October Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • vaugkimb2346
    6 miles today. Ticker updated.
  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    Did my workout with my trainer last night but didn't get any cardio in. I will be doing both today, for sure!
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    So glad it's not just me.....I posted twice this morning to the old thread thinking I was doing something wrong. DUH it said right at the top that it was closed.

    Anyway, I did walk last night but only 1 mile. My ticker is all messed up and I can't get into it right now but will fix it later.
    Miles in October 1-11 total 30.25.
  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    So far, I'm up to 18.5! Ticker updated. I've been slacking so bad!!!
  • mandysmom092711
    Walked 3.50 miles today! Updating ticker!
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    I knew I wouldn't have time to exercise, so I intentionally parked the car very far from the office and had to walk a couple of miles to get there anyway.

    That's certainly one way to do it! :bigsmile: I've parked at the far end of.the parking lot, but never that far away. Great idea! :)

    Thanks Dave, but I didn't really plan the walk in the first place. Public transportation employees were on strike and everyone drove to work. This caused a huge traffic jam and I got fed up of sitting in the car without getting anywhere, so i parked the car and walked on. On the plus side the walk had a very positive effect on my mood.
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    10/1: 15.5 miles (2.5 indoor track jog/walk intervals. 10 exercise bike, 2.5 treadmill walk. 1/2 mile swim)
    10/2: 20.4 miles (2.5 outdoor jog/walk intervals, 2.5 outdoor leisurely walk, 15.4 exercise bike)
    10/3: 14.0 miles (2.5 eliptical, 5 treadmill walk, 6 exercise bike, 1/2 mile swim)
    10/4: 18.0 miles (3.0 indoor cd wak, 10 exercise bike, 5 leisurely outdoor walk)
    10/5: 15.5 miles (5.0 jog/walk intervals, 10 exercise bike, 1/2 mile swim)
    10/6: 11.0 miles (2.5 eliptical, 5 treadmill walk, 2.5 jog/mostly walk intervals, 1 swim)
    10/7 - rest -
    10/8 14.5 miles (5 outdoor jog/mostly walk intervals, 7.5 exercise bike, 2 golf pulling clubs)
    10/9 12.0 miles (3 eliptical, 1 treadmill walk, 8 exercise bike)
    10/10 5.8 miles (2.5 eliptical, 3.3 treadmill)
    10/11 11 miles (10 exercise bike, 1 swim)
    10/12 8 miles (2.5 eliptical, 2.5 jog/walk intervals, 3 exercise bike)

    total 145.7 of 250 goal
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    4.25 runing at lunch.... will post walking tonight
  • TracyMT
    TracyMT Posts: 76 Member
    ticker updated
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I got in another 3.2 miles this morning. Ticker updated.
  • MaudeBeige
    ummm... Don't know where to find the link for the spreadsheet and am such a dunce I have to wait for SallieBeige to update my ticker for me but if it helps... I'm here!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Just a hair over halfway after today's workout! I think I'm going to make it! I will be out of town for a few days, but the way I figure it, on all the other days I only need to average about 2 miles a day to meet the goal.

    I love these challenges. It's a real motivator to get off my behind and get to the gym and onto the elliptical!

    Ticker updated.
  • donitchell
    donitchell Posts: 142 Member
    4.8 miles today
  • cindy0716
    cindy0716 Posts: 135
    updating for the last 3 days. Walking on the treadmill. Ticker updated.
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    October Move Your *kitten* Challenge :
    October 1 - 5.19 miles
    October 2 - 5.79 miles
    October 3 - 8.48 miles
    October 4 - 3.54 miles
    October 5 - 5.11 miles
    October 6 - 8.21 miles
    October 7 - 5.46 miles
    October 8 - 2.30 miles
    October 9 - 9.32 miles
    October 10 - 8.91 miles
    October 11 - 2.94 miles
    Total so far - 65.25 miles
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    my goal is 500 miles of spinning/biking, also 3x week of weight training, and 1 yoga class a week

    oct 1 60(weights)............ 150calories(HRM)
    oct 2 120(spinning/biking) 880calories(HRM) 40.0miles
    oct 3 120(spinning/weights)708 " " " 27.1
    oct 4 80(spinning) 536 " " 30.4
    oct 5 0
    oct 6 130(spinning/weights)..766(HRM)...26.4miles
    oct 7 90(spinning/biking).....563(HRM).....30.0miles
    oct 8 90(spinning)................665(HRM)......31.1
    oct 9 65(spinning)................405(HRM).......22.5
    oct 10 120(spinning/weights)766(HRM).......26.5
    oct 11 75(spinning) 542(HRM)......25.5
    oct 12 -0-NO WORKOUT:sad: :mad: :explode:

    miles update: 259.5

    will be traveling for one week starting friday so i wont be biking,,,my exercise will consist of only walking....though i figure i will be able to meet my goal
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    3 mile run and a 3 mile walk on the treadmill this afternoon :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    1.3 mile walk-jog with the doggie in the rain.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Trying to get myself well, so I only walked 1.5 with my 3 furries!!!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    a mile in today. Ticker updated