daily gratitude check



  • doodlebug
    doodlebug Posts: 44 Member
    My girls are finally getting over the flu:heart:
    My mom is here for support:heart:
    My husband:heart:
    Beautiful weather this weekend!!:heart:
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I am grateful to have a job and to be able to give that honor to others.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    2. beautiful weather
    3. my girls are getting along so nicely and staying quiet while baby naps
    4. losing weight
    5. mfp
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    :heart: the weather man says it should snow some here tonight.
    :heart: i woke up thin this morrning.
    :heart: i'm hoping to build a little snow man tomorrow morn if i can!
    :heart: hubby adds to my grateful list w/ -sleeping in and a happy morning w/ his wife.
    :heart: i had a happy jog in light rain, hubby walked beside me. lol
    :heart: i'm going out to do karaoke tonight! ~my 2nd time ever.
    :heart: i'll enjoy dressing up and feeling sexy tonight
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member

    Today I am grateful that :

    ~> I woke up this moring
    ~> My wonderful family
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Today I'm grateful for my mom. And that she is recovering well from her surgery. They found no cancer in the lymph nodes so it looks like they got it all.

    I'm also grateful that my youngest DD has been here to visit and she got to go and see grandma.

    I'm also grateful that my DH is joining me on living healthier. This will make it easier and more fun for me. We got a golf membership and he ordered a bowflex. I can't wait to try it.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Today I am grateful for

    :love: My hard working finacee' who works 2 jobs with sometimes only 2 hours of sleep in between to keep a roof over our head and has never complained 1 single time.
    :heart: My health.....I learned an aquaintance has a tennis ball size tumor in her brain....she is 32 :frown:
    :embarassed: My lanlord being so flexible with us on paying rent these last 2 months.......
    :tongue: My friends and my family
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    :heart: a wonderful morning w/ my hubby
    :heart: waking up feeling thin and hungry.
    :heart: going out to "sweet tomatoes" today
    :heart: having fun strutting my stuff last night doing karaoke
    :heart: my dog caught a rat in our garage this morning!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    :heart: a wonderful morning w/ my hubby
    :heart: waking up feeling thin and hungry.
    :heart: going out to "sweet tomatoes" today
    :heart: having fun strutting my stuff last night doing karaoke
    :heart: my dog caught a rat in our garage this morning!

    I'm grateful to see you again, oregonlady! :smile:

    Good to see you again! :flowerforyou:
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    Today I am grateful for my very caring and wonderful fiance that works hard so I can stay home and take care of our son and house. :heart: :heart:
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    :heart: i made it through the weekend w/out gaining lbs!
    :heart: the weather is predicted to get nice this week in my part of the world
    :heart: my daughter enjoys taking walks w/ me
    :heart: the www
    :heart: gym
    :heart: grapefruit
    :heart: egg whites ~the lowest calorie, higest protien food i have found.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    A fresh white blanket of snow,
    DD getting off on her flight even though it was delayed because of the snow,
    being able to take a nap today since we were up early getting DD to airport
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    :heart: now that i'm old a wise, i know the frusterating times pass sure enough
    :heart: i'm frusterated i ate too much yesterday and weigh 3 more lbs than i did the day before, but i know that will pass!
    :heart: my son is a good teenage boy.
    :heart: i enjoy being w/ my daughter
    :heart: my house is clean
    :heart: i look forward to a long, hot shower after i work out today.
  • cjm0014
    cjm0014 Posts: 118
    Daylight savings because last night at 7 it was still light out. I am so excited about spring and summer!
    MFP, you guys make me feel better
    A God who is so big and good and doesn't care what i weigh:happy: haha thanks goodness
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    :heart: this morning, i found notes i wrote on the day of my daughter's birth! ~fun read.
    :heart: i enjoy reading other MFPers grateful lists
    :heart: the yummy healthy salmon dinner i made last night that my family loved
    :heart: i have a lot of time to exercise.
    :heart: every day, i see myself getting more like the person i always wanted to be
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    :heart: beautiful morning. looking forward to a wonderful day!
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: woo hoo it's Friday:drinker: I'm grateful I lost another pound:drinker: :drinker:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I haven't checked in here for awhile. This is one of those threads that helps me to remember to be grateful. So today I'm grateful for

    :heart: My husband who I love, even more than when we married 15 yrs ago.
    :glasses: Sunshine, and the prediction of warmer temps this weekend
    :happy: That my youngest DD has a job interview today! I hope she gets it, she really needs a job.
  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    I appreciate:
    My supportive colleagues
    The smile of my children
    My body which is getting stronger
    My kitty cat Jake!!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    :heart: i'm fat today, but i still intend to have a good day w/ my family (school is off)
    :heart: i might go snow shoeing tomorrow! have you ever snow shoed?
    :heart: looks like wonderful weather outside today