Motivated Mamma's Week 2 (Closed Goup)



  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Ladies, Ladies, Ladies,
    To those of you who didn't fill in there weigh in today, I put you at weighing the same and I still have some of you that haven't filled in your calorie Goal and still missing points from last week.

    To all of you that did thank you!:flowerforyou:

    Just a reminder- I do put work into organizing all this and I get dissapointed when I see that people aren't filling it out. I know we all have things that go on and sometimes we are unable to commit but if you could atleast get it in by wednesday that would be awesome, that way I can give bonus points to the Team that deserves it.

    This is a great challenge to help you stay motivated and accountable, I know it has helped me alot! Put it to use, it is up to you to change the way you may have lived before. No excuses! You can be the best you and you deserve it!

    I must apologize that I have not recorded my measurements; my trainer took them and I keep forgetting to get the numbers from him; well tomorrow is a measurement day again so I'll be sure to remember (I hope)!

    Thank you for staying on top of things; I promise I will make every effort to be timely in my logging! :wink:

    Wooo hooo! I FINALLY logged my measurements! Will wonders never cease... :tongue:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Ladies, you're all doing amazing! Unfortunately I have to bow out of this challenge as it's proving to be more stressful to me than anything else. It's just because I have way too much going on to be able to dedicate the time to all the spreadsheets and the daily logging and all that. I wish I could do it, but I just have too much family stuff going on right now. I'm about to start babysitting a 12 week old in addition to having my children at home, homeschooling, will start babysitting ALSO a 2 year old and 8 week old in a couple of weeks as well. Keep rockin' it out y'all!

    Even though you are not continuing with the Challenge,:sad: I hope you keep up with MFP and check in once awhile! Otherwise, we might just miss you & your wonderful spirit! All the best to you! :flowerforyou:
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    So today started great, but now I'm not feeling so hot. I really hope its just the lack of sleep. I only slept 2.5 hrs which really killed me today. I did not get anything accomplished either. I am so drained. Tomorrow and Saturday are going to be really difficult and I might not be on here as much. Saturday is my little man's 2nd B-day. So tomorrow I'll be running around getting things together for his party and on top of that I have school and have an exam! ugh! Saturday is his party with my family and I'm just hoping I can get some exercise in and not go over my calories. And make the right choices when it comes to my meals that day. Hope you ladies had a wonderful day and hope you have a great weekend.

    Points today: 0
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Sleep won out over working out this morning. I'm a little bummed that I took the easy way out but I had a horrible sleep last night and really needed the extra 50 mins I can squeeze in if I skip the workout. Not that it makes any difference cuz I'm gonna make sure I kill it double hard tomorrow and this evening :wink:

    Just wanted to say I'm really glad that this group is back up and running. I find a lot of support here and I wanted to say thanks to you all! :flowerforyou:

    Hope you have a wonderful Friday!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I got my 3 strength point, cardio, and my food point today. Yay!! I can't believe it and I went to work, I am proud of myself today! I don't know how you working ladies do this everyday but i will try to keep up. I am beat so it's off to bed for me, have a great night!

    Karie, I'm so proud of you! I can't believe the decication to work out so hard on your first day back! You are such an inspiration! Hope today goes just as well for you! Talk soon!
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Good morning ladies,

    Sleep won out over working out this morning. I'm a little bummed that I took the easy way out but I had a horrible sleep last night and really needed the extra 50 mins I can squeeze in if I skip the workout. Not that it makes any difference cuz I'm gonna make sure I kill it double hard tomorrow and this evening :wink:

    Just wanted to say I'm really glad that this group is back up and running. I find a lot of support here and I wanted to say thanks to you all! :flowerforyou:

    Hope you have a wonderful Friday!

    Sometimes we need the sleep. Don't be too hrd on yourself. :-) Have a great day!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    I have another lady who wanted to join and she is super excited, I will get her in touch with you tomorrow.

    I got my 3 strength point, cardio, and my food point today. Yay!! I can't believe it and I went to work, I am proud of myself today! I don't know how you working ladies do this everyday but i will try to keep up. I am beat so it's off to bed for me, have a great night!

    That is awesome that you were able to workout in the morning! Keep up the great dedication! You are awesome!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Sleep won out over working out this morning. I'm a little bummed that I took the easy way out but I had a horrible sleep last night and really needed the extra 50 mins I can squeeze in if I skip the workout. Not that it makes any difference cuz I'm gonna make sure I kill it double hard tomorrow and this evening :wink:

    Just wanted to say I'm really glad that this group is back up and running. I find a lot of support here and I wanted to say thanks to you all! :flowerforyou:

    Hope you have a wonderful Friday!

    We can all understand that. Every so often sleep HAS to win.

    Thank you too for all of your inspiration, you are awesome!!!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi all, hope everyone is having a great morning!! I am SOOOO happy it is Friday, the kids have been wound tight the last couple of days!! Tonight we are meeting friends at Red Lobster, it's Endless Shrimp!! I love little shrimpies!! So my plan is to eat light today, til dinner, then not worry about how many calories I'm consuming, and just enjoy!! Although I will be avoiding those cheddar biscuits (damn carbs!). Good thing we're not tracking calories, cause I can eat my weight in grilled shrimp!
    I have to mow the yard tomorrow so that will burn off quite a bit, then Sunday we're heading to Busch Gardens, haven't been there since the beginning of June, it's been way to HOT, and this week-end is suppose to be in the mid 80's, so should make for a nice day.
    If I don't get signed back on tonight, hope everyone else has a great week-end.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Hi ladies :)

    I feel the need to vent, even though it's nothing major and I figured this would be the best place for me to do it. I am getting SUPER frustrated with the scale lately. I have been working out more now than ever and I've even been eating back some of my exercise calories (which I never used to do) and the scale is just not budging, except to go up. ARGH! I know it will eventually work out and that it's going to be harder for me now that I am closer to my (first) goal weight, but it's still just frustrating when you want to weight to just GO AWAY! Anyways, now that I've typed this out, I see that I'm basically just whining and need to get over it. Thanks for reading, though. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend. We have no exciting plans, but I'm happy that we'll just be hanging around here.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hi all, hope everyone is having a great morning!! I am SOOOO happy it is Friday, the kids have been wound tight the last couple of days!! Tonight we are meeting friends at Red Lobster, it's Endless Shrimp!! I love little shrimpies!! So my plan is to eat light today, til dinner, then not worry about how many calories I'm consuming, and just enjoy!! Although I will be avoiding those cheddar biscuits (damn carbs!). Good thing we're not tracking calories, cause I can eat my weight in grilled shrimp!
    I have to mow the yard tomorrow so that will burn off quite a bit, then Sunday we're heading to Busch Gardens, haven't been there since the beginning of June, it's been way to HOT, and this week-end is suppose to be in the mid 80's, so should make for a nice day.
    If I don't get signed back on tonight, hope everyone else has a great week-end.

    LOL I love endless shrimp, I could eat my weigh in them too. This year is the first time in a while that I havent gone, I just dont trust myself enough LOL! Have a wonderful weekend, sounds like lots of fun!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hi ladies :)

    I feel the need to vent, even though it's nothing major and I figured this would be the best place for me to do it. I am getting SUPER frustrated with the scale lately. I have been working out more now than ever and I've even been eating back some of my exercise calories (which I never used to do) and the scale is just not budging, except to go up. ARGH! I know it will eventually work out and that it's going to be harder for me now that I am closer to my (first) goal weight, but it's still just frustrating when you want to weight to just GO AWAY! Anyways, now that I've typed this out, I see that I'm basically just whining and need to get over it. Thanks for reading, though. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend. We have no exciting plans, but I'm happy that we'll just be hanging around here.

    I know its easy to get down on yourself when you hit a wall, but you have come so far and lost so much already! I know its frustrating, but just keep doing what you're doing and keep your head up!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    I am having a really hard time eating more then 1200 calories, and I am supposed to have 1490. I am just not hungry lately, and don't want to force myself to eat when I am not hungry! What should I do?!?! HELP!!!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    UGH! No more days off for this momma! It makes me way to tired the next day, I got through my workout and the strength challenges very sluggishly today! Not alot on the schedule this weekend so hopefully I can get some good workouts in! Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I am having a really hard time eating more then 1200 calories, and I am supposed to have 1490. I am just not hungry lately, and don't want to force myself to eat when I am not hungry! What should I do?!?! HELP!!!!

    Are you having trouble with 1200 calorie intake or net?

    If you are struggling to meet 1200 net, don't worry about it. That jsut means you aren't eating back all of your exercise calories which should not be a problem. May just be phase while your body adjusts to your healthy ways :smile:

    If on the other hand, you are struggling to get to 1200 calories intake then you need to find ways to squish in some more calories. A fruit smoothie with non fat yogurt is a great way to push your calories up in a healthy fashion. or add some nuts to your salad. Almonds, pistachios, whatever you like, add a 1/4 cup of nuts to a snack and you've tacked on about 150 delicious calories.

    Good luck!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    I am having a really hard time eating more then 1200 calories, and I am supposed to have 1490. I am just not hungry lately, and don't want to force myself to eat when I am not hungry! What should I do?!?! HELP!!!!

    Are you having trouble with 1200 calorie intake or net?

    If you are struggling to meet 1200 net, don't worry about it. That jsut means you aren't eating back all of your exercise calories which should not be a problem. May just be phase while your body adjusts to your healthy ways :smile:

    If on the other hand, you are struggling to get to 1200 calories intake then you need to find ways to squish in some more calories. A fruit smoothie with non fat yogurt is a great way to push your calories up in a healthy fashion. or add some nuts to your salad. Almonds, pistachios, whatever you like, add a 1/4 cup of nuts to a snack and you've tacked on about 150 delicious calories.

    Good luck!

    Thanks so much! That is great advice! I have been having a hard time with 1200 intake. I haven't gone under that, but I know I should have more. I will try adding almonds and walnuts to some things and see how that works out. Thanks again!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I need to vent something before it goes too far.. I am feeling so frustrated these days.. I am not working out as much as i should be.. First half of the day i feel so lazy.. my working out usually gets extended to evening... I get lost somewhere and I am losing that motivation of working out..something is going wrong.. I am trying hard to stay motivated... BIG HELP NEEDED..
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member

    I need to vent something before it goes too far.. I am feeling so frustrated these days.. I am not working out as much as i should be.. First half of the day i feel so lazy.. my working out usually gets extended to evening... I get lost somewhere and I am losing that motivation of working out..something is going wrong.. I am trying hard to stay motivated... BIG HELP NEEDED..

    You can do this, just try to refocus. I had the same problem last week. Just do it force yourself to continue even when you don't feel like it. You have been working so hard and I know that, just keep going, it will all be worth it! I find it helpful for me to keep in mind how I will feel and look at my goal weight, that helps me push forward. I am here for you anytime, I may be at work when you msg but I will respond when I get home. Hang in there Girl, you got this!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi ladies,
    So I am trying to adjust to working and having time to workout along woth family time. This morning I slept in, I just couldn't get up to do my workout, but I am proud to say I went on a hike for my lunch break, I went for 20 min, I only have a 30 min lunch break. It made me feel great!
    I feel really good today, some of my co-workers have commented and said "wow, you look great!" or "have you lost weight?" someone today said I look so much healthier, even my skin looks better. It is so nice to hear this from them, they haven't seen me since April, I think there are times I feel I have made no progress but because they haven't seen me in so long it makes me realize, I really have come a long way!
    Thank you ladies for being here and supporting me when I need it, I couldn't have done this without you!


    Cardio: Done 1 point
    Strength- 3 points
    Food- 1 point

    5 points for me today!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Good day today! I am enjoying the food challenge, it has made me more aware of what I am eating, but at the same time, fruits and veggies fill me up, so I eat a lot less calories...

    Cardio: Done 1 point (Walking with my husband and son)
    Strength- 3 points (YAY!)
    Food- 1 point