Motivated Mamma's Week 2 (Closed Goup)



  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member

    My son has his first swim class tomorrow and I am super excited for it. The only part I was dreading was the whole having-to-wear-a-bathing-suit thing. Luckily, I thought to try on my pre-pregnancy suit and it was waaaayy too big! Like, I would have been in serious danger of flashing the other moms and mommy and me swim class. So we just got home from swimsuit shopping (my husband is working so I had to bring Caleb - he was such a good shopper! I think he could sense this was a big deal!) Anyways, I got aa really nice tankini that fits great and I actually feel confident in. me! Confident! in a BATHING SUIT!!!!!! :smile: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: I'm like ridiculously, deleriously happy right now!!!!

    only down side was that because i was buying off season I couldn't get it as cheap as I would have liked. I did catch a sale but it was still $100. But in all honesty, I don't really care. I never spoil myself and the way I look at it this was really a purchase for me and Caleb, because without it, we wouldn't have been able to go to swim class tomorrow. Good justification eh? :wink:

    Hope everyone else is having a great weekend!

    Welcome Cynthia!:flowerforyou:


    That is so exciting!!!! I am so happy for you!!!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Today has been a GREAT day! As awful as I felt last week, I feel equally if not more happy today! I finally feel like I totally have my head back in this game!! I went on a long hike with my husband and son this afternoon. We went to a nearby area we have heard a lot of people talking about. We packed a lunch and went for it. When we got there, it was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. We made it about 3/4 of the way up before we were both feeling it too much, so we went back down, and resolved to go back every Saturday until it is too cold to go. I am so excited about this and cannot wait. The wonderful high that I am feeling from working my muscles in that way is awesome.

    Points for today:
    Food - 1pt Done
    Cardio - 1pt Done!
    Strength - 1pt Done!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Cardio- 1 point
    Strength- 3 points (love doing these!)
    Food- 1 point

    5 points today.

    Hope you are all having a great night, I am off work tomorrow..Yay!! So I will be here filling you all in on my week, I hope you all had a fabulous week!

    Shawn- I love your new profile picture, you look great!:smile:
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Today has been a GREAT day! As awful as I felt last week, I feel equally if not more happy today! I finally feel like I totally have my head back in this game!! I went on a long hike with my husband and son this afternoon. We went to a nearby area we have heard a lot of people talking about. We packed a lunch and went for it. When we got there, it was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. We made it about 3/4 of the way up before we were both feeling it too much, so we went back down, and resolved to go back every Saturday until it is too cold to go. I am so excited about this and cannot wait. The wonderful high that I am feeling from working my muscles in that way is awesome.

    Points for today:
    Food - 1pt Done
    Cardio - 1pt Done!
    Strength - 1pt Done!

    Awesome Job! It is great your husband is joining you, mine won't hike to safe his life. I am so glad you got over your bad week and you are back in this!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Okay, I apologize I was "off the grid (thread)" yesterday- away from my lap top... so here's my 2 days of checking in:

    Fr. 9/30 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    Part 1
    Different cardio & max. heart rate? yes
    Points: 3/3
    Part 2
    Input calories burned? yes
    Points: 3/4

    Part 1
    Recommended fruits & veggies? yes
    Points: 4/5
    Part 2
    Post favorite fruit/ veg. snack (1 time)?
    LOVE fresh spinach (so weird) and I also love to cut up celery into slices to snack on; I am also addicted to grapes!
    Points: 2/2

    Kegels (7 x wk.)? yes (3x)
    Leg curls (3 x wk.)? yes (3x)
    Lateral Raises (3 x wk.)? yes (3x)
    Points: 9/13

    Sa. 10/1 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    Part 1
    Different cardio & max. heart rate? no
    Points: 3/3
    Part 2
    Input calories burned? yes
    Points: 4/4

    Part 1
    Recommended fruits & veggies? yes
    Points: 5/5
    Part 2
    Post favorite fruit/ veg. snack (1 time)?
    LOVE fresh spinach (so weird) and I also love to cut up celery into slice4 s to snack on; I am also addicted to grapes!
    Points: 2/2

    Kegels (7 x wk.)? yes (4x)
    Leg curls (3 x wk.)? no (3x)
    Lateral Raises (3 x wk.)? no (3x)
    Points: 10/13

    How will life be different once you've reach your goal? What impact on your life will your weight loss have?
    Points: 1/1

    Wow... how will my life be different? I have been thinking a lot about that now that I am closing in on my goal; so far, I am constantly amazed at just how good it feels to be heathy & fit but I have trouble accepting that I am no longer the unhealthy frumpy girl... skinny? me? Hard for myself to believe. For me, the journey is the most important part not necessarily arriving at any one goal. I think that slowly I have begun to have more confidence and feel better about being out in public. I feel like it's easier for me to be out in my own skin and let my personality shine through. The other bonus to getting healthier is that I am off almost all of the medications I had been taking! And I LOVE the impact that I have on others!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Today has been a GREAT day! As awful as I felt last week, I feel equally if not more happy today! I finally feel like I totally have my head back in this game!! I went on a long hike with my husband and son this afternoon. We went to a nearby area we have heard a lot of people talking about. We packed a lunch and went for it. When we got there, it was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. We made it about 3/4 of the way up before we were both feeling it too much, so we went back down, and resolved to go back every Saturday until it is too cold to go. I am so excited about this and cannot wait. The wonderful high that I am feeling from working my muscles in that way is awesome.

    Points for today:
    Food - 1pt Done
    Cardio - 1pt Done!
    Strength - 1pt Done!

    THAT is SO awesome! I am very happy for you! :bigsmile:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    My son has his first swim class tomorrow and I am super excited for it. The only part I was dreading was the whole having-to-wear-a-bathing-suit thing. Luckily, I thought to try on my pre-pregnancy suit and it was waaaayy too big! Like, I would have been in serious danger of flashing the other moms and mommy and me swim class. So we just got home from swimsuit shopping (my husband is working so I had to bring Caleb - he was such a good shopper! I think he could sense this was a big deal!) Anyways, I got aa really nice tankini that fits great and I actually feel confident in. me! Confident! in a BATHING SUIT!!!!!! :smile: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: I'm like ridiculously, deleriously happy right now!!!!

    only down side was that because i was buying off season I couldn't get it as cheap as I would have liked. I did catch a sale but it was still $100. But in all honesty, I don't really care. I never spoil myself and the way I look at it this was really a purchase for me and Caleb, because without it, we wouldn't have been able to go to swim class tomorrow. Good justification eh? :wink:

    Hope everyone else is having a great weekend!

    Welcome Cynthia!:flowerforyou:


    YAY!! Aren't those NSVs great? :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I cheated...and looked at my weight today, it said not putting that in until wednesday because I dont want to be dissapointed if it goes up! And after fitting gloriously into my size 20 jeans, I tried on some 18's and they fit too! Im so psyched, I haven't been able to fit comfortably into a size 18 since...well since I was 20! Heres my points for today...

    Cardio- 1 pt
    Strength- all 3 done (those leg curls are tough!)
    Food- 1 (I will get my fruit and veg in today...Im determined!)

    I will more then likely go for a walk or something later, its just too nice not to get outside! Hope Y'all are having a great weekend!

    Hey, whatever it takes! I have trouble going a week without hopping on the scale... I am so excited for you! :happy:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Hello all,

    my name is Cynthia, and I am a 42yr old mother of two adult children. First, I would like to say thanks for having me and I see some great numbers on the weight loss. I was on the 60 day challenge with Karie and lost 13lbs, so I did not want to stop. So, will be looking forward to the chats and I hope I can be of some support to you all.:flowerforyou:

    So happy to have you as part of our group; welcome! I am an almost 40 mother of two young kids and I have struggled with weight my entire life; finding MFP has finally helped me to become a healthy (& motivated) momma! Please do not hesitate to send me a friend request if you need any support- :smile:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies,
    So I am trying to adjust to working and having time to workout along woth family time. This morning I slept in, I just couldn't get up to do my workout, but I am proud to say I went on a hike for my lunch break, I went for 20 min, I only have a 30 min lunch break. It made me feel great!
    I feel really good today, some of my co-workers have commented and said "wow, you look great!" or "have you lost weight?" someone today said I look so much healthier, even my skin looks better. It is so nice to hear this from them, they haven't seen me since April, I think there are times I feel I have made no progress but because they haven't seen me in so long it makes me realize, I really have come a long way!
    Thank you ladies for being here and supporting me when I need it, I couldn't have done this without you!


    You are very welcome. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling good!

    Cardio: Done 1 point
    Strength- 3 points
    Food- 1 point

    5 points for me today!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I cheated...and looked at my weight today, it said not putting that in until wednesday because I dont want to be dissapointed if it goes up! And after fitting gloriously into my size 20 jeans, I tried on some 18's and they fit too! Im so psyched, I haven't been able to fit comfortably into a size 18 since...well since I was 20! Heres my points for today...

    Cardio- 1 pt
    Strength- all 3 done (those leg curls are tough!)
    Food- 1 (I will get my fruit and veg in today...Im determined!)

    I will more then likely go for a walk or something later, its just too nice not to get outside! Hope Y'all are having a great weekend!

    Your doing an awesome job Girl, Congrats, you deserve it!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    I need to vent something before it goes too far.. I am feeling so frustrated these days.. I am not working out as much as i should be.. First half of the day i feel so lazy.. my working out usually gets extended to evening... I get lost somewhere and I am losing that motivation of working out..something is going wrong.. I am trying hard to stay motivated... BIG HELP NEEDED..

    Ask yourself, "What am I missing in my life right now?" What I have found is that when I am driven to poor food choices or slacking on the exercise, I have been neglecting another part of myself (usually the emotional side) or there are sources of stress in my life that I am just "stuffing" and not facing.

    I believe that YOU have every bit of what it takes (& more) to accomplish your goals; you just have to believe it yourself. You may have seen me type this before, but when you are struggling to find your own belief in yourself, borrow the belief from someone else. I believe in you and I know that the rest of your MFP teammates do too! I am sending positive light your way, so that you may find your path! :heart:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I am having a really hard time eating more then 1200 calories, and I am supposed to have 1490. I am just not hungry lately, and don't want to force myself to eat when I am not hungry! What should I do?!?! HELP!!!!

    It's definitely important to eat your prescribed amount of calories or you can really mess up your metabolism and your body will start devouring the muscle you've worked so hard for. Your body does need the nourishment/ fuel. It's all part of the balance necessary to lead a fit life.

    Raw nuts are a really good choice or find a good protein powder (to make a smoothie to which you can easily add calories to) or protein bar to snack on (just NO soy protein; it's bad news). I love these single serving packs I found of Justin's organic peanut butter & almond butter. They're portable and quick to add/ nutritious calories! Yogurt is also a great "adjustable" way to get in more calories (i.e. by choosing a higher fat yogurt).

    All the best!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I need to vent something before it goes too far.. I am feeling so frustrated these days.. I am not working out as much as i should be.. First half of the day i feel so lazy.. my working out usually gets extended to evening... I get lost somewhere and I am losing that motivation of working out..something is going wrong.. I am trying hard to stay motivated... BIG HELP NEEDED..

    Ask yourself, "What am I missing in my life right now?" What I have found is that when I am driven to poor food choices or slacking on the exercise, I have been neglecting another part of myself (usually the emotional side) or there are sources of stress in my life that I am just "stuffing" and not facing.

    I believe that YOU have every bit of what it takes (& more) to accomplish your goals; you just have to believe it yourself. You may have seen me type this before, but when you are struggling to find your own belief in yourself, borrow the belief from someone else. I believe in you and I know that the rest of your MFP teammates do too! I am sending positive light your way, so that you may find your path! :heart:


    That was truly positive.. I want to get back to work badly and most of the times I am alone at home.. And when im alone i start thinking all the things under sun and i miss my family and frnds so much.. Everyone are back in India and my hubby is usually busy with his work except on weekends.. So I am trying to keep myself busy these days.. my mood set has changed also because of my foot infection because of which I am not able to do all kinds of exercises... I used to dance a lot and now I am not able to.. probably this is also one of the reasons...

    But yes, you made me feel better.. thanks for that.. :-)
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    Points for today- 5

    Food challenge (veggies and fruits)-1

    Will post the idea/recipe on food challenge (part 2) and emotional challenge tomorrow as my hubby will be again travel for 3 days and I better keep myself occupied..
  • cynthappy2
    cynthappy2 Posts: 18 Member
    Tankinki! Whooo Who!
  • cynthappy2
    cynthappy2 Posts: 18 Member
    That is great! I think we are all tempted to peak sometimes:blushing:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Saturady:
    Veggies- 1

    For Sunday:

    On a totally off fitness topic, took my two and my friends two kiddos to a B-Day party at a bowling alley. (we actually had my daughters party there and it was a blast) This ended up being the worst party I have ever been too,.......ever,........EVER! In 42 years I have never seen such a cluster-f*c&, ever!! None of the other parents had any control over their children. Imagine taking 20 pre-school aged children and dropping them off in the bowling alley, handing them 6lb bowling balls, and telling them to have fun, with no supervision at all. I am surprised the staff didn't tell everyone to leave. My four where the only ones not running around like animals. My daughter even asked why a few of the boys weren't getting in trouble for rolling the balls down the seating area. I told her because their mommy wasn't watching them. I was so proud of my guys, they were so good!
    I just don't get some people, are they just too lazy to bother getting up off their a$$es and be a parent? Do they not know how to set bonderies?? Or do they think "Hey it's a party let them run around and act like animals, I'm busy talking to other parents and don't want to be bothered to discipline my child".
    I don't know, maybe I'm too much of a hard *kitten*, but I have never been so happy to leave a child's party!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I have a great recipe to share.....SO good.

    1 sweet potato
    1-2 Celestial Seasonings Sugar Cookie tea bag, moistened with water

    Cut potato in half lengthwise, place tea bags in between two halves, I used one tea bag since I had a small spud. For a larger spud I would use two.
    Wrap in foil and bake as usual.
    I topped mine with a little butter and cinnamon. My kids even had some, and they don't like sweet potato.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Food recipe-2


    Emotional challenge- Well, I always think of the times when I am going to reach my target goal.. Life is gonna be different then, I will be more confident, will be proud of myself for having come so far and also I will never have to look for my XL top size, instead will get to try all the stylish tops under the sun.. wow..its going to be amazing, that is one of the motivation in my journey of weight loss... I am going to look good on stage performing and won't be shy sharing my youtube videos with others... yes I am gonna get back a healthier and slim Renu.. yay...

    Food recipe for fruits would be my fruits salad.. my hubby just loves it and I have to prepare it almost everyday..

    Fruits of your choice. I usually take grapes, oranges, apples and banana.
    Drop of honey
    Cardamom powder
    Nuts if desired

    Take milk and put in sugar/jaggery ( i usually put jaggery) and stir in, add the cut fruits and nuts, add the cardamom powder(pinch of it) and finally a drop of honey...

    For veggies, i usually prefer vegetable fried rice with lots of veggies and very little white/brown rice..
This discussion has been closed.