Motivated Mamma's Week 2 (Closed Goup)



  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Good morning!! I realized in all my excitement yesterday, I forgot to check in on here! I didn't get in as much of a workout yesterday as I had wanted, Emma was not co-operating in us getting in for the "school run" for the Terry Fox run , and was being a little turd. But I DID get some of the lawn mowed ( for the last time this season.. boo!!) and got a HUGE batch of tomato relish made and canned lastnight. I'm expecting today to be a write off for the most part-- I'm in to Winnipeg for Dr appts for the 2 year old.
    I AM really proud of myself though-- I actually got up early the am and did my 30day shred, which is huge-- I SO love my bed and my morning sleep!! Yaay!

    Doing well with the challenges so far-- I'm a huge veggie eater , and have been working on this for a while, so it's all good! Sometimes I'm pretty sure I could go meatless ( not vegan.. eeep!) and be completely fine.
    Now, if I could just remember to do those Kegals!!
    And I'm really thinking about the emotional challenge-- and REALLY questioning what will be different once I'm thinner. Will I really be happier? Is my happiness that connected to my pant size? What does that say about my body image? What if I'm not more confident later?? AAaack!!! Obviously, this needs more reflection... ;)
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I have a question!! If we get all are veggies in and not the fruit (and vice versa) can we still get in at least half a point? Because I was able to to get all my veggies in but not the fruit. Let me know.
    My guess is you're fine with either. I don't separate mine.. my fruit and veg are all lumped together in one quantity. Just make sure you incorporate lots of different colors!!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Measurments will be taken every other week, just in case you all didn't know that, also I made the spreadsheet reflect our weight loss % so tomorrow I will name the team with the highest percentage of weight loss.

    As most of you know I return to work tomorrow! AYYYY:sad:
    But I will be here in the evening to say hello, I think I am an hour behind most of you too. I hope you all have a great day tomorrow!

    * My plan is to wake up early and get a good workout in before I head to work, wish me luck ladies.


    Eeeep!! I'll be thinking of you ( and your sweet baboo!!) See you this evening!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Okay, after a really rough start this morning, my head is back in the game. :-) Thanks for the encouragement, I really needed it.

    I've got all my workouts planned in advance for this week, and with the exception of Saturday, I am working out twice a day (may involve a little neglecting of my kids though. ;-) JK). :-) I feel more determined than I did this morning...this morning I just felt was bad...tears and all.

    Emotional challenge: I think meeting my goal weight will bee a big accomplishment for me. It will definitely helpt my selfesteem which isn't awful, but not great either. I will be able to say to my kids that hard work pays off and they will literally see what iam talking about. I do have worries about maintenance, but I'll worry about that closer to my goal weight. I still have a long way to go.

    Fruits and Veggies: To be honest, I tend to drink my fruits and veggies (V-8 splash) But I also like to eat salads and green beans, and carrots. I just don't eat enough of them at once. Definitely something I'll have to plan into my day. This weekend I am making stuffed sausage squash (though I use zucchini). Tastes good. :-)

    Oh hon.. sorry I didn't get to this until now!! Glad to hear you survived your morning.. and know that whatever blip shows up on the scale, you can make it through! You're attacking this with a plan, and that's huge! And well.. the kids can wait.. ;)
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Measurments will be taken every other week, just in case you all didn't know that, also I made the spreadsheet reflect our weight loss % so tomorrow I will name the team with the highest percentage of weight loss.

    As most of you know I return to work tomorrow! AYYYY:sad:
    But I will be here in the evening to say hello, I think I am an hour behind most of you too. I hope you all have a great day tomorrow!

    * My plan is to wake up early and get a good workout in before I head to work, wish me luck ladies.


    I hope you have a fabulous first day at work!! :-)
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Morning Girls! I was out of the game yesterday due to a massive, blindingly painful migraine. I spent the day in bed and am feeling better now. I did not log calories yesterday because I barely ate... I'm willing ot bet the few crackers I forced down (and were able to keep down) added up to less than 150cal. blech...

    But I'm back on track today! I'm super pumped about the fruit and veggie challenge! Getting my reccomended serving in will be no problem for me! According to the link provided, I should have 2 cips of fruit and 2.5 cups of veg a day but that is based on a 2000 calorie diet. In reality I am on a 12-1400 calorie diet. But regardless, fruit and veg are my lifeline to snacking so I should be good :smile:

    For Part 2 of the food challenge: My suggestion is to wash and cut all fresh produce immediately after purchase. I started doing this when I was pregnant because I watched my weight like a hawk and I found that if I took an extra 15 mins as I put my groceries away and washed, cut and stored all fresh fruit and produce on clear continers I was mush more likely to grab a handful of grapes when hunger/need to snack hit me. The odd time it doesn't get done (ie: 2 nights ago I wasn't feeling well and didn't bother to wash my grapes) I was shocked this morning to reach in to the fridge and not have ready to munch snacks at my fingertips! I actually looked right past the grapes sitting in the bag and asked my hubby if he had eaten all of them because I was so busy looking for the container of fruit that I am used to seeing. duh!!! Anyways, this simple habit has relly made it easier for me to snack healthy. And now I take it a step further and preportion fruit and veg to take to work as well.

    Emotional challenge: How will I feel? Good question. My instinct is to say that everything in my life will be perfect! But I know that is 100% fantasy. lol! I guess the real change will be internal. As I continue to lose weight I can feel my confidence grow. I've always come across as confident, people tend to think I am very self assured, but in reality that's been an act almost all of the time. Now, I'm finally starting to actually feel the way I've faked feeling for years. I'm not sure if that is actually because of the weight loss per se, I think it has more to do with taking control over this previously completly unchecked portion of my life and personality. Even though I am a loooooooong way from my goal, I feel like I am on the right path. And I feel like I am accomplishing something everyday. So I guess what I hope for is that as I continue to lose and eventually reach a point wherein my focus is on maintainence as opposed to losing that the feeling of accomplishment will grow as will my feelings of seld-empowerment.

    Oh! And I'll get to buy something ridiculously sexy and watch my husband's eyes pop out of his head :love: In addition to lots and lots of cute clothes from stores that have alluded me for so long :wink:
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Morning Girls! I was out of the game yesterday due to a massive, blindingly painful migraine. I spent the day in bed and am feeling better now. I did not log calories yesterday because I barely ate... I'm willing ot bet the few crackers I forced down (and were able to keep down) added up to less than 150cal. blech...

    But I'm back on track today! I'm super pumped about the fruit and veggie challenge! Getting my reccomended serving in will be no problem for me! According to the link provided, I should have 2 cips of fruit and 2.5 cups of veg a day but that is based on a 2000 calorie diet. In reality I am on a 12-1400 calorie diet. But regardless, fruit and veg are my lifeline to snacking so I should be good :smile:

    For Part 2 of the food challenge: My suggestion is to wash and cut all fresh produce immediately after purchase. I started doing this when I was pregnant because I watched my weight like a hawk and I found that if I took an extra 15 mins as I put my groceries away and washed, cut and stored all fresh fruit and produce on clear continers I was mush more likely to grab a handful of grapes when hunger/need to snack hit me. The odd time it doesn't get done (ie: 2 nights ago I wasn't feeling well and didn't bother to wash my grapes) I was shocked this morning to reach in to the fridge and not have ready to munch snacks at my fingertips! I actually looked right past the grapes sitting in the bag and asked my hubby if he had eaten all of them because I was so busy looking for the container of fruit that I am used to seeing. duh!!! Anyways, this simple habit has relly made it easier for me to snack healthy. And now I take it a step further and preportion fruit and veg to take to work as well.

    Emotional challenge: How will I feel? Good question. My instinct is to say that everything in my life will be perfect! But I know that is 100% fantasy. lol! I guess the real change will be internal. As I continue to lose weight I can feel my confidence grow. I've always come across as confident, people tend to think I am very self assured, but in reality that's been an act almost all of the time. Now, I'm finally starting to actually feel the way I've faked feeling for years. I'm not sure if that is actually because of the weight loss per se, I think it has more to do with taking control over this previously completly unchecked portion of my life and personality. Even though I am a loooooooong way from my goal, I feel like I am on the right path. And I feel like I am accomplishing something everyday. So I guess what I hope for is that as I continue to lose and eventually reach a point wherein my focus is on maintainence as opposed to losing that the feeling of accomplishment will grow as will my feelings of seld-empowerment.

    Oh! And I'll get to buy something ridiculously sexy and watch my husband's eyes pop out of his head :love: In addition to lots and lots of cute clothes from stores that have alluded me for so long :wink:

    I suffer from migrains too, so I can empathize. Glad you are back up and at it today!
    I love your suggestion on the fruits and is much easier to grab something already ready for you. Especially since I generally fix my lunch in the midst of getting ready for work. :-)
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 177 Member
    Ladies, you're all doing amazing! Unfortunately I have to bow out of this challenge as it's proving to be more stressful to me than anything else. It's just because I have way too much going on to be able to dedicate the time to all the spreadsheets and the daily logging and all that. I wish I could do it, but I just have too much family stuff going on right now. I'm about to start babysitting a 12 week old in addition to having my children at home, homeschooling, will start babysitting ALSO a 2 year old and 8 week old in a couple of weeks as well. Keep rockin' it out y'all!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Ladies, you're all doing amazing! Unfortunately I have to bow out of this challenge as it's proving to be more stressful to me than anything else. It's just because I have way too much going on to be able to dedicate the time to all the spreadsheets and the daily logging and all that. I wish I could do it, but I just have too much family stuff going on right now. I'm about to start babysitting a 12 week old in addition to having my children at home, homeschooling, will start babysitting ALSO a 2 year old and 8 week old in a couple of weeks as well. Keep rockin' it out y'all!

    Hate to see you leave, I have a home daycare, and constatly have children around, although My older children attend public school. I don't think I could homeschool as well. You are much braver than I!!! Good luck to you, hope that you stay on your journey to a healthier you!!
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 177 Member
    Shawn, this is a journey I will be on for the rest of my life! That will never change :)
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Just wanted to say a quick good morning everyone! I hope today is fabulous!!!

    Here is a little tip I came across about weighing in! Hope it gives you a smile!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Will miss you Sunshine, sad to see you go. Good luck with your journey.

    Emotional challenge:
    Well, I've already lost 32lbs and things have already changed drastically for me. I'm starting to feel happy in my own skin, have more self confidence and feel pretty. So hopefully when I reach my goal it will be more of the same. I also hope that I will feel generally more able and fitter and have the ability to keep up with my hectic lifestyle without keeping run down. I want to be healthier as well as slimmer! Mostly I just think I will feel proud and like I've acheived something truly amazing.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I didnt get any workout in today, or eat very much for that matter! Most of my day has been spent cuddling on the sofa with my sick boy and making him soup. He's feeling alot better I think, just dealing with the reprecussions of being awake until 4:30 this morning! I will get back on it tomorrow though. I did manage to burn a few calories cleaning/sanitizing the house. I get a little crazy with lysol when anyone gets sick because I know we will all get sick if I dont and my husband is a bigger baby than my baby! LOL. I hope that everyone is having a great day!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Thursday, 9/29
    Cardio: 1 point (entering it on spreadsheet after I finish this)
    Food: 1 point for getting recommended fruit/veggies
    Food: 2 points for fruit/veggie snack recipe (see below)
    Strength: 3 points (completed this morning)
    Emotional: 1 point (see blow)

    Total: 8 points

    How will life be different once you've reach your goal? What impact on your life will your weight loss have?

    My life has already changed significantly from my weight loss. I am EXTREMELY shy, but I have been coming out of my shell more and more. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am feeling better about myself. I know I'm still not to my goal, but I feel more comfortable in my own skin and I think my personality reflects that more. As far as the impact on my life, it has shown me and continues to show me that if I put my mind to something and am determined to do it, that I can. I have a lot of self-doubt, but I am slowly changing that too. I'm also hoping that it will be an example for my sons that if they want something, they just have to work for it.

    For the fruit/veggie snack recipe, I am REALLY bad about making those a snack. To me, snacks are always sweets or something *extra* and fruits/veggies are parts of a meal. I'm slowly, slowly changing that mentality, though. Here is a recipe that I have for Banana Oat Muffins, though, that I eat either for breakfast or a snack. They are super tasty and I get some fruit (banana) in. The link to the original recipe is here: However, my changes that I made are the following:
    1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (1/2 cup all purpose and 1 cup whole wheat flour)
    1 cup rolled oats
    1/2 cup white sugar (1/2 cup of brown sugar)
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 egg
    3/4 cup milk
    1/3 cup vegetable oil (1/3 no sugar added applesauce)
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (1 teaspoon)
    1 cup mashed bananas (3 bananas)

    plus I added 1/4 cup of flaxseed and 1 tsp. of cinnamon. It made 19 muffins and they are really good :)
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    today's points (but I feel like I'm missing something lol)


    :-) Was a pretty good day. I hope you all have a great weekend.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Points for today--4

    Food- 0, dint eat enough veggies today although i eat only vegetables.. :-(
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Ladies, you're all doing amazing! Unfortunately I have to bow out of this challenge as it's proving to be more stressful to me than anything else. It's just because I have way too much going on to be able to dedicate the time to all the spreadsheets and the daily logging and all that. I wish I could do it, but I just have too much family stuff going on right now. I'm about to start babysitting a 12 week old in addition to having my children at home, homeschooling, will start babysitting ALSO a 2 year old and 8 week old in a couple of weeks as well. Keep rockin' it out y'all!

    Good luck with everything you do! We will miss you Girl!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I'm done for today!
    Cardio- 1- 30 day shred this am, and 5 miles on the gazelle tonight!
    Food- 1 Yep, I love my fruits and veggies.. I'm pretty boring with them, but it works for me!
    Strength- 3 . Phew!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I have another lady who wanted to join and she is super excited, I will get her in touch with you tomorrow.

    I got my 3 strength point, cardio, and my food point today. Yay!! I can't believe it and I went to work, I am proud of myself today! I don't know how you working ladies do this everyday but i will try to keep up. I am beat so it's off to bed for me, have a great night!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Feeling kind of crappy this evening; NO! I am NOT getting sick...
    BUT the cool thing is that I made my personal best for squats today! I even heard a "Daaaaamnn!" from across the gym when I was lifting (made me smirk)... I hope that everyone is doing well; my time is short lived today; I need sleep! :yawn:

    Th. 9/28 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    Part 1
    Different cardio & max. heart rate? yes
    Points: 2/3
    Part 2
    Input calories burned? yes
    Points: 2/4

    Part 1
    Recommended fruits & veggies? yes
    Points: 2/5
    Part 2
    Post favorite fruit/ veg. snack (1 time)?
    LOVE fresh spinach (so weird) and I also love to cut up celery into slices to snack on; I am also addicted to grapes!
    Points: 2/2

    Kegels (7 x wk.)? yes (2x)
    Leg curls (3 x wk.)? yes (2x)
    Lateral Raises (3 x wk.)? yes (2x)
    Points: 6/13