Anyone have a case of "the haters"



  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    yes unfortunately:frown: friends and family make fun of me, like physically laugh at me when i turn things down. Like the other day at work, this girl was eating fried shrimp and fish and asked if i wanted some and i said no thank you, im trying to watch what i eat and have a little healthier lifestyle and she laughed at me and said i would cave in after a week( i still havnt caved!). my family does the same thing. they laugh at me when i tell them im trying to eat healthier and live a healthier lifestyle. None have faith in me that i can accomplish this :frown: i turn to the wonderful people ive met on mfp(who ive never physically met before!) and they provide a million times the amount of support compared to people ive known my whole life...:ohwell: oh well not much i can do except prove them all wrong!!!!!! :bigsmile: and i cant wait till the day too!
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    There are these two women @ work (both overweight) who used to comment to me several times a week when I started losing weight...One of them actually called me "skinny b!tch" in the parking lot, and that I should be careful in the parking lot because if I turn sideways I disappear and people won't see me...(I think she said specifically that SHE wouldn't be able to see me)...they would never say "hey you look great" or anything positive...anything they said had a negative tone to it...

    They have told me multiple times that I need to STOP losing weight...(one actually said that, and then repeated the word STOP a few times)...They say that I am getting too skinny (they were telling me this when I still weighed about 215#)...I can't remember half the things they said TBH.

    It used to bother me (REALLY bother me because I was very sensitive about my weight in the beginning) but I just brush it off whenever they say anything now. Whatev.
  • Noley87
    Noley87 Posts: 26 Member
    Yup, I feel your pain. My coworker, who I don't think is intentionally bringing me down, told me that I should quit trying to lose weight and just to accept that maybe I am "big boned". She also told me that I now look like I have no butt, which is oh so uplifting.

    Both my weekend coworkers spent WEEKS trying to talk me into eating junk food with them, and were pretty obnoxious as I declined. I don't think they were intentionally trying to destroy my effort.
    But sheesh.

    You don't go on a diet because you think your friends are overweight, you do it because YOU are, right? So why do some people feel like its a personal insult? And why try to sabotage like that?
    Anyway, hang in there. You are obviously doing GREAT! Thanks for the post topic, it feels great to vent!!!

  • rayzerwolf
    rayzerwolf Posts: 203 Member
    I get a sick joy out of watching other people eat candy and treats..... I am sorry to say I am one of those people who bring things into work around Christmas time, mostly home made chocolates...... I eat the chocolates too though but I don’t want to eat them all so I bring them to work. They are just so fun to make **cries in corner**