We're Losing It-Biggest Loser Challenge (closed group)



  • mom2alexandmatt
    Hello everyone! Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I definitely did as I spent Saturday morning shopping for new clothes and yesterday cleaning out closets and packing away "fat clothes". I no longer have any clothing that is too small for me!
    This challenge is exactly what I needed... a reminder of why I'm doing this and how good it feels to have succesful results!

    My goals for this week are:

    1) Try out the 40 minute Extreme Workouts by Chris Freytag on Exercise TV. (I did the kickboxing one on Saturday and boy do my arms feel it!) Do this 3 times this week.

    2) Do 3 toning sessions through the week - arms, abs, butt/legs.

    I am really striving to hit the 50lb loss mark by November 6th, which is when we are getting family photos taken. This will be the first formal family portrait we have had done since having my youngest son, who is now 8!!!
    I think it's a great way to reward myself!

    I ate well and moved alot this past weekend, so I'm feeling happy with my progress. Hope it shows on the scalre tomorrow!!!

    Keep losing it, ladies!

  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    Hello all BLC'ers! I did not log in over the weekend because it was too crazy. I tried to keep my eating in check the best that I could.

    My goals for this week are:

    #1 - log atleast 30 miles of exercise this week
    #2 - 8 glasses of water EVERY single day!!!

    Thanks again Brandi for putting this together!
  • MamaPru
    I have spent some time today reading your posts and I am so impressed by everyone's success and motivation!
    My goals for the week will be to walk or bike a total of 15 miles. I will also drink my 8 glasses of water. I am just getting started with really putting my true efforts into working out. My nutrition is usually good, but I slack off on exercise or just do it half-assed! I am ready to do what it takes to get this done!!! Thanks for the motivation!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    Hi everyone!!!! I am new to this challenge and would like to know when everyone weighs in and if you have a spreadsheet or just post your progress here....either way proud to say I lost 2.2 lbs, a bit on the down side because I was losing more than 5 lbs a week for the past 4 weeks, but still proud of my progress...almost 20 lbs not bad if I say so myself:wink:
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    Hi everyone!!!! I am new to this challenge and would like to know when everyone weighs in and if you have a spreadsheet or just post your progress here....either way proud to say I lost 2.2 lbs, a bit on the down side because I was losing more than 5 lbs a week for the past 4 weeks, but still proud of my progress...almost 20 lbs not bad if I say so myself:wink:

    Hey! Our official weigh-in day is Tuesday for this challenge, but if you don't want to do it more than once a week, you can use the weight from whatever your regular day is. Personally, I am weighing myself on Tuesday mornings because it's my motivation to stay strong over the weekend. My regular day is Friday. You can either post it here or send it to me in a message. And I can take either current weight or pounds lost. I have two spreadsheets to use for tracking progress.

    Great job this week!! You'll start losing slower as you go, so don't get depressed! Two pounds is still an amazing loss!:smile:
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    Thanks for letting me know..maybe I will weigh in on Tuesdays for this challenge because a day does make a difference!! I will keep you posted
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Hmm, let's see, my two goals for the next week -

    1) Drink drink drink! So slacking in the water department!

    2) Take off the few pounds of water weight I've put on being on vacation.
  • SunSand76
    SunSand76 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi peeps!

    Hope your Monday is going well :)

    Ok, my goals for the week:

    1. Exercise a minimum of 30 mins everyday, Mon-Sun

    2. I would like to lose 1-2 lbs this week (2 would be SWEET)

    3. (I have 3 this week!) I've been pathetic with my water intake, even though I do so much better when I drink more h2o. So this week I want to jack up the intake to minimum 80 oz daily.

    Good luck with your goals friends. We can ALL do what we need to do!! :D
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    Hi everybody :) I hope you all had a nice weekend and your Monday went good. My goals for the week are pretty minimal unfortunately but my 5 year old is in the hospital so "me time" will likely not happen easily.

    goal 1 - to not gain anything this coming week

    goal 2 - to exercise at least once this coming week

    Good luck to all, we can do this :happy:
  • zumba66girl
    Hi everyone it is Tuesday Morning and that dreaded weigh in....just weighed myself and I am 183.6.....Sorry will work harder for next week's weigh in....please don't vote me off. hehe. Love ya all and chat with you soon.....6 am and gotta jump in the shower and run. Good luck to all.:flowerforyou:
  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    Good morning everyone!. It's weigh in day:) New weight is 192.4. Spent most of last week sick so didn't get much exercise in. So at least I had a a loss/perk from being sick, lol. Finally starting to feel like my old self so hopefully this week will be better. Have a great week everyone, we can make this week awesome!
  • hwilliams519
    Hello everyone! Sorry I have not posted sooner, but I was on a mini vacation Thursday thru Sunday and totally forgot about this until today. Unfortunately, with the traveling, I did not lose any weight this week. But here's to a fresh start!

    My name is Heather and I live in TN. I am happily married to my husband. We have been married for 4 years, but together for 8. Hoping to become a mother in the near future. Right now I'm trying to get my body healthier before I get pregnant.

    Goals this week:

    1. Drink 8 cups of water a day
    (I am usually good at that but have really gotten off track.)

    2. Start weighing my food and eating smaller portions
    (I just received my digital kitchen scale before I went out of town.)
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    143.5 This morning, which I am happy about since it is my TOM.

    Goals for the upcoming week: Lose another .5 lbs (I am realistic and know I don't lose more than that a week)
    Ride 75 miles
    Do Jillian Michaels 3x
    Stay within my calories every day
    Drink 10 glasses of water every day
  • mom2alexandmatt
    Happy weigh in day everyone! I was down 1lb this week, my first loss in about 7 weeks. Not much, but happy to see the scale starting moving again. I had lost focus for a while but was happy to maintain my loss.

    I also got a toning workout in last night and tonight's plan is to do a 40 minute cardio workout.

    In addition to the goals I posted previously, I'm also focusing on increasing my water intake again. I hate when I start slacking in this area because it's such an "easy" thing (relatively speaking) to do.

    Anyway, have a great rest of the week everyone!

  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    So happy for everyone who lost this week!! It doesn't matter....a lot or a little, it all puts you that much closer to your goal. Personally, I had my first really good week in a long time, and I have to say, it's because of this group! I'm so glad I had a moment of craziness thinking one more thing to handle wasn't a big deal because I'm so motivated by you guys! I've totally rededicated myself to my workouts and MFP, and I'm excited about it again!!

    Hope everyone has a great second week! You are all amazing!:smile:
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    Okay, I didn't get new weights from a few of you. I know Rebecca is on vacation, so I'm just keeping her at last week's weight, which is what I will do for Heather(hwilliams519), Betsy(mamaPru), and Michelle(mikeyken) until I hear from you.

    So, as it stands there was a tie for Biggest Loser this week:

    Bobbi(2011_4mygirls) and I tied with 2.33%(she lost 4.6 lbs and I lost 4.8lbs) lost!! Yay us!

    Here are the rest of the results(if you're not listed, it's because you either stayed the same or gained):
    LBS Lost % Lost
    Alison 2.0 1.03%
    Scott 3.4 1.64%
    Brandi 4.8 2.33%
    Holly 1.0 0.57%
    Melanie 1.0 0.53%
    Erica 1.1 0.54%
    Christy 0.5 0.35%
    Kimmie 2.8 1.06%
    Bobbie 4.6 2.33%
    Michelle 2.0 0.96%
    Claudia 2.2 0.69%
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    Okay, I didn't get new weights from a few of you. I know Rebecca is on vacation, so I'm just keeping her at last week's weight, which is what I will do for Heather(hwilliams519), Betsy(mamaPru), and Michelle(mikeyken) until I hear from you.

    So, as it stands there was a tie for Biggest Loser this week:

    Bobbi(2011_4mygirls) and I tied with 2.33%(she lost 4.6 lbs and I lost 4.8lbs) lost!! Yay us!

    Here are the rest of the results(if you're not listed, it's because you either stayed the same or gained):
    LBS Lost % Lost
    Alison 2.0 1.03%
    Scott 3.4 1.64%
    Brandi 4.8 2.33%
    Holly 1.0 0.57%
    Melanie 1.0 0.53%
    Erica 1.1 0.54%
    Christy 0.5 0.35%
    Kimmie 2.8 1.06%
    Bobbie 4.6 2.33%
    Michelle 2.0 0.96%
    Claudia 2.2 0.69%

    Shoot...sorry this crunched all of the info together! If you hit the "quote" button, it will show you the info as it was entered! I didn't post starting weights and current weights in case anyone didn't want theirs public! Worth noting...we lost 25.40 lbs as a group, according to what I have now! WE ROCK!!
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    great job everyone!!! Thanks again Brandi for doing this - I know it takes a lot of time to put it all together!!!
  • SunSand76
    SunSand76 Posts: 83 Member
    Great job fellow "losers"!! :D
    Here's to another great week!!

  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    Oops....okay Heather, I didn't notice that you said in your post that you didn't lose any weight! Sorry! Sometimes I just need a smack to wake me up...lol!