Dear annoying person



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Dear visiting employee in the next cube over,

    Your normal talking voice is LOUD, you break my concentration about every 10 minutes as soon as you start speaking, I can handle everyone else but you are LOUD . . . so just shut it, for a little, emkay? Oh, but first please announce to the floor that the next person who clips their nails at their desk is going to get tackled and beaten, thanksomuch.

    Feeling Fiesty
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Dear annoying co-workers,

    I'm tired of your laughing and gossiping about how ugly Jay-z and Beyonce baby will be. I'm tired of you being such asshats you cannot even return my good morning. I'm tired of you making the most disgusting noises you can.

    I can't stand any of you. :)

    Poor you! They do sound like complete 'asshats'.......people who talk like that are just pathetic and don't have enough intelligence to think of anything better to say...

    the ringleaders favorite thing to say as she snorts and cackles
    "I'm just bein' real"

    Yes, you are being real. A real b*tch. :)
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    Dear "Just About Everybody" -

    Please do not question, guess or continue to spread rumors about my motives or the reasons that I have chosen to loose weight and get into better shape.

    *Oh, and for those who scoff at me (becuase you can't get yourself motivated) - knock it off !!!

    If you want to know the reasons . . . just ask me !!!!
  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
    Dear Moofey,

    That sound is me trying to scratch my butt. My stomach and love handles are in the way and I can't reach around and get it, so I have to drag my butt across the carpet.

    Please be more understanding.


    You can always just ask someone to scratch your big ol butt!
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    dear annoying co-worker that thinks he is invinsible to getting in trouble so he goes around a sarcastically calls people fat and tells them how *****y they are etc., etc....GRRR...please go away or get fired or something!:explode:
  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
    Hey guys can't we all be nice? :(
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Dear co-workers,

    Please clean up your mess in the bathroom. I would hate to see what your houses look like. So when you leave s*hit-stains in toliet, please for the love of everything holy there is bathroom cleaner and the scrubber. Put them to use. That is just foul. Do not leave pee drops on the ring. I do not want to wipe up your pee. There is also Febreeze spray RIGHT ABOVE the sink.

    Thank you ever so kindly,

    One clean b*itch

    PS - If you put a soda in the will explode. Cans included.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Hey guys can't we all be nice? :(

    I've tried nice.

    Ever tried working with people so self absorbed they won't return your good morning, will not even look at you when you speak. It's me and one other woman they do this to.

    And the difference between the two of us and them makes me sad. :(
    Because I'm the nicest person ever.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hey guys can't we all be nice? :(

    How long have you been surfing internet forums?

    Because the short answer is No.

    The long answer is ***** I'LL CUT YOU DON'T YOU BE TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!! <--- Internet humor is the best
  • PBJunkie
    Earphones people =) Luckily I don't have any of these issues at work.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Dear self absorbed fake b!tch *kitten* HR Manager,

    Gee, I would hate to be your enemy if you treat your friends this way. I appreciate you undermining me every step of the way during this very difficult negotiation. Turns out, you've been screwing me the whole time. Should of known. I hope my piss poor job of training you on some of my job duties causes you to fall on your face. Because, FYI, there's a lot I did not mention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • kaycee526
    kaycee526 Posts: 56 Member
    Dear Family of my ICU patient,
    I am not your personal secretary or waitress. It is NOT my job to fax your paperwork, or find you phone numbers or bring the 20 members of your family beverages and food. I am an ICU nurse and my job involves keeping your loved one alive NOT serving you and making your life more convenient.
    Thanks, Your ICU Nurse
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Dear annoying woman insisting I apologize to her,

    Just because you're louder and more emotionally expressive (needy) does not mean you're right. You are not. You just don't listen and spent way to much time in theater class. No apologies for you!

    Now can I have that sandwich?
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    Dear person that does not know how to use search.

    Yes you should eat back your exercise calories. In fact doctors recomend a slow drip of intravenous simple syrup and vodka to replenish what you burned

    There are other people on here doing c25k and p90X its a fitness site imagine that!!

    No the blended cabbage and raw hamburger diet is probably not the best choice

    Sex is fun but doesn't' burn that many calories
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Dear Fake-Happy Woman,

    Please stop being so loud, calling everyone "sweety" and "lovey" and when talking to customers you shouldn't say "aw honey, i love ya!" I get in early to have a nice quiet morning to "work" (be on MFP) and you just started coming in the same time. You are testing my patience.

    Also, the 80s called and they want their puffy bangs back. And you look like Avatar. Please fix this so I don't stare at you with my eyes squinted.


    Ms. Call-me-sweety-one-more-time-you'll-meet-my-rusty-butter-knife-and-get-lock-jaw
    I just remembered why I fell in love with Skitty many months ago.

    Dear annoying and awkward flamboyant roommate,

    Please, try to refrain from taking showers with your boyfriend who looks like he's twelve years old when we are home because it's really gross and awkward when the two of you come out of the bathroom together and we have to see his little body (concave chest with no hair) wet and wrapped in a towel. I understand he's actually 25, but still, it makes me think of pedophilia.

    Also, I mean it. You should get a haircut. Your whimsical pasty white boy afro isn't attractive. And no matter what they have told you in improv classes, it doesn't make you funny. Neither do the improv classes, apparently.


    The Other Roommates.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Dear person that does not know how to use search.

    Sex is fun but doesn't' burn that many calories

    Bad news bud.... you're doing it wrong.

  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    Dear Co-Workers -

    I adore you. You all usually make my working day a whole lot better. However, please for the love of all that is unholy, stop eating that crap you call lunch at your desks. We have a break room for that. I can smell your fries from here and it makes me not want to eat my healthy lunch.

    Thank you.

    Yours sincerly,

    Sad Panda
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Earphones people =) Luckily I don't have any of these issues at work.

    It's against company policy.
    I so wish it was not.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    While I am trying to work you are making a ton of noise... What ever you are doing on the other side of the wall can you please stop.. It sounds like you are taking a freaking floor buffer to carpet.... Thats enough...

    You can write to a person that is annoying you too :)

    I used to sit across the wall from someone that clipped his nails every single morning for the first 15 minutes a day - he must have had claws. It got so bad that the girl that sat next to me started throwing things at him until he stopped. It was worse than fingernails on the chalk board.
  • katieruns
    Dear annoying co-worker,

    How do you, every time you answer your phone, manage to sound like Little Bo Peep AND a phone sex worker at the same time??? Change your tone, please!! It's maddening!!!