


  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Whatever happened to respectful marriages? Flirting with other people is not cool.. That leads to lusting. Job gave an oath to God to never lust on another woman.Its an open door to commit adultery.I get the love from my husband,and so does he..Yes we're nice to others,but we don't flirt.Respect ur realtionships!

    Bible talk...reported...J/K
    Report all you want..its the truth with a capital T :)

    Haha Leah! It sure is the truth!
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Flirting while in a relationship = total disrespect

    Flirting is one of the first steps why people go for relationships... Think about that...

    If he is flirting (despite what your situation is with that person) it is something to really look into...Flirting can cause issues while in a relationship... If you want to flirt then you mine as well be single...
  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
    Whatever happened to respectful marriages? Flirting with other people is not cool.. That leads to lusting. Job gave an oath to God to never lust on another woman.Its an open door to commit adultery.I get the love from my husband,and so does he..Yes we're nice to others,but we don't flirt.Respect ur realtionships!

    Bible talk...reported...J/K
    Report all you want..its the truth with a capital T :)

    Kinda true haha
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member

    It's ok to flirt as long as it's done tastefully.

    It's ok to flirt as long as long as you're giving me more attention that the person you're flirting with.

    It's ok to flirt as long as the other person can say when to stop because it doesn't feel right with no reprocussions from the flirter.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Flirting (can) lead to other things.

    And other things don't always come to light.

    And 'they wouldnt cheat on me' doesn't always mean 'they havent cheated on me'

    ^ Those are some good reasons. Applies to both dating, and married couples.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Whatever happened to respectful marriages? Flirting with other people is not cool.. That leads to lusting. Job gave an oath to God to never lust on another woman.Its an open door to commit adultery.I get the love from my husband,and so does he..Yes we're nice to others,but we don't flirt.Respect ur realtionships!

    Wise words from someone your age. I'm impressed!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member

    Some are. And some are people he kind of knows in real life. Like friends of friends. It's so aggravating, and yes I've made him aware of my feelings.

    He says "I'm probably not going to stop." So he's being honest, but **** might just be a deal breaker for me. I hate feeling this way.

    ^^^This is a problem. If you've told him it hurts your feelings and you don't like it, and he replies with "I'm probably not going to stop", then you have to make a decision. Either it is a deal breaker (and I wouldn't blame you), or you live with it. You're beautiful, and should be with someone who wants you to feel good.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member

    It's ok to flirt as long as it's done tastefully.

    It's ok to flirt as long as long as you're giving me more attention that the person you're flirting with.

    It's ok to flirt as long as the other person can say when to stop because it doesn't feel right with no reprocussions from the flirter.

    This is somewhat how our house runs as well.

    And common sense plays a bit...If I find a man attractive and it comes up, I will pay the compliment. If it goes the other way around, I humbly accept the compliment. If anyone involved tries to make it into something more sexual or create friction, then the line is crossed.
  • yessiseguy
    My only opinion is do not do to your loved one what you would not like to be done to you.
    You think flirting is ok for you to do right? mmmmm But what if one day flirting is not enough
    for you and you take a bigger step? I'd say stop the flirting and make him realize his flirting is
    not okay either. Just my opinion............. Im sure you'll both be happier :)
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    It's normal but each couple will have their own lines that decide not to cross. For me and my husbadn we are pretty secure but we both know boudaries. You have to BOTH agree and openly talk about them, if you don't BOTH feel okay with it then neither of you should do it.

    Last time I was at a bar with my husband he asked our female bar tender how much she would charge him for sex on the beach? She responded "where is the nearest beach. I didn't bother me, it actually makes me laugh because I know he would never cheat, I never have to worry about that with him and he feels the same about me.

    Now, when I get flirty my husband really doesn't care. When men flirt back (which is natural) he starts to feel it. Knowing that, it bothers him but not me so mcuh we have both set boundaries.

    I did not care about the bar tender incident, but one time this girl (another military spuce) was litterally fondeling him and smelling him, and rubbing against him. He looked at me across the bar and did not do anytihng about it. I didn't do anything about it then, but when we went to her house later (she is his buddies girl) her and I had a chat on the back porch.

    When men push the line with me, grabbing, ect, I take care of it. i am a little over 5 ft tall so if I mess up a dude nodbody will call the cops on me. When a girl messes with my hubby, I mess her up too. When a guy messes with me my husband can't really do what he wants because he has had special training to kill people, he would automatically go to jail, it is not worth it. He stands back and lets me put the damage on them.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Flirting is part of the human condition. And for the folks with faith... stop trying to fit flirting into some 'story' you read in a book...

    Flirting is not lusting
    Flirting is not cheating

    Flirting can be a normal harmless connection between two adults and has nothing to do with 'a cheater'

    If your SO was going to cheat on you then flirting may be a sign. But he/she was thinking about cheating all along.

    Harmless flirting is just that... and people in a secure relationship that don't live in fear that their SO is cheating on them (what's up with that) have nothing to worry about.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Flirting is part of the human condition. And for the folks with faith... stop trying to fit flirting into some 'story' you read in a book...

    Flirting is not lusting
    Flirting is not cheating

    Flirting can be a normal harmless connection between two adults and has nothing to do with 'a cheater'

    If your SO was going to cheat on you then flirting may be a sign. But he/she was thinking about cheating all along.

    Harmless flirting is just that... and people in a secure relationship that don't live in fear that their SO is cheating on them (what's up with that) have nothing to worry about.

    Since I'm a "folk with faith", I'll respond. Flirting is not a story I read in a book. Flirting isn't always lusting, and not always considered cheating. It is the intent behind the action that is one issue. The other issue is: if your SO feels uncomfortable with it, you don't do it out of respect. We can all control our own actions, whether it's a "human condition" or not. We can also control our own thoughts. I don't buy any of the "human condition so I can't control it" nonsense.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Flirting is part of the human condition. And for the folks with faith... stop trying to fit flirting into some 'story' you read in a book...

    Flirting is not lusting
    Flirting is not cheating

    Flirting can be a normal harmless connection between two adults and has nothing to do with 'a cheater'

    If your SO was going to cheat on you then flirting may be a sign. But he/she was thinking about cheating all along.

    Harmless flirting is just that... and people in a secure relationship that don't live in fear that their SO is cheating on them (what's up with that) have nothing to worry about.

    Since I'm a "folk with faith", I'll respond. Flirting is not a story I read in a book. Flirting isn't always lusting, and not always considered cheating. It is the intent behind the action that is one issue. The other issue is: if your SO feels uncomfortable with it, you don't do it out of respect. We can all control our own actions, whether it's a "human condition" or not. We can also control our own thoughts. I don't buy any of the "human condition so I can't control it" nonsense.

    Don't recall saying anything about 'not being able to control it'. That may be an 'excuse' used by others here, but not me. ☺

    I agree with the concerns and feelings of our SO, and would not play with others at all if it bothered my SO. But that is not an issue in our relationship.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Flirting is part of the human condition. And for the folks with faith... stop trying to fit flirting into some 'story' you read in a book...

    Flirting is not lusting
    Flirting is not cheating

    Flirting can be a normal harmless connection between two adults and has nothing to do with 'a cheater'

    If your SO was going to cheat on you then flirting may be a sign. But he/she was thinking about cheating all along.

    Harmless flirting is just that... and people in a secure relationship that don't live in fear that their SO is cheating on them (what's up with that) have nothing to worry about.

    Since I'm a "folk with faith", I'll respond. Flirting is not a story I read in a book. Flirting isn't always lusting, and not always considered cheating. It is the intent behind the action that is one issue. The other issue is: if your SO feels uncomfortable with it, you don't do it out of respect. We can all control our own actions, whether it's a "human condition" or not. We can also control our own thoughts. I don't buy any of the "human condition so I can't control it" nonsense.

    Don't recall saying anything about 'not being able to control it'. That may be an 'excuse' used by others here, but not me. ☺

    I agree with the concerns and feelings of our SO, and would not play with others at all if it bothered my SO. But that is not an issue in our relationship.

    I know you didn't say anything about not being able to control it (sorry of it sounded like I thought you said it). I only mentioned that because I hear it so much as an excuse. I also agree that if both people in the relationship are okay with flirting, then there isn't an issue....until there's an issue (using the quote again, "If you're dancing on a slippery slope, don't be surprised if someone falls").
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I know you didn't say anything about not being able to control it (sorry of it sounded like I thought you said it). I only mentioned that because I hear it so much as an excuse. I also agree that if both people in the relationship are okay with flirting, then there isn't an issue....until there's an issue (using the quote again, "If you're dancing on a slippery slope, don't be surprised if someone falls").

    This circles back to my original posting... if it's an issue or becomes and issue then something was wrong in the relationship already.

    Harmless flirting (in my mind) is purely verbal and never physical, if flirting means more than that to others then I'm in the wrong thread...
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    I don't believe flirting is harmless, even if it is intended as such. If we deliberately flirt with someone, we don't always know just how that person is affected. He/she may develop expectations or feelings for the person who is flirting. To toy with the feelings of others intentionally is cruel, even if we feel it's "innocent" on our part.

    To signal romantic interest in a married person - or for a married person to show such interest in someone outside the marriage bond - is, quite frankly, wrong in my opinion. Cheating on a mate often begins in a harmless way - an emotional attachment is formed... and it can happen unintentionally or in a seemingly innocent way, by flirting.

    I know I wouldn't appreciate if my hubby flirted - he doesn't do it - and so I am mindful of his feelings, and am careful not to do so either.

    Yes! I completely agree. People keep throwing around that flirting is harmless...and in a sense it is. However, the expectations on both parties should be made known that that's all it is. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen. Usually the party on the recieving end of the flirting ends up thinking that there is something more going on and it can get ugly.

    To the OP -- does your BF tell you about the comments he leaves or the conversations he has with other women? The second your BF starts hiding this information from you it becomes inappropriate. Take care :flowerforyou:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I know you didn't say anything about not being able to control it (sorry of it sounded like I thought you said it). I only mentioned that because I hear it so much as an excuse. I also agree that if both people in the relationship are okay with flirting, then there isn't an issue....until there's an issue (using the quote again, "If you're dancing on a slippery slope, don't be surprised if someone falls").

    This circles back to my original posting... if it's an issue or becomes and issue then something was wrong in the relationship already.

    Harmless flirting (in my mind) is purely verbal and never physical, if flirting means more than that to others then I'm in the wrong thread...

    You're not in the wrong thread. You're giving your opinion from your own perspective. In my opinion, flirting can be harmfull whether it's physical or not. Flirting can mean different things to different people, and it's nice to have a thread with people who have different points of view.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    To me flirting has intent and an ulterior motive. If i "flirt" with someone, I am hoping it goes beyond just merely conversation.

    Then there is playful interaction. I have no intent and no ulterior motive. 99% of the time, that's what I do. 100% of the time when I have a GF...due to respect to her.

    I had someone argue SHE may interpret it as flirting. That I cannot help. I am not about to worry about how other people interpret what I say. I would end up rocking myself in the corner.
  • chocoholicandbaby
    To me flirting has intent and an ulterior motive. If i "flirt" with someone, I am hoping it goes beyond just merely conversation.

    Then there is playful interaction. I have no intent and no ulterior motive. 99% of the time, that's what I do. 100% of the time when I have a GF...due to respect to her.

    I had someone argue SHE may interpret it as flirting. That I cannot help. I am not about to worry about how other people interpret what I say. I would end up rocking myself in the corner.

    This I wholeheartedly agree with.

    On the note of men looking at other women and commenting about them being hot or whatever. One double standard - as a woman mind you - that I really HATE is that most women will talk about men they find hot but as soon as a man says it about another woman the girlfriend will throw a hissyfit. This isn't intended to be directed at anyone in this thread, it's just something that annoys the hell out of me with women I know.

    In fact one of my best friends who I love and adore I have actually had words with about this. In all of her relationships it has been the same. She will tell her boyfriend he's not up to scratch. Will talk about people who are hotter than him. Says that she wishes that he looked like someone else - all "joking" of course. Then as soon as he even looks at another woman - even in a magazine - she will be crying and accusing him of all sorts. Clearly its a self esteem issue, but it grates on my nerves to no end!
  • PBJunkie
    To me flirting has intent and an ulterior motive. If i "flirt" with someone, I am hoping it goes beyond just merely conversation.

    Then there is playful interaction. I have no intent and no ulterior motive. 99% of the time, that's what I do. 100% of the time when I have a GF...due to respect to her.

    I had someone argue SHE may interpret it as flirting. That I cannot help. I am not about to worry about how other people interpret what I say. I would end up rocking myself in the corner.

    This I wholeheartedly agree with.

    On the note of men looking at other women and commenting about them being hot or whatever. One double standard - as a woman mind you - that I really HATE is that most women will talk about men they find hot but as soon as a man says it about another woman the girlfriend will throw a hissyfit. This isn't intended to be directed at anyone in this thread, it's just something that annoys the hell out of me with women I know.

    In fact one of my best friends who I love and adore I have actually had words with about this. In all of her relationships it has been the same. She will tell her boyfriend he's not up to scratch. Will talk about people who are hotter than him. Says that she wishes that he looked like someone else - all "joking" of course. Then as soon as he even looks at another woman - even in a magazine - she will be crying and accusing him of all sorts. Clearly its a self esteem issue, but it grates on my nerves to no end!

    Read that scared the living #### out of me!!