Motivated Mama's ( Closed Group)



  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Cardio ~ Done
    Nutrition - Under Fat ~ Done like dinner.. ( har har..)
    Exercise - 50 bicycle crunches Done

    Nothing too thrilling today, except that I had extra daycare kids, so things were a little more hectic than usual.. but it's all good ( and done!!). Got my workout in for today this evening, after the kids were in bed. I'm practically at my spreadsheet goal already, but will still keep going strong for the rest of the week-- I made myself a goal of walking the equivalent of 75 miles in September. So, now that the final stretch is coming in.. eeek! I'll have to push, but I'm so close!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Cardio ~ Done
    Nutrition - Under Fat ~ Dang it! I was over! :grumble:
    Exercise - 50 bicycle crunches Done

    Had a good nsv today! My mom bought me some pants last xmas and they didn't fit too well when I got them and then I gained even more weight and they really didn't fit so I just put them up. Well today I tried them on and they fit great! I didn't have no muffin top or anything. Everything was in place as it should be lol. I was soooo happy. I told my hubby and he was happy for me but he really didnt get why i was soo excited. But anyway, I'm glad I'm seeing and feeling the results of all my hard work. Hope you ladies had a good day!
    Whoohoo!! Awesome!!!! I have a drawer of "skinny pants".. it's awesome getting to pull them out! ( and really, much better than "fat-me-downs'!!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I eat some of my burned calories back...otherwise i'm only getting like 900 cals a day and MFP yells at me. :-) I've don't the 6 small meals a day, and it was hard for me to do it because of my schedule and stuff. I just don't think it's kosher to eat in front of my kids at school when they can't. I usually get 3 meals and a snack.

    I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend! I am about to finally eat dinner, and later get in my crunches and yoga!

    I eat most of my calories back usually, but that's after some interesting experimenting too. Really, you need to figure out what works best for you ( which I realize, is the most annoying answer! Lol..)

    I've never had MFP yell at me.. EVER. And at the beginning, there were days when my net would be like 500 cals! Am I missing this??
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Cardio ~ Done
    Nutrition - Under Fat ~ Dang it! I was over! :grumble:
    Exercise - 50 bicycle crunches Done

    Had a good nsv today! My mom bought me some pants last xmas and they didn't fit too well when I got them and then I gained even more weight and they really didn't fit so I just put them up. Well today I tried them on and they fit great! I didn't have no muffin top or anything. Everything was in place as it should be lol. I was soooo happy. I told my hubby and he was happy for me but he really didnt get why i was soo excited. But anyway, I'm glad I'm seeing and feeling the results of all my hard work. Hope you ladies had a good day!

    Thats an awesome NSV! Congrats!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Got everything done today, and I was under fat. Also had no problem getting over 1200 calories. Planning on going for a run early in the morning I'll let you ladies know how that works out since I am the farthest thing from a morning person! Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    @ Lynda, When I read your post and read #3 I thought, yeah maybe that's why I've been so tired the last few days(I even took a nap with my son the last two days), but for me nope thats not what it was.
    Two weeks ago all three kids and the hubby were sick, sore throat, nasty stuffed up nose, body aches. It never fails I get sick a week after they all get better.
    Got up this morning at 5am, started to do leg extentions at 70lbs, and couldn't lift it. Best I could do was 50lbs, I was like forget it!! I'm going back to bed. If my body can't lift the amount I built up to them I need rest. I'll try again when the kids lay down for nap. Maybe I'll feel better after I'm up and moving for awhile, and have taken some meds.

    Oh and I have to feel better by tonite or tomorrow nite, we have passes to go to Howl-O-scream at Busch Gardens, and I'm not missing that!!! The hubby can push me around the park in a wheel chair before I miss that!!

    I have noticed for myself, when the energy is just NOT there that it sometimes can be what/ how I am eating; for example, I can stay under my calories yet not make the best choices in terms of types of food & timing of food and then I end up feeling "icky" with less than ideal workouts. Adequate hydration is also a key in that equation. Hope you had fun at Busch Gardens!!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I eat some of my burned calories back...otherwise i'm only getting like 900 cals a day and MFP yells at me. :-) I've don't the 6 small meals a day, and it was hard for me to do it because of my schedule and stuff. I just don't think it's kosher to eat in front of my kids at school when they can't. I usually get 3 meals and a snack.

    I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend! I am about to finally eat dinner, and later get in my crunches and yoga!

    I eat most of my calories back usually, but that's after some interesting experimenting too. Really, you need to figure out what works best for you ( which I realize, is the most annoying answer! Lol..)

    I've never had MFP yell at me.. EVER. And at the beginning, there were days when my net would be like 500 cals! Am I missing this??

    It's really important for your health/ fitness to at least eat the minimum number of calories recommended; you'll know if you need to eat more/ eat differently based on what your body tells you (emotional hunger/ behavioral craving vs. a nutritional need). I often pack a good quality protein bar (I am currently addicted to the Z Bars for kids made by Kashi) in my purse and have it as a snack when I need it. I also am currently experimenting with some protein bar recipes of my own in order to save money & to make the healthiest snack option possible. Ultimately, for myself, I have found that by not eating "responsibly", I sabotage my efforts at health/ fitness and that's when I binge or make REALLY bad choices.

    All the best to you!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Cardio ~ Done
    Nutrition - Under Fat ~ Dang it! I was over! :grumble:
    Exercise - 50 bicycle crunches Done

    Had a good nsv today! My mom bought me some pants last xmas and they didn't fit too well when I got them and then I gained even more weight and they really didn't fit so I just put them up. Well today I tried them on and they fit great! I didn't have no muffin top or anything. Everything was in place as it should be lol. I was soooo happy. I told my hubby and he was happy for me but he really didnt get why i was soo excited. But anyway, I'm glad I'm seeing and feeling the results of all my hard work. Hope you ladies had a good day!

    Yay girl!! That's wonderful!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Cardio ~ Done
    Nutrition - Under Fat ~ Done
    Exercise - 50 bicycle crunches Done
    ( I actually did 100, wow those are a great workout! My 18 month old son kept saying "bike, bike" then he thought I was on the floor for his amusement, he was laughing at me and sitting on my face, I couldn't help but laugh)

    Cannot believe I stayed under Fat, only by 3. I have been having a rough week, I think it is mainly due to the fact I go back to work on the 28th. It's a bummer because I thought I had my emotional eating more under control but know I see I need to work on it a lot more. I am obsessing over it way to much, I have a seasonal job and I go throught this every year but before I would just eat al of it away but now I am having a war within myself about it. I have been having good days and bad but I know I need to just get over it, there are alot worse things in life.
    Anyway, hope all of you had a great day!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    So I want to get everyone involved in preparing the challenges so for next week I need:

    Momof2_0710 & amyelizbradley to come up with a cardio Challenge

    LoveNevrNds & Linake11 to come up with the Strength challenge

    sisa2324 & SunshineKB to come up with the Food Challenge

    circusmom & mom2caelebncasyn to come up with the emotional challenge

    Send it to me on my profile in a msg and I will put it together and post it, every week I will assign teams to come up with some part of the challenge, I think this will help keep it interesting.

    Thank you in Advance ladies!

    GREAT idea; I definitively agree! Okay here's my contribution for next week:

    Cardio challenge ideas = for a minimum of 3 days, do a different cardio exercise AND maintain a range of 60% - 70% of your maximum heart rate (optimal for fat loss) for 20 minutes minimum, not including a warm-up & cool down, (this can be a collective total, i.e. you can do intervals). Check out the link for a Reference Guide to Aerobic Exercise and a "Target Heart Rate" calculator.

    Hope that this is what you are looking for!
    Thanks Karie!

    This is great! As long as I can figure out my heart rate, I don't have an HRM.
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Boy oh boy what a day!! I did a lot of cleaning today, and my little man decided not to nap today so exercising was not the easiest thing to do! I was under my fat today, and did the 50 bicycle crunches - ouch! I always forget how hard those are until I start them!!! I am trying to work up the energy to do yoga tonight, hopefully I find it somewhere!! LOL

    I have been struggling with getting in enough water, and in turn with water retention. Does anyone have any tips?!?!

    I have a insulated water bottle that hold 64 oz. of water (the minimum required for a day) and keep it with me at all times. I also add an electrolyte which makes it a little easier for me to drink taste wise and makes my hydration much more efficient (I use Nuun tabs;; electrolytes are very important too if you are sweating a lot; they are integral to our health!

    I also am a Diet Coke addict but I only allow myself one per day; however, I do not have a diet coke UNLESS over 75% oh my water bottle is empty; mind games, I know!

    As for water retention, de-hydration can definitely effect that and also keep a close eye on your salt & caffeine intake.

    Good luck!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Friday:
    Cardio: done walked around Busch Gardens for 3 hours for Howl-O-Scream (this year it was lame, we even left early).
    Strength: Done, but thats all I got done. Did not get my strength training in, too sick. (Saved my energy for Busch Gardens)
    Nutrition: :( , I can never stay under my fat, part of doing low carb, I don't watch my fat.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    @ Lynda, When I read your post and read #3 I thought, yeah maybe that's why I've been so tired the last few days(I even took a nap with my son the last two days), but for me nope thats not what it was.
    Two weeks ago all three kids and the hubby were sick, sore throat, nasty stuffed up nose, body aches. It never fails I get sick a week after they all get better.
    Got up this morning at 5am, started to do leg extentions at 70lbs, and couldn't lift it. Best I could do was 50lbs, I was like forget it!! I'm going back to bed. If my body can't lift the amount I built up to them I need rest. I'll try again when the kids lay down for nap. Maybe I'll feel better after I'm up and moving for awhile, and have taken some meds.

    Oh and I have to feel better by tonite or tomorrow nite, we have passes to go to Howl-O-scream at Busch Gardens, and I'm not missing that!!! The hubby can push me around the park in a wheel chair before I miss that!!

    I have noticed for myself, when the energy is just NOT there that it sometimes can be what/ how I am eating; for example, I can stay under my calories yet not make the best choices in terms of types of food & timing of food and then I end up feeling "icky" with less than ideal workouts. Adequate hydration is also a key in that equation. Hope you had fun at Busch Gardens!!

    Nope, lack of strength was definitely due to being sick. As the day went on the head cold and body aches got worse. Woke up this morning feeling like my head is filled with cement. I will be able to do my challenges but until my strength comes back I skip strength training.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I hope you feel better today, my son and I are still sick, it has made for a trying week. Take it easy and get well soon.
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Cardio ~ Done
    Nutrition - Under Fat ~ Done like dinner.. ( har har..)
    Exercise - 50 bicycle crunches Done

    Nothing too thrilling today, except that I had extra daycare kids, so things were a little more hectic than usual.. but it's all good ( and done!!). Got my workout in for today this evening, after the kids were in bed. I'm practically at my spreadsheet goal already, but will still keep going strong for the rest of the week-- I made myself a goal of walking the equivalent of 75 miles in September. So, now that the final stretch is coming in.. eeek! I'll have to push, but I'm so close!

    You are doing awesome!! Great goal too!
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Got everything done today, and I was under fat. Also had no problem getting over 1200 calories. Planning on going for a run early in the morning I'll let you ladies know how that works out since I am the farthest thing from a morning person! Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

    Did you get your run in this morning? I was going to go hiking with a friend this morning, but that was moved to tomorrow. :-) I am not a morning person either. :-)
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    I've never had MFP yell at me.. EVER. And at the beginning, there were days when my net would be like 500 cals! Am I missing this??

    MFP only yells at you if your calorie intake is below 1200.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    I was planning on getting up early this morning and getting my walk in, but I had 2 things going against me: it was cold and my one pair of "workout" pants were dirty from yesterday (the downside from dropping a size 24 to a 10- no clothes) and my muscles still hurt from yesterday's walk/run. DH said I need to remember to stretch...gotta keep that in mind. So today so far has been garage sale shopping. I got a few shirts for a quarter a piece :). And as soon as Casyn wakes up from his nap, I'm taking both boys with me to Kohls to get pants for Caeleb for school. I'll either do some exercising this evening or today will be my rest day.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Cardio ~ Done
    Nutrition - Under Sodium ~ Nope ... Didn't make it today!
    Exercise - 50 Bridges ~ Done

    Logged on the spread sheets too!

    Busy day here today. Tomorrow will be my off day for cardio workout. I have a family thing to do mid day and then we will be watching the Ravens game. I will do the exercise, but I can't see getting my cardio workout in. I should have a rest day anyway! Maybe I can find something else to count. ;)

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi ladies hope you all are having a great weekend. Today is my off day for exercising! I hope I can stay under my calories and sodium. I will probably to the bridges later tonight when I get back from my inlaws.