. If I am that offended by something, Ill find a new program to replace it. In the end, they obviously have a market for their more 'edgy, racy, and offensive' topics, and a letter might just make matters worse.

    Just my two cents, and I hope you are able to find more quality programing
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I'm not being insensitive here, but these things are said because more often than not it's true to a certain degree. In today's society with body image being so heavily focused on, someone who views themselves as overweight and unattractive may love the attention from guys who are just looking to get laid. In the end it's two adult decisions. The radio station was simply bold enough to state it.

    Don't take it personal, ignore it and enjoy some music.

    Thank you!

    And honestly, why is it that women who might want a one night stand automatically have low self esteem and no respect for themselves?? Frankly I find that an insulting double standard and I hear it most often from other women.

  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i find it annoying that they are basically saying:

    thin = pretty
    fat = ugly

    I'm thin, but i wouldn't say I'm that pretty <_<

    as for the study, i wouldn't take it seriously. Studies can be skewed in any-which-way.
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    I feel that this could have some truth to it. Many larger women tend to have low self esteem, and think of sex and intimacy as a way of acceptance. On the other end of the spectrum, there are the larger women who don't even want to be seen naked, let alone have sex.

    I can see this being fact, though. Larger women who lack confidence (any woman who lacks confidence, really) is more likely to let herself be used than a confident (and in this study confident = thin, which is NOT true) woman.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    Yes you should write the station I mean who do they think they are talking about something you dont like in a country with free speech


    its outrageous, and if i heard it I would have tutted VERY loudly
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    I am so angry! This was a part of a morning radio show a few days ago and I am still fuming and I just have to rant a little. The topic was a new study that came out that said that fat girls are more likely to give it up on a first date than "pretty" girls. So the suggestion was if you were looking into a dating website for a one night stand, to choose a larger girl. They even went on to say that eager beats pretty anyday. I can say that I will never listen to this station again, even though the music is better, and I will choose a more family friendly station like MIX. Oh, I can feel my blood pressure going up again.:mad:

    Seriously - who cares. Someone once did a study about whether drunk monkeys clench their teeth harder than sober monkeys. You can write a study about ANYTHING and find statistics to back it up.

    I spent 30+ years as a plus-sized woman and five years as a normal size woman. I've been approached by everyone for just about everything, and I have yet to let a research study sway my decision making about whether or not I wanted to say yes or no.

    The bottom line is - If someone approaches you for a one-night stand and you're not interested, say so. It's as simple as that.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I'm not really sure why it's so offensive to discuss a "study" on the radio...

    I'm offended because it was bad science journalism.

    Yeah, in my experience, there's no other kind.... OK, that might be a tad extreme, but the stories I could tell about total misrepresentation of research to get the sexy headline.... !
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Vote with your feet. I complained after the BBC radio 2 news broadcast aired a story about a "celebrity" divorce as their lead story then referred to the Brisbane floods as a clip at the end of the news. Hundreds of people (my parents included) lost their homes in that flood.

    The news director's response was that they air the news that gets the ratings. That was the last time I listened to them. News is supposed to be about information, not ratings!

    So, vote with your feet, and tell as many people as you can, why. I have, and have converted some lifelong listeners!
  • haileemou
    This kinda made me giggle actually and im a fat girl hehehehehe
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    We will hear this all the time.....personally when I was single, I had a new date every night if I wanted....and even a day date and a night date....I never lacked in the amount of gorgeous men that wanted to take me out.....it was only a choice few that might see my hot sexyness all size 18 of it in my sexy lacyness. Don't let it bother you so, it is like saying all blondes are dumb....Here is another thing to think about....those men....the ones who seek "fat" women to sleep with because they are "easy"....well food for thought. It takes a level of "interest" if you know what I mean to "perform" so to speak.....guess what....yup you got it........goes to show, even big girls are HOT HOT HOT!
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