Oct. Challenge Week 1 Open!



  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Canadian girls....do some major exercise! I just got back from visiting and a ton of high cal family meals. I was able to stay the same by doing extra activities. So move!!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Wow! Caz: I am so glad you want to feel better to work out! Too funny!

    Warrior! So proud of your 5K!!! Awesome!!! I will read your blog!!!

    iuangina: I had that as well. I let it go on for sooo many years, I ended up needing 2 surgeries!!! So, moral here... do what the doctor tells you or you may have to have surgery! Plus losing weight WILL help the P.F.

    Saisha: How wonderful for getting to 2 miles, I was just like that, dying all the way. and now I made it to 4 miles in 1 hour and like 3 minutes. I do the bun thing as well. I am going to fix it on the weekends! I have to have mine up for work...

    MARLA: That is so awesome! Get it girl!

    Pam! Slapping you for sneaking snacks. LOL But really good job for not doing it this week!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Mini hike turned out great, rained during part of it but it was fresh, beautiful and wonderful walk. Only takes 1 hr 15 min. I felt so good after!

    Ninja...one day at a time. I will do it with you. Part of my personal challenge is no sweets and I am addicted to them! And many times I will hide from husband and eat away from home or in another room away from him, I have even hidden chocolate in my bedroom and sneaked up to grab bites.

    Give yourself little treats that are still okay and don't need to be hidden. I had a non-fat chai latte a small one with cinnamon when I went to library a few min ago. The chai is still a bit sweet but I have found in the past if I come off sugar too fast I get real sick. And I walked in with my drink and my husband saw me, I figure anything I don't hide is good!

    Another thing I have sometimes is organic gluton free choc rice bar. It is very low cal and has little choc or sugar in it, just enough to feel like you had a little something. I eat that slowly with a cup of tea (nothing in it) when I have major cravings.

    Marla... I hide as well! I will munch on crap while my hubby runs to the garage, or put something into my pocket and go "flip laundry" in the basement. I have almost stopped that habit though
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    And portion control! I have learned that the hard way!

    I am not working out today. my *kitten* still hurts from last nights class. Wowza! So, in order for me to function I will take today off. The class is 3 days a week, so I'm not missing out on workout out. Usually, I do something every day, but this has kicked my tush literally!!!
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    Today went pretty well. I completed d1w1 c25k, drank all my water, logged my food in my newly opened food log. I have to take OH to a dr out of state tomorrow so I'm going to do my darndest.
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    Today I am all stepped out of my comfort zone. I publicized my Food Diary for my friends.. I've been really reluctant to do so because I'm new to this, and I know I'll be making some faux pas along the way.

    But you know what? I am sure it will make me healthier in the long run. I am looking forward to everyone's feedback and I think I can take any criticism for what it probably really is - just some helpful advice.

    Hope everybody is having a great week!!! :)
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    1kg gone......and it isn't even Friday yet lol two days to see how the scales would like to change

    I have eaten hardly anything the passed couple of days because I have been so sick looking forward to getting back into exercise and getting my house clean!

    About to chuck some music on and dance about cleaning (the twins are watching a movie in their brothers room so I can) then I am going to see how much I burned vs how much I would of if I stayed in bed (only using a pedometer not a HRM so not all that accurate). Still dizzy and feel like passing out so watching movies on the camper bed all day was a option but my house is trashed so off I go super mummy to the rescue
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    Happy Hump Day to all!! :) So far my week has been progressing beautifully!!

    Monday I walked with my daughter and her bestie, we took our miniature daschunds with us! Walked for 25 mins!!! Then that evening, i worked out with my sister, we did the Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer Cardio and Yogaflex(12 mins each)! I went 75 cals over my goal of 1200 calories, but it was fine since the previous 6 days i barely got 1000 or 1100 most days.

    Tuesday I weighed again, (started back on track last tuesday) 255, which is a 6lb loss, and 3 lbs already since the challenge started!! YAYYYY!!! I worked out with my sister Tues morning. We did Leslie Sansone's Big Burn 2 Miles of Intervals(33 mins) then 7 mins of upper body strength training. I stepped outside of my comfort zone, by making a conscious decision to keep going on the workouts even if my sister had to stop, i was worried if i continued it might make her feel bad. But honestly this was just an excuse to go easy on myself. What i didn't realize is, by challenging myself and pushing ME, it also pushed her!!! :D
    I also did 20 squats with my 5 y/o nephew and 3 y/o niece!! I also got my water in and have everyday so far, although Tues, I only got 998 calories in.

    I stepped out of my comfort zone for the 2nd time Tuesday when i made my diary's public, and began blogging.

    I am SOOOOO motivated and inspired by reading everyones posts daily!! I believe in each of you, and with each others encouragement and support we can get healthy and fit together!!
  • mabelebam
    mabelebam Posts: 150 Member
    Love reading everyone's posts here...awesome job on all your successes so far! My week is still pretty mediocre, and that's probably because I 'marked' it as a bad week since it began. I decided to take up a part time job as a day care/kindergarten teacher and started on my first day today. It was overwhelming, to say the least, because I've never really worked with kids before. Dread filled my head throughout the day as the kids trampled all over me, and I was on the verge of quitting. :embarassed:

    But I told myself to SUCK IT UP and stick with the job for at least a month before throwing in the towel like a sore loser. After all, I'd proven to myself that I could stick with my weightloss goals and lifestyle adjustments for almost 2 months now! So I just pushed all the negative nancy thoughts out of my head and tried enjoying myself with the kids and did my best to connect with them. I managed to survive today, and I've convinced myself to survive another month. Hope I'll be able to do it! :ohwell:

    Sorry this isn't really related with weightloss, just felt like letting it all out. Glad to report that I pushed myself through the second day Level 3 of 30DS today. To those of you who are in the middle (or just started 30DS), it does get easier! Patience and perseverance is the key! Thanks for reading and hope you all are having a fabulous day! -Mabel.
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    i am so glad that everyone is doing well. i never thought joining a challenge would make me do so well. i have been eating well and exercising everyday (except my break day yesterday). i did have a mini weak moment yesterday between jobs where i was hungry. i stopped at the drug store hoping to get a small yogurt but they were all out. i walked around looking for something healthy (and cheap, i only had 2 bucks) then i saw my weakness in a small bag... smartfoods sweet and salty kettle corn. i thought i would have half then save the rest for my boyfriend, ya right didnt happen. but it didnt make me go over my calories. i did log it but something happened last night and i somehow deleted everything i ate. oh well.

    good luck to everyone today!
  • alirae75
    Stepped out of my comfort zone.... We have a fitness center at the office and fitness classes are offered. I joined the yoga class yesterday. I didn't want my co-workers to see me in my fitness clothes. I've decided that getting back on track is more important!
  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    Edit: Nevermind, realized I can type on the spreadsheet, but is there still a spreadsheet for measurements??
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Have off and on back problems and it is bugging me today, caused me to miss gym class this morning. I am hoping if I rest it I can at least do a few of the easier machines later in the afternoon.

    I am going to do my back exercises and try not to feel frustrated, I really wanted to get back to class. It's a part aerobic part weights class. Great all over work out.
  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    I thought I would update everyone on how my week has been. I suck at staying away from my vice (sweet tea) but I have been mixing it half sweet, half unsweet and only1 glass per day. So that is an improvement. Even with the sweet tea, I have been Rocking The Water - 12 cups at least each day!
    For my comfort zone challenge - I haven't made it to the gym during peak hours yet. Mainly because of my schedule. My husband is working out of town this week and this is also my last week coaching JFL cheerleading. Add to that, running my 4 kids around to everywhere they have to be and I started a new job this week, you might say I've been a bit busy! But I'm not giving up on it! Tomorrow I don't have to work. And after a quick trip to take my daughter to get stitches out of her mouth, I plan on going to the gym. I am quite nervous about going back though. Before I quit, I was working with a personal trainer and pretty much just bailed on her and stopped going to the gym altogether. Facing her is going to be tough!
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    I haven't done to well at keeping away from my vice - I think the problem is that I have too many, and I didn't really chose which one I wanted to focus on. Pathetic, I know.

    I did step out o my comfort zone, and gave a presentation to the whole dept. No real choice really, myboss just assumed I would do it. I did badly, and forgot half of what I wanted to say, but I didn't stammer or blush too much. It helped that I knew I looked OK, that was one less thing to worry about.

    If I haven't logged things it's been because I've forgotten them, not deliberate.

    Anyway, weigh in today, and I stayed the same. 3rd week in a row. Bah.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hey all! Where did the start weight column go??? I went in there to add someone and the entire thing is blank?!?!?
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well, thank god I printed it. So... I will try to add everyone's start weight back in this weekend. I am so pooped from work I just want to go to bed. If you want to do your own feel free. if not, I will get to it this weekend, or some tonight, anyways it WILL be back this weekend.

    I am so proud of all the posts today! You guys are doing so well!

    Mable: give it some time, it will get easier once you find your groove... I promise.

    alirae: Wonderful on joining! I am so proud of you!!!
  • brmonet
    brmonet Posts: 30 Member
    jennmoore3 is it too late too join in? October first i weighed 148,4. I have been looking for a group challenge and i just happen to come across this one today.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    jennmoore3 is it too late too join in? October first i weighed 148,4. I have been looking for a group challenge and i just happen to come across this one today.

    Welcome! I am having issues with the spreadsheet having things deleted. I will add you to it though!

  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    I don't think I ever stated this, but my "getting out of my comfort zone" has been to wear makeup to work. I never really wear makeup and don't even know how to make it look good, but I am going to wear it every day this week. I always worried that I would either do it really badly and look like I put it on in the dark or put it on too heavy and look like a hooker. But I have gotten compliments that I look pretty and more awake. I guess that is good but it is a hard subject for me. My husband always encourages me to wear makeup and that makes me feel like he thinks i am ugly and need to wear it so I can look hot and hearing compliments from other people makes me think a bit that maybe they feel the same way. So it is still uncomfortable for me but I am going to stick with it.