How I Got My 6 Pack



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Dont have them because I dont want them.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I'd love to know why all the haters clicked on this post in the first place It is called 'How I got my 6 pack' after all? And 0.6lb away from underweight is not actually underweight.

    Nice work! ;)

    Hehe good question. Thanks! i love your ab photo! These chicks have yet to post theirs.. still waiting :/

    Thanks, I'm getting there, I was so excited to see the first lines! I'm so blessed that I don't carry much of my weight around my waist, so it's a real encouragement! Now for the butt and thighs....

    Itll come, dont give up! :) Im currently working on my butt/thighs too. The hardest thing ever it seems LOL!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    ^That's nice. No one said you had to and I don't see people with 6 packs going around and telling people that don't that they prefer the 6 pack look.

    Personally I'd LOVE for my after pic to look like the OPs before pic but you still have to recognize it took a lot of hard work to get so cut, whether it's your personal preference or not.

    *eta- that's in response to fearanloathing's comment.
  • slybaby
    slybaby Posts: 125
    You've got amazing abs! Period.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    ^That's nice. No one said you had to and I don't see people with 6 packs going around and telling people that don't that they prefer the 6 pack look.

    Personally I'd LOVE for my after pic to look like the OPs before pic but you still have to recognize it took a lot of hard work to get so cut, whether it's your personal preference or not.

    *eta- that's in response to fearanloathing's comment.

    I NEVER said she didnt work hard
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    ^That's nice. No one said you had to and I don't see people with 6 packs going around and telling people that don't that they prefer the 6 pack look.

    Personally I'd LOVE for my after pic to look like the OPs before pic but you still have to recognize it took a lot of hard work to get so cut, whether it's your personal preference or not.

    *eta- that's in response to fearanloathing's comment.

    I NEVER said she didnt work hard

    Ok. Then its over. Fair and square. I call a truce :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I don't usually get involved in all of the drama on these boards, but I had to speak up.

    First, to the OP, I think your abs look spectacular and applaud your hard work.

    Having said that, I'm really disappointed in the trend of this discussion. Yanicka was posting out of concern--maybe her word choice of "scary" wasn't the best, but English isn't her 1st language, so I think it's unfair to assume she was being intentionally catty or rude. People on here are so ethnocentric that they assume English is everyone's native language and get angry or make fun of others who have difficulty finding the best way to express themselves.

    Also, to my knowledge, she herself is tiny, not even 5ft tall and thin (someone made some crack about her being a large-framed white girl) so I don't think she was posting out of jealousy either.

    Since posting her opinion, she received nasty mail messages causing her to de-activate her account. So who's the mean girl in this scenario? I'm not saying it's the OP, b/c I don't know who sent the mail, but whomever did it is a coward. At least Yanicka expressed her opinion openly.

    Edit: Saw the OP's truce message after posting this. We must have been typing at the same time.
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    you look fantastic and great reply to this BTW I hate when people get snotty to others great work BIM is just a guide not the be all end all. Great work :)

    Thankyou! I really appreciate the support... I just thought that this was supposed to be an encouraging place and I guess it hurts my feelings when people are snotty and try to make you feel less or that the hard work meant nothing! We are supposed to be lifting each other up, helping each other, not saying hurtful rude comments. Thankyou again :)

    I didnt think the comment was rude at all,this my be a site for encoragement but we are allowed to have our own opinions as well. When you post on a public forum you are opening yourself up to everyones opinion.

    Actually it was incredibly rude and uncalled for.
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    That's truly amazing! I'm going to give this a shot.
    Thanks for the post :)
  • Caz2678
    Caz2678 Posts: 49
    I think you look AMAZING!

    And in my opinion, people who say they don't want a nice body like you are liars!

    I'd love a tummy like yours, but in reality its not possible. I've had 3 babies and my tummy looks like I have been mauled by a bear! BUT I ain't gonna get jealous about it! I'll work my *kitten* off to make the most of what i have and if i get part of a 6 pack under my stretched skin then super!

    Also i love that you have muscular calves :D I do also and its nice to see beautiful women with nice toned calves :)

    You truly are an inspiration :) Its also good to know that you had a wee cheat every now and then.
    Well done you!!
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I think you look AMAZING!

    And in my opinion, people who say they don't want a nice body like you are liars!

    I'd love a tummy like yours, but in reality its not possible. I've had 3 babies and my tummy looks like I have been mauled by a bear! BUT I ain't gonna get jealous about it! I'll work my *kitten* off to make the most of what i have and if i get part of a 6 pack under my stretched skin then super!

    Also i love that you have muscular calves :D I do also and its nice to see beautiful women with nice toned calves :)

    You truly are an inspiration :) Its also good to know that you had a wee cheat every now and then.
    Well done you!!

  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    That's truly amazing! I'm going to give this a shot.
    Thanks for the post :)

    Thanks :) Good luck!
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Just wanted to say to siabevis, it was nice of you to post the information, voluntarily as a gesture to help others (and maybe cute back a bit on emails to you about the subject LOL ). Thankyou.

    You have worked hard, and have a right to be proud of your work.

    We all have our individual goals, and not all are the same. Thats okay. We are ultimately, mostly, all here to better ourselves, to the level we feel is obtainable for our personal desires of healthy, and attractive, and reachable based on our lifestyle choices.

    I always love to read how others reach their goals, it helps give me ideas I can implement as well, even if I may not do the exact same thing they do - I see other approaches, that I can implement, in whole or part. Based on MY needs and goals.

    I personally appreciate the sharing for all, and the fact that you did post it freely.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Just wanted to say to siabevis, it was nice of you to post the information, voluntarily as a gesture to help others (and maybe cute back a bit on emails to you about the subject LOL ). Thankyou.

    You have worked hard, and have a right to be proud of your work.

    We all have our individual goals, and not all are the same. Thats okay. We are ultimately, mostly, all here to better ourselves, to the level we feel is obtainable for our personal desires of healthy, and attractive, and reachable based on our lifestyle choices.

    I always love to read how others reach their goals, it helps give me ideas I can implement as well, even if I may not do the exact same thing they do - I see other approaches, that I can implement, in whole or part. Based on MY needs and goals.

    I personally appreciate the sharing for all, and the fact that you did post it freely.

    Thanks darlin!
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing!! You look amazing!

    Do you drink coffee?? I have a realllly hard time giving up coffee with creamer! I want to replace it with tea but it's just not the same! And what did you do when you were in a place where it was everywhere like birthdays, holidays, get togethers, ect...??
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    And by the way, I was looking at your fb page and you do NOT look underweight at all! I would love to have your body! I miss being fit so bad and hope one day to get that back. :/
  • jezzi16
    jezzi16 Posts: 128 Member
    I Just love when chicks say " Honey" in a derogatory way. " inserts eye roll" .

    You look great , and although I could never eat clean I'll just live my ab fantasy through your profile pictures Ha ;)
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Thank you so much for sharing!! You look amazing!

    Do you drink coffee?? I have a realllly hard time giving up coffee with creamer! I want to replace it with tea but it's just not the same! And what did you do when you were in a place where it was everywhere like birthdays, holidays, get togethers, ect...??

    Girl I drink a cup of coffee from my wonderful Keurig coffee maker EVERY morning. I used to put tons of sugar and cream in it but now i only use fatfree organic milk.. I have actually learned to like it black even!

    And during holidays I would allow myself to a small piece of cake if I wanted.. moreso towards the END of my weightloss because I didnt want to make ANY excuses of BUTS about it. I went into clean eating head strong. I actually ate very healthy during Christmas and Thanksgiving last year... I dont usually splurge on holidays. I always bring a veggie or fruit tray to get togethers so I can snack on that ;)
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Awesome! I'm learning to cut back. I use to put a ton of cream and sugar. Now, NO sugar and I measure out the cream. I want to stop using cream but I love it! I reallllly struggle when I'm around junk food. :/ Eating clean works wonders for me when I stick to it. And it's REALLY easy to stick to so I don't know how I keep falling off the wagon! It's frustrating.
    Thank you so much for sharing!! You look amazing!

    Do you drink coffee?? I have a realllly hard time giving up coffee with creamer! I want to replace it with tea but it's just not the same! And what did you do when you were in a place where it was everywhere like birthdays, holidays, get togethers, ect...??

    Girl I drink a cup of coffee from my wonderful Keurig coffee maker EVERY morning. I used to put tons of sugar and cream in it but now i only use fatfree organic milk.. I have actually learned to like it black even!

    And during holidays I would allow myself to a small piece of cake if I wanted.. moreso towards the END of my weightloss because I didnt want to make ANY excuses of BUTS about it. I went into clean eating head strong. I actually ate very healthy during Christmas and Thanksgiving last year... I dont usually splurge on holidays. I always bring a veggie or fruit tray to get togethers so I can snack on that ;)
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Awesome! I'm learning to cut back. I use to put a ton of cream and sugar. Now, NO sugar and I measure out the cream. I want to stop using cream but I love it! I reallllly struggle when I'm around junk food. :/ Eating clean works wonders for me when I stick to it. And it's REALLY easy to stick to so I don't know how I keep falling off the wagon! It's frustrating.
    Thank you so much for sharing!! You look amazing!

    Do you drink coffee?? I have a realllly hard time giving up coffee with creamer! I want to replace it with tea but it's just not the same! And what did you do when you were in a place where it was everywhere like birthdays, holidays, get togethers, ect...??

    Girl I drink a cup of coffee from my wonderful Keurig coffee maker EVERY morning. I used to put tons of sugar and cream in it but now i only use fatfree organic milk.. I have actually learned to like it black even!

    And during holidays I would allow myself to a small piece of cake if I wanted.. moreso towards the END of my weightloss because I didnt want to make ANY excuses of BUTS about it. I went into clean eating head strong. I actually ate very healthy during Christmas and Thanksgiving last year... I dont usually splurge on holidays. I always bring a veggie or fruit tray to get togethers so I can snack on that ;)

    Just hang in there!