daily gratitude check



  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Haven't been very good with this thread lately! I remain forever grateful though! Really!

    1. For my grandpa's memory (gone 15 yrs now) - it's his Birthday today! :flowerforyou:

    2. For a yummy Salmon fillet supper. Thank you mother earth for such goodness! :tongue:

    3. For good music in my ears. :bigsmile:

    4. For the good relationship step son and I have had this week. May it carry onward. :laugh:

    5. For cuddles and loves from my man. I love living with him every day. :smooched:
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am grateful for:happy:

    Warm heat on a cold winter's day:heart:
    Warm blanket on a cold winter's day:heart:
    Warm coat on a cold winter's day:heart:
    Warm scarf on a cold winter's day:heart:
    Warm hat on a cold winter's day:heart:
    Warm gloves on a cold winter's day:heart:
    Warm boots on a cold winter's day:heart:

    and most of all,

    Warm heart on a cold winter's day because
    I'm having lunch with my 2 best friends in the whole wide world:heart:
  • swiftyoung
    swiftyoung Posts: 298 Member
    I am grateful that I am God's child.
    That I have wonderful family
    That my children are healthy and happy
    That my husband is loving and supportive
    That I am taking this time to get healthier.
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I am grateful I have a supportive and loving wife -- more than most, I think.
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :heart: I'm grateful for a forgiving God
    :heart: I'm grateful for my children and grandchildren
    :heart: I'm grateful that many have given prayers for my grandchild that is in the hospital.
    :love: I'm grateful for the love that I feel for my husband of 34 years
    :love: I'm grateful for my mom and mother in law and father in law and all my other family members
    :drinker: I'm grateful to be able to worry about healthy eating and the rest of my life
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I'm grateful for
    sunshine on a cold day
    that I passed my admissions test so I can go back to school in the fall
    that my husband supports me in that decision
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,118 Member
    OMG it is a BEEEE-uuuu-tiiiii-fullllll blue sky day!

    ~ 1. I am grateful for chocolate. There, I've said it.. I'll also admit I'm grateful for peeps at $.16 a pak. :embarassed:
    ~ 2. I am grateful for living in a country where we are all free to speak our minds, take the consequences, and not end up in jail or hurt because of it - - well, within reason.
    ~ 3. I am grateful for a Canadian ice-breaker on its way to try to rescue some dolphins trapped by the decreasing breathing hole in a rapidly freezing ocean in Canada. Animals are important.

    ~~This is my friend "Duchess" in Las Vegas, flirting with me just cuz she's sweet like that.....
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    I am grateful for my housemates. We may clash in opinions and drive each other nuts at times, but after looking on Facebook today, it seems that my other friends are having homicidal urges towards THEIR housemates.

    I am grateful to have such a great driving instructor, who's keeping me calm in spite of my impending doom... I mean, test.

    I am grateful to have such great parents, who drive me nuts but love me and are my dear friends.

    I am grateful to have such great friends. I may not be surrounded by cohorts, but my close friends are fabulous.

    I am grateful for my boyfriend. This is something that can never be put into words.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am grateful for :happy:

    A safe drive home last night, the roads were slippery:heart:
    A great night's sleep:heart:
    A yummy breakfast:heart:
    Quiet when I woke up this morning:heart:
    Additional opportunities for new leads:heart:
    This thread that reminds me to eat healthy, move, and overall taking care of my body.:heart:
    A great night of volleyball last night, better performance playing it:heart:
    It's Friday!!!:heart:
    The Crazy Canadian Group on MFP and weigh in on Wed and jomickey's report every Thurs:heart:

    :drinker: water:drinker: water:drinker: water :happy:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I'm grateful for a beautiful snowflakes falling slowing to the ground. They're beautiful & mesmerizing to watch and they cover up the dirty snow.

    I'm grateful that my DH is going to grill steak tonight! It's been a long time since we've had steak on the grill. We might even do fettucini alfredo!

    I'm grateful we had enough money to buy my DD a plane ticket so she can see her Grandma (my mom) before she becomes really sick. We just found out she has cancer.
    I normally don't give out money but DD moved to FL and hasn't found a job yet and we want her to have this time.
  • jhacker
    jhacker Posts: 301 Member
    I'm grateful for a beautiful snowflakes falling slowing to the ground. They're beautiful & mesmerizing to watch and they cover up the dirty snow.

    I'm grateful that my DH is going to grill steak tonight! It's been a long time since we've had steak on the grill. We might even do fettucini alfredo!

    I'm grateful we had enough money to buy my DD a plane ticket so she can see her Grandma (my mom) before she becomes really sick. We just found out she has cancer.
    I normally don't give out money but DD moved to FL and hasn't found a job yet and we want her to have this time.

    Awww ! I love and miss those snowflakes! I haven't seen them since I moved south! (Grew up in Buffalo, NY)
    However, I am grateful for the beautiful sunny day we have today and all of you for inspiring me!:flowerforyou:
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member

    See above first...

    I am grateful to MFP for helping me to be fat!
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am grateful for :happy:

    A good night's sleep:heart:
    Delicious healthy breakfast:heart:
    Neighbour doing our driveway, I've been under the weather for the last 2 days.:heart:
    Newspaper delivered to our door, love reading the paper:heart:
    That I have things to be grateful for:heart:
    Patience with myself:heart:
    Keeping focus on important things:heart:
    Simplifying my life:heart:
    Big job upcoming this week:heart:
    Efficient snow removal on streets and highways when it snows heavily:heart:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member

    See above first...

    I am grateful to MFP for helping me to be fat!

    That's great! Congratulations! and you mentioned traveling for your job so you are also learning how to keep control through that. Sometimes we can do ok at home but when we travel we get thrown off of our healthier habits. Keep up the good work!
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am grateful :happy:

    I can change my ticker to my small short term goal !!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Love it !! :heart: :heart:
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I haven't been on this thread in awhile, but I just am so happy at this moment that I want to shout it from the rooftops!

    I have no reason to be so happy, none at all, except that I am so grateful for my God! That's it! I just am so amazed sometimes! No...no miracles have happened. I am just filled with his Spirit, and that makes me grateful!

    I'm also so grateful that I've met so many wonderful Christian women on this site!
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am grateful for :happy:

    I have a doctor's appt tomorrow. Been fighting this head cold/chest congestion far too many days.:indifferent: :heart:
    Not too much snow came down last night despite snowstorm forecast :heart:
    Car is doing fine in the winter:heart:
    Car's snow tires working well in snow:heart:
    Great night's sleep, for 9 hours straight:heart:
    Delicious supper last night:heart:
    Ticker, ticker, ticker, finally changed yesterday my ticker to short term goal of 134 to 165. I feel so good about it, a relief, a motivation to keep reaching mini goals and then, updating to a new 5 lb goal. :heart: :heart:
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am grateful for :happy:

    An uenexpected much appreciated gift in the mail:heart:
    Really really really unexpected message yesterday :heart:
    Huge work contract upcoming this week, grateful for the work:heart:
    Good sleep again, been getting lots of those:heart:
    My health getting better and better, last 2 days a bit under the weather :heart:
    Plenty of water to drink:heart:
    Spring coming soon:heart:
    Winter this year pretty good:heart:
    The love of extended family, a really nice aunt who loves me and shows it:heart:
    This thread:heart:
    Ticker, just love seeing my short term goal ticker now, very motivating and excited about it. :heart:
    New MFP friends always appreciative:heart:
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am grateful for:happy:

    Sunny skies:heart:
    Clear roads, no snow, to drive today:heart:
    Big contract work client today:heart:
    A txt msg received on Sunday:heart:
    Reliable car:heart:
    Family is in good health:heart:
    My health is improving everyday, was a bit under the weather:heart:
    Nutritious breakfast:heart:
    Good coworkers to work with :heart:
    Life in general, happy to be alive and doing great !! :heart:
    Medium pants actually fitting better than weeks before! How about that!!:heart:

    Have a good day everyone. Enjoy everything MFP! :flowerforyou:
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Not sure why, post duplicated. Sorry folks