We're Losing It-Biggest Loser Challenge (closed group)



  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Last week was rough, but I was on vacation. Blaming it on that. It's hard to eat out when everyone else in the group votes for "regional" cooking and all your options are deep fried. How do you not have anything grilled or a salad on your menu!?

    My goals for next week are to run 4x, bike 3x, and take 1 rest day. Saturday should hopefully be my huge workout day.
    I also need to be stricter on my calories. Because of last week's distaster I'm lowering back to 1200-1300 calories. I WILL not go over on calories and I WILL log everything I eat.
  • hwilliams519
    My weekend was full of bday celebrations (my hubby & nephew). Have another dinner tonight and tons of cake. So needless-to-say, I have not been doing well. But I'm going to get more focused. I'm so glad that this challenge will last so long, because I have been off to a bad start. Did not really do well with my weekly goals either, so they will be this week's goals as well.

    1. Drink 8 cups of water / day
    2. Smaller portions and weigh my food

    Workout challenge: Just found out my cousin does zumba a couple times a week...and it's only $3 per hr session. This is something that I've wanted to try for a while. So I'm gonna try to do that with her this week if I can.
  • SunSand76
    SunSand76 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi guys :)

    Had a fairly decent week, accomplished 2 of my three goals, those being exercise everyday Monday-Sunday, and lose 1-2 pounds. I did derail in my goal of drinking at least 80 oz of water daily. Why the heck is that so hard for me.

    This week in addition to the goal suggested by Brandi, I would like to ...
    1. Again lose 1-2 pounds
    2. Go through my clothes and bag up and donate some bigger clothes, get them out of my house because I'm not going back baby!!!

    Good luck with this week's weigh in everyone :0)

  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    My week went ok, I did not get all the water in that I needed too and I also was not very strict on my diet. However, I did manage to get 31 miles of exercise in (biking/walking)

    My goals for next week
    #1 - log into MFP EVERYDAY!
    #2 - drink atleast 64 ounces of water EVERYDAY
    #3 - 35 miles of exercise (may be limited due to my knees getting sore!!!)

  • mikeyken
    mikeyken Posts: 118 Member
    I have really been unmotivated through the weekend and having trouble getting my head back in the game.
    My goals:
    1) log on to MFP everyday
    2) really get my house in order, not only because it needs it, but it is great exercise :)
    3) concentrate on calories and eat out less
    4) keep up on wii routine and c25k. no missed workouts.

    challenge: I really have wanted to try Zumba so either I will get the wii zumba game or find a cheap place to do zumba this week.
  • mom2alexandmatt
    I recapped my week in the post above... I feel the week went pretty well, and the scale was down 2lbs this morning! And that was even after dinner at Olive Garden last night (my son's choice, it as a reward) and I knew that the even though I made pretty good choices, face it, the sodium level was bound to affect me. I am not down 45lbs. which ties the most weight I ever lost (lost 45lbs 8 years ago before I had my youngest son).

    Goals for this week:
    1- 66oz (3 water bottles full) every day, including the weekend
    2- at least 5 workouts

    For the challenge, I plan on doing new workouts on the 10lb Extreme program, this time focusing on core and lower body. Lower body is always a challenge for me as I tend to have bad knees, so I"ve been avoiding this particular workout. I've done the 10 minute ab routine, but not a 40 minute core dedicated routine. I'm really loving these Chris Freytag workouts though. I "liked" her facebook page and commented on how I was enjoying them and she even responded! Very cool.

    I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's results!

    Have a great week!

  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    I did much better on my goals for this past week than I thought I would - I was able to exercise Sunday and I lost weight (yea). My goals for this week are, once again, pretty simple but I am having surgery tomorrow and I do not want to set myself up to fail knowing that I am goingot be very limited on what I can do.

    goal 1 - drink at least 7 cups of water a day (I know it's not the 8 is should be but I found a large cup that holds 7 cups and I am hoping to be able to drink all of that each day)

    goal 2 - lose a pound or two

    Everybody looks like they are doing really well - congratulations, keep up the good work :happy:
  • zumba66girl
    Congratulations everyone you are all doing so well. I commend you for all your hard work and dedication. I need to set some strict guidlines for myself this week.

    I will absolutely drink at least 64 oz of water.

    I will start doing 2 or 3 miles of Leslie Sansone video along with brisk walking outside at least 1.2 to 2 miles a day.

    I will be better in communicating with all my MFP Pals. I need you more than ever!!! Thanks all for being there.
    Brandi sorry no weight loss again this week just maintained. I will start losing hopefully soon again.

    Thanks again everybody....Brenda.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    The responses I've gotten about the end date have convinced that until the end of the year is a good idea, so we'll go with January 3 as the final weigh-in. It's the first Tuesday after the holidays, so that should get us through.

    Which will be exactly 1 year to the day that I started this journey. Not only will we be ending this challenge, I can reflect back on the past year. Sounds perfect to me :wink:
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    WHAT A WEEK!!! There were some awesome losses this week, and even though a few people struggled(including me), everyone seems to be even more determined to do better this week.

    Here are the results:

    The Biggest Loser this week is: Christy!! She lost 3 pounds,which is 2.09%!! :flowerforyou: Congrats to you!!

    Here are the rest of the results:
    Alison lost 1.7 for .89%
    Scott lost .4 for .20%
    Holly lost 2.4 for 1.38%
    Mandy lost 1.4 for .98%
    Melanie lost 2 for 1.07%
    Rebecca lost 2.8 for 1.46%
    Erica lost 1.9 for .93%
    Bobbi lost 1.4 for .73%
    Michelle lost 3.2 for 1.54%
    Mikey lost 2.6 for 1.37%

    That is totally amazing!! Total losses=22.8 pounds this week!! And most people who lost were near or over 1%...there's something to be said for that!! Great week!
  • SunSand76
    SunSand76 Posts: 83 Member
    WHAT A WEEK!!! There were some awesome losses this week, and even though a few people struggled(including me), everyone seems to be even more determined to do better this week.

    Here are the results:

    The Biggest Loser this week is: Christy!! She lost 3 pounds,which is 2.09%!! :flowerforyou: Congrats to you!!

    Here are the rest of the results:
    Alison lost 1.7 for .89%
    Scott lost .4 for .20%
    Holly lost 2.4 for 1.38%
    Mandy lost 1.4 for .98%
    Melanie lost 2 for 1.07%
    Rebecca lost 2.8 for 1.46%
    Erica lost 1.9 for .93%
    Bobbi lost 1.4 for .73%
    Michelle lost 3.2 for 1.54%
    Mikey lost 2.6 for 1.37%

    That is totally amazing!! Total losses=22.8 pounds this week!! And most people who lost were near or over 1%...there's something
    to be said for that!! Great week!

    Great job BL buddies!!!!
  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    Great job everyone!
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    Let's make this our week!!!
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    It's awesome to see everyone doing so well. It's good to know who I have to beat now ;)
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    It's awesome to see everyone doing so well. It's good to know who I have to beat now ;)

    Ha. Well I am not the competition... LOL I usually don't lose anything. I am standing @ the same weight for over a week now and I will be lucky to lose 1/2 a pound. :)
  • hwilliams519
    Great job to all those that lost! And congrats Christy for being this week's biggest loser!

    How many people do we have in this challenge right now? I was wondering if at some point we should split into teams or partners. I think it would give us more accountability. How do you all feel about that?
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    Hey again! Just wanted to let you know that next week I am going to post overall leader and overall results in terms of % for everyone, so you can see where you're at. Also, forgot to give you my own goals for the week, so here they are:

    1) Keep working on that water thing! 64 0z minimum, even on class days(which I did yesterday...yay).
    2) Challenge myself to do Ripped in 30 on Saturday and Sunday...my challenging workout for the week.
    3) Drop 3 pounds by Tuesday...this will help make up for not losing this week!
    4) Ride the bike 20 miles again this week as well as continue c25k
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    Awesome job everybody and congratulations Christy :)
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Congrats Christy, you go girl!!!! :D

    My weight today was back to where it was before vacation so that makes me happy. Friday is my official weigh in and I'm looking forward to it!

    My new goal for the week is to do more of the TurboFire program that I spend good money on. I've slacked because I was afraid of injury after the calf thing but I'm ready to kick it up a notch!
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    It's that time again....how has everyone's week gone? It's been a bit of a challenging week here, but overall not too bad. I'm trying to get myself back up to some bigger cal burns in my workouts because I spend so much time sitting on my *kitten* either doing homework or in class, that I feel like I'm not getting enough activity in general and that's probably not helping me.

    I also decided to get to the doctor in the next week or so because I'm thinking I've got something going on. I have had an issue one other time with lower abdominal pain and had to have a bunch of tests, but they said they thought I must have had a cyst that ruptured. I'm thinking I may have the same issue going on again. I guess it's sort of common when you use Mirena for birth control.

    Anyway, my goal workout for the week was Tae Bo and I did that today. Next week I'm challenging myself to go all the way through Banish Fat Boos Metabolism of Ripped in 30.

    Good luck with the weigh-ins Tuesday everyone, and start thinking about your goals for next week! Not this Tuesday but the following Tuesday, I'm going to reward the person with the highest percentage of weight lost for the week with a little prize from me, but I'm not telling what it is! So, there's some incentive for the coming week!