We're Losing It-Biggest Loser Challenge (closed group)



  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Brandi I'm so sorry about the health issues....it sucks that here we are working on being healthier and other things beyond the weight start affecting us. Now that I'm not having weight-related problems, I'm having SPORTS INJURIES! Who woulda thought???? LOL

    Hit a milestone this past friday with finally getting under 200 and proceeded to splurge this weekend on junk. Not sure why I do this to myself but there it is. Better today and looking forward!
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    Brandi I'm so sorry about the health issues....it sucks that here we are working on being healthier and other things beyond the weight start affecting us. Now that I'm not having weight-related problems, I'm having SPORTS INJURIES! Who woulda thought???? LOL

    Hit a milestone this past friday with finally getting under 200 and proceeded to splurge this weekend on junk. Not sure why I do this to myself but there it is. Better today and looking forward!

    I know how you feel about the 200 thing. I got under it quite a while ago, and now I can't get below 201 after I gained some of it back. It's irritating the crap out of me, but I also know I haven't been doing as well as I was before in the workout department. That's why I upped my burn today...I have to force myself back into it. I self-sabotage way too often!

    Thanks for the thoughts about the health stuff too. With my family's health history I just want to make sure it's nothing serious. It doesn't hurt constantly, but it's starting to be more frequent and sharper pains, so it's time.

    So, here's to a better week for both of us...we can do this!! We just have to keep our eyes on the real prize!
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    My week has been terrible in the terms of exercise and food choices. I am sure that I am going to see it reflect on the scale tomorrow. I am not going to let it knock me off the wagon this time though!!! I am going to pick up the pieces and keep moving! I hope that the scale tomorrow doesn't show much of a gain..........we will see!

    Goals for next week:

    #1 - exercise atleast an hour a day (hubby is gone, so this is going to be a challenge!!)
    #2 - drink 64 ounces of water
    #3 - log my food EVERYDAY!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    My goals for the BL week, Tuesday 11th-Monday 17th:
    -Get below 140 lbs.
    -Workout 3 times

    I don't think that I will have lost any weight by tomorrow's weigh in..... I am holding steady and hope to break it SOON!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    My goals for this week - stop sabotaging my success!

    I had changed my goals to lose 1 pound instead of 2 pounds and found I was taking FULL advantage of those extra calories and not even getting a deficit near 500 each day. So I changed it back to 2 pounds and hope this will help. So far so good, yesterday's deficit was 1200 so I'm on my way.

    It saddens me to see so many people not have supportive family and friends:( I feel very fortunate to have both and I will be here to support anyone who needs it! <3 you guys!
  • mom2alexandmatt
    First of all, Brandi: hope you are feeling better and it turns out to be nothing serious.
    I had an okay week. Was under almost every day on calories. Got in some good exercise, not necessarily that kind I had originallly planned for my goals, but I did try one new 10lb extreme, which was the core workout. It was tough. Planks suck. Just sayin'. :wink:

    I feel like I will see a loss in the morning... though my water intake has sucked, so maybe that will affect me. Plus I've been stressing over some health issues with my boys and also some serious work stuff. If I do lose, it will officially put me at the most weight I've ever lost in my life. And bring me closer to my 50lb lost mini goal (trying to reach this by November 6th).

    We did go for a hike on Sunday and it felt so nice to be leading the family... I had to pace myself or I'd have left them in the dust. Haha. j/k
    Oh! And on Saturday, my little guy and I went to the playground... and we decided to try to beat my husband... so we took off running! Let me tell you, I amazed myself at how far and how fast I ran. My husband just stared at me!!! It was great! Almost makes me think I want to start the C25K again, but not on the dreadmill.

    SO this weeks goals are:

    1- Do the 10lb Extreme Lower Body workout
    2 - Do a day of upper body lifting with heavier weights and weight machine
    3 - try some jogging again
    4 - Lose 1.5lbs

    Have a great week everyone!

  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Good luck with today's weigh in!

    Goals for this week -
    1 - keep the momentum going! I had a strong week and I want to win that prize :) I hope it's Brandi coming to visit!!
    2 - HONESTLY log my food every day. I have a bad habit of eating after I close my diary and I really, really need to stop doing that.
    3 - push myself each day with my running.
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    I am back to my starting weight! I know that should not be a good thing 3 weeks into this challenge, but today is the first day I can say I feel great in over 3 weeks so I am excited. I was able to add exercise back in yesterday and will have a great number to report next Tuesday!

    My goals for this week -
    1 - Make time for me EVERYDAY!
    2 - Not feel guilty for taking time for ME
    3 - Not fall into the weekend trap I set for myself

    Hope everyone had a good week!
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    I am back to my starting weight! I know that should not be a good thing 3 weeks into this challenge, but today is the first day I can say I feel great in over 3 weeks so I am excited. I was able to add exercise back in yesterday and will have a great number to report next Tuesday!

    My goals for this week -
    1 - Make time for me EVERYDAY!
    2 - Not feel guilty for taking time for ME
    3 - Not fall into the weekend trap I set for myself

    Hope everyone had a good week!

    I like your goals. Lately I've had family members try to make me feel guilty for putting myself before other people. I'm working on not feeling guilty about that.
  • hwilliams519
    Thanks Brandi for all that you do, and I hope you can get your health issues resolved. It's always stressful knowing that something could be wrong. Just try not to worry about it, and remember we are here for you.

    So far I have not done well in this challenge. First I didn't lose anything, then I gained 2.6 pounds. Earlier in the week I had lost 1.6 pounds, but then put .6 back on. Urg. But at least I'm down a pound from last week. Maybe by next week I can get back to my starting weight, and then move towards a lower weight after that.

    Here lately I have been posting my four daily goals everyday, and doing my best to stick to them. I have not been 100% successful, but at least it reminds me to make more of an effort than what I have been. Here are those four daily goals:

    1. Drink 6-8 cups of water per day
    2. No more than 12 oz diet soda per day
    3. Net approx 1300 calories
    4. Take a walk

    Controling my beverages has been a lot easier than the calories or exercise. But I'm working on it. These are going to be my daily goals until they become habit and I can set new goals.
  • mikeyken
    mikeyken Posts: 118 Member
    Really depressed about this plateau I have hit. I'm doing same amount of exercise, same basic diet control and I CAN"T LOSE ANYTHING!!! I'm back to 188.0 today. I needed to be down to 185 by the end of the week and that isn't gonna happen. I made the arrangements for a special retreat because I was1 lb away with 2 weeks to go and that was my reward. Then I gained back and am holding at 3 lbs over! ARGHH! Here are my goals:
    1) enjoy my retreat weekend anyway because I deserve it! (and I already paid for it)
    2) change up my exercise and diet to shock my body out of this plateau.
    3) make sure I get in my water.
    4) stop cheating all weekend.

    Good luck everyone on your goals!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    I was a bit under the weather this past week and didnt get a whole lot of exercise, and some days only ate once a day, but I recovered by the weekend and worked hard..I managed to lose 4.3lbs...I am so excited because I only have 11 lbs. to go to reach my very first mini goal!!

    My daily challenges for this week

    1. Walk at least 2 miles
    2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    3. Be happy
  • SunSand76
    SunSand76 Posts: 83 Member

    Hey Brandi, sure hope you get that tummy pain all sorted out. Will be thinkin' about you :)

    The last week went pretty well. I met my goal of losing 1-2 lbs (1.4), I worked out everyday, but I did miss Sunday (Canadian thanksgiving). As per the weekly challenge I did a Turbo Jam workout, something I've never done before. Wow, how uncoordinated I can I be??!! But it was still fun. I was going to bag up the rest of my "fat clothes" for goodwill. Did that. So overall I was mostly on target. This week I'd like to:

    1. Again lose 1-2 lbs
    2. Increase my water to at least 80 oz daily (consistently!)

    Have a great week all.

  • hwilliams519
    Great job Holly. You seem pretty dedicated and determined. You are doing great!

    Just wanted to let y'all know there must be a ginks on weigh in day or something. I was 163.6 yesterday and now 162.4 today. Ahhh. Oh well, I'll just save it for next week, and hopefully add more of a loss to that.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    Sorry it's taken me so long to get results out this morning. Had problems with my spreadsheet, and then I made the mistake of looking at my phone...my husband had sent me a text saying he saw a mouse in our kitchen this morning. Let's just say I'm having a melt-down...lol! I think it's possible I might die if that thing comes out while I'm here today! My husband will tell you I'm a neat freak, so I'm totally disturbed by this!

    Anyway, on to the important suff-results!

    Alison: 1.5lbs for .79%
    Holly: 1.4lbs for .81%
    Melanie: 1.8lbs for .97%
    Rebecca: 3.6lbs for 1.91%
    Betsy: 1lb for .44%
    Kim: 3lbs for 1.48%
    Gayle: 1.8lbs for .74%
    Kimmie: .2lb for .08%
    Bobbi: .4lb for .21%
    Heather: 1lb for .61%
    Claudia: 4.3lbs for 1.37%

    So, Rebecca wins the title of Biggest Loser this week!! Congrats!! Not to go unmentioned are Kim with 1.48% and Claudia with 1.37% and 4.3lbs!! You guys are kicking butt!!

    I'll give you guys the total % lost by each person so far next week. I'll do that every four weeks. Also, don't forget, there's incentive for next week...I have something for the next week's winner....just for the week, not for total of all four weeks, so make this one a good one!
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Sweet! Kim, I'm giving you a run for your money. I know how hard you train, so I better watch out :)
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    Nice job everybody :) I will admit, I did aweful on my goals this past week but at least I didn't gain anything.

    goals for this week:

    1. drink more water
    2. jog at least once more before the week is over (with the rain it may be easier said than done)
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    Hey...just wanted to take a minute to say thanks for all the well wishes. I"m actually feeling a bit better the last couple of days, so I'm going to see what happens. I'm overdue for my yearly, so I need to go anyway, but I've been trying to wait until I lose more weight...lol!

    Also, I just had a huge success on the treadmill(or as I will call it now, thanks to Melanie, the dreadmill :laugh: )...ran for 22 minutes straight!! Woohoo!! So excited that I'm finally making progress there. I was about to cash it in!

    You guys motivate me so much!! Thanks for being such great MFP friends!
  • SunSand76
    SunSand76 Posts: 83 Member
    Great job Holly. You seem pretty dedicated and determined. You are doing great!

    Thanks for the encouragement!