Hubba Hubba for the Holidays (CLOSED GRP) - Part 2



  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Great Job, Everyone!!!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Really great to see another terrific chart full of losers! I like the challenge, too!

    This week I need to refocus and stay on track. I usually take a few days break and maintain after losing each 5 lbs. Now that I finally made it to ONEderland this past week, I'm aiming for 196 and making it to my 1st mini-goal. Yay!

    Let's all take a good hard look at that 1st mini-goal and see if we're on track for it! Those who have already met it, Congrats to YOU!!! Those who need to get back on the wagon, Let's Do It!

    We can all meet our 1st mini-goal if we're focused and true to ourselves and our goals!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    09/05: 178
    09/12: 178(disappointed)**
    09/19: 176***YAY!!!
    10/03: <<<173>>>
    10/31: <<<169>>>
    11/28: <<<166>>>
    12/24: <<<162>>>

    i guess i had not add my mini here they are....2 fruits today//and an extra 10min(did 90 min)...will have two serving of veggies for dinner

    have a great day...its a beautiful day here in sth florida, sunny blue skies, but still hot thought not as hot:flowerforyou:
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    Keeping mini goals in mind--I think I'm on target to meet the first one, but I hope to surpass it! :)

    09/05: 196
    09/12: 194.6
    09/19: 194.0
    10/03:192.25 <<<mini goal weight>>>
    10/31: 188.5<<<mini goal weight>>>
    11/28:184.75 <<<mini goal weight>>>
    12/24: 181 <<<challenge goal weight>>>

    The challenges this week won't be too difficult, although I am more of a fruit eater, as I really don't like cooked veggies, so will probably get most of my veggies through salads. I think I need to continue trying to get more sleep, as I have only been getting 4-6 hours lately and it is definitely affecting me.So for me, that will be one I keep working on . . .they make TiVo for a reason! :tongue: Now if I could only get my 4 y/o DD to sleep through the night . . .I'd have it made in the shade :)
  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134
    I just went back and copied/pasted my weight chart/mini goals here. I should be able to make it to my first mini goal with 2 weeks to go until 10/3, but I'm wondering if I wasn't a bit overly optimistic about my mini goals to begin with. To meet my mini goals up until the November 28th one, I would have to average a 2.5 pound loss each week. Well, I'm not going to change my mini goals just yet, but I can see that I'll probably have to get a little more realistic later in this challenge.

    I haven't done my exercise for today yet, but yesterday I did bump up my exercise time and did a 65 minute 5 mile WATP. Will do the same tonight.

    Have to work on eating that fruit.....I only ate a handful of red grapes yesterday, and here it is 3 pm today and I haven't had any fruit yet. I'm such a picky fruit eater. I only like apples, grapes, cherries and watermelon....and I'll drink orange juice. Too bad banana bread doesn't count because I do like that, but I don't eat plan old bananas! Oh well...guess I'll go eat a handful of grapes for a snack.

    Hope everyone is having an awesome day! :)

    09/05: 200.4
    09/12: 195.4
    09/19: 192.4
    10/03: <<<mini goal weight>>> <<<190.4>>>
    10/31: <<<mini goal weight>>> <<<180.4>>>
    11/28: <<<mini goal weight>>> <<<170.4>>>
    12/24: <<<challenge goal weight>>> <<<165.4>>>
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    You guys are great!!!!
    and you are AWESOME!!!!
  • nwohler
    nwohler Posts: 55 Member
    Congratulations to the Bigges Losers this week! Everyone is doing an amazing job! Keep it and we will all be Hubba Hubba by the holidays!

    Good Luck this week!
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    You guys are great!!!!
    and you are AWESOME!!!!

    LOVE IT! Great attitude! :flowerforyou:
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All! Sort of a nutty week between work, kids activities, school meetings, etc. Tomorrow is looking a little wild, but hopefully the weather will cooperate and I can at the very least sneak in a walk at lunch time.

    Thursday all the after school "kids stuff" got cancelled (um, yay!) - so I will be heading to the YMCA for an hour of peace & exercise!

    Many hugs to all of you! Can't wait for a little more screen time so I can cheer everyone on.

    Amy :0)
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Happy Hump day all have a terrific day!!!

    What are you going to do today to make it awesome?
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all,

    been a little lazy this morning and have been putting the gym getting a late start....i make it a short workout(maybe)and then lots of errands to run...

    will check in later, have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Many congrats to all our HHH winners this week! I really like how Kristen divided us into 3 groups because it makes sense and we get MORE winners.

    I've been up for 2 hours already and need to get out the door to exercise...after reading everybody's posts, I'm inspired to get out there and do it! In order to meet my 1st mini-goal I'm going to need to eat clean and lean! I've decided to pay more attention to my beverage calories (extra calories I don't need). I will only have water, 1 coffee, water, milk, water, WW chocolate protein shake, water and LOTS more water! It's hard to give up juices...but I'm learning I'm better off eating fruit (less calories and more fiber which is more filling). I don't drink sodas or alcohol so that saves me lots of calories. I'd love to have a glass of wine but right now I've got a medical condition that doesn't let me do that.

    So, it's going to be a two week effort of water, 1 coffee, water, milk, water, WW chocolate protein shake, water and LOTS more water for me to meet that 1st mini-goal! I REALLY WANT THOSE 20 LBS GONE BY Christmas Day!!! I'm going to have to lose the 20 lbs...ONE pound at a time & I know I can do it if I stay focused!

    Good luck to all of us...stay focused on your 1st mini-goal and Together We Will Do This!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    sharing today's goals here too in case we are not friends....hope you all have a great day.....

    Snacks & lunch from my lunchbox, 100+ oz water, jerk chicken/rice/asparagus for dinner, gym for trainer workout after kids go to bed (unless i still have a sickie kid @ home then treadmill in my bedroom), bed by 1130.
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    Hope everyone is having an AWESOME day. I will be getting to the gym today--for SURE. I need to get some strength training in (I've been on the elliptical WAY too much and not lifting weights) but our exercise databse doesn't really calculate calories burned for this so I get a little discouraged when I don't get credit--lol :grumble: . Is there a way to figure out the calories burned with weight lifting?

    jklm--nice goals! I know you can do this--you are a motivated person!

    NewImproved: My day will be aweome with the accomplishment of getting to the gym and getting in my workout--I always feel better once I've done it.

    bluiz--love that you always put your goals out there everyday to be accountable and if I haven't already already told you--congratulations on your journey thus far--88 pounds lost is huge!

    Kristen: Thanks so much for putting all this together--the chart is awesome and this challenge is really helping me keep focused on my goals
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Great goals ladies!!!!

    gr8grl68-I sure hope this turns out to be a awesome day for you I feel awesome after a good gym workout as well!!!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    very good workout..for the most part i stayed within my fat buring zone(most of my cardio is spinning so i am not in the fat burning zone)80 minutes of light biking(16.5miles) and some wise have been on target(this part of the day is the most difficult)...water is awesome so far over 100oz. fruits done and again having 2 veggie serving with dinner....over all a good day...thank you all i love this group its keep me accountable...

    have a great evening
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Cleaned the house today for 3 hours. Got some good calories burned and now I
    am beat. Drank 8 glasses of water and still drinking.

    Going to relax tonight and watch Survivor.

    Have a great night everyone!!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    My goals have increased because our car died. So I am walking 8 plus miles more than my reg. walk. So 10 miles a day is my goal until Oct 1st
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hope everyone is having an AWESOME day. I will be getting to the gym today--for SURE. I need to get some strength training in (I've been on the elliptical WAY too much and not lifting weights) but our exercise databse doesn't really calculate calories burned for this so I get a little discouraged when I don't get credit--lol :grumble: . Is there a way to figure out the calories burned with weight lifting?

    I wear a heart rate monitor with a chest strap (a polar f6 or something like that?)... Because it knows my height, weight, age, resting heart rate & how hard my heart is working when I am working out, it can calculate calories burned. I think you can get them for somewhere around $70 (ish) dollars. I definitely recommend one with a chest strap as it gives continuous monitoring. For mine (it's also a watch) - I hit the exercise button, start.... and it records my heart rate the whole time I'm working out until I hit "stop" and then it tells me how many calories burned. It also communicates with many of the machines at the gym (treadmill, bike, elliptical) and displays your heart rate on the machine automatically - helps to let me know if I'm working hard enough or not...
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    "What are you going to do today to make it awesome?" - Hmmm... Most of the day was electronics related. But I did burn a lot of calories on the treadmill and elliptical and I did stay within my green numbers. :-) I haven't been as good with sleeping this week (See how I slack if I'm not held accountable?) and on Monday and Tuesday I didn't drink water as well as I should.

    I second the heart rate monitor!