Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...



  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 376 Member
    best thread EVER.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 376 Member
    I was working out with my trainer and we moved to a new exercise - stand with my back to the machine, with a rope attached to the weight/pullley system, and repeatedly pull it forward and back between my legs. I got through the session but laughed about it with my friends for days... when I got back, I told the PT what it felt like I was doing (something to do with jerks and elephants!) and she changed the form of the exercise to be something I could get through a 2nd time without laughing my butt off.
  • IndianCat3
    IndianCat3 Posts: 158 Member
    A few years ago..more like a decade..I was on my " AUNT FLO" and I was using a pad bcuz of the heavy flow, well...not really thinking..I sweat butt first when exercising, I wore a navy blue Capri tight as I sweated, I sweated right around the pad ppl could see the dry shape pad as I walked around in the gym...smh
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    There was this one time I was in a hot yoga class and I ripped one. Bad. I was almost a little proud of it, but this lady behind me moved away. I guess it wasn't far enough, though, because she totally threw up. Then I was definitely proud of it. I haven't seen much of her lately, though.
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    There was this one time I was in a hot yoga class and I ripped one. Bad. I was almost a little proud of it, but this lady behind me moved away. I guess it wasn't far enough, though, because she totally threw up. Then I was definitely proud of it. I haven't seen much of her lately, though.
    This the funniest, I have tears rolling down my face!!!
  • Yesterday I was running on the treadmill and they have TV's right in front of them to keep you entertained so I was watching it to keep myself from getting bored right? And I can't remember what show it was but this lady said something really funny and I couldn't stop laughing about it and the more I ran there thinking about it the harder I was laughing and people were staring at me like I was crazy XD I eventually just had to stop running because I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe! :laugh:
  • During a body combat class, i didn't notice a woman running past me and punched her in the head :( Also, our gym swipe cards look similar to a loyalty card from sexyland... i think the most embarrassing part was the fact the lady at reception didn't find it at ALL funny when i scanned it by mistake, but my friend and i nearly wet ourselves laughing for the next hour like a bunch of dorks :)
  • beatnik236
    beatnik236 Posts: 120 Member
    During a body combat class, i didn't notice a woman running past me and punched her in the head :( Also, our gym swipe cards look similar to a loyalty card from sexyland... i think the most embarrassing part was the fact the lady at reception didn't find it at ALL funny when i scanned it by mistake, but my friend and i nearly wet ourselves laughing for the next hour like a bunch of dorks :)


    Love this thread.. I have been laughing non stop! my face hurts now....
  • treesloth
    treesloth Posts: 162 Member
    Yesterday I was running on the treadmill and they have TV's right in front of them to keep you entertained so I was watching it to keep myself from getting bored right? And I can't remember what show it was but this lady said something really funny and I couldn't stop laughing about it and the more I ran there thinking about it the harder I was laughing and people were staring at me like I was crazy XD I eventually just had to stop running because I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe! :laugh:

    Yep, pretty much just that happened to me. I learned to *never* watch Dodgeball ("If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!" THUNK!) while running on the treadmill. I managed to yank the little safety key while I collapsed, so the damage was minimal.
  • This one's from my ex..

    She was working out in the gym one day and this hot guy kept looking over at her and then whispering to his buddy. She just kept doing her workout but every once in while she'd look over and sure enough he'd be checking her out again! She was in a relationship at the time (not me) so she didn't bother pursuing it. She just took it as a compliment, finished her workout and headed to the change room. It wasn't until then that she noticed a certain white string had worked it's way through a small hole in crotch of her yoga pants.
  • hunnyspice
    hunnyspice Posts: 80 Member
    This one's from my ex..

    She was working out in the gym one day and this hot guy kept looking over at her and then whispering to his buddy. She just kept doing her workout but every once in while she'd look over and sure enough he'd be checking her out again! She was in a relationship at the time (not me) so she didn't bother pursuing it. She just took it as a compliment, finished her workout and headed to the change room. It wasn't until then that she noticed a certain white string had worked it's way through a small hole in crotch of her yoga pants.

    OMG!!! I would friggin' die if that happened to me.
  • EllaScarlet
    EllaScarlet Posts: 165 Member
    When I started university I went a bit wild with all the freedom, as you do, going out and getting drunk all the time. I had my gym induction session after a particularly heavy night.

    I got up that morning, bleary eyed and running late. Threw on my workout clothes and hurried down to the gym. I got some funny looks on the way down, but in typical arrogant 18 year old fashion, thought it must be because I was looking hot, despite the terrible hangover.

    I got to the gym and met my induction instructor. He was gorgeous - and he too kept staring at me strangely. I was convinced that he fancied me and flirted ridiculously.

    I finished the induction, having felt like I might vomit the whole way through, and went to the changing rooms. Then I looked in the mirror for the first time that day, and realised that I looked like I was the victim of a vampire attack. My neck was covered in huge, dark purple hickies. I really mean HUGE. I remembered kissing a guy the night before - but I had no idea that he had done that to me.... No wonder I was getting some funny looks!!
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Mine was in a spin class

    10 minutes into the class and i was getting my groove on and really getting into it and trousers got caught on the right hand side of the wheel and as i was going fast the trousers went round and round and then they got yanked down and my butt cheeks were on show and the force of the wheel pulled me back onto my seat

    HAHAHAH i found it funny.....after trying for 5 mins to yank byt trousers out of the friggin wheel
  • anta1
    anta1 Posts: 53 Member
    This is from Jim Gaffigan: he was in the gym for the 1st time and wasn't sure how to work any of the machines. So he got into one and started moving around and he was getting good, really proud of himself and even showing off a little looking around smiling at the ladies. Then someone came over and told him to get out of the scaffolding.

    I thought this was hilarious.
  • uhh this past New Year's Eve i was doing my high intensity active rest cardio on the step board at my coed sports club.. cuties all around lifting, then.. wham the mismatched brand board and pedestals (i checked before i started that they were as locked as best as they could be..) slipped sideways and down i fell.. hard. sheesh.

    2" gash from the corner of the board on my left inner forearm.. thinking "i'm cool.. i'm cool.." and "damn that hurt"

    older cutie asked if i'm ok.. then later as he was leaving said "take care.. you don't want to get hurt badly.. it's New Year's Eve!"

    wiped away the blood in the changeroom and headed back to finish my strength and weight training.. paising occasionally to get paper towels to wipe the drips away.. no blood on the machines.. promise.. die hard!

    i still have the scar.. it looks like i was in a knife fight.. tough *kitten* branded i am

    moral: don't drink and dance step cardio. lol. j/k