Operation: Sexy Claus Challenge Week #1 9.19.11 (Closed Grou



  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Hi to all my Sexy Clauses!
    I think this is such a great way for us to bond and find out more about one another! Thank you Krys-T for bringing us together.

    My Low this week is: I've been doing this September workout Challenge and hadn't missed 1 day until yesterday. I managed to hurt my shoulder during a pushup challenge that was going on here and it never healed 100%. SO, I kept pushing through the Sept challenge until yesterday I couldn't lift my left arm over my head. So I had to break from the challenge.

    My High: I burnt 1240 calories in 1 day, that is the highest I've ever burnt in one day!!

    I am so amped about this challenge and wishing everyone all the best!
    Let's Keep on Pushing Ladies!!!
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member

    My High: I burnt 1240 calories in 1 day, that is the highest I've ever burnt in one day!!

    That's AWESOME!!! good work!!!!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Greetings Ladies, Forgive me, I'm playing catch up here over the past few days....(I try not to be long winded so I'm going to attempt to be brief and to the point)

    My ideal size? Well actually I think I'd love to be in a comfortable size 6, as my weight has fluctuated over the years, previously the lowest adult size I had obtained was an 8, and really a majority of the suits in my closet are an 8, I have just refused to let go, and give up hope on ever getting back in them. Realistically, I'm in a 12/14 currently (it really hurt to type that) although this isnt the largest size I've ever been. The largest I've been was a 22 (that was a dark period in my life)

    How do I feel about myself at my highest weight? Honestly when I reflect on the highest (weight) periods in my life, they are often painful, I just go about and try to get through, often giving the impression that "I don't care", and that correlates to every other facet in my life from my dress to my attitude, but that hasn't been the reality, I did care, but was just masking a feeling of hopelessness. Now when I was an 8, I felt like my true self, much happier which transcended to every other area of my life, as I was comfortable in my own skin.

    Highs and lows of the week, Lows- was the fact that I hadn't dropped any significant weight on the scale and in fact gained a pound or two over the week, in spite of faithful working out to the 30 day shred consecutively over the past 23 days. I've also slacked off with logging my food intake. Highs, eh hasn't been the best week, but I would have to say the fact that I've managed to do a video 23 consecutive days, in spite of NOT feeling like it at all.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Ok, i'm going to be honest here~ LOW~ The fact that the only owkrout I did this week was Monday.:noway: I also have had a lot of bad food choices as well.

    High~ The workout I did on Monday! HIIT workout by Turbo Fire. Intense but I did it! Also, I have been doing great with drinking tons of water.

    My birthday is Sunday and we are going out for dinner and drinks tomorrow. :drinker: Hoping to have a MUCH better week next week.
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    My Lows this week: Stupid stupid scales.... they went up instead of down even though I got exercise in every single day tihs week!!! GRRR!!!! Also I didn't drink as much water as I should have, which may be why the scales went up instead of down...

    My Highs this week: I exercised EVERY DAY! WOOHOOOO!! Thats a big big deal from me, I stuck to my plan!!! I have only been getting on a good week 2 days of exercise in... but this week so far everyday I exercised! Yay! :)
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Lows for the week: I'm not getting hardly any sleep :( I have a 6 week old who thinks he doesn't need to go to sleep until 1 or 2 am even if he has been awake most of the day and I have a 2 yr old who is getting jealous, taking pacifiers, trying to sit in his little brothers chairs, wanting to get in his crib and all of a sudden wanting to sleep in mommy and daddy's room and will throw a fit and scream bloody murder when I try to get him In his room. Then the 2 yr old wakes up early and then 6 week old decides not to nap when the older one does so I can't even get a nap. So all of that on top of working out everyday is leaving me Exhausted...

    Highs for the week: I have gotten some type of workout in everyday even on days I just wanted a break. Told myself it was ok to take a night off but after sitting there for a few minutes trying ti justify it my mind couldn't/wouldn't let me take a day off. I want this more than ever and I am going to do whatever it takes to get where I want to be!!!

    I hope everyone has had a good first week!

    Ahhhh big hugs honey! I remember the days when mine were little like that. I can be so very exhausting!!! Look at you though...you worked out everyday. I only got ONE workout in. You inspire me!:flowerforyou:
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member

    My High: I burnt 1240 calories in 1 day, that is the highest I've ever burnt in one day!!

    That's AWESOME!!! good work!!!!

    Thanks PunkRawk! :flowerforyou:
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Highs and lows of the week, Lows- was the fact that I hadn't dropped any significant weight on the scale and in fact gained a pound or two over the week, in spite of faithful working out to the 30 day shred consecutively over the past 23 days. I've also slacked off with logging my food intake. Highs, eh hasn't been the best week, but I would have to say the fact that I've managed to do a video 23 consecutive days, in spite of NOT feeling like it at all.

    You may want to try some cardio with the 30 Day Shred. When I was doing the program I added Spin in 3 days a week along with good eating, the scale was much kinder to me during my weekly weigh ins. Also, with this program I didn't lose lots of weight but, did notice it in inches. Good Luck and Keep on Pushing!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Thank you Krystle for posting these questions... you are really make me spend a lot of time in my head and evaluating my motivation and to keep wanting to be the best me I can be. Thank you.

    Highs: Followed through with my exercise plan. I started attending group exercise classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which is WAY outside my comfort zone, but did it. And tackled one of my The Firm dvds that I gave up on last week, so that is a real high for me.

    Lows: It's TOM this week so when I stepped on the scale my weight was up, and I was okay with that but then I realized that I have been bouncing between 198- 191 since June! This is ridiculous. And I am at a loss as to what to do. But I will keep doing what I am doing. Another low this week was I needed some new clothes and hated how everything fit. Note to self... do not go shopping when it's TOM! Will drink lots of water this weekend to flush out the system.
  • nicole00lynn
    hey ladies! hows everyone doing? i missed yesterdays topic, but im new to this challenge thing, so im still getting familiar with the threads.

    I'd say my ideal size is an 8-10, im by no means petite, so anything lower than that is probably unrealistic. I want to be fit, not famished.

    As far as how I felt at my biggest and lowest... i dont want to have a pity party but I guess this would be a good time to vent and move forward.

    I was always'bigger' than everyone else, taller, thicker, whatever you want to call it. So I always felt different, but it wasnt until high school that I really started thinking that it was weight, or maybe even my looks that was so different about me. Im not sure how I came to that conclucsion, because I realize now that there is nothing wrong with me - but I felt ashamed, and almost embarassed for thinking I was as good as the 'pretty girls', or could get the same boys, or have the same friends, or whatever is so life-changing in high school. I have my bad days where I have horrible self-image issues, but I know that that is what I think of myself, not what anyone else thinks, and thats something that I truly need to work on. When I was at my thinnest, which was a size 10 and by no means "skinny," I felt great because I was active and fit. Thats where I want to be again - confident, happy, and proud to be in my own skin!

    Sorry to anyone who didnt want a big, sentimental repsone. If you dont like it, dont read it! :))

    Good luck everyone!

    You know what's funny is you look so much like my son's Godmother who is built the same, curly hair like yours, everything and I think she is GORGEOUS! And I think you are so beautiful! But she, my son's Godmother, has the exact same sentiments about her self-image. Girl you look great in my eyes...but I know it is all about how YOU feel about yourself!

    KRYS! sorry i didnt see this earlier, thank you :) a nice compliment to start off my saturday! thanks for being so inspiring :)
  • nicole00lynn
    so,Highs and Lows..

    a High for me this week was definitely that i got my butt moving on working out again, I decided to let my neigbors suffer and I fell in love with my cardio (Turbofire) all over again. I think I was getting bored with it before because I'd been doing it for several months. Also, I started a new job :))))

    Lows: I started a new job and I've been working soe nights, and its been really difficult to either go to work starving or come home starving. SO my eating schedule has definitely been off. Another low I had was a little breakdown about not having clothes to wear when my boyfriend wanted to take me out to eat - TOM may have been a part of this but even though im losing it is SO frustrating not to have clothes that fit right. Most of mine are too big at this point, and they just bag in the wrong places, but I dont have moeny to shop every time I lose a few pounds. Anyonne else find this frustrating?
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Highs & Lows:

    Highs would be getting in 2 really good workouts and making the time to get out for my walks

    Lows would be the 2 days I was "too busy" at work to get out for my walk, and the 2 nights I was so busy I didn't make the time to log my evening food intake... there was a little extra snacking than usual on those days too.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    so,Highs and Lows..

    a High for me this week was definitely that i got my butt moving on working out again, I decided to let my neigbors suffer and I fell in love with my cardio (Turbofire) all over again. I think I was getting bored with it before because I'd been doing it for several months. Also, I started a new job :))))

    Lows: I started a new job and I've been working soe nights, and its been really difficult to either go to work starving or come home starving. SO my eating schedule has definitely been off. Another low I had was a little breakdown about not having clothes to wear when my boyfriend wanted to take me out to eat - TOM may have been a part of this but even though im losing it is SO frustrating not to have clothes that fit right. Most of mine are too big at this point, and they just bag in the wrong places, but I dont have moeny to shop every time I lose a few pounds. Anyonne else find this frustrating?

    Yes! I have the same problem, I hate shopping as it is but now it sucks because I need more work clothes because it is like notjing at all fits me and everything is sooo big that I look so unprofessional at work, ugh! I figure I will try to get 1 outfit each week until I can increase my wardrobe. But I know what you mean, because I don't want to go buy a lot of stuff at once knowing I'm not at my "goal" weight. Tights and good leggings have become my best friends lol!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Just catching up on posts now... (MochaBlues, you're not alone!)

    Tues Q: The most important thing I've learned on this journey is that it's important to listen to your body, and trust your instincts, but you also have to give yourself a little nudge, or KICK every once in a while, cause we are capable of so much more than what we think we are.

    Wed Q: Ideal size... 12. I love my curves, and I think it's a good number to aim for. Anything less is a bonus!

    Thurs Q: I still think of myself AS IF I am still at might highest weight. Sometimes I see a photo of me that's so opposite of where I was, but on the inside I still feel as if I had the extra 60+ lbs. When I'm not in that mode, I actually feel pretty good about where I am and where I am headed. Interesting responses for this question!

    Fri Highs and Lows: Low - I have absolutely no time for ANYTHING, including my school work. I don't know where the time goes.
    High - I had an awesome workout on friday night! I felt so good, and I made time for it!

    Jacki70... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :drinker:
  • daveshoneybun
    daveshoneybun Posts: 76 Member
    Sorry everyone haven't been on here all week, have been logging my food, Things have been crazy around the house and at work, haven't been eating to good this week, going to get back on track this week, with birthdays and long days at work just grabbing something to eat,Hopefully I didn't gain any weight this week, but if i did i'll just work harder this week getting it back off,