J CREW - C25K - WEEK 1



  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    wow Debbie! That's what I am trying to do too! Run on grass. I am really worried about my knees. I need to set up a time to see this specialist in a nearby town so they can observe my running style. I think I need orthos...and I am good with that...just want to go ahead before my knee really starts to hurt again. I love the running and I feel so good when I am done!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Just completed week 5 day 3, (20 Minute run) done on the treadmill, It wasn't soo bad! Great job debs6 - You are definitely on track :drinker: I know someone posted earlier about using the jogging knee brace, perhaps that may help you out with soreness.

    Great Job motivatedbirde on the great pace, and still sticking with the program! I think by the time you're finished you'll make an awesome finish with your next 5k!

    Kiyak, hopefully you can get your run in on tomorrow, for week 6 day 1...I will likely run it on Saturday myself...otherwise enjoy your time in Kansas!

    Cool Runnings everyone! ;):glasses:
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Week 6, Day 1- Completed- not bad at all :drinker: incline on treadmill is still at 1.5, walks at 3.0 and Runs were at 4.2!
    I was able to complete 2.02 miles in the 30 minutes (including warm up and cool down) calorie burn was 312 :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Overall a good work out. I plan to increase incline to 2.0 for the Day 2, Run.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend:flowerforyou: And as always....Cool Runnings Everyone!!:glasses:
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Great work Mocha- you are going really well- especially when you take into consideration that you have been increasing incline of late. I did W6D3 yesterday and tried my best to stay on softer surfaces- together with a knee support wrap, it did the trick and because of me bungling with my iphone and the running program I actually did 30minutes of solid running before I realised that there was a problem. Pleased it is done and to know that I actually have to endurance to keep going. As long as my knees hold out - I have reasonable confidence that I am going to be able to finish this program with success.My knees are enjoying the couple of days off- as I don't start week 7 until Tuesday our time. Because of my muck up with the program I don't have precise times or distances etc- although I know it won't be fast. I am hoping to start working on increasing my speed very slowly from here. I know I have no more breaks and just slowly need to build up speed- all three of next week being 25 minutes runs.

    Best of luck to everyone out there engaged in this program. I am actually loving it and never realistically thought I would actually finished.
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Just finished W6D2. Getting a little irritated with the C25K app for iPhone. Works just fine when on the treadmil and I am able to keep the app open just sitting on the machine. However, when I go running outside, it has been messing up. Today and the last time I ran outside, it didn't interrupt my music to tell me to run or walk. Then today I was finishing the second run and instead of telling me to cool down, like it was supposed to, it told me to run again. Wanted me to repeat the run section I had just finished. I don't know if I am somehow accidently hitting buttons while I'm running or what...

    Anyway, ended up running outside in the cold & rain today. My other choice was to run on the treadmill in the basement literally staring at the corner. Running in the rain was less miserable lol! Only change I will make next time is to wear a jacket that is water PROOF instead of just water resistant. Ended up soaking wet by the end of my session :P

    Tell you what, if you had told me 2 months ago that I would be running outside in 45 degree rain for 30 minutes... by choice... and even kind of enjoyed it... I would tell you that you were a psychopath.

    Wow, I'm really proud of how far we have all come and how we are learning to work with our challanges instead of just giving up because it got hard :D! And thanks for joining us, motivatedbride!
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Oh, and to answer your question motivatedbride, I run on a treadmill for the most part with occasional outdoor runs. I had been using the treadmills at the gym we had a membership to, but we will be moving, so we canceled our membership. I will be trying to do most of my runs outside now, because the treadmill at my mother-in-law’s is miserable. I'm not sure what made my knees so sore that day. Maybe I was slamming my feet too hard while running? Unfortunately, just as I decide to switch to outdoor runs, the weather also decides to finally turn cold. Suppose I shouldn't complain too much, as it IS November in Kansas, haha. We really did have an exceptionally beautiful October...
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Week 6, Day 2 has went down! Not much to report...the two ten minute runs weren't bad at all. I didn't change the incline, ran them at 4.0 and stepped down the 3 minute walk to 2.8 miles. Finished just under 2.0 miles, (1.92) with warm up and cool down!

    Cool Runnings!:glasses:
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    just finished W7D1. Found it a bit of a challenge which surprised me as the same time last week on the last day of W6 was a breeze. I think for no reason known some days are just harder than others.
    Kiyak I haven't had any problems with the iphone app- other than one day the GPS acted up up and said that I ran places that were physically impossible. What version off the app do you use. I have the one put out by Bluefin.

    I have to keep my HR under 150- and largely because of this I am way under 5ks- and managed to cover 3.35K which I gather equals about 2.08miles. I am trying to increase distance slowly - but have to pace it slowly. In saying that - I really don't think I could have managed to go any faster today. Something for me to work on over time.

  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    I agree Deb, some days are just harder than others. Today was a little like that for me. Didn't have much trouble during my W6D3 run. I have never been good at keeping a steady pace (my husband used to be a cross-country runner and loves to point it out every time we run together), but today I was REALLY struggling. Kept speeding way up just to fall back down. Was able to keep my average pace around 10:30 minute mile though (those running apps are so handy for things like that :laugh: ) It was my workout AFTER C25K that killed me. I don't think I have been eating enough before my workouts. I think I am running out of fuel. Really need to watch that.

    On a random side note, I was doing some research on those shoes with toes and may have found out why my knees were hurting so badly the other day. Could have to do with what part of my foot is striking the ground first. Video explainging the concept: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jrnj-7YKZE

    Am thinking that after I complete C25K & maybe run a 5k race, I might invest in some of those shoes. Maybe try some barefoot running next summer? I really think I'm half-crazy for even entertaining the possibility, but I have heard quite a bit about barefoot running in the last year and kinda want to try it out... :bigsmile:
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Greetings Good People! I just finished Week 6, Day 3...this morning:smile:

    Honestly I really thought it was going to be more difficult -running 25 minutes straight, for some reason I thought I was going to be stopping the treadmill halfway through it...but like you two said it really wasn't that bad.

    Anyhow, got it done at 4.0 rate, distance of 2.15 miles total of 36 minutes including warm up and cool down with a burn of 307 calories.

    Have a great run everyone!
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Greetings Good People! I just finished Week 6, Day 3...this morning:smile:

    Honestly I really thought it was going to be more difficult -running 25 minutes straight, for some reason I thought I was going to be stopping the treadmill halfway through it...but like you two said it really wasn't that bad.

    Anyhow, got it done at 4.0 rate, distance of 2.15 miles total of 36 minutes including warm up and cool down with a burn of 307 calories.

    Have a great run everyone!

    Way to go MochaBlues!! I did Week 5 day 2 yesterday. Nervous about the upcoming day 3....with a 20 min straight run! Can't imagine the 25 min run. Trying not to psych myself out of Day 3!! I have a really bad habit of constantly checking the clock on the android to see when the lady is going to tell me "nice job, walk now". lol
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Yay for you Mochablu- you did really well. It is a really good feeling isn't it?
    Good luck to anyone else moving through this program.

  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    I have started to realize those longer runs are SO mental. I know my body can do it, I just have to convince my brain I can, haha!
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Just finished W7D1 and I feel awesome!! I'm really loving this running outside SO much more than the treadmill.

    Including warm-up & cool-down I ran a total of 3.23 miles today! Woo!! 2.9 before the cool down. Aver age pace of 10:30 not including cool down. I'll be using the last few weeks of the program to work up to a full 3.1 miles NOT including warm-up or cool-down.

    Lots of exciting/challanging things going on for me in the next month. We're moving to the KC, KS area at the end of next week & I'll be looking for a job... bleck. I also signed up for the Jingle Bell 5k in Lenexa, KS (right where we'll be living) on December 11. Now I really have some motivation to stick with this program and get a good time :bigsmile: Hoping to be able to complete it in 30 minutes, but I've never been in a race before, so... I guess we'll just see!
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Just finished W7D3- yay - I am still surviving. Well done Kiyak - that is a fabulous distance you have managed - which is something I have not achieved as yet and will focus on building up my time slowly. I have the issue of age to consider and because I am 55 it is recommended that I don't have my heart rate over 150- and as such I have to slow down frequently so as to keep it at a safe level.

    You must be very pleased with yourself.

    How are you going Mocha? Can you believe it- we will all be finished this program soon - wow!

  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Well guys....I am disappointed that I did not finish the 20 min run in Week 5 Day 3. Oh well...still burned 285 calories yesterday though! LOL...
    Ran on golf course...and I just really had mentally psyched myself OUT of this run. Everytime I passed a "water station" on course all I could think about it was how thirsty I was...... I ended up walking about 5 minutes of it, I think.

    I will repeat on Tuesday. Won't move up unless I do it!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Hello Good People! :flowerforyou:

    Well tonight I start Week 7, Day 2-..so I'll be sure to check in!

    KiyaK- you're really hittin it!! Wow...fantastic numbers! I'm sure you'll do great in that upcoming 5k

    Debs06- I'm still here too:bigsmile:

    motivatedbride- I understand the need for water, the one thing I do (which I guess is harder outdoors) is make sure I have a water bottle on my treadmill as it has a holder. Perhaps you can put one in your pocket (assuming you have one) while youre running outdoors? Anyway, I'm certain you'll knock it out on your next run!:drinker: You totally got this!!

    I'll check in with you all later this evening!...cool Runnings!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Hello -just an update- Week 7, Day 2 down!

    35 minutes, 295 calories burned (yay) ...distance of 2.20, I bumped up the speed a tad to 4.1 and walking 3.0. The amazing thing is that I think that the 30 minute runs for next week won't be so bad, I actually felt that I could do more today!

    So we'll see what happens :happy:

    Cool Runnings!!:glasses: :drinker:
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Yay Mocha- so good for you- it feels so good doesn't it. Motivatedbride- as Kiyak said in a few posts earlier - it becomes almost as much a mental issue as it is physical. Once you get a mental set there is no stopping you really. You will get there- and I am sure it will be sooner rather than later so keep at it. I wouldn't be surprised if it just happens for you next time you run.

    Today I managed to finish W8D1- and managed to run 3.8K - which equals 2.36miles - so am really pleased. I just kept running a bit faster until my HR rose over 150 then I would slow down until the HR dropped back to 140- and kept cycling through - as I figured this would be the way I could safely increase speed.What really pleases me is that I managed to run for 28consecutive minutes without stopping. I am not sure that I will get to the full 5Ks within the next 5 runs( can't believe that is all that is left)but I realise now that it doesn't matter- I will get there. When I visit the C25K website forum many many people don't get close by graduation - and take around 40-45 minutes to run the full 5Ks.

    Keep up the fabulous work ladies- we are getting closer and closer
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks guys!! And guess what....I DID IT!! Whoot hoo! appreciate all the support Mochablues and debs6!
    I went to gym and it just seemed so much easier on the treadmill...maybe because I had a tv in front of me, and I wasn't concentrating on dodging roots, golfers, golf balls and passing by water stations at each tee box! LOL
    Anyway....feeling great!
    I am off to a conference for a few days..so I am hoping hotel has a gym...look out Thursday in Week 6 (should be a breeze after that 20 minutes, right) :wink: