Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...



  • hml1976
    I have seen many of these where people say "That is why I don't go" or "After that I quit that gym"

    None of the stories, while somewhat embarrassing at the time, are so bad to keep you from going back are they?

    Even the Yoga poop pants wouldn't keep me away the next class.

    I think it depends on where you are in your fitness life. I was probably at my third day at the gym, 50lbs overweight and I got on the eliptical machine and it went clattering to floor taking my chubby self along with it. The trainer on the floor, a really attractive guy, looked right at me and laughed. No one asked me if I was ok (I was bruised) no one helped me up. I was devastated and never came back. It took me another two years to get back to working out. Now that was MY fault but the experience was painful.
  • treesloth
    treesloth Posts: 162 Member
    There was this one time I was in a hot yoga class and I ripped one. Bad. I was almost a little proud of it, but this lady behind me moved away. I guess it wasn't far enough, though, because she totally threw up. Then I was definitely proud of it. I haven't seen much of her lately, though.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member

    I think it depends on where you are in your fitness life. I was probably at my third day at the gym, 50lbs overweight and I got on the eliptical machine and it went clattering to floor taking my chubby self along with it. The trainer on the floor, a really attractive guy, looked right at me and laughed. No one asked me if I was ok (I was bruised) no one helped me up. I was devastated and never came back. It took me another two years to get back to working out. Now that was MY fault but the experience was painful.

    That's terrible! That trainer should have totally been helping you up! A piece of equipment can be replaced-you can't. I'm so sorry that happened to you. If I'd been there, I would have been next to you in two shakes, hon. That had to hurt, probably for days. I'm guessing it wasn't the bruises you could see that hurt the worst, though. *hugs* Glad you're back to it now.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
  • zakismom
    zakismom Posts: 15 Member
    Well, it was last night. I was 3.5 miles into my run and my stomach started feeling funny - as can sometimes happen when you run - at 3.7 I decided this isn't right, swooped up my stuff (not even sticking around to wipe the machine down which is a pet peeve of mine) and walked as quickly as I could to the ladies room. Sat down and threw up. I was in the stall for 1/2 hour, shaking, dripping in sweat alternating between throwing up, sitting down, and wiping the floor. This was the busiest time at the gym and ladies were in and out so I was torn between wondering why no one asked if I was ok, to please no one ask me if I'm ok. I guess the stomach virus that hit the rest of my house decided to surprise me.
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    I was running on a treadmill at Gold's and totally pissed myself! Didn't even feel it until the fan swung back my direction and felt the cold! Yikes! :blushing: Quickly tied my jacket around my waist and headed for the door. Urine squishing out of my shoes every step! And yes...I did use the restroom before I started my workout!! LOL!
  • skedzie
    skedzie Posts: 91 Member
    I was running on a treadmill at Gold's and totally pissed myself! Didn't even feel it until the fan swung back my direction and felt the cold! Yikes! :blushing: Quickly tied my jacket around my waist and headed for the door. Urine squishing out of my shoes every step! And yes...I did use the restroom before I started my workout!! LOL!

    Just last night when I was working with the trainer I did the "pee a little" thing....Luckily it wasn't noticeable but I had to take a break before finishing the 200th set of abs!!! Or it would have been a major puddle!!!
  • Mama_cc
    Mama_cc Posts: 45 Member
    a loooong time ago (in a land far away), I went to join a Gold's Gym in my college town. Newly married and so very poor, they had a payment plan called the "four-pay"- which was weird and awkward- but I was gonna have to pay in four installments. Soooo, this really in shape beefed up guy helped sign me up and asked how I wanted to pay. Well, I said I wanted to start with the foreplay...can you say crawl in a hole? I wanted to...

    I went all the time hoping not to ever see him, but saw the guy everyday after that working the front desk, wouldn't you know.
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    wasnt my embarrassing moment but it was "thats what you get moment"...

    so at my old job, they have a gym in house with classes and all... so this one girl at my job was really good looking and she decided to take one of the body sculpting classes... so that consists of abs and all... so a buddy of mine and i went to the same class as her... she looked hot... dressed in those yoga pants and she had a great body... nice lower half... so.... it was time to lay on the floor and begin the ab exercises... my buddy says it would be a great idea to get infront of her and as he lays down, he can get a nice view of her a$$et... so... she begins by doing her abs and it was time to raise your legs straight up and do crunches....she farts so freaking loud that the whole class began to laugh... but the messed up thing was my buddy and i got the brunt of the wind and it was deadly... holy crap...

    it was hilarious... he couldnt see the girl the same way anymore... i mean he literally ate the wind...
  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    ... he couldnt see the girl the same way anymore...

    Makes me wonder if she did it on purpose - maybe she was on to you! :laugh:
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    ^ definitely not... my buddy made a big deal for eating it and she apologized to him numerous times... even went to lunch with him... hell i thought he had a chance but noooo according to him women dont do that... sure they dont do that like guys do but they are human as well.. lol... get over it :)
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    There was this one time I was in a hot yoga class and I ripped one. Bad. I was almost a little proud of it, but this lady behind me moved away. I guess it wasn't far enough, though, because she totally threw up. Then I was definitely proud of it. I haven't seen much of her lately, though.

    Omg! I'm gonna pee myself! Lmao!
  • kmacgera
    kmacgera Posts: 137 Member
    There was this one time I was in a hot yoga class and I ripped one. Bad. I was almost a little proud of it, but this lady behind me moved away. I guess it wasn't far enough, though, because she totally threw up. Then I was definitely proud of it. I haven't seen much of her lately, though.

    Thanks for the laugh, OMG!
  • iminaquagmire
    iminaquagmire Posts: 10 Member
    What better first post than one making fun of yourself right?

    Anyways this isn't really a gym story but it involves a treadmill. Anyways I'm a firefighter and twice a year we do consumption testing where we don all of our bunker gear and airpacks and do some sort of strenuous activity to gauge our air consumption. Well this isn't well received by everybody so some people will cheat and blow off air in hidden parts of the course or breathe faster to get the test done faster. So a few years ago they decided to standardize the test and do the whole thing on a treadmill. So there I was in full turnouts on air doing a brisk walk. Being in the mask has a sort of sensory deprivation quality to it. I let go of myself for a second and closed my eyes. Next thing I knew I was falling backwards. I came down HARD on my knees, slid off the treadmill and went face first into the belt. Luckily I was wearing my helmet too and I whacked that on the belt instead of my mask/face. My acting officer and the other crewmember were all worried but I was fine-just had lost situational awareness for a second. For the rest of the test my officer made me hold onto the handrails. Luckily nothing but my pride was hurt.

    Another one... When I was in junior high, I had been in a rush to get get to school one day after sleeping late. While getting dressed I quickly selected my clothes for the day and a pair of matching socks out of the clean hamper. It wasn't until doing stretches in gym class when I looked at my feet and saw that I had pink ruffles attached to my socks. I had grabbed my sisters socks instead of mine. I tried my best to fold the ruffled part into my shoe but it didn't work. I had to do the entire class in those stupid socks.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    I have seen many of these where people say "That is why I don't go" or "After that I quit that gym"

    None of the stories, while somewhat embarrassing at the time, are so bad to keep you from going back are they?

    Even the Yoga poop pants wouldn't keep me away the next class.

    I think it depends on where you are in your fitness life. I was probably at my third day at the gym, 50lbs overweight and I got on the eliptical machine and it went clattering to floor taking my chubby self along with it. The trainer on the floor, a really attractive guy, looked right at me and laughed. No one asked me if I was ok (I was bruised) no one helped me up. I was devastated and never came back. It took me another two years to get back to working out. Now that was MY fault but the experience was painful.

    I would have been the same way in that situation. That was embarrassing and it's not even remotely funny - I'm so sorry that @sshole was such a jerk. What goes around comes around - it will be repaid on him some how some way in the future. Karma sometimes has an odd sense of humor and a vindictive streak.....
  • lisaslim1976
    I farted in pilates once, then i laughed so much i nearly weed myself! :laugh:

    "ripped one" haha
    In UK we say farted, bottom burp, or truffed!!!!!
  • kristie_cla
    kristie_cla Posts: 90 Member
  • Snubbleup
    This thread is hilarious. Bump.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    One 'moral of story' emerging is...NEVER close your eyes on a treadmill. :laugh:
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I think my most embarrassing gym moment happened on Tuesday.

    I take a Yoga class at my gym and normally there are a stack of mats in there for people to use who don't have one. Well that day there wasn't and they were all in studio one where they had another class going on. So i peered into the studio and saw a mat in the back by the door that wasn't be used, so I opened the door and took it. As I'm walking away, this older blond lady comes running out of the studio screaming "NO NO NO! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?! YOU CAN"T TAKE THAT MAT!" and I was trying to explain to her that I'm taking yoga, there are no mats and I need one. "WELL I DON"T CARE! WE NEED THEM TOO!' and proceeds to rip the mat out my hands,run back into the studio and starts giving me dirty looks along with another exerciser in the class.

    Funny part was there was people all in the weight room that is by the studio, and they all went I cannot believe that just happened... Here you can take our mat.