Hot For Cupid (Valentine's Day Group)



  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 217 Member
    Name: Kristi

    Challenge starting weight: 192
    Week 1: 189.4
    Week 2: 186.6
    Week 3: 186.6 (no loss for week three)
    Week 4: 184.8
    Week 5: 183.6
    Week 6: 181.4
    Week 7: 180.2
    Week 8: 179.8
    Week 9: 178.4
    Total Challenge Loss: 13.6lbs.

    End of challenge goal weight: 165 lbs.
    Weight Loss Remaining to Goal: 13.4 lbs. ***Over half way there***

    Measurements: (done every 2 weeks)

    Neck: start – 15” current – 13 13/16” down 1 3/16”
    Chest: sm – 43 ¼” cm – 41 ¼” down 2”
    Left Bicep: sm – 11 7/8” cm 11 ¾” down 1/8”
    Right Bicep: sm – 13 1/8” cm 12 ¼” down 7/8”
    Waist: sm – 41” cm – 39” down 2”
    Hips: sm – 45 ½” cm – 44 3/8” down 1 1/8”
    Left Thigh: sm – 24 ½” cm – 21 13/16” down 2 11/16”
    Right Thigh: sm – 24 3/8” cm – 22” down 2 3/8”

    I have to say, I’m a little shocked at my loss this week. I had family in from out of town for Thanksgiving and had consecutive holiday dinners at which I ate as much of whatever I wanted as I liked. I also got wholly plastered on the Sunday night, shooters and all. I exercised 1 day all week (granted it was 2 workouts) and was lax on my water intake.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely not complaining, I’ll take it how I get it! Just surprised.

    I know it’s not exactly the spirit of this week’s challenge, but I worked out with weights instead of my tension band. I prefer it hands down! Now I’ll have to buy a set as I only have 2-5lb weights.

    Something new that I have started doing on MFP is tracking my Body Fat% and Body Muscle% as given to me by my AWS Bioweigh Scale. At the start of this challenge, my BF% was 38.1% and my BM% was 32.5%. As of my most recent weigh in, my BF is 34.5% and my BM is 34.6%.

    In the book that came with my scale it tells me that a BF% of 24-33 is healthy for a woman my age as is a BM greater than 34.

    I look forward to seeing that 33% for my BF%!

    I’ve also ordered an HRM. I should get it sometime next week or the week after. I’m incredibly excited about this and will most likely talk more about it in subsequent posts!

    My personal challenge/goal this week is to exercise earlier in the day, allowing for more energy during my workouts and a better likelihood that I consume some sort of post exercise nutrition.

    Good luck All!!!
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    [V-Day Challenge starting weight: 219.0lbs]
    --Week 1: 215.0 -4lbs
    --Week 2: 213.0 -2lbs
    --Week 3: 215.2 +2.2lbs
    --Week 4: 213.0 -2lbs
    --Week 5: 211 -2lbs
    --week 6: 211 -0lbs
    --Week 7: 209.0 -2lbs
    --Week 8: 208.0 -1
    --Week 9: 208.2 +.02
    [End of challenge goal weight: 180lbs]

    I actually had gained a pound at the beginning of the week, but lost most of it by today. I'm hoping to be off this pound by next week =) Besides....I think something is coming to visit this week (should've been last wed >.<)

    WEEK 9 : Measurements

    Neck 13.5
    Waist 37.5
    Hips 43.0
    Chest 44.0
    Right Arm 15.5
    Left Arm 16.0
    Right Thigh 26.0
    Left Thigh 26.0

    My struggles: I've been going to bed late this week (like 2-3am) because my son decided its his new schedule. So, I've been getting up late (11am) and my eating has been off. I'm eating late at night, and I don't like that! I also think my new workout regime has me constantly hungry, so I'm always snacking!

    My strengths: I've started a Zumba 30 Day Challenge. I'm determined to get to ONEderland by the end of this month. I feel great and energetic!

    If you want to join my Zumba 30 Day Challenge , I have started a thread! You can join whenever you like, you just have to log in everyday! We'll have a composite of measurements and stuff on Oct 27, the 2 week mark from the beginning of the thread.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Hey guys!! I'll post the chart in about 30 - 60 minutes!! In the meantime:

    @Mrsmellymac: Nice job with the challenge! I am totally not coordinated enough for Zumba, let alone Zumba with weights. I would be an accident waiting to happen!!

    @321blueyes: Did you end up doing that yoga DVD?? You posted an AWESOME loss this week! Awesome job!!

    @kandrews24: Welcome to the new thread! If it's ok with you, I am going to record this weight as an initial check in. :) How did the bike riding go??

    @Nekosimba: Welcome!

    @Shrinkinglily: It's good to have you!!

    @jellybean1971: How was yoga??

    @specialk_flett: If you are just looking for a couple of different weights, try walmart or CND Tire. You can get them in singles and they cost about a buck a pound (for neoprene coated ones). If you want a set, there are some decent ones at CND Tire. Do the hubby's weight set not work for what you are doing? I thought I remembered you getting him some for his b-day but I can't entirely remember... lol Great job on posting a loss despite the thanksgiving shenanagins!
  • shrinkinglily
    Updated with Measurements:
    Hello, I would love to join! Valentine's day is just about when I should be hitting my goal, and this will help me stay focused on the time frame.

    I am a 5'5 mama in Northern California. I have 17.5 weeks until V-day so I will adjust my goals accordingly.

    Starting Weight: 178.6
    Challenge Goal Weight: 150
    Strengths: Sticking to a varied workout program, logging in every day and staying on track
    Struggles: Occasional HUGE splurges... Sometimes a few days in a row... Too much salt in general.
    Weekly Success: My fifth Zumba class was the most challenging and fast-paced but I did it with great energy and seem to be picking the steps up faster than before. (Update - I also just realized that I have lost 9 inches around my waist since I started this Sept 1st. Could that be?:noway: )
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Get a food scale and check my assumptions about portions. Drink all my water and start taking vitamins again.

    Starting Measurements: UPDATE: And here are the measurements! As of Monday, Oct. 17th
    Chest- 39
    Right Bicep- 13
    Left Bicep- 12.75
    Waist- 33.5"
    Belly Button- 41
    Hips- 44"
    Right Thigh- 26
    Left Thigh- 26.5
    Neck- 13.25
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Well yoga was out, my challenge this week will be to try to figure out some calorie burning activity that I can do with only one foot and on crutches. Hope everyone has an awesome day.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    To anyone interested in joining: This is an OPEN group! We are always accepting new members! :)


    Biggest Weekly Loss (determined by %): 321Blueeyes with 2 lbs lost!! (1.37%!!)
    Biggest Challenge Loss (Starting September 26, 2011 - determined by %): 321blueyes having lost 5 lbs! (3.41%!!)

    Weekly Chart:
    Italicized means Starting Weight
    Bold means Current Weight
    Underlined means Weekly Loss
    If you didn't check in this week, it means your weight will stay the same.
    If you don't check in for more than two weeks I will stop charting your results. But fear not! If you want to come back just let me know and you'll be charted again!

    defygravity531: 168.2 lbs | 168.2 lbs | 0 lbs
    Caligirl125: 225.2 lbs | 225.2 lbs | 0 lbs
    Lolavaantz: 265 lbs | 265 lbs | 0 lbs
    Kandrews24: 211.6 lbs | 211.6 lbs | 0 lbs
    nekosimba: 267 lbs | 267 lbs | 0
    shrinkinglily: 178.6 lbs | 178.6 lbs | 0 lbs
    Jellybean1971: 208.5 lbs | 202 lbs | 2 lbs
    SpecialK_Flett: 181.4 lbs | 178.4 lbs | 1.4 lb
    321blueeyes: 146.5 lbs | 141.5 lbs | 2 lbs
    Mrsmellymac: 211 lbs | 208.2 lbs | +0.2 lb
    Legalchica: 159 lbs | 155.8 lbs | 0.4 lbs
    Actresskat: 183 lbs | 177 lbs | 2 lbs
    Jersey3025: 174.2 lbs | 173.2 lbs | 0.4 lbs

    This Week's Challenge: Let's do a sleep challenge this week! A lot of people don't realize that sleep is crucial for losing weight and being healthy. We all live busy lives and sometimes our sleep suffers for it. This week, let's try to get 7 hours of sleep a night. If some of you are freaking out with 7 hours, it may be helpful to ponder what is keeping you up in the evening? Is it something that you can change/ rearrange? Do you need to stay up until midnight watching TV? Obviously there are some things you just can't change. 7 hours is a goal. Let's support each other through this! Anyone here having trouble sleeping? Could group members provide helpful suggestions? I know I have picked up a lot of tricks thanks to my past anxiety issues.

    Don't forget to add your PERSONAL CHALLENGES to your posts! We can only help to support you with them if we know what they are!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Thanks for the updated chart, this weeks challenge will be easy some nights and hard on others just depends if the baby sleeps through the night or not.
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Good work ladies!

    While my loss was great, the reasons behind it were not - too much stress surrounding my recent split, just leaves me feeling sick inside :brokenheart: it's a daily struggle, sometimes not hungry at all & force-feeding, other times want to eat the whole house! however the evil part of me claims a small victory that he has gained at least 2 lb for every 1 lb that I have lost these past few months :ohwell: should I geel guilty for this? I think not...

    Unfortunately I didn't get around to that Yoga DVD either but still plan to do so this week as it will be good easy workout in the days before my Half Marathon on Sun.

    Keep on tracking!
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    Great challenge, I'm hoping I can follow it. I think I sleep too much, so I'm going to aim for 8 hours a night and force myself to get up after 8 hours instead of sleeping.
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    it posted twice, so I"m editing this one!

  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Well I got 8.5 hours of sleep last night. I am fighting a cold and was happy to climb into bed nice and early. How are you all doing??
  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 217 Member
    8 hours on Sunday and Monday, but not without the help of my Ami.
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    Hi Jersey3025

    I would love to join but I'm not sure if it's a female only challenge?

    I am struggling to motivate myself at the moment. But getting in shape for Valentine's Day sounds really good. My last 2 Valentines Days have been very depressing so getting in shape for the next one is a great motivation!
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    sleep challenge not so good thus far - 6 hrs on Sun, 4 hrs last night. Hoping for 7-8 tonight (no early morning, yay!) and maybe 7 for the next few nights. I'm planning to sleep lots on Fri night so that hopefully I'll be caught up in time for my race on Sun.

    @panyg - no need to be female, probably just coincidence that most (all?) are thus far. read back to the beginning of the thread for instructions to join - we always welcome new additions
  • Amandalovesfood89
    Going to get everything to you tomorrow!!! :D
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    @321blueeyes Thank you, I would love to join. Here are my details:

    Starting Weight: 218
    Challenge Goal Weight: 168
    Strengths: When I eventually find my willpower I do really well, quite knowlegable on nutrition
    Struggles: Huge appetite, don't drink enough water, emotional eater, can binge really badly
    Weekly Success: Joined a challenge!
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Control my eating, work out at least 3 times

    Starting Measurements:
    Chest- 47"
    Right Bicep-15"
    Left Bicep- 15"
    Waist- 45"
    Hips- 44"
    Right Thigh-25.5"
    Left Thigh- 25.5"
    Neck- 17"

    It's not a good start but I'm failing the sleep challenge already as I'm an insomniac. It's 3:45am and I am wide awake! So I'll probably be lucky to get 4 hours. I'll try harder tomorrow.....
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Welcome Panyg!! Good to have you!!

    I got another 8.5 hours of sleep last night. I am tired in the evenings around 9:30 PM and this morning, more than ever, I woke up TIRED. I am not entirely sure what I am doing wrong here. At least there is a healthy amount of sleeping happening.

    @SpecialK_Flett- How long have you been using Ami? Do you need it more than you don't? What happens if you don't take it?

    @123blueyes- 4 hours one night?! What's been going on?! I think I would be a zombie!! What can we do to help you out with this??
  • Legalchica
    I'm just gonna cop out of the sleep challenge now.. I just dont get enough and its not going to change :sad:
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    Thank you Jersey3025, I'm looking forward to the challenge!

    I have to try harder on the sleep part after just over 3 hours last night. Which meant I was too tired for a lunchtime workout :sad:
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    3 hours!? What's going on!?

    Legal- Don't quit on us!! Why is the sleep challenge eating you alive?