"Ripped" in October



  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    QUESTION OF THE DAY?? WHAT KEEPS YOU GOING EACH DAY- To do Ripped? OR....What's Your Favorite/Least Favorite Quote from week 2?

    Well, for me, I think I alluded to it yesterday, if I didn't have it in my mind that other folks out there are getting up and doing this as well...I probably wouldn't have done it consistently! It's a mind thing with me....

    Now for quote? lol I think that when Jillian references the fact that its ONLY a 20 minute DVD....I really want to scream at her and tell her to quit lying its 25 minutes!!

    Now what say you??

    I feel the same way when Jillian says it's only 20 minutes....but you know her count is off sometimes, she'll one more that turns into 3!! lol

    I think my goal is what keeps me going and this challenge...I really want to succeed!! Some days are better than others :laugh:
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    Lacking in energy today, but pushed through. Seeing small results physically make me motivated to keep going! I am able to do more of her ab moves than before. Those are my biggest challenge!

    My least favorite quote has to be everything surrounding the quarter bouncing off of the bum topic. That entire section makes me cringe everyday. :)

    I'm going to do one more day of week 2 and then I'm out of town for a week. I'll bring the video and have the goal to do 5 days while I'm gone. It is so hard being out of my norm!
  • pakks
    pakks Posts: 30
    What keeps me going?

    It is you all!!!
    Knowing that I would be left behind if I dont do it, motivates me and pushes me to do those evil things :)
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Do you guys like this video? if so do you like it better than 30 day shred?
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Do you guys like this video? if so do you like it better than 30 day shred?

    Hey Jdavis, that's a hard question for me...as now that I've completed Shred, I can say ...it wasn't sooo bad! I got through it! HOWEVER when going through it- I was mumbling and grumbling all the way ....but still I was PLEASED with the results! If I only knew about the shred when I was trying to get into my wedding dress:laugh: I wouldn't have had to get so many dang alterations! :sad:

    But with Ripped, (to me) its more challenging than the Shred (so far) even though SOME of the exercises are repeated from the Shred, she still seems to modify a few of them to build upon them, and I honestly haven't fast forwarded to see what weeks 3 & 4 have in store yet.:noway: :noway:

    But if I had to choose between the two, I'm going to say Ripped (knowing that it seems more difficult right now) because I'm hoping that difficulty will lead to better results in the end....:glasses:
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Do you guys like this video? if so do you like it better than 30 day shred?

    Hey Jdavis, that's a hard question for me...as now that I've completed Shred, I can say ...it wasn't sooo bad! I got through it! HOWEVER when going through it- I was mumbling and grumbling all the way ....but still I was PLEASED with the results! If I only knew about the shred when I was trying to get into my wedding dress:laugh: I wouldn't have had to get so many dang alterations! :sad:

    But with Ripped, (to me) its more challenging than the Shred (so far) even though SOME of the exercises are repeated from the Shred, she still seems to modify a few of them to build upon them, and I honestly haven't fast forwarded to see what weeks 3 & 4 have in store yet.:noway: :noway:

    But if I had to choose between the two, I'm going to say Ripped (knowing that it seems more difficult right now) because I'm hoping that difficulty will lead to better results in the end....:glasses:
    I agree with you. I don't like doing the same routine every day though. I am going back to doing it every other day with a few more videos.
  • taralee2001
    taralee2001 Posts: 45 Member
    Day 5 done. Good reminder of why I try to workout when my older daughter is in school and the younger one is asleep. It's just torture with them both here and awake, but I didn't want to risk waiting till after bedtime and then making excuses about being tired.

    What keeps me going is knowing that lots of people (both in real life and online) know I'm working out. And I'm too stubborn to quit. Also I want to be hot when my husband comes home. And I have two daughters. I need to be a good example of healthy eating, exercise, and body image for them. Because our society is so messed up on all those issues and I can't let them learn from our society as a whole.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Sailing tomorrow, so I'll wait until Sunday to do the 5th day of Week 2. :smile:
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Jdavis, I like them both, but probably "Ripped" a little bit more.

    What keeps me going? Well, that is easy... I wish I could say, it's because I want to be "Ripped" or 20 pounds lighter, but that's not it, not really. It's one of the main reasons I started running.

    I work a lot with high needs kids, wheel chairs, ASD, DD, etc. They can't run, or lift, or do a sit up. Some can't hold themselves up without being strapped into a chair or a brace. When I first started running I ran for Jamie (name changed), who has spent his whole life in a wheelchair or being carried. I never complained, I just did it because I knew that Jamie and his family would give anything for one day of simple walking.

    I keep doing something for these kids, and what I have found is that by developing my own body, It's easier for me to lift them out of chairs, I don't get winded racing a chair down a hallway, or roll around with a child who needs to have her body manipulated. It is these children I think about when I want to give up...
  • Carrotz5
    Carrotz5 Posts: 31 Member
    Day 4 of Level 2 done. One more workout tomorrow and I can cross Week 2 off! It is amazing that we are nearing the halfway point. I am so excited to see all of you consistently doing the workouts and updating with your thoughts.

    So what keeps me going? I think I've said something like this in an earlier post but part of what makes me pop in this DVD every day is knowing that you all are doing it as well. Some of you are doing it early in the morning and I see your updates at lunch. That makes me change my clothes and press play on the DVD player at the end of my day of work. Another motivator is the small changes I'm noticing in my body. I may be just imagining it, but I swear I'm losing inches around my middle! Even if it just my imagination, I'm running with it. I've already seen my numbers drop on the scale. At work we have a large scale that I have been hopping on out of curiosity for the last few months. I used to get excited when the weigh read in the low 150's in the AM. This past week... the weight is in the low 150's in the PM (which means high 140's in the AM)!!! So those are my motivators.

    Silverkittycat... I'm so jealous that you are sailing tomorrow! My brother and I have starting sailing this past summer again. I hope you have a wonderful time. Is it warmer where you are at than what it is up here in Michigan?
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Day 4 done for me. One more to go!

    You gals keep me going! And the two bumps under my rib cage which, in my imagination, could be the beginning of a 2-pack lol?

    Thank-you everyone and *grumble* thank-you Jillian!
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    To reply regarding 30 Day Shred compared to Ripped - I think the Shred was a great place to start for me. It was challenging and I got used to the 3-2-1 circuits. I really enjoyed it and will do it again in the future. Ripped is more of a workout for me. If I had started with it, I may have been discouraged! So overall, they are both good if you like this system.

    So, Week 2 is done! After 6 days I felt a big difference in what i was able to do - especially in the abdominal work. I have to admit, I'm a little nervous about week 3!!!

    I'm out of town starting today, but I will bring the video along and plan on 5 days of Ripped during the trip, with some running and yoga mixed in as well.

    Since starting Ripped, I am down 2.5 pounds and feeling great! Thanks for all the motivation!
  • Carrotz5
    Carrotz5 Posts: 31 Member
    Week 2 at Level 2 is complete for me! Just in time to shower and get my Michigan State gear on to watch them beat University of Michigan! Amazing job this week ladies we are half way there!

    I took my Week 2 photos and I believe I can truly say that I can see a small tiny difference. Even if someone else can't see it I know its there. I've lost 0.5 in around my waist and 0.75 in around that widest part that was beginning to look like a spare tire around my middle. A total of 2.5lbs lost since starting Ripped in 30. I am loving the tiny changes because they make me feel amazing!

    I am also getting a sneak peak at Week 3. It's looking intense, but nothing we can't handle!
    Have a great weekend all I will see you all back on Monday getting ripped!
  • taralee2001
    taralee2001 Posts: 45 Member
    Well yesterday I ended up taking a rest day. So I did Ripped today. And I convinced myself that since this *is* week 3 I should go ahead and move up. I would be kicking myself in the *kitten* right now for that decision, except dear ol' Jillian already did that for me. :laugh:

    On the plus side, I did survive. And it is do-able. However I will say that you know it's a tough workout when your 3 year old says "don't cry mama, you will be ok" and then brings all her stuffed animals over to cheer you up. Which is a change. Usually she is in my face saying things like "that's not quite right" or "just one more time, mama. do it one more time."
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Well yesterday I ended up taking a rest day. So I did Ripped today. And I convinced myself that since this *is* week 3 I should go ahead and move up. I would be kicking myself in the *kitten* right now for that decision, except dear ol' Jillian already did that for me. :laugh:

    On the plus side, I did survive. And it is do-able. However I will say that you know it's a tough workout when your 3 year old says "don't cry mama, you will be ok" and then brings all her stuffed animals over to cheer you up. Which is a change. Usually she is in my face saying things like "that's not quite right" or "just one more time, mama. do it one more time."

    Thanks for the heads up, Taralee! I'm going to go and pre-view it today and get it cued up and ready for tomorrow morning!
  • taralee2001
    taralee2001 Posts: 45 Member
    My quads were crying by the end of the first strength circuit.

    Also on my dvd it's like she skips a strength move in the first circuit. Like she does 3 moves and then on the second time through only does 2. And I was left thinking "uhhhhh, we're missing something here." Or maybe I passed out for a moment. :laugh: I'm curious if anyone else has that issue of a missing strength move. I almost want to pause the dvd for 30 seconds and add in what I think should be there. It's the second one of the staggered rows.
  • Kim1118
    Kim1118 Posts: 57 Member
    I was at a conference the last two day, so I missed Week 2 Day 6 yesterday, but I am going to try to get it in tonight. The diet went over a cliff yesterday and the only way I can salvage today is to burn about 500 calls before I go to bed.

    Everyone seems to be doing pretty well at the midpoint...keep up the good work, rippers! Can't wait to see what Week 3 brings, but let me go get busy finishing this week's grueling round of planks. I guess I shouldn't get too happy, something tells me we'll be seeing more of them!

    As for next month...I can't fully commit to P90X, but I'd like to give it a shot. I've tried them out and the yoga is probably the most challenging for me. Unfortunately, I've never been very flexible.
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Day 1 Level 3 is done. I'm not going to say anymore than that until tomorrow!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Taralee, Yep, I noticed that she missed the second set of static squat/alt grip rows.

    Katia, I could bit my lip about today, but I'm not going to!:indifferent:

    OH MY LORD!!!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: (that's actually me screaming) If I can walk this time tomorrow or even in a few hours, it will be a miracle. Duck waddles? Please, I couldn't even do that as a kid! And a one leg squat? Well, where's a video camera when I need one? It would go viral on youtube in MOMENTS!

    With that being said, there ARE a few moves that I LOVE, mainly, the bear crawls (because I can do those!) and the downward dog pushups (because I felt like I ROCKED those!)

    Busy day around here!

    ROCK ON!!!!! :tongue:
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    Week 3 already!! As far a Jillian skipping a move....I'm too exhausted to keep up with that!!