Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...



  • Megdonald1
    Megdonald1 Posts: 149 Member
    i need this in my topics for those days I need a good laugh! Thanks guys for all your stories.
  • stephlake
    stephlake Posts: 105 Member
    Bump.. because I want to read this tomorrow. :)
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Omg -thanks for sharing. These are great and now I'm crying b/c I'm laughing so hard. I love MFP.
  • TillyTomsk
    Bump? New to this but hoping it wil now save! Ok.. Aqua aerobics class, didnt realise y evry1 was giggling til half hour later 1 of my 'friends' tells me to look down. Needless 2 say, il neva b sporting a bikini again in my local pool. :$
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    >Doing snatches
    >lose balance at top
    >realize my gym sucks and doesn't have bumper plates
    >slam metal to the ground so i don't hurt myself
    >super loud crash
    >everyone is now watching me
    >I reset form and complete the lift perfectly
    >everyone goes back to curling in the squat rack
  • redbird99
    redbird99 Posts: 298 Member
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Bumpity bump bump
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    Nothing super embarrassing....yet. Had a close call last week though.

    All you mamas know that after you have a baby, bladder control changes...A LOT. Code red comes out of nowhere, and you better be quick!
    I was jogging on the treadmill, and about two thirds through my run, I realized I had to GO. I figured that I could hold it another five minutes, and finished my run. Well, as soon as I hit stop, my bladder wanted to hit GO, so I had to do this weird sashay pee-pee walk to the bathroom while trying NOT to grab my crotch and run! Im sure a few people saw my goofy display.

    I guess its a good thing im married and not on the market, or id be really embarrassed that a couple cute guys and the hot trainer at the gym witnessed that. :grumble:
  • patheticgit
    Thank god none of this has happened to me.

    In JJB or DW Sports in Macclesfield UK there were 2 guys:
    1) the guy who used to have a shave at the gym naked - Why I don't even do this at home?
    2) the other guy who used to rub oil into himself naked infront of the mirror.

    Keep em coming!!!
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Agree.We do have a winner.
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    Once when my trainer and I were doing medicine ball crunches, I lay back to catch the ball and it hit me square in the forehead!! And she felt sooo terrible and I was assuring her that it was 100% my fail lol. another time I stepped onto a treadmill, without checking it first, and it was MOVING!!! some *kitten* had left it on and switched to another machine (and the gym was SUPER busy, like all 50 cardio machines were taken) and needless to say I did this horrible thing where I tried to catch myself, flailing and ended up being thrown off the back and getting rug burn on my knees. THEN the guy next to me goes "oh sorry, I must have left that one on by mistake when I switched to this one"....DDDOOOHHHH. I was so mad. This super hot dude got off his treadmill to help me up though, so the mortification wasnt too terrible in the end.
  • qkidney
    qkidney Posts: 258
    Bump for later!! LOL
  • carlie_carl
    walked into a mirror lol
  • nifnerf
    nifnerf Posts: 26 Member
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    I sweated so much during cardio-kickbox class the girl next to me slipped and fell. :embarassed:

  • lucentabella
    lucentabella Posts: 114 Member
    These are great!
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    In yoga in College we were doing the "Snail" position I believe it is called where you put your legs up in the air with all of your weight on your shoulders and then roll your legs over your head to touch the floor above your head. I farted :( and immediately I went out of position and a girl asked if that was me. I said no.. lol I have never done that position in public since then!!

    it would have been so obvious that it was you. it makes me laugh thinking about that girl was thinking after you said no
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    These are so awesome. Thank goodness I work out at home!! Bad genetics and 4 kids later, I'm always running for the bathroom in the middle of my workouts. That would be totally embarassing.
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Aah this morning.
    Doing step ups, I always use the aerobic step but decided that I needed to step it up (pun not intended) and use the bench instead.. much higher, yanno, and much much more balance needed.. and I discovered in my 2nd set when I got the wobbles and fell off sideways, trying to hold my weight and my dignity as I went down.

    At least that was the last time I'll use that gym. :p