Motivated Mamma's Week 2 (Closed Goup)



  • hey Karie and Renu, i just received the emails u sent about the challenge on this site. If it is okay with you guys still i would really like to join in. This week is almost over so i can start up this wed.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hello ladies, hope everyone had a fun and healthy weekend! I know I sure did! I started boxing/ kickboxing this weekend and so far it's kicked my *kitten*! Sooooo sore!

    Emotional Challenge:
    How will life be different once you've reach your goal? What impact on your life will your weight loss have?

    What won't be different may be an easier question!?! I hope that everything in my life will be much different than it is right now. I hope to have the confidence to accept a marriage and a new life with my wonderful boyfriend. I hope to have a greater inner peace and again confidence! I hope to be empowered to do anything and to have all my health problems in check! The impact of my weight-loss and achieving my goal will accumulate to two words peace & happiness. ♥
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    hey Karie and Renu, i just received the emails u sent about the challenge on this site. If it is okay with you guys still i would really like to join in. This week is almost over so i can start up this wed.

    Glad you made it over here. I sent you a private msg and hopefully we can get you going here this week. Have a great night.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I have a great recipe to share.....SO good.

    1 sweet potato
    1-2 Celestial Seasonings Sugar Cookie tea bag, moistened with water

    Cut potato in half lengthwise, place tea bags in between two halves, I used one tea bag since I had a small spud. For a larger spud I would use two.
    Wrap in foil and bake as usual.
    I topped mine with a little butter and cinnamon. My kids even had some, and they don't like sweet potato.

    This looks great! I will be trying it this week. Thanks!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Man I am beat! Had a really good weekend, but at my son's bday party I didnt do so well. But I'm already back to it and I'm hoping maybe I can make the scale move. I had to catch up on some exercising because I've just haven't had the time to do it. I really didn't want to start but when I started it made me want to do just a little more. I feel so much better now. I am still a little under the weather but all will be back to normal soon. Even though I did not exercise I did do the Kegal exercises because I just love I can do it anywhere and nobody even knows it lol.

    Emotional Challenge:

    Life will be different because I will know that I did this for myself not because somebody was telling me to do it. It will bring back the confidence I once had long ago. Its coming back already but slowly. My hubby has been one of the greatest supporters and motivators for me. I just love hearing the compliments he had been giving me lately. Him just saying little things to me makes me want to work out harder and eat healthier so that I can look the best I can for him. The impact will be big one for me. I will show myself that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. I will be happy for once when I go shopping and not dissappointed.

    Points for Friday:
    Points for Sat:
    Points for Sun:
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    hey Karie and Renu, i just received the emails u sent about the challenge on this site. If it is okay with you guys still i would really like to join in. This week is almost over so i can start up this wed.

    Hey Brandi,

    Glad that you are here.. yay!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    I need to vent something before it goes too far.. I am feeling so frustrated these days.. I am not working out as much as i should be.. First half of the day i feel so lazy.. my working out usually gets extended to evening... I get lost somewhere and I am losing that motivation of working out..something is going wrong.. I am trying hard to stay motivated... BIG HELP NEEDED..

    Ask yourself, "What am I missing in my life right now?" What I have found is that when I am driven to poor food choices or slacking on the exercise, I have been neglecting another part of myself (usually the emotional side) or there are sources of stress in my life that I am just "stuffing" and not facing.

    I believe that YOU have every bit of what it takes (& more) to accomplish your goals; you just have to believe it yourself. You may have seen me type this before, but when you are struggling to find your own belief in yourself, borrow the belief from someone else. I believe in you and I know that the rest of your MFP teammates do too! I am sending positive light your way, so that you may find your path! :heart:


    That was truly positive.. I want to get back to work badly and most of the times I am alone at home.. And when im alone i start thinking all the things under sun and i miss my family and frnds so much.. Everyone are back in India and my hubby is usually busy with his work except on weekends.. So I am trying to keep myself busy these days.. my mood set has changed also because of my foot infection because of which I am not able to do all kinds of exercises... I used to dance a lot and now I am not able to.. probably this is also one of the reasons...

    But yes, you made me feel better.. thanks for that.. :-)

    I hope so! I know from a lot of trial & error in my own life some of the things that I discovered and helped me through similar times; I hope that you can find a way to fill those needs within yourself so that you will be able to feel your own light and energy.

    Have you thought of dancing while sitting? Sounds funny I know but irregardless of any kind of calorie burn, perhaps it would help your spirit. Also, I did a little internet search on exercise with an injured foot and here are some of the suggestions: workout to a boxing type DVD workout but modify the workout & do it while sitting; swimming; strength training, focusing mostly on upper body & non weight bearing leg exercises; and everyone stressed continuing core work.

    All the best,
    Amy :flowerforyou:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    hey Karie and Renu, i just received the emails u sent about the challenge on this site. If it is okay with you guys still i would really like to join in. This week is almost over so i can start up this wed.

    Welcome! I hope you find that you love this challenge like I do! And please friend me if you'd like any extra support!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Been in major denial all weekend but after waking up with NO voice, maybe I might conceed that I'm just a little sick! And my healthy eating habits sailed out the window! I tried to log everything but I keep feeling like I missed something i.e. under-reported my intake. Ugh! I hope I feel good enough to attack the gym tomorrow....

    Here's my check-in details...

    Sa. 10/1 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    Part 1
    Different cardio & max. heart rate? no
    Points: 3/3
    Part 2
    Input calories burned? yes
    Points: 4/4

    Part 1
    Recommended fruits & veggies? yes
    Points: 5/5
    Part 2
    Post favorite fruit/ veg. snack (1 time)?
    LOVE fresh spinach (so weird) and I also love to cut up celery into slice4 s to snack on; I am also addicted to grapes!
    Points: 2/2

    Kegels (7 x wk.)? yes (4x)
    Leg curls (3 x wk.)? no (3x)
    Lateral Raises (3 x wk.)? no (3x)
    Points: 10/13

    How will life be different once you've reach your goal? What impact on your life will your weight loss have?
    Points: 1/1
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    So I peeked and checked my weight yesterday and I am up a pound. :grumble: Gah! So aggravating!!! The worst part is I know exactly where it came from - I ate out 3 times last week! I was still coming in under my calories but the fat and sodium counts were higher than normal. Sigh... less than stellar decision making on my part. Bad Lynda! :tongue:

    But on the plus side, I'm still feeling really good! I know why I'm up that pound so I know it is within my ability to lose it. Moments like this I am very grateful for my borderline religious devotion to logging my food. It enables me to go back and review what I did. Unfortunately, I have a few lunch meetings scheduled this week but I have a renewed resolve to make the best possible choices - and if that means that I have a significantly smaller, more veggie based dinner on the days that I have lunch meetings then so be it. No skin off my nose (but hopefully some fat off my *kitten*! lol!):laugh:

    In related news, I had a super good workout this morning. My lower abs are screaming which tells me that I am doing something right! I've made myself a mini challenge to do my NMTZ workout every morning this week - no excuses!!! plus the regular exercises from the challenge of course. I'm super motivated for a good week! And even if I don't lose that pesky pound by our Wednesday weigh in I refuse to be discouraged.

    Mini Challenge to the group (totally optional and not worth any points): I say let's start the week off on a positive note. How about we all share a positive, happy thought this morning, Mine is that I had a great workout and feel very empowered to change. What's yours?

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!:flowerforyou:

  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    On a totally off fitness topic, took my two and my friends two kiddos to a B-Day party at a bowling alley. (we actually had my daughters party there and it was a blast) This ended up being the worst party I have ever been too,.......ever,........EVER! In 42 years I have never seen such a cluster-f*c&, ever!! None of the other parents had any control over their children. Imagine taking 20 pre-school aged children and dropping them off in the bowling alley, handing them 6lb bowling balls, and telling them to have fun, with no supervision at all. I am surprised the staff didn't tell everyone to leave. My four where the only ones not running around like animals. My daughter even asked why a few of the boys weren't getting in trouble for rolling the balls down the seating area. I told her because their mommy wasn't watching them. I was so proud of my guys, they were so good!
    I just don't get some people, are they just too lazy to bother getting up off their a$$es and be a parent? Do they not know how to set bonderies?? Or do they think "Hey it's a party let them run around and act like animals, I'm busy talking to other parents and don't want to be bothered to discipline my child".
    I don't know, maybe I'm too much of a hard *kitten*, but I have never been so happy to leave a child's party!

    Oh, I TOTALLY get you! I feel this way almost all.the.time. when my sons and I are around other children. My 7 year old actually even says that he can't stand when kids aren't behaving, it drives him almost as crazy as it does me!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Sunday's Points:
    Strength-1 for Kegels

    Hoping to do better today. I'm determined to do some workout this morning as soon as my son's cartoon is over (the downside to only having 1 tv in the house).

    Something positive: It's not fitness/weight loss related, but I am excited about this upcoming weekend. This week is my husband's "late" week at work where my sons won't see him today, tomorrow and possibly Wednesday/Thursday. However, he is going to leave work early on Friday and we are going to go on a 6 hour road trip (to pick up our new-to-us minivan!). We are going to stay at a hotel overnight and just spend time together hanging out at the hotel or seeing/doing stuff in that area. I'm just excited for some family time (even though my eating and exercising will suffer, but I'm OK with that).
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    So I peeked and checked my weight yesterday and I am up a pound. :grumble: Gah! So aggravating!!! The worst part is I know exactly where it came from - I ate out 3 times last week! I was still coming in under my calories but the fat and sodium counts were higher than normal. Sigh... less than stellar decision making on my part. Bad Lynda! :tongue:

    But on the plus side, I'm still feeling really good! I know why I'm up that pound so I know it is within my ability to lose it. Moments like this I am very grateful for my borderline religious devotion to logging my food. It enables me to go back and review what I did. Unfortunately, I have a few lunch meetings scheduled this week but I have a renewed resolve to make the best possible choices - and if that means that I have a significantly smaller, more veggie based dinner on the days that I have lunch meetings then so be it. No skin off my nose (but hopefully some fat off my *kitten*! lol!):laugh:

    In related news, I had a super good workout this morning. My lower abs are screaming which tells me that I am doing something right! I've made myself a mini challenge to do my NMTZ workout every morning this week - no excuses!!! plus the regular exercises from the challenge of course. I'm super motivated for a good week! And even if I don't lose that pesky pound by our Wednesday weigh in I refuse to be discouraged.

    Mini Challenge to the group (totally optional and not worth any points): I say let's start the week off on a positive note. How about we all share a positive, happy thought this morning, Mine is that I had a great workout and feel very empowered to change. What's yours?

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!:flowerforyou:


    Way to go on being honest, atleast you know what the problem was. I had a bad wek a couple of weeks ago and the worst part is I didn't log my food so I was unable to look back at what I did wrong. If you don't see progreass on the scale this week, I am sure you will next week.
    "No skin off my nose (but hopefully some fat off my *kitten*! lol!):" :laugh: :laugh:

    Great job working out this morning! You are one motivated lady working out everyday before work, I can see that more and more now that I am having to do the same thing.

    :smile: Ladies,
    Saturday morning I worked out, I only had about 20 min in the morning but I was determined to do it before work, After the 20min I just felt it wasn't enough so I kept going, I ended up working out for 40min. I am proud of that, I just skipped having my news and coffee time that morning. Yesterday my sister and I decided to have a fun little gymnastics session with the kids and it was a blast, although I am sure if anyone saw us doing our hand stands and cartwheels they got a good laugh. Funny thing is my hips and shoulders are sore this morning, how did I do those everyday as a kid. LOL

    :smile: Lynda's mini challenge:
    My positive, happy thought this morning.
    This week I have worked out even while working and I am so proud of that and honestly surprised myself! I feel if I can do this while working, I will accomplish my goal, no doubt!

    :flowerforyou: Have a great day ladies!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    On a totally off fitness topic, took my two and my friends two kiddos to a B-Day party at a bowling alley. (we actually had my daughters party there and it was a blast) This ended up being the worst party I have ever been too,.......ever,........EVER! In 42 years I have never seen such a cluster-f*c&, ever!! None of the other parents had any control over their children. Imagine taking 20 pre-school aged children and dropping them off in the bowling alley, handing them 6lb bowling balls, and telling them to have fun, with no supervision at all. I am surprised the staff didn't tell everyone to leave. My four where the only ones not running around like animals. My daughter even asked why a few of the boys weren't getting in trouble for rolling the balls down the seating area. I told her because their mommy wasn't watching them. I was so proud of my guys, they were so good!
    I just don't get some people, are they just too lazy to bother getting up off their a$$es and be a parent? Do they not know how to set bonderies?? Or do they think "Hey it's a party let them run around and act like animals, I'm busy talking to other parents and don't want to be bothered to discipline my child".
    I don't know, maybe I'm too much of a hard *kitten*, but I have never been so happy to leave a child's party!

    Oh, I TOTALLY get you! I feel this way almost all.the.time. when my sons and I are around other children. My 7 year old actually even says that he can't stand when kids aren't behaving, it drives him almost as crazy as it does me!

    Could not agree more! Kudos to you both for working hard to raise children that know how to act! Before my husband and I had a baby we spoke a lot about our views on parenting and raising a child and we agreed that there really is no such thing as bad kids, but there sure as heck is such a thing as a bad parent. Kids NEED boundries, without them everything goes to hell pretty quick. Speaking as a relatively new mother, I am always relieved to her other parents express the same parenting values that my husband and I live by.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    To most people this would make me sound CRAZY! but Im so happy its Monday! Part of me wishes my husband worked everyday so that I didnt have that lazy feeling on sundays and saturdays when I just wanna kick back with him and eat his junk food! But its finally monday and Im ready to get back on it! I did a little yesterday, didnt log anything but I will get all caught up today!

    Lyndas Challenge- (I love this!) Im so excited to get through this week...since its getting colder, and clothes are getting bigger my mom is coming down here to take me shopping next monday, but before that I have a weekend of camping, fishing and hiking with my two favorite guys!

    On a side note to that positivity, I might have been born in a small country town and raised a country girl...I've never in my life been camping or even attempted to sleep outside LOL. I will let you ladies know how that goes LOL!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    To most people this would make me sound CRAZY! but Im so happy its Monday! Part of me wishes my husband worked everyday so that I didnt have that lazy feeling on sundays and saturdays when I just wanna kick back with him and eat his junk food! But its finally monday and Im ready to get back on it! I did a little yesterday, didnt log anything but I will get all caught up today!

    Lyndas Challenge- (I love this!) Im so excited to get through this week...since its getting colder, and clothes are getting bigger my mom is coming down here to take me shopping next monday, but before that I have a weekend of camping, fishing and hiking with my two favorite guys!

    On a side note to that positivity, I might have been born in a small country town and raised a country girl...I've never in my life been camping or even attempted to sleep outside LOL. I will let you ladies know how that goes LOL!

    I totally get the weekend thing! I miss Caeleb and my DH during the week, but it's also kinda nice with them gone because I can exercise and not feel like I'm missing out on my time with them. I'm excited for you to get to go shopping for new clothes. I hate clothes shopping, even now, so my wardrobe currently consists of 2 jeans from Salvation Army, 3 tshirts from garage sales, 2 pairs of shorts, and then everything else still fits but is "technically" too big and I should go shopping for a smaller size. I just wish I had someone to shop with so it wasn't so boring (besides my crazy boys that don't want to be there). Oh yeah, and have a great time camping! We are wanting to do that some weekend....just haven't gotten around to doing it yet!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    So I peeked and checked my weight yesterday and I am up a pound. :grumble: Gah! So aggravating!!! The worst part is I know exactly where it came from - I ate out 3 times last week! I was still coming in under my calories but the fat and sodium counts were higher than normal. Sigh... less than stellar decision making on my part. Bad Lynda! :tongue:

    But on the plus side, I'm still feeling really good! I know why I'm up that pound so I know it is within my ability to lose it. Moments like this I am very grateful for my borderline religious devotion to logging my food. It enables me to go back and review what I did. Unfortunately, I have a few lunch meetings scheduled this week but I have a renewed resolve to make the best possible choices - and if that means that I have a significantly smaller, more veggie based dinner on the days that I have lunch meetings then so be it. No skin off my nose (but hopefully some fat off my *kitten*! lol!):laugh:

    In related news, I had a super good workout this morning. My lower abs are screaming which tells me that I am doing something right! I've made myself a mini challenge to do my NMTZ workout every morning this week - no excuses!!! plus the regular exercises from the challenge of course. I'm super motivated for a good week! And even if I don't lose that pesky pound by our Wednesday weigh in I refuse to be discouraged.

    Mini Challenge to the group (totally optional and not worth any points): I say let's start the week off on a positive note. How about we all share a positive, happy thought this morning, Mine is that I had a great workout and feel very empowered to change. What's yours?

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!:flowerforyou:


    Mini Challenge:
    I woke up this morning and put together a Happy Song playlist of all of my favorite songs that make me feel good. In case I start to get down, I can play that and feel good again!
  • megcc
    megcc Posts: 94 Member
    Mini-challenge: I'm finally over being sick and we're getting back into our routine.
    I'm so glad because my daughter does not like her schedule bring messed with.
    We're having a great day and it's so nice.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member

    I totally get the weekend thing! I miss Caeleb and my DH during the week, but it's also kinda nice with them gone because I can exercise and not feel like I'm missing out on my time with them. I'm excited for you to get to go shopping for new clothes. I hate clothes shopping, even now, so my wardrobe currently consists of 2 jeans from Salvation Army, 3 tshirts from garage sales, 2 pairs of shorts, and then everything else still fits but is "technically" too big and I should go shopping for a smaller size. I just wish I had someone to shop with so it wasn't so boring (besides my crazy boys that don't want to be there). Oh yeah, and have a great time camping! We are wanting to do that some weekend....just haven't gotten around to doing it yet!

    Wish I could go shopping with you because Girl you deserve a shopping spree! It would be awesome for you to get a whole new wardrobe, to celebrate your new body! If only we had endless amounts of money. LOL.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    To most people this would make me sound CRAZY! but Im so happy its Monday! Part of me wishes my husband worked everyday so that I didnt have that lazy feeling on sundays and saturdays when I just wanna kick back with him and eat his junk food! But its finally monday and Im ready to get back on it! I did a little yesterday, didnt log anything but I will get all caught up today!

    Lyndas Challenge- (I love this!) Im so excited to get through this week...since its getting colder, and clothes are getting bigger my mom is coming down here to take me shopping next monday, but before that I have a weekend of camping, fishing and hiking with my two favorite guys!

    On a side note to that positivity, I might have been born in a small country town and raised a country girl...I've never in my life been camping or even attempted to sleep outside LOL. I will let you ladies know how that goes LOL!

    I totally get the weekend thing! I miss Caeleb and my DH during the week, but it's also kinda nice with them gone because I can exercise and not feel like I'm missing out on my time with them. I'm excited for you to get to go shopping for new clothes. I hate clothes shopping, even now, so my wardrobe currently consists of 2 jeans from Salvation Army, 3 tshirts from garage sales, 2 pairs of shorts, and then everything else still fits but is "technically" too big and I should go shopping for a smaller size. I just wish I had someone to shop with so it wasn't so boring (besides my crazy boys that don't want to be there). Oh yeah, and have a great time camping! We are wanting to do that some weekend....just haven't gotten around to doing it yet!

    I'll go shopping with you anytime LOL we're not too far away! I personally didnt want to shop for clothes until I hit my goal but with winter approaching and jeans getting looser Im gonna need atleast one more pair of jeans that fits, and my mother is a shopaholic!
This discussion has been closed.