Motivated Mama's ( Closed Group)



  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I forgot to add in my emotional challenge to my intro...oops! I was pretty lost at first waking up Wednesday morning and knowing that I wasnt going to have new challenges. I took a few days off in between walking outside and enjoying the fresh air, I didnt really eat anything bad, I just didnt work out as much, but I did end up having a loss so I guess all around it wasnt so bad.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    So this is a funny little tid bit, so is it Mommas or Mama's? I looked it up and there is no real answer just thought it was funny we spelled it 2 different ways.:laugh:
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    So this is a funny little tid bit, so is it Mommas or Mama's? I looked it up and there is no real answer just thought it was funny we spelled it 2 different ways.:laugh:
    Ha! After this I checked a few online dictionaries.. and sure enough, they all work. I prefer mama... but they're all good!

    Too funny..
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    So I want to get everyone involved in preparing the challenges so for next week I need:

    Momof2_0710 & amyelizbradley to come up with a cardio Challenge

    LoveNevrNds & Linake11 to come up with the Strength challenge

    sisa2324 & SunshineKB to come up with the Food Challenge

    circusmom & mom2caelebncasyn to come up with the emotional challenge

    Send it to me on my profile in a msg and I will put it together and post it, every week I will assign teams to come up with some part of the challenge, I think this will help keep it interesting.

    Thank you in Advance ladies!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Hello again!
    I didn't see the emotional challenge before, so here it goes.

    Not having a challenge to follow last week was actually refreshing. I LOVE the challenge and the support of everyone, but it was nice having a week off where I didn't feel guilty if I didn't work out. I still worked out twice at the gym and then took a long walk with my son. I did great eating and only went over my calories once. Overall I think it was nice to take a breather and relax a little, but now I am ready to get started again!!!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Hello, I'm Nathalie, I'm in England, I have a beautiful 9 month old girl, Emily! I've just returned to university to finish my History degree and after that I'm going to train to be a teacher! I've lost just over 30lbs so far and am JUST over having a healthy BMI atm. But going back to uni is really REALLY stressful and I'm going to really struggle to stay on track in the next few weeks and months, will need all the support I can get! :(

    Exercise-wise I do Zumba once a week, I try to swim once a week and I walk as much as possible. I've also just taken up pilates and joined the gym so going to try and do a bit more. I can't do too much as broke my ankle a few years ago and can't do anything high-impact as it plays up again!

    I really love this group, especially the interesting and diverse challenges that I would never have thought of myself!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    For me having no challenge wasn't good as I didn't feel obliged to come and check in and so ended up not logging in the end! Ooops! Glad to be back into it!
  • megcc
    megcc Posts: 92 Member
    HI everyone. I'm the SAHM to a wonderful little girl who will be 13 months on Saturday. I'm married to a great man who is a wonderful husband and Dad.
    We went through infertility treatments to get pregnant and I gained around 10 lbs during that year. I tend to be an emotional eater and it was a very difficult time for me.
    I did really well when I was pregnant and didn't gain much (~8 lbs), I was very motivated to eat well while I was pregnant. But that 18 lbs needs to go, I've lost 3 and I'm ready to loose the rest!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi I'm Jennifer, I'm 26 yrs old and I'm a student/sahm to a almost 2 yr old boy, Chris. I also have a 5yr old girl who is in kinder this year, Brianna. I've been married for 2.5 years, but with my husband for 11 years. We live just west of Houston, TX. I also started going back to school. I started my journey when my size 11 pants were fitting really tight and I refused to go buy a bigger size pants. Last challenge I lost 10lbs and finished the 30 Day Shred, this challenge I'm aiming for a weight loss of at least 7lbs and to finish the insanity workout as well. I did the fit test last night and wow that was a workout. This group has helped me so much with the motivation and support I need. Without it I think I would have gave up already.

    Emotional Challenge:

    The rest week was good for me because it made me realize that I wont always have a group challenge to follow and I needed to make myself accountable for my eating and exercises. I think I needed a little break to realize that. I kept up with my exercises since I'm training for a 5k and I also did some of the butt bible workout.

    Last weigh in: 150
    M/M 1st weigh in: 149
    Loss: 1lb Yayy!!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Okay ~ I have completed the day! Yay!

    Input your calories Burned each day(possible 7 points, 1 per day) ~ Done

    Strength and Food Challenge: 1 point for each per day ( possible 14 points, 2 per Day)
    Nutrition - Under Carbs ~ Done
    Exercise - 25 (per side) Hip Flexor ( ~ Done!

    So ... that would be 3 points for the day, right?

    I'm a SAHM to 2 kids. My son is in Kindergarten and my daughter is in Pre-School. He's all day and she only goes in the morning. I am trying to do my exercise in the mornings! Weekends are gonna be harder now. Another good reason for me to be in this challenge! My husband is not doing weekend coverage, but will be on call. My kids have flag football every Saturday morning starting this weekend! Oh and Sunday's are all about Football here! I need to snack wisely on Sunday's!! So glad this is back up and started. I'm gonna need it!

    Here we go ladies!! WOOHOO!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Forgot my emo challenge earlier:

    This past week was hard. Partially because I missed the challenge but also because of work stress. I've always been an emotional eater so it was hard to stay on track but I didn't go over any day - just made a few less than stellar choices. Overall, I missed the accountability. Glad to be back!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Here is a good demonstration on how to take your measurments.

    Hope this helps, I didn't include my "love Handles" in my first waist measurment, so that added some major inches darn it!

    Ugh it added to my waist 2!!! when I looked up how to take measurements for the 30 day shred it did not say to add the love handles. But I guess this is a good thing because now I know what I need to work on more!
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    I am Louana, most of my friends call me Louie. I have three kids, 13, 11, and 6. Last year I finished a Master's degree in Elementary Education and am teaching Kindergarten this school year. I am loving my job so far!
    With the last challenge I managed to lose 10lbs, which one of my teacher friends noticed! YAY! After finishing school I no longer had an excuse not to work out. I didn't have homework I was up doing till 11pm so I had time to workout, and I was so sick of seeing myself in the mirror and seeing what I lovingly call pre-rolls...not quite a roll but definitely headed that direction. I was also having (and still am a little) trouble with my knees. I was so happy to find this group to keep me motivated and accountable!

    The I was unable to participate much for the last week of the last challenge because I didn't have my computer and I wasn't able to get on to the message board and converse with everyone and get that motivation that I was seriously lacking. So while I haven't lost, I haven't gained. I kept my eating fairly decent, and managed not to go over calories, but I only worked out maybe 3-4 times in the past two weeks. I really need to get back into doing it every day. I felt so much better when I was! Looking forward to this new challenge! :-)
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    hey ladies I saw another post on here for a free 2yr sub to fitness magazine. the link is and when you sign use the promo code: PARENTING8.

    When you sign up validate the code. The promo is for a 2 yr sub to fitness magazine for $7 but when you use the promo code it gives you an $8 credit. So its free. I just ordered mine so it works. Just wanted to share this with you ladies.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I have a doubt in the spreadsheet, how do we update the points for emotional challenge, do we add it up on a day's score?
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Got all my points today. :-) Have a good night!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Entered Calories burned: Complete
    Under Carbs: Complete
    Hip Flexors: Complete

    Day 2 of insanity was well insane. I also did level 2 lower for the butt bible and did my training for the 5k. I'm feeling quite accomplished today. Hope you ladies had a good day as well.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Elaine, and I'm a WAHM to my 2 year old and 6 year old in rural Manitoba. I do home daycare and have a home based direct selling ( home parties and such) clothing business as well.. so things often get a little hairy! Hubby is always working away from home too ( only home 2 weekends a month) so I'm virtually a single parent...and am grateful that I live in the same yard as my parents!

    I've been dealing with my weight almost as long as I can remember.. I was always one of the "bigger girls" in our class, and then after high school gained the "freshman fifteen ( *cough* forty *cough), fluctuated a few years, lost a bunch, had babies and gained it all back (twice), and am now dealing with the aftermath. I can without a doubt say that I'm in a better mental place than I was about myself back then-- gaining a little perspective can be a huge deal!! I know that I'm more fit now than I have been since high school, I eat SIGNIFICANTLY cleaner ( if you haven't seen my diary.. well, it's pretty "home grown"!!), and I know that letting my mind and body catch up to each other in this process is a huge factor. Definitely more than ever, it really is a lifestyle change!!

    I got the challenges done for today too-- thanks again, Karie! Although, I didn't get all my points-- blasted carbs!!! I adjusted my percentages as per a Jillian Micheal's book I have.. and it certainly makes me know what I'm eating!!

    And for the Emotional challenge-- Yipes.. this week. I was actually very relieved not to have a challenge this week-- it gave me a chance to figure out what was going on with my body without worrying about how my weigh- in would be affected. I did still exercise ( although, not as much) and for the most part kept my eating on track. As most of you know, my week ended up in personal turmoil too, so I think not having to worry about this for a bit made things easier for me as well. Plus, the side benefit is that now there's the renewed energy rush that comes with a new challenge!

    And, I will do my measurements tomorrow.. I swear.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member

    I have a doubt in the spreadsheet, how do we update the points for emotional challenge, do we add it up on a day's score?

    Yes, just add it on the day you completed it.

    I also added the bonus point line this will be for the highest calorie burning duo and I was also thinking about changeing the highest weightloss to the highest weight loss percentage so that you smaller people had a chance at winning it.

    If anyone knows how to make the weigh in spreadsheet reflect the percentage each week that would be helpful.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Thank you all for your re-intro's. I love reading them all. It is awesome that in so many ways we are alike yet we are all unique. I am so glad I have all of you to inspire me along the way.

    My name is Karie and I am a SAHM to a 18 month old little guy. I return to work on Sept. 28th and I am not to excited about that.
    I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in 2005, I had a full thyroidectomy at that time and I went through 3 Radiation treatments. My doctor tells me he can not say I am in remission but that my cancer is contained, I go and get checked every 6 months. I started gaining weight back when I was a Junior or Senior in High School and I was always large chested since 6th Grade. After my thyroidectomy I thought I would finally be able to lose this weight but instead I gained another 30lbs then got pregnant. So here I am working as hard and healthy as I can to have my outside match my inside.
    Having my son ignited a fire within me to become a better person, I want to be here for as long as I can for him. My Dad is only 60 and he is in horrible health.(He isn't over weight)
    I am one of 6 girls in my family and I am the heaviest, I am tired of looking at our pictures and being the big one. I am tired of people saying your sisters are so beautiful, sometimes they include me but it is hard for me to accept it being "the big one".
    This is the first time in my life I have lost this much weigh doing it the right way so I am excited to see how far I can go.

    I started SAHM Unite because I didn't want to feel alone in this journey anymore, I wanted to have women to relate to. My Husband is a pretty good listener but lets face it I don't think he could "relate" at all. I am so glad that SAHM Unite has now turned into Motivated Mama's, I believe we are one strong group!

    Emo Challenge:
    As alot of you know I had some family issues this week so not having the challenge was nice for that reason. It was a hectic week. On the other hand I did miss the accountability, I didn't work out as hard or eat as well. I am just glad we have come back together and we have a new energy about this and we are ready to kick some *ss!