Motivated Mamma's Week 2 (Closed Goup)



  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    I didn't lose this week :angry: !! WTF!!!! I busted my *kitten* all week long and the scale did not move!!! Grrrr! Ok I feel better expressing h/w I feel now! So here is to a new week and just maybe I can make it up! :drinker:

    I posted this on the other thread as well.

    Start of M/M: 149lbs
    Week 1 09/28: 149lbs
    Total Loss: 0 <
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Okay, after a really rough start this morning, my head is back in the game. :-) Thanks for the encouragement, I really needed it.

    I've got all my workouts planned in advance for this week, and with the exception of Saturday, I am working out twice a day (may involve a little neglecting of my kids though. ;-) JK). :-) I feel more determined than I did this morning...this morning I just felt was bad...tears and all.

    Emotional challenge: I think meeting my goal weight will bee a big accomplishment for me. It will definitely helpt my selfesteem which isn't awful, but not great either. I will be able to say to my kids that hard work pays off and they will literally see what iam talking about. I do have worries about maintenance, but I'll worry about that closer to my goal weight. I still have a long way to go.

    Fruits and Veggies: To be honest, I tend to drink my fruits and veggies (V-8 splash) But I also like to eat salads and green beans, and carrots. I just don't eat enough of them at once. Definitely something I'll have to plan into my day. This weekend I am making stuffed sausage squash (though I use zucchini). Tastes good. :-)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    So after reading this weeks challenge I'm wondering how I'm going to do this? I have no problem eating veggies I eat a lot of veggies, but I don't eat fruit. Most fruit is high in carbs, which I keep low. The only thng I eat are berries and it's not berry season.
    I guess I can add frozen berries to my diet??
    Maybe I could just eat veggies in place of fruit? Would anyone care if I did that, I'll try to add some fruit but I'm not going to be able to eat 2 cups of fruit a day, I'm pretty sure that would blow my carbs right out of the ballpark!!
    Well, I'm off to the database to see how much fruit I can add without upsetting the rest of my diet.

    Can I count V-8 juice as a veggie?? The bottle says its 2 full servings of veggies per 8oz? If yes then that puts me at 4.5 servings for the day.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Here is Part 2 for my Food challenge:

    One look at my diary and you will see tapinaki veggies at least once everyday, you know those veggies they cook on the hibachi at Japanese steakhouse resturaunts. Well, I love them....LOVE THEM. So I make them at home. I make a huge pan, two, sometimes three times a week. I use a head of broccoli, zucchini, yellow squash, white mushrooms, red onions, & baby carrots. Add a T of oyster sauce, a dash of teriyaki sauce and a sprinkle of sesame seeds and taste bud heaven here I come. The ones I get at the resturant don't have the yellow squash, and they use yellow onion. I added the squash and red onion so that I was getting a variety of different colored veggies each day.
    The only down side is, I also love the white sauce they serve with is NOT healthy in anyway, but I love it, so I try to limit how much I have with my veggies.
    So this with the V-8 juice and veggies that I have at dinner I get a lot of veggies in my diet.
    Fruit on the other hand is a whole other ball game, I don't eat fruit. Well, I do, but only during berry season. Fruit has a lot of carbs, me and carbs don't get along so well......
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    double post
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I have gained 0.2lbs from last week..

    Starting wt- 156.2
    This week- 156.4

    But im not upset because i know il do better next week.. I was sick for past 3 days and didnt exercise at all... Today i had my usual dance class with kids, so burned few cals there.. but usually i dont log it as exercise... but yes im moving around today and will get back to my exercises from tomorrow...
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Motivated Mamma's
    Week 2

    Cardio challenge - 1 point per day = 7 points
    Created by Amy and Jennifer
    Part 1
    Total points-3 points
    For a minimum of 3 days, do a different cardio exercise AND maintain a range of 60% - 70% of your maximum heart rate (optimal for fat loss) for 20 minutes minimum, not including a warm-up & cool down, (this can be a collective total, i.e. you can do intervals). Check out the link for a Reference Guide to Aerobic Exercise and a "Target Heart Rate" calculator.
    ( I didn't see the actual link so maybe we can just google it)
    Part 2 - 4 points
    Enter in your calorie burns everyday on the spreadsheet this can earn you an extra point on the days 4 days you aren't earning points from part 1.

    Food challenge-1 point per day x5, 2 bonus points = 7 points
    Created by Kristin and Stephanie
    Part 1
    Total points- 5
    This week you will be working at getting in your recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables. Visit this website to find out your recommended amount and make a point of consuming this at least five days this week .
    Part 2
    Total points-2
    We could all use some ideas on how to sneak in fruits and veg, so we're also asking you to post once this week your favorite fruit/veg meal or snack.

    Strength Exercises = 13 points
    Created by Tasha
    :smile: Kegel Exercises: 10-15 x3 everyday this week Let's face it, we are all Mom's trying to get back into shape, but there is one exercise that gets widely ignored because it is taboo in conversations. (
    :smile: Leg Curls 15 x 3 3 days this week (
    :smile: Lateral Raises 15x3 3 days this week (

    Emotional Challenge= 1 point
    Created by Amy and Shawn
    How will life be different once you've reach your goal? What impact on your life will your weight loss have?

    :smile: Hi Ladies!! We made it to Week 2, I hope you all have a great week and let's rock this Challenge!:happy:

    I like this week's challenge, its awesome.. Good job ladies.. :-)
    But I am bit confused on the heart rate thingy... I dont have a HRM to measure my heart rate and i checked the link too..So if I am doing a cardio, how will I know if I have achieved the target heart or not...
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I think I get 5 points today. Please tell me if I'm doing it right.

    I get:
    1 point for logging my stuff on the spreadsheet
    1 point for meeting my fruit/veggie
    3 points for each of the exercises

    Is this correct?
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I think I get 5 points today. Please tell me if I'm doing it right.

    I get:
    1 point for logging my stuff on the spreadsheet
    1 point for meeting my fruit/veggie
    3 points for doing each of the exercises

    Is this correct?

    ya that's right! Great Job today
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    So after reading this weeks challenge I'm wondering how I'm going to do this? I have no problem eating veggies I eat a lot of veggies, but I don't eat fruit. Most fruit is high in carbs, which I keep low. The only thng I eat are berries and it's not berry season.
    I guess I can add frozen berries to my diet??
    Maybe I could just eat veggies in place of fruit? Would anyone care if I did that, I'll try to add some fruit but I'm not going to be able to eat 2 cups of fruit a day, I'm pretty sure that would blow my carbs right out of the ballpark!!
    Well, I'm off to the database to see how much fruit I can add without upsetting the rest of my diet.

    Can I count V-8 juice as a veggie?? The bottle says its 2 full servings of veggies per 8oz? If yes then that puts me at 4.5 servings for the day.

    Eat the veggies instead of fruit, that counts for sure.

    V8 counts too!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Wednesday Points
    Cardio - 1pt (Went for a walk at a brisk pace)
    Food - 1pt (Got all my fruits and veggies)
    Strength - 1pt
    Emotional Challenge - 1pt
    Total - 4

    Emotional Challenge:
    How will life be different once you've reach your goal? What impact on your life will your weight loss have?
    I imagine that when I lose all the weight I want to, I will feel more comfortable around my family. My sisters are both perfect weights, and my sister in laws are all little also. I think I will have more energy too, so I will not have to force myself all the time to get up and do things. Overall I think I will just feel better physically, more confident and happier with myself.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Wednesday Points
    Cardio - 1pt (mowed my front and back yard for 50 min)
    Food - 1pt (with a home grown Garden this will be no problem)
    Strength - 3pt
    Emotional Challenge - 1pt
    Total - 6

    Emotional Challenge
    How will life be different once you've reach your goal? What impact on your life will your weight loss have?

    I think about this all the time. I will be able to buy cute clothes, shop in any store. I will have more energy for my son. I am so excited for this moment and I will never forget how hard I am working to get there. I think I will just become happier with everything and everyone in my life. I will be able to live my life fuller, I am so tired of thinking about my weight and how I look. I have always been a pretty confident person but after having my son I noticed a huge change, so I am ready to be confident again. I still come off as a confident person to most but 30 lbs ago I was definatly rally low on my confidence, i see it creeping back in and that is nice.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Ladies, Ladies, Ladies,
    To those of you who didn't fill in there weigh in today, I put you at weighing the same and I still have some of you that haven't filled in your calorie Goal and still missing points from last week.

    To all of you that did thank you!:flowerforyou:

    Just a reminder- I do put work into organizing all this and I get dissapointed when I see that people aren't filling it out. I know we all have things that go on and sometimes we are unable to commit but if you could atleast get it in by wednesday that would be awesome, that way I can give bonus points to the Team that deserves it.

    This is a great challenge to help you stay motivated and accountable, I know it has helped me alot! Put it to use, it is up to you to change the way you may have lived before. No excuses! You can be the best you and you deserve it!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Measurments will be taken every other week, just in case you all didn't know that, also I made the spreadsheet reflect our weight loss % so tomorrow I will name the team with the highest percentage of weight loss.

    As most of you know I return to work tomorrow! AYYYY:sad:
    But I will be here in the evening to say hello, I think I am an hour behind most of you too. I hope you all have a great day tomorrow!

    * My plan is to wake up early and get a good workout in before I head to work, wish me luck ladies.

  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Wednesday Points
    Cardio - 1pt (30 min walk, Insanity, and Lvl 1 JM 30 DS)
    Food - 0 Need to go grocery shopping!!!
    Strength - 3pt
    Total - 4
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I must have spaced about sending the "target heart rate" link I found to Karie (i.e. thought I had but obviously didn't... ). Soooo, here it is:

    It's a good article; about half way down there is a link " Click here to calculate your Target Heart Rate". Another helpful link is further down the article "Learn more about exercise intensity here".

    All you need is full view of a clock with a minute hand while you are working out or a watch (and you have to take your resting heart rate ahead of time in order to calculate your "ideal" range).

    Hope this helps; please feel free to ask if you have any questions!
    Here's to an AWESOME week for everyone!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Here's to a new week!

    W. 9/27 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    Part 1
    Different cardio & max. heart rate? yes
    Points: 1/3
    Part 2
    Input calories burned? yes
    Points: 1/4

    Part 1
    Recommended fruits & veggies? yes
    Points: 1/5
    Part 2
    Post favorite fruit/ veg. snack (1 time)?
    Points: 0/2

    Kegels (7 x wk.)? yes
    Leg curls (3 x wk.)? yes
    Lateral Raises (3 x wk.)? yes
    Points: 3/13
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Ladies, Ladies, Ladies,
    To those of you who didn't fill in there weigh in today, I put you at weighing the same and I still have some of you that haven't filled in your calorie Goal and still missing points from last week.

    To all of you that did thank you!:flowerforyou:

    Just a reminder- I do put work into organizing all this and I get dissapointed when I see that people aren't filling it out. I know we all have things that go on and sometimes we are unable to commit but if you could atleast get it in by wednesday that would be awesome, that way I can give bonus points to the Team that deserves it.

    This is a great challenge to help you stay motivated and accountable, I know it has helped me alot! Put it to use, it is up to you to change the way you may have lived before. No excuses! You can be the best you and you deserve it!

    I must apologize that I have not recorded my measurements; my trainer took them and I keep forgetting to get the numbers from him; well tomorrow is a measurement day again so I'll be sure to remember (I hope)!

    Thank you for staying on top of things; I promise I will make every effort to be timely in my logging! :wink:
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    I have a question!! If we get all are veggies in and not the fruit (and vice versa) can we still get in at least half a point? Because I was able to to get all my veggies in but not the fruit. Let me know.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Has anyone else had trouble signing in to MFP? Yesterday morning I couldn't get on for just over an hour, then again last night, I was on and got booted out and couldn't sign back on for the rest of the night?? I was so lost!!