

  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    Ive had it happen to me where I work at.

    So then I made a double lunch, one of which had a mixture of ipecac and laxatives. The other was just a normal sandwich which I had marked so I would know which was which.

    The thief grabbed the bait, and spent the rest of the day in the bathroom. Since then my lunches haven't been touched.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Well this was at home, but funny and on topic.

    I worked at a restaraunt that gave us dinner each night. I was on a diet, so ate 1/2 my meal and saved the other half for lunch. Well DH would go in and take the box in the middle of the night ( I got home at 11 pm!) and eat my lunch. No matter WHAT I wrote on the top.

    So one Friday night my girlfriend gave me her steak, and another friend her chick breast. I had a lovely meal for Saturday lunch and dinner. I come walking in the living room to DH eating my stuff (it had skull and crossbones on top, DO NOT ENTER and was TAPED SHUT!!)

    I said "OH I see you found the dog food I scraped from the tables last night!"

    I thought he would throw up right there. He spit the food in the box and never touched my food from THAT place anyway.

  • FifiLea
    FifiLea Posts: 80 Member
    There is a lunch thief in every workplace. May I suggest a nice batch of ex-lax brownies?


    Seriously though, how rude!
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    What's wrong with people? This was a long time ago, but I was so honked i still remember. I had a bag of peanut m&m's on my desk that I had just opened. I left my office to take something to someone else. I get back and the whole bag of m&m's is gone!! So I walk to each and every person's office until I find the culprit....and he's just sitting there finishing them off. Really?!! I asked him what the heck he thought he was doing? His reply? I wanted some m&m's. Some people are just downright stupid. And to boot...I was the boss's daughter, Boy did he get an earful from my dad. LOL!!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I can't imagine wasting an hour of my time trying to figure out who ate my food. It's not like your firstborn was kidnapped.

    Well, if someone will steal the food out of her lunch - what else will they have the guts to steal? She's in a management position and quite frankly, I'd want to know WHO did it too. If they think they can get away with stealing that - they'll steal something else. Guaranteed!
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    I can't imagine wasting an hour of my time trying to figure out who ate my food. It's not like your firstborn was kidnapped.

    That's you. She tried to figure out who did it most likely because no one admitted they did. My question to you is why did you feel the need to read her thread and not just go on to the next but instead choose to leave a snarky comment?
    If they steal your food whats to stop them from going through your purse/gym bag/wallett/locker??? Nothing......a theif is a thief.

    I'm getting closer to figuring out what type of GROWN person steals a lunches......
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    Lesson Learned. People suck sometimes. I would just start bringing a lunch bag with ice packs in it. Then you know its safe. Sorry this happened.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I will never understand this kind of behavior from adults. I mean, you KNOW that sandwich/chicken wrap/whatever sitting in the fridge is not yours because clearly you didn't bring it. What in the name of all that is holy would make you think it's okay to steal it and eat it?

    It's even more mind-boggling to me that people will actually go into someone else's office and take food off their desk.

    I'm really not kidding when I say that these are, in my opinion, termination-worthy offenses. It's not just an issue of trustworthiness; you are mentally unstable if you think stealing from people is okay.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    we had that happen at my work frequently.... so I made a cake and put exlax in we found out who the culprit was

    really? even more childish than stealing someones lunch.

    stealing someones lunch isn't childish, it's stealing. Guess you never had your lunch stolen
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Well we did catch the person, caught it all on camera to boot. She was going through the fridge and opened up several lunches, didn't like what she saw and wrapped them back up. Then she came to mine and liked it, and sat down and ate it. That's why the next time I put the exlax in the cake. We never had the problem again after that.

    The thing is, is if she had asked me and told me she was hungry, I would have gladly let her have it. She didn't have to steal it.

    I know that some have posted snarky lil comments about what I did, but to tell you the truth, I would still do it today. Don't lie or steal from me.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Well we did catch the person, caught it all on camera to boot. She was going through the fridge and opened up several lunches, didn't like what she saw and wrapped them back up. Then she came to mine and liked it, and sat down and ate it. That's why the next time I put the exlax in the cake. We never had the problem again after that.

    The thing is, is if she had asked me and told me she was hungry, I would have gladly let her have it. She didn't have to steal it.

    I know that some have posted snarky lil comments about what I did, but to tell you the truth, I would still do it today. Don't lie or steal from me.

    Good for you, seriously.

    I mean, how do you have an adult conversation with someone who steals? Does "You know, taking things that don't belong to you is wrong," sound like an adult conversation to you? That sounds like something I learned when I was a toddler. An adult who is still pulling that crap will do the same thing a child does ... deny it ever happened or blame it on someone else. The only way to teach them is the hard way.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Well this was at home, but funny and on topic.

    I worked at a restaraunt that gave us dinner each night. I was on a diet, so ate 1/2 my meal and saved the other half for lunch. Well DH would go in and take the box in the middle of the night ( I got home at 11 pm!) and eat my lunch. No matter WHAT I wrote on the top.

    So one Friday night my girlfriend gave me her steak, and another friend her chick breast. I had a lovely meal for Saturday lunch and dinner. I come walking in the living room to DH eating my stuff (it had skull and crossbones on top, DO NOT ENTER and was TAPED SHUT!!)

    I said "OH I see you found the dog food I scraped from the tables last night!"

    I thought he would throw up right there. He spit the food in the box and never touched my food from THAT place anyway.


    That's funny! I can just picture it! ha
  • AshjMusik
    AshjMusik Posts: 113 Member
    LoL! It's never happened to me until my current job. There is 1 person thats notorious for it, literally will even eat food that you've half-finished & set down for just a minute!! Fed up (but not willing to start a war), one day I announced that I had made a meal I know she loves & put a lock on my lunchbox.. they never said anything but I think they got the hint b/c nothing has disappeared out of my lunchbox since!