

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I AM doin it for me.. but my behind is gonna be skinny! I feel every man deserves fit and well proportioned wife. Wouldn't you want that if you were a man? He tells me he loves all the time! I know he does. I wanna be hawt to me. He says I'm hawt. I don't like the way I look.. That is what spilled over here. He likes my body a lot better than I do! He says he likes all of me, less of me or more of me. He don't care, but I do...

    I think most women DO feel this way...they just won't admit it!!!! People only care what they look like for others if you think about it!! yes it is nice to look in the mirror and see a hottie...but it's only cuz you know others are seeing the same thing!!!! I agree with this statement personally...and if I wanna be with a hottie then I need to be a hottie myself, and then everyone else can look at one HOT couple!
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    I think to some extent yes.

    Completely unrelated but that pic of the dog is ADORABLE :] had to be said xD

    I agree ... with the weiner dog pic ! Ha ! Love it ! ♥
  • CrzyAte
    All women are sexy in their own way....just have to find the right man who see's that. But I think "most" guys probably like average girls...not to skinny, not to fat...just right...Kinda like Goldie Locks likes her porridge. lol


    I showed my son these pictures (he's 25) and he said numbers 3 ad 4 tied as being the most attractive body types, then number 5 then number 2 and number 1 was the least attractive to him. Actually when he first saw them he liked number 5 the most but then got side tracked by the tattoo and the hair which he didn't find attractive. That's one man's opinion.

    Yes, that is ONE man's opinion...I can almost bet money on the fact, that number 2 would be the fave with 80% of the vote alone, followed by 15% on number 3, and the last 5% spread on the last 3 pics!!

    I disagree I think it would be split pretty even between 2 and 3 at maybe 30% each and then 20% on 4 and the last 20 between the two extreams of 1 and 5.

    Someone should start a new topic with those pics and ask men to vote!!!
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    I agree that all men are different.

    However, when I was in the black townships in South Africa, they said the men there are more attracted to bigger women. They are believed to be more fertile and able to produce more babies and pass on the genes.

    Bad thing is, the women there eat so much meat to stay attractive to the men that they have high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, etc... and don't live very long due to that.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    All women are sexy in their own way....just have to find the right man who see's that. But I think "most" guys probably like average girls...not to skinny, not to fat...just right...Kinda like Goldie Locks likes her porridge. lol


    I showed my son these pictures (he's 25) and he said numbers 3 ad 4 tied as being the most attractive body types, then number 5 then number 2 and number 1 was the least attractive to him. Actually when he first saw them he liked number 5 the most but then got side tracked by the tattoo and the hair which he didn't find attractive. That's one man's opinion.

    Yes, that is ONE man's opinion...I can almost bet money on the fact, that number 2 would be the fave with 80% of the vote alone, followed by 15% on number 3, and the last 5% spread on the last 3 pics!!

    I disagree I think it would be split pretty even between 2 and 3 at maybe 30% each and then 20% on 4 and the last 20 between the two extreams of 1 and 5.

    Someone should start a new topic with those pics and ask men to vote!!!

    gonna start it now!! I'll edit this and add the thread in a sec!! great idea!

    HERE IT IS!!!
  • CrzyAte
    All women are sexy in their own way....just have to find the right man who see's that. But I think "most" guys probably like average girls...not to skinny, not to fat...just right...Kinda like Goldie Locks likes her porridge. lol


    I showed my son these pictures (he's 25) and he said numbers 3 ad 4 tied as being the most attractive body types, then number 5 then number 2 and number 1 was the least attractive to him. Actually when he first saw them he liked number 5 the most but then got side tracked by the tattoo and the hair which he didn't find attractive. That's one man's opinion.

    Yes, that is ONE man's opinion...I can almost bet money on the fact, that number 2 would be the fave with 80% of the vote alone, followed by 15% on number 3, and the last 5% spread on the last 3 pics!!

    I disagree I think it would be split pretty even between 2 and 3 at maybe 30% each and then 20% on 4 and the last 20 between the two extreams of 1 and 5.

    Someone should start a new topic with those pics and ask men to vote!!!

    gonna start it now!! I'll edit this and add the thread in a sec!! great idea!

    HERE IT IS!!!

    Thanks for starting it...Its pretty interesting for sure!!!
  • Rebecca2u
    Rebecca2u Posts: 19 Member
    There are plenty of men out there who love a woman with curves. You just have to find them as I feel they're a bit repressed by our idiotic unrealistic media.

    Well said! We (women and men) are raised thru media to believe that THIN and BEAUTY go hand in hand. So many young people grow up with body dismorphic issues because of this. Thin is glamourized while being overweight is ostersized in our communities. There are men and women alike that prefer "meat on the bones", but as said above, they tend to repress to avoid being made fun of by thier peers.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    It is all about confidence. When I was 180, size 12, my boyfriend said all his friends where jealous. Back then I was super confident and that was a huge factor. Now I am 240, size 18 and not nearly as confident, however, this weekend I felt pretty good and my boyfriend couldn't stop telling me how good I looked because of it.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I love that this question appears about every 3-4 days. There are women on here that are married and in happy loving relationships. Obviously, men like big women:)

    True story, and the same can be said for thin women too--- My weight has ranged from 115-145 (BMI 19-24) when I was dating my now-husband, and it has not changed the way he feels about me AT ALL. "What guys like" cannot be categorized, because obviously it varies from guy to guy. :)
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    It's all about the curves

    There is a juge differance between curves and rolls.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I been dumped because of being obese, and it's heartbreaking. The guys that dumped me were looking for a one night stand because they only seriously date smaller women. I think there are some men that like bigger women, but I think the majority of them want someone who is average and healthy, and with curves.

    I've lost about 16 pounds since joining this site, and I'm just starting to get men's attention.
  • TJtastic
    TJtastic Posts: 97 Member
    Really, I like ALL women (almost). Also, are we talking about "like" or "I'd hit it"?

    LOL - there's def a difference! MEN! :ohwell:
  • Luismora69
    Luismora69 Posts: 5 Member
    Curves are way more fun to explore then a straight line, I say a woman has to have something big about her body and mind, big heart big some something....smart, as long as she is smart the curves are fine...
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    It's all about the curves
    Like those....
    *happy dance*
  • Luismora69
    Luismora69 Posts: 5 Member
    as long as there is something to grip, I say a big thick woman is sexy as hell, I think even pregnant woman are sexy, and right after they give birth...the fact that they are so voluptuous is a sexy thing...all and all its all about the curves like you said, but it also has to do with the man, Kat Williams said it best " We don't have no time to worry bout no **** like stretch marks... They came from either 1 of 2 things... Either you was big & got small, or you were small & got big ! Either way we.... Either Waaay!" KATT WILLIAMS, ...Hahaha ...real talk.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I think to some extent yes.

    Completely unrelated but that pic of the dog is ADORABLE :] had to be said xD

    I agree ... with the weiner dog pic ! Ha ! Love it ! ♥

    You aren't allowed to say weiner on mfp anymore....lolol
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    My husband married me when I was bigger than I am now, I managed to gain about 70 lbs after marriage, then lost about 100 lbs over the last year. He is just as attracted to me now as he was when I was 100 lbs ago and when we first got married. When I ask him he says he sees me smaller but I have always been beautiful and that has not changed.
    I try to put him on the spot to see if he thinks I am prettier now than before, but he just says he never saw me as fat at all.

    I thank God for him being in my life all the time!
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    My husband married me when I was bigger than I am now, I managed to gain about 70 lbs after marriage, then lost about 100 lbs over the last year. He is just as attracted to me now as he was when I was 100 lbs ago and when we first got married. When I ask him he says he sees me smaller but I have always been beautiful and that has not changed.
    I try to put him on the spot to see if he thinks I am prettier now than before, but he just says he never saw me as fat at all.

    I thank God for him being in my life all the time!

    YES! Mine is the same way. Praise God for supportive husbands!! :heart:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    All women are sexy in their own way....just have to find the right man who see's that. But I think "most" guys probably like average girls...not to skinny, not to fat...just right...Kinda like Goldie Locks likes her porridge. lol


    I showed my son these pictures (he's 25) and he said numbers 3 ad 4 tied as being the most attractive body types, then number 5 then number 2 and number 1 was the least attractive to him. Actually when he first saw them he liked number 5 the most but then got side tracked by the tattoo and the hair which he didn't find attractive. That's one man's opinion.

    Yes, that is ONE man's opinion...I can almost bet money on the fact, that number 2 would be the fave with 80% of the vote alone, followed by 15% on number 3, and the last 5% spread on the last 3 pics!!

    I disagree I think it would be split pretty even between 2 and 3 at maybe 30% each and then 20% on 4 and the last 20 between the two extreams of 1 and 5.

    Someone should start a new topic with those pics and ask men to vote!!!

    I agree with this. I think 2 and 3 would be the top pics.
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    I'm pretty sure there's more than body type that come into physical attraction. Just sayin'.