Motivated Mamma's Week 2 (Closed Goup)



  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Mini Challenge:
    I woke up this morning and put together a Happy Song playlist of all of my favorite songs that make me feel good. In case I start to get down, I can play that and feel good again!

    What are some of your happy songs? I also have a happy playlist which is heavy on upbeat dance/pop and r&b songs like "More" by Usher and Who's that Chick" by some dude whose name I forget and Rhianna. What are your faves?
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Mini Challenge:
    I woke up this morning and put together a Happy Song playlist of all of my favorite songs that make me feel good. In case I start to get down, I can play that and feel good again!

    What are some of your happy songs? I also have a happy playlist which is heavy on upbeat dance/pop and r&b songs like "More" by Usher and Who's that Chick" by some dude whose name I forget and Rhianna. What are your faves?

    On mine I have stuff like - Think Good Thoughts and Brighter Than the Sun by Colbie Caillat, Walking on Sunshine, I Love Rock N Roll. Stuff that just makes me feel good! Love your Upbeat ideas though, might have to add some!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    I have felt kind of stuck at the same weight for awhile, I tried to increase my exercise and that didn't really help, so I am going to take a few days and do light exercise and zigzag my calories to see if that jump starts things again. Do you guys think that will work?
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    @Lynda, I am bit late on todays mini challenge... But today i did something funny..hehehe... I kept reminder for every one hour on my phone that keeps reminding me that I have to keep moving and not get stuck in front of my lappy.. :-) It did help.. On my morning fav list, its usually instrumental or Indian classical songs.. sometimes fast beat or kind of hip hop even.. :-)
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Thanks for the offer to shop with me, ladies :) I know I just need to suck it up and do it sometime, but I always want to wait until I'm at my goal. Speaking of my goal, I changed it today. I had it set at 120, the highest in the healthy range for my height (4'11"), but I went ahead and changed it today (after thinking about it for quite awhile) to 109. So I have 20 more pounds to lose to get to my goal weight now.

    Here's my points for today:
    Strength-1 for Kegels
    Food-1 for fruit/veggies
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Thanks for the offer to shop with me, ladies :) I know I just need to suck it up and do it sometime, but I always want to wait until I'm at my goal. Speaking of my goal, I changed it today. I had it set at 120, the highest in the healthy range for my height (4'11"), but I went ahead and changed it today (after thinking about it for quite awhile) to 109. So I have 20 more pounds to lose to get to my goal weight now.

    Here's my points for today:
    Strength-1 for Kegels
    Food-1 for fruit/veggies

    You blow my mind! you have come so far and lost so much and still you keep pushing yourself! Thank you for being such an inspiration!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I have felt kind of stuck at the same weight for awhile, I tried to increase my exercise and that didn't really help, so I am going to take a few days and do light exercise and zigzag my calories to see if that jump starts things again. Do you guys think that will work?

    It helped me to up my calorie intake. I didn't change it much but I went from a strict 1200 to 1300-1400 and the scale started to move. good luck!
  • rapitup
    rapitup Posts: 20 Member
    Please may I join this group I need help bad I trying my son is only 8 wks old please help please
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I need to vent something before it goes too far.. I am feeling so frustrated these days.. I am not working out as much as i should be.. First half of the day i feel so lazy.. my working out usually gets extended to evening... I get lost somewhere and I am losing that motivation of working out..something is going wrong.. I am trying hard to stay motivated... BIG HELP NEEDED..

    Ask yourself, "What am I missing in my life right now?" What I have found is that when I am driven to poor food choices or slacking on the exercise, I have been neglecting another part of myself (usually the emotional side) or there are sources of stress in my life that I am just "stuffing" and not facing.

    I believe that YOU have every bit of what it takes (& more) to accomplish your goals; you just have to believe it yourself. You may have seen me type this before, but when you are struggling to find your own belief in yourself, borrow the belief from someone else. I believe in you and I know that the rest of your MFP teammates do too! I am sending positive light your way, so that you may find your path! :heart:


    That was truly positive.. I want to get back to work badly and most of the times I am alone at home.. And when im alone i start thinking all the things under sun and i miss my family and frnds so much.. Everyone are back in India and my hubby is usually busy with his work except on weekends.. So I am trying to keep myself busy these days.. my mood set has changed also because of my foot infection because of which I am not able to do all kinds of exercises... I used to dance a lot and now I am not able to.. probably this is also one of the reasons...

    But yes, you made me feel better.. thanks for that.. :-)

    I hope so! I know from a lot of trial & error in my own life some of the things that I discovered and helped me through similar times; I hope that you can find a way to fill those needs within yourself so that you will be able to feel your own light and energy.

    Have you thought of dancing while sitting? Sounds funny I know but irregardless of any kind of calorie burn, perhaps it would help your spirit. Also, I did a little internet search on exercise with an injured foot and here are some of the suggestions: workout to a boxing type DVD workout but modify the workout & do it while sitting; swimming; strength training, focusing mostly on upper body & non weight bearing leg exercises; and everyone stressed continuing core work.

    All the best,
    Amy :flowerforyou:


    Dancing while sitting..yes sounds funny, but will do it.. My foot is a lot better now... so i have planned for a 5 day dance routine in my workout starting from Wednesday... but i will do the above ones when I am watching my serials on TV..Yay!!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    So I peeked and checked my weight yesterday and I am up a pound. :grumble: Gah! So aggravating!!! The worst part is I know exactly where it came from - I ate out 3 times last week! I was still coming in under my calories but the fat and sodium counts were higher than normal. Sigh... less than stellar decision making on my part. Bad Lynda! :tongue:

    But on the plus side, I'm still feeling really good! I know why I'm up that pound so I know it is within my ability to lose it. Moments like this I am very grateful for my borderline religious devotion to logging my food. It enables me to go back and review what I did. Unfortunately, I have a few lunch meetings scheduled this week but I have a renewed resolve to make the best possible choices - and if that means that I have a significantly smaller, more veggie based dinner on the days that I have lunch meetings then so be it. No skin off my nose (but hopefully some fat off my *kitten*! lol!):laugh:

    In related news, I had a super good workout this morning. My lower abs are screaming which tells me that I am doing something right! I've made myself a mini challenge to do my NMTZ workout every morning this week - no excuses!!! plus the regular exercises from the challenge of course. I'm super motivated for a good week! And even if I don't lose that pesky pound by our Wednesday weigh in I refuse to be discouraged.

    Mini Challenge to the group (totally optional and not worth any points): I say let's start the week off on a positive note. How about we all share a positive, happy thought this morning, Mine is that I had a great workout and feel very empowered to change. What's yours?

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!:flowerforyou:


    You know, what I think is SO awesome about that pound: you realized where it came from and that you had the power to do something about it. AND you have an awesome attitude! Way to go!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    I need to vent something before it goes too far.. I am feeling so frustrated these days.. I am not working out as much as i should be.. First half of the day i feel so lazy.. my working out usually gets extended to evening... I get lost somewhere and I am losing that motivation of working out..something is going wrong.. I am trying hard to stay motivated... BIG HELP NEEDED..

    Ask yourself, "What am I missing in my life right now?" What I have found is that when I am driven to poor food choices or slacking on the exercise, I have been neglecting another part of myself (usually the emotional side) or there are sources of stress in my life that I am just "stuffing" and not facing.

    I believe that YOU have every bit of what it takes (& more) to accomplish your goals; you just have to believe it yourself. You may have seen me type this before, but when you are struggling to find your own belief in yourself, borrow the belief from someone else. I believe in you and I know that the rest of your MFP teammates do too! I am sending positive light your way, so that you may find your path! :heart:


    That was truly positive.. I want to get back to work badly and most of the times I am alone at home.. And when im alone i start thinking all the things under sun and i miss my family and frnds so much.. Everyone are back in India and my hubby is usually busy with his work except on weekends.. So I am trying to keep myself busy these days.. my mood set has changed also because of my foot infection because of which I am not able to do all kinds of exercises... I used to dance a lot and now I am not able to.. probably this is also one of the reasons...

    But yes, you made me feel better.. thanks for that.. :-)

    I hope so! I know from a lot of trial & error in my own life some of the things that I discovered and helped me through similar times; I hope that you can find a way to fill those needs within yourself so that you will be able to feel your own light and energy.

    Have you thought of dancing while sitting? Sounds funny I know but irregardless of any kind of calorie burn, perhaps it would help your spirit. Also, I did a little internet search on exercise with an injured foot and here are some of the suggestions: workout to a boxing type DVD workout but modify the workout & do it while sitting; swimming; strength training, focusing mostly on upper body & non weight bearing leg exercises; and everyone stressed continuing core work.

    All the best,
    Amy :flowerforyou:


    Dancing while sitting..yes sounds funny, but will do it.. My foot is a lot better now... so i have planned for a 5 day dance routine in my workout starting from Wednesday... but i will do the above ones when I am watching my serials on TV..Yay!!

    LOVE it!!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Please may I join this group I need help bad I trying my son is only 8 wks old please help please

    Even if you are not able to join, send me a message or friend me; I will try to help you if I can! :smile:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks for the offer to shop with me, ladies :) I know I just need to suck it up and do it sometime, but I always want to wait until I'm at my goal. Speaking of my goal, I changed it today. I had it set at 120, the highest in the healthy range for my height (4'11"), but I went ahead and changed it today (after thinking about it for quite awhile) to 109. So I have 20 more pounds to lose to get to my goal weight now.

    Here's my points for today:
    Strength-1 for Kegels
    Food-1 for fruit/veggies

    One idea, as far as the "in between goal" clothes go, that my friend had is a "clothes swap"; get a group of friends and have them bring all their in good condition clothes that they do not want to/ can't wear anymore and get together; hang them up in someone's living room, display them as if in a store and have everyone "shop". You could easily work out a system of fair trade if you wanted and even make it an excuse for a girl's get together. If kid care is a problem, find a friend that has an older daughter that could entertain the kids in the next room. Win-win all around!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I have felt kind of stuck at the same weight for awhile, I tried to increase my exercise and that didn't really help, so I am going to take a few days and do light exercise and zigzag my calories to see if that jump starts things again. Do you guys think that will work?

    You have to look at the whole picture... what, how, & when are you eating, how/ what are you exercising (is there a balance of cardio, weights, core training or could you be in an exercise rut), how are your calories related to your exercise intensity/ your fitness... also, do you wear a heart rate monitor or some other device to get an accurate reading of your calories burned?

    A couple of things that I have learned about myself...
    - Sometimes I may eat under my calories but see a gain (usually during those weeks I didn't eat regularly, drink enough water, had too much sodium, or have enough veggies). Or I have seen a gain because I set my calories too low in relation to my exercise intensity/ fitness level.
    - I have also noticed (as my fitness level has increased) that the MFP "calories burned" reported for most of the exercises is waaaay higher than what I actually burned (i.e. my metabolism was becoming more efficient as my fitness level increased); I wore my heart rate monitor to confirm this. Also, the closer you get to your goal weight, the more your regime needs to be switched up. I recommend reading Jillian Michael's book "Making the Cut". It explains the concept the best there.
    - When I challenged myself and stepped outside my comfort zone to try a new exercise, the scale started to move again.

    It can be very disheartening not to see the incredible losses that we did when we first started or when we hit a plateau- just means we have to shake things up. Zig-zagging calories I have heard does work but you want to make sure that the weight you are loosing is fat mass not muscle (a good reason to take your measurements on a regular basis).

    I hope that I made sense and din't just ramble... my head cold is getting the best of me tonight! :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Today = :grumble: + :sick: + :tongue:

    And here's my stats:

    Mo. 10/3 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    Part 1
    Different cardio & max. heart rate? yes
    Points: 3/3
    Part 2
    Input calories burned? yes
    Points: 4/4

    Part 1
    Recommended fruits & veggies? yes
    Points: 5/5
    Part 2
    Post favorite fruit/ veg. snack (1 time)?
    Points: 2/2

    Kegels (7 x wk.)? yes (6x)
    Leg curls (3 x wk.)? no (3x)
    Lateral Raises (3 x wk.)? no (3x)
    Points: 12/13

    Points: 1/1
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Hey gals,
    Just checking in again-- this week has been crazy fast, and I feel wretched that I haven't been able to respond to more stuff on here. One of the things I love about this challenge is how we are motivation and support for each other... and eeep! I'm slacking! Just know that I'm so very proud of all of us, and I'm cheering on all those NSV's, thinking of you in a low moment, and am equally horrified at the parenting ( or lack thereof) skills of some people!

    Now while I remember--
    Food challenge-- I'm a huge veggie eater, but I must say, it's usually not that exciting! When trying to think of my favorite way to do things, 2 came up-- Spaghetti squash, and veggie sammiches. For the squash.. well, let's just say it works out for me that the rest of my family doesn't like it! Lately ( as we have a bunch of them.. they grow REALLy easily!), I've been cooking 1/2 a squash in the microwave, and then adding a tablespoon of butter ( for the whole half) and either throwing in a bunch of Parmesan cheese, or just adding a teaspoon or 2 of brown sugar. Mmmm!! Delish! Annnnd.. my go-to-lunch.. toasted veggie sandwiches. Easy-peasy. Toast, 1/4 of an avocado ( mashed, so it can be used in place of mayo), tomato slices, cucumber slices, lettuce, and a little onion. Mmm. I often add either hard cheese or leftover chicken breast for a bit of protein in there too. Both are equally delicious!

    Emotional challenge-- As some of you know, I was freaking out a little bit about this question earlier this week. I think, because I've seen Jillian make enough people cry on the biggest loser , and talk about how they get skinny, and their lives aren't what they thought they would be-- the issues are still there that made them fat in the first place.. and so on. I just didn't want it to be a "Oh, once I'm skinny, my life will be perfect with puppies and rainbows" response, so I put some real thought in to it. I think that once I'm at my goal though, I will be happier-- I know how currently seeing more muscle definition in my body is certainly perking up my day! I'm guessing I'll be more confident ( again, seeing that already partially) and have more energy for dealing with the rugrats around here all day. I know I'll be stronger-- not only physically, but mentally too. You don't get to lose 60 lbs without it affecting your mental strength, as dealing with the ups and downs will drive you crazy! I'll know my body even better than I do now too, after paying attention to it for that long. It's interesting the changes that have occurred in only the last month that I've had a HRM-- I know what my heart rate responds to, and the days that I'm tired and draggy, it even shows up there. And lastly, I'll be hot. :smokin: Sure, the skinny jeans in my drawer may not be in style anymore, but my confidence will carry them for what fashion does not!! Lol...
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Hey girls, just catching up been a busy week but a really good one thanks to this challenge! Eaten a lot more fruit and veg, and will have to wait until tomorrow to see officially but I think it might have finally busted me past my plateau! Yay! I didn't even hit the recommendations some days but it still made a big difference!

    Erm...also... it seems that my buddy has left? According to the spreadsheet anyway, if this right?

    Part 1
    Different cardio & max. heart rate? yes
    Points: 3/3
    Part 2
    Input calories burned? yes
    Points: 4/4

    Part 1
    Recommended fruits & veggies? not completely
    Points: 3/5
    Part 2
    Post favorite fruit/ veg. snack? I am about to do this..
    Points: 2/2

    Kegels 7/7
    Leg curls 2/3
    Lateral Raises 2/3
    Points: 11/13

    Points: 1/1
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    I eat a lot of veggies but my favourite is just really simple- spicy veggie pittas. I even use frozen veggies, cook them as normal then cover with whatever spices I fancy, normally cajun, then toast 2 pittas and fill with the veggies. Sometimes I add a little bit of extra light mayo as well to contrast the flavour! Sometimes I add a small chicken breast fried in low cal/fat oil and spices or a marinade. And that's it! :-)
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    . I just didn't want it to be a "Oh, once I'm skinny, my life will be perfect with puppies and rainbows" response,

    Love Love LOVE this comment! For both e humor and the truth! I related to your whole response but this made me laugh out loud! where would we be without the giggles that get us through life? :laugh:
  • cynthappy2
    cynthappy2 Posts: 18 Member
    Morning, sorry I did not post a close friend passed away and the funeral is today. Ladies I am lost, where do I find the there a link?

    I love what you wrote, "smalltowngirl" about coming out of this challenge mentally stronger, because I feel stronger already. I don't know if it is because I am at the age where I can fully appreciate the benifits of good health or what, but this time it is not about the sexy clothes, it is about feeling good!!!:wink:
This discussion has been closed.