Oct. Challenge Week 1 Open!



  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    yesterday, I was over calories - my son was hospitalized and McDonald's was the closest restaurant. I will deduct those calories from today; so that I am again in balance. I did manage to get in the appropriate amount of water and exercise.

    Keep posting on your comfort zones challenges; it keeps me motivated. You are all so special and have such unique gifts and approaches to this challenge.

    i hope your son is ok today.
  • nallen1113
    I would like to join..nallen1113
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Still sick and now my little girl is too so I haven't done any exercise except walking my son to and from school. Shame because Hubby was going 30DS with me to get ready for recruitment.

    I have been terrible calorie wise and with water. Getting 8 cups of liquid in but most of it has been juice! I have only had two cups of coffee since the weekend which is great. Anyway next week is a new start and I can do better.
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Also for some reason I am further down the list now and my starting weight is gone
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    Well, I've been working out (cardio) and staying away from my vice (sugar.) I don't know yet what I'll do to get out of my comfort zone. I already go swimming in my pool in a bikini (eep!) go running in tight-fitting clothes cause they're more comfortable (eeep!) and run in a track club in which I'm the slowest runner by MILES. All three of these things are things I'd use as excuses to not be healthy in the past.

    "I can't swim laps, the only suit I have is this bikini and EEEEW it looks horrible!"
    "I can't run unless I buy a burqua! No one must see me jiggle!"
    "I can't join a track club, I'll be the slowest person there and I'll feel so LAAAAME!"

    Well, these past few months I've overcome all that. I am pretty comfortable in my zones, not because I'm pretty or slender or fast, but because I just stopped caring what other people thought. And despite fears that people would jeer at me, I've found the opposite to be true. A muscled dude wearing nothing but shorts and his own sweat high-fived me on my run the other day and said, "Keep at it sister!" on his way by. My track club cheers for me when I stagger in fifteen minutes behind the rest of them. And the bikini? Who cares. They can think what they want, I won't let it stop my cardio.

    I'll have to think more about what positive changes would take me outside that comfort zone, since I've conquered a few already these past few months. I'm open to suggestions!

    I was craving sugar really really really really badly today, though. To the point where I picked through my raisin bran box and ate out a few handfuls of raisins just for their sugar content. That doesn't count, does it? :embarassed:
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Also for some reason I am further down the list now and my starting weight is gone

    Rita, I made everything ABC order, and for some reason, someone deletes all the start weights. I am working to get them back. Thank god I printed it last week. I will have it fixed by the weekend.
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    Wow, we are over 100 people. Great!!! Weigh - in tomorrow :-) Good luck everyone!
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Super I could never run something like this! My brain is just not set up for spreadsheets!

    The sister bit made me giggle! I am picturing a half naked sweating man saying that now! Good on you for getting over the things that were stopping you!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member

  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    My TOM is here just in time for weigh in tomorrow!!!! Lovely!!!!!!!
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    My TOM is here just in time for weigh in tomorrow!!!! Lovely!!!!!!!
    I was just complaining about the same thing over here :-(
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    Jen here's my weigh in SW: 152
    Oct 7: 151 yay!
  • wifewith2boys
    Weigh in starting weight 205, todays weight 202.7
    Drank lots of water without adding anything and cut way back on diet soda
  • Pam37841
    Pam37841 Posts: 286
    Weight 209......Week 2 204 Down 5 WOO HOO!
    Chest 41.0..... 42
    Waist 38.0.....37.25 Down .75
    Left Leg 24.5.....26
    Right Leg 24.5.....25.5
    Left Arm 14.5 .....15
    Right Arm 15.0.....15
    Hips 44 - Same

    Help! Why am I going down in pounds but up in inches ?! :mad: It makes me feel like I am getting nowhere! GGGRRRR!!!!:mad:
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member

    Hi all Jenn has the new page up in case you missed it.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Posting for week 1. So sorry I am late. My son has been in the hospital since Wednesday. He came out today. I have 481 minuets of cardio this week, 65 minutes of strength training, only one day over calories, water goal meet each day. I avoided chocolate and worked on being non judgmental of people's looks ( I failed a bit some times)

    Thanks for posting the week 2 challenges. I will check in there.
  • Katemarie34
    Katemarie34 Posts: 144 Member
    For the Week- I was under calories- drank my water. I however didn't lose any weight :( I'm still stuck! this week i'm going to try the zig-zag and see what happens. I didn't log on the weekend because I'm not by a computer on those days most times- I will try and do that the next few weeks of the challenge though!
  • elz22
    elz22 Posts: 96 Member
    Sorry so late was sick all last week. Back on track as of Monday, started my Zumba dvd's. Weight in for today was 157.4
  • nightbird1103
    nightbird1103 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey everyone! I noticed that family stressors and illnesses are really taking their toll on the group. Hang in there everyone!

    I ned to steel myself for the weekend, my mom's coming to visit and the last time I was with her I probably ate 24 million calories in less than 24 hours. lol.
    Sooo, I'm going to try to plan and cook in advance and drink either water or sip on a protein shake when I'm feeling like stuffing my face (and stuffing down my feelings)
  • authson
    authson Posts: 233
    i am not going anywhere 227 :-(