daily gratitude check



  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    duplicate sorry folks
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    duplicate sorry folks
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    duplicate sorry folks not sure what happened.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    duplicate sorry fokds
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    I am grateful that heal4444's post cloned itself spontaneously because it gave me a good giggle.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Hehehe, sorry folks!! Was in a rush out the door this morning, and it was slow so I kept pressing it and to my horror, they mutiplied like rabbits!! Too much gratitude! So funny then, I had to edit the duplicates. Oh, just too funny. Hehe! :laugh: :laugh: Too much gratitude!!
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    Hehehe, sorry folks!! Was in a rush out the door this morning, and it was slow so I kept pressing it and to my horror, they mutiplied like rabbits!! Too much gratitude! So funny then, I had to edit the duplicates. Oh, just too funny. Hehe! :laugh: :laugh: Too much gratitude!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Our cup of gratitude is overflowing onto the boards! Whoot!
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I am grateful today that I am better looking in person than my photo to the left would suggest.
  • Panda8Angel8Faith
    Panda8Angel8Faith Posts: 46 Member
    I am grateful for:
    1) The ability to work. In this economy, it is very important to have a job and keep it.
    2) My God who has taken care of me all of the time.
    3) The Freedom to share my faith with the rest of the world
    4) My Husband. He is sick today, but is still very supportive in everything that I do
    5) My health. I am able to change the eating habits and exercise routine now
    6) My children. They can drive me insane, but they remind me of what is important in the world.
    7) This website. It is great to know that no matter how many times I fall down, I am able to get up and go at it again. One of these times, it just might stick.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am grateful today that I am better looking in person than my photo to the left would suggest.

    You're funny!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,118 Member
    It's a little bit gray, but no rain. Snowing in the passes, though.

    I'm grateful for:
    1. Body moisturizer after a nice shower, and face cream. Heavenly.
    2. Amber alerts. I have no children, but I am so grateful the system works.
    3. Non-chlorine bleach. The planet thanks us.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am grateful for :happy:

    A smooth day:heart:
    Today is almost over so I can rest:heart:
    My health is improving little by little:heart:
    This thread to keep me grateful for life:heart:
    Clear roads this morning/aft drive to work:heart:
    Oregonlady for starting this thread:heart:
    All of you here to remind me what is most important: fitness and health:heart:
    Tomorrow is another day:heart:
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I'm grateful American Idol will show tonight and was not canceled for the presidential address.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am grateful for:happy:

    Fast easy commute to work today:heart:
    No snow on the ground for easy driving:heart:
    Car is doing fine:heart:
    My health slowly and surely getting better:heart:
    Healthy breakfast:heart:
    Good night's sleep:heart:
    Peaceful home:heart:
    Good and improving relationships with my family:heart:
    Great and ever improving relationships with my best friends:heart:
    This thread where I can start the day on a great way:heart:
    Congrats from fellow MFPers on piece of cake thread:heart:
    "Random survey about you" thread for me to be goofy and get a chance to giggle and laugh:heart:
    Brandiann for starting that survey:heart:
    A moment to relax here on this thread before I really start the day:heart:
    More texts and calls from the important person in my life:heart:
    Calm and peace I create for myself:heart:
    A new day to start a new:heart:
    A new week going well:heart:
    A new year that is going great:heart:
    All of you here on MFP:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Enjoy another good day of healthy living everyone! :heart:
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am grateful for:heart:

    Washed clean car to drive in:heart:
    Great car that I love everything about it to get me thru the winter:heart:
    First day in a very 4 weeks to truly relax, recuperate, refresh, rejuvenate, and enjoy:heart:
    Txts, calls received this week from someone important in my life:heart:
    Those who love me and care about me:heart:
    My health improving slowly and surely.:heart:
    A loving sister that truly loves me though we will always have differences:heart:
    A loving mom that truly loves me though we've had words of disappointment and both are willing to forgive:heart:
    Work that is meaningful, and fruitful.:heart:
    Unexpected and abundance of goodwill, kindness from people I'll never meet in person though meet in more meaningful way here in MFP to support, embrace, encourage, pick me up when I fall, cheer me on when I rise in small and big ways.:heart:
    This thread reminding me that nothing is to be taken for granted. Everything to be grateful for. Even our moments of trials and tribulations here to test and make us stronger, and wiser:heart:
    My life, I am alive, I am well, I am happy, I am learning to love myself, respect myself, and loving and respecting others more and more so everyday.:heart:
    Oregonlady aka Robin who started this thread. :heart: :happy:
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :drinker: :happy: Friday
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am grateful for :smile:

    It's the weekend.:heart:
    A great night's sleep:heart:
    Yesterday was soooooooooo relaxing and got a chance to center myself:heart:
    Health improving:heart:
    A caring call from my sister:heart:
    Someone in my life:heart:
    This weekend to gather my thoughts and breathe a sigh of relief after many weeks of challenges:heart:
    Calm, serenity I created for myself by putting my self first, loving myself the proper way:heart:
    Simplifying life:heart:
    This day:heart:
    This minute:heart:
    This moment:heart:
    This thread letting me everyday be quietly appreciative what's great in life and not go unnoticed, what's not great in life yet I can still learn from.:heart:
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I am grateful Saturday comes at just the right time every week!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,118 Member
    No good deed goes unpunished. A beautiful day yesterday, a two mile hike to the Puget Sound, and some great calories burned!

    I am grateful today that:

    1. I survived my fall into the Sound's 50 degrees water, and the 2 mile walk back to the car
    2. I was able to jury-rig a couple shopping bags (thank God I'm "green") and an emergency poncho into a "skirt" to wear back to the car - even though it was 40 degrees out - it was better than my soaked jeans & undies. Plastic Subway bags for socks.
    3. I can afford to buy a new camera, which also took a swim:frown:

    (the av pic is JUST BEFORE I took my un-planned dip:noway: )

  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    cm, sounds like you had an exciting day! Glad you got out ok!

    I'm grateful that
    :flowerforyou: mom's surgery went well
    :flowerforyou: a friend (we don't even know who yet) snowblowed our driveway while we were gone. We got home and were able to drive right in to the garage.
    :flowerforyou: sisters who are willing to take a turn and stay with mom while she recovers.
    :flowerforyou: a wonderful, caring, supportive, helpful husband.