Motivated Mama's ( Closed Group)



  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    Alright time for me to do some backlogging at some point tomorrow! I am finding it very difficult to get the time together to sit down and log all this stuff! I am hoping it's not going to prove to be too much for me right now cause I love you ladies and wanna be a part of it with you!! :) Hope everyone had a great day today! My friend left tonight; then I went almost straight to Zumba...helped get my mind off of being sad she's gone =/
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Alright time for me to do some backlogging at some point tomorrow! I am finding it very difficult to get the time together to sit down and log all this stuff! I am hoping it's not going to prove to be too much for me right now cause I love you ladies and wanna be a part of it with you!! :) Hope everyone had a great day today! My friend left tonight; then I went almost straight to Zumba...helped get my mind off of being sad she's gone =/

    No worries the challenge is here to help you not stress you so just do it when you have a minute. Great job deciding to vent with Zumba! You are doing fantastic!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Went over my cals by ten today! Absolutely gutted! 1 less piece of choccie and I would have got the point, grr!

    Having a really bad/stressful time atm with going back to uni, really struggling to keep up with the whole weightloss/exercise thing. It's really disheartening, I've done so well and now feel like I'm throwing it all away as when I try and get my work done I just feel compelled to eat & snack and I get really stressed out if I can't. My meals are still healthy so that's good but I'm just snacking again when I haven't snacked for months :-( And I don't have time for exercise really apart from my weekly classes, Zumba and pilates.

    Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things soon and get it sorted! :(

    I think alot of us have had this kind of week, it will pass. You will adjust (atleast that is what my good friend Lynda keeps telling me) I go back to work this Thursday and I am worried about the adjustment for sure, just remember taking care of you first will make taking care of everything else better. Hang in there Girl, you got this!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I got all of my points today.... I was really glad that I had the chance to get out and workout today. I feel a lot better than I did last week, still not quite myself yet, but I am sure it will pass. My plan tomorrow is to workout with a DVD and then walk to and from the park (3 miles total not to mention the playing at the park!) with my sweet boy!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Loving Mondays (really, it's true!)... Body Pump & Cardio Kickboxing with an awesome instructor! LOVE it!

    MO. 9/25 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    Input calories burned? yes
    Points: 6/7
    Nutrition: Under calories? WOW, why yes I was!
    Exercise: 25 Tricep Dips with Bent Knees? yes
    Points: 11/14
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Alright time for me to do some backlogging at some point tomorrow! I am finding it very difficult to get the time together to sit down and log all this stuff! I am hoping it's not going to prove to be too much for me right now cause I love you ladies and wanna be a part of it with you!! :) Hope everyone had a great day today! My friend left tonight; then I went almost straight to Zumba...helped get my mind off of being sad she's gone =/

    Trust me, you've got this! :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I am totally struggling...I just can't say no to food right now!!! I don't know what the deal is.....

    Can someone explain how this is going to work just to make sure I understand....I really don't want to disappoint!!

    There is something you need, pure and simple and it is NOT food... try and be still with yourself- think of what you could be truly needing at the moment... YOU are worth every step it takes, every drop of sweat, ever ounce of will power it will take to make this happen; in the end, no matter what happens, whether you have a good self control day or a not so good one, love yourself wherever you are that day; I know we do!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Cardio - Done
    Dips - Done
    Under Cals: Not finished logging yet, but most likely will be

    So I finished Week 1 of Insanity and I am so loving it. Its very hard, but i'm doing the best that I can. I now have 7 more weeks left. Can't wait to see what kind of results I will have.

    Ummm, I hope you are taking before, in progress, and then after pictures!

    Way to go! My partner ROCKS! :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    For Monday:
    Cardio- None today, still pretty sick, try tomorrow
    Strength- Dips, done
    Nutrition- under cals, done

    Truly hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Cardio ~ No workout, but I did some walking!
    Nutrition - Under Carbs ~ Done
    Exercise - 50 skater squats ~ Done

    Cardio ~ Oh ... yeah .. DONE!
    Nutrition - Under calories ~ Done
    Exercise - 25 Tricep Dips with Bent Knees ~ Done

    Just checking in! I also updated the spreadsheets!! Yay!

    Way to go!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Hi, My name is Amanda. I am a military wife. My daughter is 8 weeks old.I have had some trouble getting motivated to get back into the swing of things. I used to go to the gym 5 days a week and work out for at least 1 hour, not to mention had a really good diet. I had already lost 15 lbs when I got sick and had to stop exercising. After I got over that (about 6 weeks later), I found out I was pregnant and just didn't have the motivation to start back at that point. I had a bout of depression around the same time due to moving to a new place, where I had no family and no friends. I was unemployed and kept getting rejected by possible employers. I have since started working (and returned to work post pregnancy) to a full time job as a probation officer. I do not have access to a gym that offers day care during times that I can go and I prefer exercising in a gym. It keeps me honest. Exercising in the home is possible but not something I am very famliar with. I have and pull up bar and a body ball to work with right now. I did not want to invest a lot of money into something if I wasn't going to stick with it. I hoping I can get the support to keep things going.

    Welcome! I am SO glad that you joined us!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Went over my cals by ten today! Absolutely gutted! 1 less piece of choccie and I would have got the point, grr!

    Having a really bad/stressful time atm with going back to uni, really struggling to keep up with the whole weightloss/exercise thing. It's really disheartening, I've done so well and now feel like I'm throwing it all away as when I try and get my work done I just feel compelled to eat & snack and I get really stressed out if I can't. My meals are still healthy so that's good but I'm just snacking again when I haven't snacked for months :-( And I don't have time for exercise really apart from my weekly classes, Zumba and pilates.

    Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things soon and get it sorted! :(

    It'll all come around... trust me. Have you ever really asked yourself why you HAVE to snack? For me at least, there is always something behind it when my relationship with food turns ugly- I just need to sort out what it is... then I'm back on track. Sometimes sorting it out turns out to be REALLY tough but I just have to have faith that I'll get where I need to be and if my faith is gone, I reach out and borrow other people's faith. I wish the best for you; if you need anything, never hesitate!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Cardio - Done
    Dips - Done
    Under Cals: Not finished logging yet, but most likely will be

    So I finished Week 1 of Insanity and I am so loving it. Its very hard, but i'm doing the best that I can. I now have 7 more weeks left. Can't wait to see what kind of results I will have.

    Ummm, I hope you are taking before, in progress, and then after pictures!

    Way to go! My partner ROCKS! :wink:

    Well my before pics will be the pics I used for my after JM 30 DS cuz I started right after. I didn't think about the progress pics but I will do and I will most definitely post after pics. I just have to make sure I stick with the workout...I dont think I will have a problem with that. :wink:
  • asteingiesser
    I went to input the "superman pose" into my exercise log but I can't find it, nor can I find how many calories it might burn. Anyone have any ideas?
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Went over my cals by ten today! Absolutely gutted! 1 less piece of choccie and I would have got the point, grr!

    Having a really bad/stressful time atm with going back to uni, really struggling to keep up with the whole weightloss/exercise thing. It's really disheartening, I've done so well and now feel like I'm throwing it all away as when I try and get my work done I just feel compelled to eat & snack and I get really stressed out if I can't. My meals are still healthy so that's good but I'm just snacking again when I haven't snacked for months :-( And I don't have time for exercise really apart from my weekly classes, Zumba and pilates.

    Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things soon and get it sorted! :(

    It'll all come around... trust me. Have you ever really asked yourself why you HAVE to snack? For me at least, there is always something behind it when my relationship with food turns ugly- I just need to sort out what it is... then I'm back on track. Sometimes sorting it out turns out to be REALLY tough but I just have to have faith that I'll get where I need to be and if my faith is gone, I reach out and borrow other people's faith. I wish the best for you; if you need anything, never hesitate!
    Thank you <3
    Yeah I know why it is it's stress. When I have a massive pile of work to do or when I'm concentrating really hard on an essay I just feel the need to shovel endless amounts of M&Ms into my mouth to ease the stress a little. Not really sure how I can change that to be honest. My work is the most important thing at the moment and if eating helps I feel like I should just do it... :-/
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Went over my cals by ten today! Absolutely gutted! 1 less piece of choccie and I would have got the point, grr!

    Having a really bad/stressful time atm with going back to uni, really struggling to keep up with the whole weightloss/exercise thing. It's really disheartening, I've done so well and now feel like I'm throwing it all away as when I try and get my work done I just feel compelled to eat & snack and I get really stressed out if I can't. My meals are still healthy so that's good but I'm just snacking again when I haven't snacked for months :-( And I don't have time for exercise really apart from my weekly classes, Zumba and pilates.

    Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things soon and get it sorted! :(

    I think alot of us have had this kind of week, it will pass. You will adjust (atleast that is what my good friend Lynda keeps telling me) I go back to work this Thursday and I am worried about the adjustment for sure, just remember taking care of you first will make taking care of everything else better. Hang in there Girl, you got this!

    Thank you, it really helps to know I'm not the only one. We'll all get through this together!! :)
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I went to input the "superman pose" into my exercise log but I can't find it, nor can I find how many calories it might burn. Anyone have any ideas?

    I've been told that you can log it under calisthentics (that might be spelled wrong), but MFP usually gives a higher calorie burn for it, just an FYI.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Good morning everyone :)

    I'm not sure I'll have much of a workout today. I have a lot of stuff I need to get done around here that I just keep putting off in order to exercise in the mornings instead. I will definitely do my Superman exercises and try really hard to stay under my Fat, but not sure what else I'll get done today in regards to exercising (although I'm sure I'll be burning something with all the walking around the house I'll be doing, LOL).

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Went over my cals by ten today! Absolutely gutted! 1 less piece of choccie and I would have got the point, grr!

    Having a really bad/stressful time atm with going back to uni, really struggling to keep up with the whole weightloss/exercise thing. It's really disheartening, I've done so well and now feel like I'm throwing it all away as when I try and get my work done I just feel compelled to eat & snack and I get really stressed out if I can't. My meals are still healthy so that's good but I'm just snacking again when I haven't snacked for months :-( And I don't have time for exercise really apart from my weekly classes, Zumba and pilates.

    Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things soon and get it sorted! :(

    It'll all come around... trust me. Have you ever really asked yourself why you HAVE to snack? For me at least, there is always something behind it when my relationship with food turns ugly- I just need to sort out what it is... then I'm back on track. Sometimes sorting it out turns out to be REALLY tough but I just have to have faith that I'll get where I need to be and if my faith is gone, I reach out and borrow other people's faith. I wish the best for you; if you need anything, never hesitate!
    Thank you <3
    Yeah I know why it is it's stress. When I have a massive pile of work to do or when I'm concentrating really hard on an essay I just feel the need to shovel endless amounts of M&Ms into my mouth to ease the stress a little. Not really sure how I can change that to be honest. My work is the most important thing at the moment and if eating helps I feel like I should just do it... :-/

    LOL! Karie's right - I DO tell her all the time that it will get better. And I say that because I returned to working full time 3 months ago so I know exactly how hard it is to transition. Some days are easier than others but I know for me this challenge (well, technically, it was the SAHMU challenge that was prior to this one, but I digress...) TOTALLY saved me. It gave me something to focus on and it forced me to take a few minutes of "me" time everyday. Even if that was literally 5 mins to do a few sets of push-ups or hip flexors - it forced the time to reflect. And now that my family and I have sorted out a routine I still look to this challenge for the motivation to make myself a priority. Trust me girls, it gets easier. And in the meantime, if you either of you ever need a pick me up send my a note and I will be happy to remind you that you are mothers - warrior strong and capable of ANYTHING!!! :flowerforyou:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I have to share:

    As you all know the last few weeks my motivation has been weak. I was afraid that I had lost my will power and wouldn't be able to get it back. Girls, I was wrong! It's back :happy:

    My alarm woke me at 530 this morning and I hit the snooze button and immediately fell back asleep. When it went off again 9 mins later my first thought (courtesay of that fat-girl mentality I was mentioning earlier this week) told me to reset it for 630 and go back to bed. Literally as soon as I processed that thought I had this rush of energy and adrenaline - like my body was telling my brain to shut the heck up and I turned off the alarm and hit my workout hard. I am so proud of myself (not a feeling I am used to!) that I just had to share with the group.

    Thanks for keeping me motivated ladies!