daily gratitude check



  • lajuive
    lajuive Posts: 18
    I'm grateful that:
    :heart: I can afford good food
    :heart: My father is still alive
    :heart: My family members enjoy each other and communicate frequently
    :heart: I have a warm safe place to live
    :heart: I have added quinoa to my repertoire of grains.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Keiko, what a friend you have to snowblow your driveway and you were able to drive right into your home!! Tks, hearing stuff like that warms the heart. Tks for sharing!! :smile: I just love this thread!!


    I am grateful for :smile:

    It's Sunday. Quiet and contemplative day. :heart:
    No snow on the ground for easy driving:heart:
    Peaceful sleep:heart:
    Health improving faster now:heart:
    Unexpected gift from a friend yesterday:heart:
    An important apology from a good fellow human being last night:heart:
    Plenty of water to drink:heart:
    Healthy food to eat:heart:
    Warm, peaceful home to live in:heart:
    Great health care:heart:
    Important job this week:heart:
    Inner peace, inner calm:heart:
    This thread:heart:
    This day:heart:
    This planet we live on:heart:
    This moment I am alive:heart:
    This life I live:heart:
    This journey we are all on: alive, learning, teaching, trying our very best at every moment:heart:
    This breath I am taking:heart:
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I am grateful the family will sleep in today (Sunday) so I can get some work done.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I am grateful for sunshine! it's only 7F outside but the sunshine makes it feel warmer
    I am grateful that my husband went out in the cold to snow blow paths to my bird feeders so I could get to them to feed the birds.
    I am grateful I had seed to put into the feeders, I'm almost out. I love to watch the birds.
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    happy march everyone!
    :heart: w/ hubby walkig beside me, i jogged a record 8.5 miles this morning!
    :heart: warm oatmeal
    :heart: fresh gratefruit
    :heart: my hubby said to me yesterday while we were driving in the car, "i love my life w/ you"
    :heart: i love my life w/ my hubby!
    :heart: new oak filing cabnit i found at a garage sale yesterday.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Wow, that's so nice of what you said about you and your husband. Good for you!!!:happy:
  • lajuive
    lajuive Posts: 18
    I'm grateful for

    :heart: storytelling at a church I visited today
    :heart: Friends to go to lunch with
    :heart: Friends did not ask why I was eating less but also did not try to get me to eat more
    :heart: Books at books a million
    :heart: Eyesight so I can read books :happy:
    :heart: My mother, sister and brother who are encouraging me as I work to be healthier
    :heart: warm clothes, car with heater on a snowy day
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I'm thankful for
    grown kids who call weekly or more often to share
    finances to fund dream vacation plans
    good friends
    husband who will walk with me even when he has shin splints
    beautiful home
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I am grateful to the women of MFP for showing me
    a more kinder and more compassionate way to be:flowerforyou:
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :drinker: Healthy children and grandchildren:heart:
    :heart: a husband who cares and has for 34 years:heart:
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    good morning!:smile: happy monday:smile:

    :heart: i will clean my messy office. (since i aquired a large oak file cabnit this weekend)
    :heart: it is not raining this morning.
    :heart: today is the begining of a great week.
    :heart: my daughter really enjoys learning to play the flute
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am grateful to the women of MFP for showing me
    a more kinder and more compassionate way to be:flowerforyou:

    Wow! More men should be like you Dave !!!

    This is one of the most authentic posts I have ever read on MFP. Wishing you the best in everything. :happy:


    I am grateful for :happy:

    This thread where I can set the tone for the day and for my life:heart:
    Peaceful, refreshing, sound sleep:heart:
    A new day:heart:
    A new week:heart:
    My ever improving health:heart:
    I can return to exercise/workout/sports hopefully sometime this week:heart:
    Water drinking game is working and reminding me to drink more water:heart:
    Friendships growing stronger everyday between me and my best friends:heart:
    New MFP friends:heart:
    Cold in Ontario, Canada yet no snow.:heart:
    As much as I love winter, spring is on its way:heart:
    More and more daylight hours:heart:
    People who love me and I love them:heart:
    Believe of a brighter future ahead:heart:
    This moment :heart:
    This breathe:heart:
    This life:heart:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I'm grateful that my DD had a safe flight and she got in on time! She called on her first stop and said she had a delay. It worked in her favor, she got to fly first class:smile:
  • lajuive
    lajuive Posts: 18
    I'm grateful:

    :smile: that I received the motivation to exercise today even though I felt tired
    :heart: that I have wonderful co-workers and we laughed a lot today while we finished a major project, prayed together when a critical file was lost
    :heart: for friends who cook who are willing to share their bounty on a day when I didn't bring lunch.
    :heart: for the box that came in the mail from my best friend
    :heart: for the wonderful fresh produce I found in Kroger on my way home tonight
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :drinker: I am grateful for one more pound lost. I loved the scales this morning.:heart:
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    i am grateful for:
    the positive outlook my grateful journal helps me to have
    i'm leading children from my area on a "walk 2 school" trip this morning!
    the weather is great for the scheduled walking trip
    my hubby bought me a beautiful gold bracelit last night!
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    i woke up weighing more than i know i should have :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
    i ate/exercised super good yesterday. so, must be water weight cause i drank a lot before bed.
    so it is tough 4 me to be grateful for anything right now but i will try!:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    :heart: my lb gain is not bothering me as much as it did in my past because i'm logging my foods etc... and i know i did good yesterday
    :heart: my 15yr son adds to my list by telling me he is grateful for the pocket warmers he has
    :heart: i cleaned my house this morning
    :heart: i intend to try out a new recipe for dinner tonight
    :heart: >i invited my ex husband's brother over for a home cooked dinner of his choice in honor of his birthday (my children, his niece/nephew, are his only living relivites now a days
    :heart: cleaning out a drawer i have not opened for years, i'm finding fun memories and stuff!
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I am grateful for a loving and supportive wife.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I'm grateful my fitness goals are rubbing off on my hubby. He's walking with me regularly (which means we're not limited by daylight) & feeling much better.
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    :smile: good morning!
    :heart: nothing on my "have to do" list today
    :heart: my house was cleaned yesterday
    :heart: my family really enjoyed the healthy new recipe i tried last night. ~spinich pie!
    :heart: my daughter has a lovely friend spending the night tonight
    :heart: weather is great for a walk this morning