Hubba Hubba for the Holidays (CLOSED GRP) - Part 2



  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hope everyone is having an AWESOME day. I will be getting to the gym today--for SURE. I need to get some strength training in (I've been on the elliptical WAY too much and not lifting weights) but our exercise databse doesn't really calculate calories burned for this so I get a little discouraged when I don't get credit--lol :grumble: . Is there a way to figure out the calories burned with weight lifting?

    I wear a heart rate monitor with a chest strap (a polar f6 or something like that?)... Because it knows my height, weight, age, resting heart rate & how hard my heart is working when I am working out, it can calculate calories burned. I think you can get them for somewhere around $70 (ish) dollars. I definitely recommend one with a chest strap as it gives continuous monitoring. For mine (it's also a watch) - I hit the exercise button, start.... and it records my heart rate the whole time I'm working out until I hit "stop" and then it tells me how many calories burned. It also communicates with many of the machines at the gym (treadmill, bike, elliptical) and displays your heart rate on the machine automatically - helps to let me know if I'm working hard enough or not...

    im with you amy i also use a polar f(something)...i had stopped(the battery needed replacement) and was using the MFP totals, they are WAY off from what my HRM my HRM....have a great day all , ill check in later:flowerforyou:
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    Thank you ladies! I did have a Timex HRM but the calories t said I burned were more than double what the machine said, so I gave it to my hubby :) I will be investing in a Polar specifically for women, I think its the ft7? Its on Santa's list, but maybe if I'm GOOD, he can bring it sooner! :tongue:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i have the polar ft7 and as long as it's not giving me trouble i love it....i think i need a new strap as i have not taken care of it as directed and i think i might have "gummed" up the sensors so they are funny sometimes...but i highly recommend mine...i will not workout without one now lol...
    Thank you ladies! I did have a Timex HRM but the calories t said I burned were more than double what the machine said, so I gave it to my hubby :) I will be investing in a Polar specifically for women, I think its the ft7? Its on Santa's list, but maybe if I'm GOOD, he can bring it sooner! :tongue:
  • FitJ1210
    Hi ladies :smile: .. This is off subject.. I'm thinking about ditching my scale after this Monday's w-in till Halloween Day (5 wks)? My weight has been yo-yoing the same few lbs for months and its very discouraging. If I do I'll be using a measuring tape and a pair of to tight jeans to keep track . Has anyone done this.. and had positive results? Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks!
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    Hi ladies :smile: .. This is off subject.. I'm thinking about ditching my scale after this Monday's w-in till Halloween Day (5 wks)? My weight has been yo-yoing the same few lbs for months and its very discouraging. If I do I'll be using a measuring tape and a pair of to tight jeans to keep track . Has anyone done this.. and had positive results? Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks!

    I think you should do what works for you. There's no 1 right way to do this! BTW, what's your secret for the great, fit arms I see in your avatar? Would love the secret to toning them up!
  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134
    Hi ladies :smile: .. This is off subject.. I'm thinking about ditching my scale after this Monday's w-in till Halloween Day (5 wks)? My weight has been yo-yoing the same few lbs for months and its very discouraging. If I do I'll be using a measuring tape and a pair of to tight jeans to keep track . Has anyone done this.. and had positive results? Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks!

    I weigh myself every week, well actually 2 times a weeks....on Thursdays because I started this diet on a Thursday and on Mondays for Hubba. But....I also take my measurements. The last time I dieted and lost weight, I did the same thing....take weekly measurements and weigh myself once a week. Truthfully, taking my measurements were so much more encouraging for me back then because even on weeks were the scale barely moved, I would lose inches as long as I was exercising and watching calorie intake.

    In just the 3 weeks since I started this diet, I have already lost 2.25 inches from my waist, 1.75 inches from my belly, 1.5 inches from my hips and 1.25 inches off each thigh. I am fitting comfortably now in jeans that were getting way too snug back in August. I still have some jeans that I had socked away that are way too tight....but I'm determined to get into them eventually.
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi ladies :smile: .. This is off subject.. I'm thinking about ditching my scale after this Monday's w-in till Halloween Day (5 wks)? My weight has been yo-yoing the same few lbs for months and its very discouraging. If I do I'll be using a measuring tape and a pair of to tight jeans to keep track . Has anyone done this.. and had positive results? Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks!

    I think that's a great idea. I think we all have to do what works for us. Lately, I've been weighing in everyday. I know it's not generally recommended - but I have "relapsed" so to say in the past. I used to tell myself after seeing a bad number "oh, I'll make that up this week!"... but with daily weigh-ins, if I start to get off track, I am nipping it in the bud asap.

    For you, if seeing that number yo-yo up & down is frustrating & discouraging you - then a break from the scale may lead to the "break-thru" you need! Some people build muscle mass better, and therefore the scale doesn't reflect their smaller and more toned body. Skinny jeans & a tape measure would capture this better.

    Have a great day all!


  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Just checking in....Congrats to all of the winners! Kristen, the chart looks great, as usual. Still working on getting my fruits & veggies in for the day. The extra 10 min will probably really help me. It's making me more aware about parking farther away from the door. Take care and have a great weekend!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i was considering doing this anyway and then switched to daily weighins instead lol....i would like to know if i make my mini goal of 169 by 10/13 (birthday) but it is not imperative that i know since i'm going to keep going forward doing what i know i'm supposed to do....

    anyway....if you want a partner in crime i'll do it with you....

    Hi ladies :smile: .. This is off subject.. I'm thinking about ditching my scale after this Monday's w-in till Halloween Day (5 wks)? My weight has been yo-yoing the same few lbs for months and its very discouraging. If I do I'll be using a measuring tape and a pair of to tight jeans to keep track . Has anyone done this.. and had positive results? Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks!
  • shannonaufman
    Hey scale ditchers... I've been thinking about doing the same thing. Let me know what you decide and I'll try my best.
  • FitJ1210
    Gr8grl68 I think your exactly right.. but what works for me is the? LOL !! My avatar is not me... I wish. I like it because I love CKB.. my DD and I took a class and had so much fun! I'd love to have those arms also... anything is possible... right? :smile:

    gmomlyn Inches lost vs lbs is the way to go... I just have to look at it differently. Kudo's to you on your inches lost!

    Amy "Oh, I'll make that up this week!" sounds to familiar! Thanks a "break- thru" is what is needed!

    Denise Yes.... that would be great, I'd love to have a partner in crime!!... the mystery would be called Skip... the scale!

    Shannon Yes, please join us! We can be... Scale Slaves Anonymous.... :laugh:

    Sorry I am excited.. this might be the answer... Thanks ladies!
  • Amyding115
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi ladies. Wow, this has been a crazy week, I haven't even posted in this new topic yet. I am SO ready for the weekend. Eating this week has been pretty good. Exercise has been so/so. Hubby wanted to do some running this week, so we ran on Tues. (but way less than we had been running- only about 1.5 miles), then Wed. got another 2 miles in. We are going again tonight, hopefully make it 3 miles (or at least close, LOL). Getting back into our pushup routine- we had been doing pushups each morning before work, only doing 20, but working on getting lower to the ground and hubby is now adding weight to his. I did 10 last night with a 10 pound weight plate on my back, it hurt, and I strained the shoulder a bit, but by this a.m. it seemed to be fine, so don't think I'll be doing the weight for a while, and will probably start with 5 pounds.

    I am wishing I could ditch the scale with ya'll, but I know myself, I'd lose my accountability and go way off track without my daily weigh ins. The scale and I aren't friends at the moment, but it seems like I always do this when I'm working on getting down to another decade (I'm trying to move from the 150s into the 140s), I just seem to sit and bounce right at that last pound before actually getting into the new middle number (I've now seen 149 four different times on the scale, but it sure won't stay there, ugh, so frustrating!!). I am getting signs that something is getting smaller though... I almost lost my wedding ring 2 times today! I need to get in and get it resized before it falls off my hand without me noticing. Hope ya'll have a great weekend, check in with you on Monday!

  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Hi ladies :smile: .. This is off subject.. I'm thinking about ditching my scale after this Monday's w-in till Halloween Day (5 wks)? My weight has been yo-yoing the same few lbs for months and its very discouraging. If I do I'll be using a measuring tape and a pair of to tight jeans to keep track . Has anyone done this.. and had positive results? Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks!

    I'm thinking this is a great idea. I have WAY to many scales at my disposal (work, gym, digital in the bathroom, and my Wii Fit). I use my Wii Fit for weigh ins once a week, but me and that digital scale are intimate. At LEAST once, sometimes twice a day I weigh on that thing and I know that's not good. I'd like to get to where I only weigh once a week. So, I think I will join you. I'm going to hand my digital over to a neutral party (my fiancee) and just simply weigh once a week on my Wii.
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Hi Ladies! Just checking in. This has been the worst week I've had for exercise in... I don't remember. I got a new computer yesterday and I always get them custom built, with no OS on it, so I have to put it back myself! Apparently I'm a masochist...;-) I do backup everything beforehand but then I always end up deciding to reinstall all the programs anyway since I want to change things around. So, long story shorter, I've been spending a lot of hours getting stuff off of the old computer (to pass it to my son), etc. and not taking time out for some of the things I'm supposed to. :/ My water has suffered some also but I've stayed in the green numbers all week. :-) I have burned around 1281 calories, so far, and I will definitely exercise tomorrow! I did weigh myself today and I'm down 1.2 from this last weigh in so that makes me happy. Especially since that put me to my mini goal for October 3rd!

    About the whole scale thing... How is that going to work for you staying with this challenge since we weigh in once a week? Measure once a week? I don't want to lose any of you but I think it would be helpful for you to have to be accountable somehow. Something to think about... I'm with Veronica (vallejos6) about the scale. For me, it definitely keeps me accountable to myself. I had some time in August where it wasn't moving. So I went back to the times where it was and wrote down my calories, exercised calories burned, water drank, etc. to see what I had done different so I could get myself back on track.

    I hope you all have a great weekend! Find yourself a picture of a nice body, in a beautiful dress (or outfit), cut off the head, and look at it every time you think about reaching for that food or drink that is going to derail you from the hubba hubba!

    P.S. I've done terrible with the fruit and veggies challenge this week also. :-(
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    I don't know about others. I just need to limit my scale time to once a week. I am obsessive about it, sometimes weighing twice a day. I don't want to completely ditch it....just get to the point where once a week I weigh on my WiiFit for weigh in and that's it.
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member

    09/10: 175
    09/17: 171.6
    09/24: 171.2

    Lol! .4
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member

    09/10: 175
    09/17: 171.6
    09/24: 171.2

    Lol! .4

    Definitely better than a gain! :happy:
  • FitJ1210
    Hi Ladies! Just checking in. This has been the worst week I've had for exercise in... I don't remember. I got a new computer yesterday and I always get them custom built, with no OS on it, so I have to put it back myself! Apparently I'm a masochist...;-) I do backup everything beforehand but then I always end up deciding to reinstall all the programs anyway since I want to change things around. So, long story shorter, I've been spending a lot of hours getting stuff off of the old computer (to pass it to my son), etc. and not taking time out for some of the things I'm supposed to. :/ My water has suffered some also but I've stayed in the green numbers all week. :-) I have burned around 1281 calories, so far, and I will definitely exercise tomorrow! I did weigh myself today and I'm down 1.2 from this last weigh in so that makes me happy. Especially since that put me to my mini goal for October 3rd!

    About the whole scale thing... How is that going to work for you staying with this challenge since we weigh in once a week? Measure once a week? I don't want to lose any of you but I think it would be helpful for you to have to be accountable somehow. Something to think about... I'm with Veronica (vallejos6) about the scale. For me, it definitely keeps me accountable to myself. I had some time in August where it wasn't moving. So I went back to the times where it was and wrote down my calories, exercised calories burned, water drank, etc. to see what I had done different so I could get myself back on track.

    I hope you all have a great weekend! Find yourself a picture of a nice body, in a beautiful dress (or outfit), cut off the head, and look at it every time you think about reaching for that food or drink that is going to derail you from the hubba hubba!

    P.S. I've done terrible with the fruit and veggies challenge this week also. :-(

    Kristen I'm still staying if that is ok? I'm not quite sure how this is going to work but.. I need to put my focus to my work outs and cleaning up my eating. With the tape measure and my semi -skinny jeans help hopefully it will see me through. I'll weigh- in Monday morn and keep my numbers the same till the 10/31 weigh-in. - 1.2 lbs your a champion!

    Scarlettdawn764 Once a week is terrific!
  • nwohler
    nwohler Posts: 55 Member
    I weigh in once a week, on Friday so I can fully appreciate my hard work (or lack there of). I can't stand to weigh myself daily, it drives me crazy!

    I'm down 1.1 pounds, WOO-HOO! And already below my first mini goal. YEAH!!

    I did horrible with the fruit/veggie challenge this week :grumble: But there's always next week

    09/05: 231.3
    09/12: 227.3
    09/19: 226.4
    09/26: 225.3
    10/03: Mini Goal 226
    10/31: Mini Goal 221
    11/28: Mini Goal 216
    12/24: Final Goal 210

    Good Luck to everyone, I hope your name gets highlighted!:wink: