Hot For Cupid (Valentine's Day Group)



  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 217 Member
    Name: Kristi

    Challenge starting weight: 192
    Week 1: 189.4
    Week 2: 186.6
    Week 3: 186.6 (no loss for week three)
    Week 4: 184.8
    Week 5: 183.6
    Week 6: 181.4
    Week 7: 180.2
    Week 8: 179.8
    Week 9: 178.4
    Week 10:176.6
    Total Challenge Loss: 15.4lbs.

    End of challenge goal weight: 165 lbs.
    Weight Loss Remaining to Goal: 11.6 lbs. ***Over half way there***

    Measurements: (done every 2 weeks)

    Well, I was really hoping to hit my next mini-goal of 30lbs lost this week, and it looked very promising when I weighed in at 175.8 2 days after last week’s weigh-in. Alas, the late night Tostito binge and chocolate cupcake indulgence proved to be too much for my little body to handle 

    I’m still stoked about the almost 2lb loss this week, I’m just soooo close!

    This week’s sleep challenge was a moderate success. I managed 8 hours on 4 of the evenings.

    I hope to get my HRM by Halloween. I’m really excited to use it. I’ll probably end up going back to some Jillian Michaels Wii workouts again now that I can get an accurate calorie burn.

    “My personal challenge/goal this week is to exercise earlier in the day, allowing for more energy during my workouts and a better likelihood that I consume some sort of post exercise nutrition.” FAILED. I didn’t exercise for s*%t this week. Looking back, I don’t even know why…

    So, this week’s challenge is to be faithful to my workout schedule.

    Here’s to a better week for all!
  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 217 Member
    I'd love to join!

    Starting Weight: 224
    Challenge Goal Weight: 185
    Strengths: I'm really not sure
    Struggles: Making too large of portions, not wanting to be active
    Weekly Success:
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Walk a mile a day and drink 10+ cups of water a day

    I dont have a tape measure

    Welcome Trisha!
    If you have any questions, Jersey3025 charts our progress and keeps us motivated but we'd all be happy to help where we can!
    I'm sure you have plenty of strengths, hopefully we can help you identify some through the course of this challenge.
    I used to have the same struggles. I found that limited my first helping portions and pacing the rate that I ate at helped a lot. As for being active, it's very true that once you start, it's easy to maintain. You could try out with a light schedule and go from there. Pretty soon you'll have a routine that's second nature! The hardest part will be not allowing yourself to reasons to skip your exercise.
    Do you have any particular outlets for exercising, ie equipment, gym membership, game systems? This sight is full of people with different ideas.
    Look forward to having you with us!
  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 217 Member
    Hi I have been out of the loop for about a month now, not really checking in from the original challenge. I would like to continue on with you guys since I just learned that the original leader had to step down for personal/health reasons. If there are no objections I will jump right in.


    Welcome back!
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    Wanted to let everyone know that Jersey will be charting results a little bit late this week. Her brother was hit by a car on Sunday and she has been at the hospital since. It was fairly serious but he making positive steps in his recovery.

    I hope he does better! Take your time Jersey and be there for your fam!! Keepin' ya in my prayers!
  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 217 Member
    Wanted to let everyone know that Jersey will be charting results a little bit late this week. Her brother was hit by a car on Sunday and she has been at the hospital since. It was fairly serious but he making positive steps in his recovery.

    I thinks it's likely that this week will be a "bye" week. Jersey's brother is not doing well so she will likely be at the hospital all week.
    I know our thoughts are with her and her family.

    Keep sending in your stuff though. Even if we don't have her awesome charting, we can still share our progress and motivate each other. If anyone has any ideas for this weeks challenge, throw them out there!
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Firstly, my thoughts and prayers are with Jersey and her family. I hope everything will be ok.

    Even though I lost about 7 pounds last week, I don't feel in control of my eating. So I've decided to go back to Atkins until my birthday in December. Low carb is the only way I can control my cravings. Let's see how long I can last. My record in the last year has been 6 days!
  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 217 Member
    Name: Kristi

    Challenge starting weight: 192
    Week 1: 189.4
    Week 2: 186.6
    Week 3: 186.6 (no loss for week three)
    Week 4: 184.8
    Week 5: 183.6
    Week 6: 181.4
    Week 7: 180.2
    Week 8: 179.8
    Week 9: 178.4
    Week 10:176.6
    Week 11:174.4
    Total Challenge Loss: 17.6lbs.

    End of challenge goal weight: 165 lbs.
    Weight Loss Remaining to Goal: 9.4 lbs. ***2/3 of the way there***

    Measurements: (done every 2 weeks)

    Neck: start – 15” current – 13 7/16” down 1 9/16”
    Chest: sm – 43 ¼” cm – 41 ¼” down 2”
    Left Bicep: sm – 11 7/8” cm 12” up 1/8”
    Right Bicep: sm – 13 1/8” cm 12 ½” down 5/8”
    Waist: sm – 41” cm – 39” down 2”
    Hips: sm – 45 ½” cm – 43 5/16” down 2 3/16”
    Left Thigh: sm – 24 ½” cm – 22” down 2 ½”
    Right Thigh: sm – 24 3/8” cm – 21 11/16” down 2 ¾”

    I did it!!! I hit my 3rd mini goal in my overall weight loss (outside of this challenge) and I’m now half way to my overall goal of 145lbs, 2/3rds of the way to my challenge goal of 165lbs.
    For me, there’s something magical in seeing 31lbs lost on my ticker! This is real! For the first time in my life, I feel like I’ve accomplished something significant and I am riding the high!
    I’m also starting to feel sexy. My husband and I are going to the States for the weekend in 2 weeks (for my birthday) and will be going out for dinner, I cannot wait to wear my little red dress for him

    I got my POLAR FT7 on Wednesday!! I’m already in love :heart:
    I’ve used it for both of my workouts since then. I love having accurate calorie burns and tracking everything on their fitness website. I have to admit, it’s a bit of a pain to manually enter everything so I think I’m going to bite the bullet and buy the Polar FlowLink.

    “My personal challenge/goal this week is to be faithful to my workout schedule.” While I didn’t adhere to my normal workout schedule of EASA 2 four times a week, I did use my treadmill and home twice, at the gym once and JMFU 2011 Wii once so I adhered to a 4 day workout week which is my schedule. I would consider this goal ACHEIVED! :smile:

    This week’s challenge is to have a good mix of treadmill and circuit training and to stand strong in the face of the Halloween Candy haul of my 12 and 9 yr olds!

    Keep on truckin’
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Hi All,

    Thought I would pause to put in a brief update here. Life is sort of overwhelming and hard right now. I apologize for my absence and hope to be back at work and posting here tomorrow. We'll have a "2 Week" weigh in tomorrow morning with charts. Thanks for all of the patience and kind words. I'm still in survival mode. There is a lot to work through. But in general we are moving forward and not back.

    My Weekly Check In:

    Starting Weight: 179.5 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 165 lbs

    First Week: 178.5
    Second Week: 176.8
    Third Week: 176.4
    Fourth Week: 175.4 lbs
    Fifth Week: 175.0 lbs
    Sixth Week: 174.2 lbs
    Seventh Week: 174.8
    Eighth Week: 173.6 lbs
    Ninth Week: 173.2 lbs
    Tenth Week: 172.8 lbs
    Eleventh Week: 170.0 lbs
    Total Challenge Loss: 9.5 lbs

    Weight Loss Remaining to Goal: 5 lbs

    New Mini Goal: 169 lbs, a healthy BMI. One pound away.

    Weekly Success: Surviving.
    Weekly Struggle: Surviving.
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Survive.
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    Name : Pany

    Starting Weight: 218 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 168 lbs

    Week 1: 214.6
    Week 2: 213.8

    This Weeks Loss: 0.8
    Total Challenge Loss: 4.2
    Weight Loss Remaining to Goal: 45.8 lbs

    Strengths: Went to the gym 4 times, moved to a diet I'm comfortable with (low carb)

    Struggles: Lost less than a pound, wasn't prepared for low carb and didn't make right choices, water intake poor, feel bloated

    Goal for the week: Go to the gym at least 3 times, stick to Atkins 100%, drink my water

    Not really happy with my eating this week. I changed to low carb but wasn't really prepared so didn't have the right foods to hand and didn't eat as well as I should have eaten. Didn't have a great week emotionally either so I did my usual comfort eating. But luckily, it was mostly low carb. I need to try harder and make sure I lose at least 3 pounds this week. Really fed up being in such bad shape and also fed up of looking (and being) fat.

    Good luck everyone and great to see Jersey back :-)
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Glad to hear you are getting by OK Jersey - hang in there & spend as much time with your family as needed!

    hmm... my weekly results 142.5 that is a gain of 1 lb in 2 weeks but I've been in celebration mode so I guess that's OK. Still on a runner's high from my PR last weekend :drinker: I think it's officially time to get back on track and into weight-loss mode. Great eating today, just need to keep on this track all week long!

    Challenge Goal Weight: 135 (and fit into my ski pants again!)
    Strengths: Cardio (avid runner)
    Struggles: Now that the formal training season is over, need to focus on keeping up my training!
    Weekly Success: Half Marathon PR 2:11!
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: complete food diary daily! pack healthy lunches to prevent binge!

    Start weight 154 (08/16/11) or 146.5 (09/26/11)
    08/17/11 - 152
    08/24/11 - 150
    09/01/11 - 148 (goodbye 150s!)
    09/08/11 - 146.5
    09/16/11 - no weigh-in this week, will report back next week
    09/23/11 - 146.5
    09/30/11 - 144 - exceeded my month-end goal by 0.5 lbs!
    10/08/11 - 143.5
    10/14/11 - 141.5
    10/20/11 - skip for race-prep, carb loading :happy:
    10/27/11 - 142.5, wrong direction but set a new PR at the 1/2 marathon!

    Measurements (every 4 weeks):
    08/11/11 -- neck: 12.5 . . chest: 39 . arms: L12 . . . / R12.75 . waist: 31 . hips: 41 . . . thighs: L25 . . / .R25.5
    09/08/11 -- neck: 12.25 . chest: 38 . arms: L12.25 / R12.50 . waist: 30 . hips: 40.5 . thighs: L23.5 . / R24.5
    10/15/11 -- neck: 12 . . . .chest: 38 . arms: L12 . . . / R12 . . . . waist: 29 . hips: 39.5 . thighs: L22.75 / R23.75
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    [V-Day Challenge starting weight: 219.0lbs]
    --Week 1: 215.0 -4lbs
    --Week 2: 213.0 -2lbs
    --Week 3: 215.2 +2.2lbs
    --Week 4: 213.0 -2lbs
    --Week 5: 211 -2lbs
    --week 6: 211 -0lbs
    --Week 7: 209.0 -2lbs
    --Week 8: 208.0 -1
    --Week 9: 208.2 +.02
    --Week 10: 206.4 -1.8lbs
    --Week 11: 206.2 -.2lbs
    [End of challenge goal weight: 180lbs]

    My struggles: Been so busy and worried with my new job starting tomorrow that I haven't been eating like I should, sleeping like I should, and even exercising. I plan on getting back on the ball tomorrow. Baby's been sick so I haven't done zumba in the last two days =\ And then....TOM.

    My strengths: I was able to reach 1/2 way through my zumba challenge before gettin' hurt ;)
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    oops...I posted my sept 26 weigh in on the other thread! Did we start over once the new one started?

    Name: Cant

    Challenge starting weight: 220.4
    August 26 weight 215.6 (down 4.8)
    September 26 weight 206.0
    October 18th weigh in 199.0
    October 25 weigh in 197.8

    End of challenge goal weight: 170

    Your Plan to get to your goal weight: Move it!

    Challenge Starting Measurements:
    neck: 15
    chest: 43
    arms: left and right l 15 r 14.5
    waist: 40
    hips: 47
    thighs: left and right l 27 r 27

    I only do measurements the first of the month....
  • Legalchica
    weight: 155.4 (two weeks and NO CHANGE)

    Challenge Goal Weight: 140 (and not looking very possible right now)
    Struggles: lack of scale movement is frustrating
    Weekly Success: Nothing
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: ... not totally lose my motivation.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    To anyone interested in joining: This is an OPEN group! We are always accepting new members! :)


    This week is a double week weigh in! Losses are shown over a two week period!

    Biggest Weekly Loss (determined by %): SpecialK_Flett with 4 lbs lost!! (2.2%!!)
    Biggest Challenge Loss (Starting September 26, 2011 - determined by %): SpecialK_Flett having lost 7 lbs! (3.86%!!)

    Weekly Chart:
    Italicized means Starting Weight
    Bold means Current Weight
    Underlined means Weekly Loss
    If you didn't check in this week, it means your weight will stay the same.
    If you don't check in for more than two weeks I will stop charting your results. But fear not! If you want to come back just let me know and you'll be charted again!

    Jellybean1971: 208.5 lbs | 201 lbs | 1 lbs
    SpecialK_Flett: 181.4 lbs | 174.4 lbs | 4 lbs
    321blueeyes: 146.5 lbs | 142.5 lbs | +1 lbs
    Mrsmellymac: 211 lbs | 206.2 lbs | 2 lbs
    Legalchica: 159 lbs | 155.4 lbs | 0.4 lbs
    Actresskat: 183 lbs | 176 lbs | 1 lbs
    Jersey3025: 174.2 lbs | 170 lbs | 3.2 lbs
    Panyg: 218 lbs | 213.8 lbs | 4.2 lbs
    Sheobr: 188 lbs | 188 lbs | 0 lbs
    Amandalovesfood: 205 lbs | 205 lbs | 0 lbs
    Cantjustcant: 202.6 lbs | 197.8 lbs | 1.2 lbs
    Trishaleighnelson: 224 lbs | 224 lbs | 0 lbs

    This Week's Challenge: Water Challenge Week!! 8 Glasses a Day!

    Don't forget to add your PERSONAL CHALLENGES to your posts! We can only help to support you with them if we know what they are!
  • Legalchica
    whoo hoo!! I can do this weeks challenge!! WATER!!! GET SOME :drinker:

    (false motivation is better than no motivation)... (right?????)

    hmmm personal challenge for the week... get remotivated. dont know how to make this happen...
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    These challenges are getting harder. Last time was 8 hours of sleep a night (I'm an insomniac). This one is 8 cups of water a day (I'm hydration-ally challenged). Next week, I'm expecting you to ask shorties like me to grow a few inches! :-)

    Of course, I'm only joking. Welcome back Jersey!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I failed Day 1 of the water challenge. Drank 4 cups total. Ugh.

    Today... 8 cups. I can DO it!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Hi Fellow Hotties!

    I skimmed the posts and am pretty caught up.

    Thanks again to Jersey for stepping up and sticking with it even in the midst of personal challenges.

    I've been with the program daily and this challenge is in the forefront of my mind (and on post-its everywhere), I just find it hard to check-in when the scale doesn't move. Though I've been at or under calories the scale has not moved much.


    8/17 joined this challenge at 220.4
    10/14 joined the new thread 211.6
    10/28 finally the scale moved 210.4

    I'm up for the water challenge, in fact I have to drink 100 oz daily for another challenge, so I appreciate the ability to earn double credit, lol.

    News on my end:

    - cycling is going well (I've gone 7 times and already improved quite a bit = dropped time)

    - just got my first heart rate monitor (LOVE IT and knowing exactly how much I burn) = Polar FT4 women's watch

    - want to start hiking at least once a month

    I'll try to check in more regardless of evil scale. This is a great group!
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    oh yes, this week is gonna suck hahaha i don't drink enough water! this i know! maybe we should extend the week challenge to a challenge for the whole month? lol
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    My Weekly Check In:

    Starting Weight: 179.5 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 165 lbs

    First Week: 178.5
    Second Week: 176.8
    Third Week: 176.4
    Fourth Week: 175.4 lbs
    Fifth Week: 175.0 lbs
    Sixth Week: 174.2 lbs
    Seventh Week: 174.8
    Eighth Week: 173.6 lbs
    Ninth Week: 173.2 lbs
    Tenth Week: 172.8 lbs
    Eleventh Week: 170.0 lbs
    Twelvth Week: 171.0 lbs
    Total Challenge Loss: 8.5 lbs

    Weight Loss Remaining to Goal: 6 lbs

    New Mini Goal: 169 lbs, a healthy BMI. Two pounds away.

    Old me would be panicking and screaming and crying and whining. I GAINED?! But new me is logical and looking ahead. I am up a pound because I went a week without eating (probably 300 - 500 cals a day?) and now I am back to eating again. I am up a pound because I went a week without drinking water (1 - 2 cups a day) and I am getting back into things. I am up a pound because of my friend TOM. I am up a pound because the cortisol in my body is at an all time high from stress. It's a part of the process. Weight loss isn't linear. I still rock.

    Weekly Success: Seeing my counselor and making it back to work. Oh and essentially ignoring Halloween.
    Weekly Struggle: Drinking water, staying away from comfort food, stress, low low energy, finding happiness and peace of mind.
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Get back into Rushfit (I have decided to do it for an additional four weeks, so I will be finishing it ~December 6th!), Get a good chunk of, "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" read. Find happiness.