Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...



  • dianemhughes
    dianemhughes Posts: 7 Member
    I have 2 stories to share. The first happened way back in fourth grade gym class. Everyone had to climb up to the top of the long ropes dangling from the gym ceiling, and when it was my turn, the effort of climbing caused the zipper and clasp on my pants to undo themselves. So there I was, dangling above 28 of my classmates with my pants hanging around my ankles.

    The second is much more recent, and didn't happen in the gym, but it's too hilarious to not share. I used to have an old washing machine that sometimes didn't rinse out all the laundry soap from the seams of my running shorts. It started raining one day during a run, and the rain, plus the friction of my thighs rubbing together generated a prodigious amount of lather that appeared to be coming from my v-jayjay. I was far from home, so I had a long way to run on a busy road with all these suds flying from my crotch. It took me forever to figure out what caused it.

    Seriously. I laughed so hard. I had to read this one outloud at work!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    I had a wardrobe malfunction in the pool swimming laps. Apparently the material is getting really stretchy with wear and the front of my suit was totally out of place.
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    The second is much more recent, and didn't happen in the gym, but it's too hilarious to not share. I used to have an old washing machine that sometimes didn't rinse out all the laundry soap from the seams of my running shorts. It started raining one day during a run, and the rain, plus the friction of my thighs rubbing together generated a prodigious amount of lather that appeared to be coming from my v-jayjay. I was far from home, so I had a long way to run on a busy road with all these suds flying from my crotch. It took me forever to figure out what caused it.

    Dude, this is awesome.........LMBO!
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    This is CLASSIC:laugh:
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 461 Member
    LOL, something similar happened to me but at the beach, and I didn't even notice until some random guy was calling me over, and my sis pointed out that my suit had readjusted itself :blushing:
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    LMAO, these are hysterical! I tripped and fell off the treadmill recently, that was super embarrassing. And my trainer had me doing the "Michael Jackson" the other day, MORTIFYING, where I had a medicine ball over my head that I had to thrust forward while also thrusting my hips forward. He was like, "No one is watching, you're in a room all by yourself." Yeah, right, it was crowded and lunch time. I don't want to do that again, lol :)
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Totally farted in yoga class. Not just a little, polite *poot* but a long, juicy fart with teeth. Ok and it STUNK like it had just rolled right past a turd. It was awful. I was on a juice cleanse and sometimes you don't have control and your farts just can't be trusted. I heard someone trying to suppress their giggles, another person said "gross" under their breath. Mortified and frozen in place, I didn't how to damage control this one. I finished class as best I could and then as soon as they went into final relaxation I immediately got up, ran out of the studio and never went back. When I got home I discovered that yes, I had *kitten* myself a little.

    I literally LTIC...laughed til I cried :laugh:
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    Totally farted in yoga class. Not just a little, polite *poot* but a long, juicy fart with teeth. Ok and it STUNK like it had just rolled right past a turd. It was awful. I was on a juice cleanse and sometimes you don't have control and your farts just can't be trusted. I heard someone trying to suppress their giggles, another person said "gross" under their breath. Mortified and frozen in place, I didn't how to damage control this one. I finished class as best I could and then as soon as they went into final relaxation I immediately got up, ran out of the studio and never went back. When I got home I discovered that yes, I had *kitten* myself a little.

    I literally LTIC...laughed til I cried :laugh:

    That is the BEST! LMFAO!
  • fromnebraska
    fromnebraska Posts: 153 Member
    I have 2 stories to share. The first happened way back in fourth grade gym class. Everyone had to climb up to the top of the long ropes dangling from the gym ceiling, and when it was my turn, the effort of climbing caused the zipper and clasp on my pants to undo themselves. So there I was, dangling above 28 of my classmates with my pants hanging around my ankles.

    The second is much more recent, and didn't happen in the gym, but it's too hilarious to not share. I used to have an old washing machine that sometimes didn't rinse out all the laundry soap from the seams of my running shorts. It started raining one day during a run, and the rain, plus the friction of my thighs rubbing together generated a prodigious amount of lather that appeared to be coming from my v-jayjay. I was far from home, so I had a long way to run on a busy road with all these suds flying from my crotch. It took me forever to figure out what caused it.

    Seriously. I laughed so hard. I had to read this one outloud at work!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I was laughing so hard that I had to read it out loud at work too!
  • PrincessMissDee
    PrincessMissDee Posts: 183 Member
    Totally farted in yoga class. Not just a little, polite *poot* but a long, juicy fart with teeth. Ok and it STUNK like it had just rolled right past a turd. It was awful. I was on a juice cleanse and sometimes you don't have control and your farts just can't be trusted. I heard someone trying to suppress their giggles, another person said "gross" under their breath. Mortified and frozen in place, I didn't how to damage control this one. I finished class as best I could and then as soon as they went into final relaxation I immediately got up, ran out of the studio and never went back. When I got home I discovered that yes, I had *kitten* myself a little.

    Amazing! I can't get past this one! I farted in yoga once, but NOTHING like this. You win, hands down.
  • jheath123
    These are great, I have only been attending the gym about 3 months now so real embarrassing stories as of yet. But I guess my closest stories would be, while I am working out like on an elliptical machine I will just day dream usually about some Family Guy episode or something funny and will have this grin on my face or laugh out loud kind of. So a nice looking girl is walking past and I am grinning at her like Jerry Sandusky would grin at a little league game.
  • jheath123
    Just wondering does my timeline...goals scale post when I post, I don't see it and if it doesn't how do I get it to?
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    Oh my gosh you people you're killing me here ... i am laughing so much my housemates had to check on me!

    worst i have done is faceplanted while doing swissball prone jackknifes.
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    I decided to go swim laps at the gym after a few years (and a few extra pounds) of not swimming, so when I went to put on my one-piece, it wasn't flattering and I didn't want to wear it. I put on my new tankini and bikini bottoms and hit the pool. I was just finishing my first lap and decided to do a flip turn into my second lap. I pushed hard off the wall, relishing the feel of being in the water again, and when I did, my bikini bottoms flew down to my knees. I shot my head out of the water in an attempt to stand up and fix the problem, but I inhaled before I got all the way upright and took in some water. After I got done choking and pulled my bottoms up, I kept on going. I'm sure I gave the lifeguard (who was stationed right behind that wall) a great view of my bare butt, and the guy in the next lane kept looking at me every time we would pass by. I was much more careful when pushing off the wall after that.

    I made sure I kept swimming until the guy left and the lifeguards rotated stations.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    ~When I was younger I would go work out at the YMCA, mainly because I had a crush on a guy who worked as a lifeguard there in the afternoons. I was walking around the pool staring at him instead of paying attention to where I was going and ran into this guy who was built like a brick wall. It knocked me off my feet and I not only fell into the pool but lost my top as I fell and hit my head too, so the boy I had a huge crush on in high school had to come drag topless me out of the pool.

    ~I was done with my workout and talking to a few people who had been in the class after. Someone said something funny and we all laughed...and I farted. But it wasn't just a fart it was incredibly loud and my fart "laughed" with me. Everyone heard it and we couldn't help it because it sounded so much like a laugh...we laughed at it...which caused me to fart laugh again...and again...and again. By the time my body decided to stop being a side show attraction we had all laughed ourselves into tears.

    this one is pretty funny...
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Totally farted in yoga class. Not just a little, polite *poot* but a long, juicy fart with teeth. Ok and it STUNK like it had just rolled right past a turd. It was awful. I was on a juice cleanse and sometimes you don't have control and your farts just can't be trusted. I heard someone trying to suppress their giggles, another person said "gross" under their breath. Mortified and frozen in place, I didn't how to damage control this one. I finished class as best I could and then as soon as they went into final relaxation I immediately got up, ran out of the studio and never went back. When I got home I discovered that yes, I had *kitten* myself a little.

    Oh my this is very funny as well.. I needed the laugh today too..
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    before i started this journey, it was being the only one, fat, and in frumpy clothes, on the treadmills not running or going a faster speed..i wasnt much of a gym person, but now that i WANT to go, i cant afford it :cry:
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    About 6 years ago, I started my monthly friend while jogging on the treadmill...and didn't notice until I was in the locker room changing to leave. It was BAD!

    I canceled my membership the next day and got a new membership at a different gym!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    I am sooo scared to fall on the treadmill!!! Dropped my IPOD twice while on it...but no falls :tongue: I was at a workout class we were warming up when I noticed something white sticking out on the side of my shirt.... I had it on wrongside out!!! When I went to get a mat I riped it out.... also riping a hole in my shirt :laugh:

    This tread REALLY CRAKED ME UP!!!!! Thanks :wink:
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    Okay this isn't anywhere near as funny as some of the stories above, but a few weeks ago in spinning class my shoelaces (which were tied pretty tight to start with) somehow unravelled and got caught up in the pedal mechanism. I actually didn't notice for a while, it was only when I felt this blistering tightness around my ankle that I realised there was a problem. Since this was during a speed track the pedals took ages to stop (completely forgot there was a big red button you use to stop the motion of course!) I didn't know what to do first, take my shoe off and try and continue in my socks with the shoe dangling around at the same time, or whether to give up and cry for help. It was pretty dark in my corner so I couldn't even see how the heck the laces had managed to get tied up in the first place, or how to undo them. So I had to get off my bike (at this point the instructor thought I had keeled over or something - one minute I was there and the next I wasn't) and get on my knees wishing I had a pair of scissors. Actually I was glad it *was* dark in the end because it was a pretty embarrassing thing to happen. Now I'm reminded of that incident every time before class when the instructors ask 'have you all got your shoelaces tied up tight?' Mortifying.