
Welcome to Team Hidden Treasures!! we are -

1. Juleswatkins (Captain)
2. Trimom63 (Captain)
3. Ruelman83
4. AmerTunsi
5. DavyRockhit
6. Monica_has_a_goal
7 . Jaeone
8 . Scapez
9. Jellybean1971
10. Mathlete99
11. Spgabby86
12. Ashley26704
13. Jmh35slh
14. femmemusicale
15. luvmybeebees

Please start adding each other as friends :heart:

As you can see we have 2 captains - Jill (trimom63) and I are both going to lead the team - double trouble for you ladies - as this means that there will ALWAYS be someone around to support/motivate you!! Jill and I love to have fun - do not be surprised if we infiltrate your sensible blogs with our banter!!!! Join in!!!

All exercises will be posted on and I will also post them each day.

As you progress through the month, the tasks get more challenging - but you are also getting fitter!!! They are designed to push you and take you out of your comfort zone! There are modified exercises as an alternative to what's posted - just ask Jill or I for information. There is also be additional team based tasks to do later on in the month (ie 100 extra miles to be split between all members - I hope that we can divide these equally between all of us where possible).

As well as these exercise tasks, you will also be expected to -

Drink at least 8 cups of water per day AND stay under calories each day (It would be a good idea to make your food diarys public if you haven't already done so).

I want a team filled with people willing to COMMIT!!! - any mutiny within the team will result inhaving to walk the plank!!!

I expect the following from each of you:


Apart for all that - we will HAVE FUN :tongue:

Ladies - raise your cutlasses - we have treasure to find!!!!!!!!



  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    ***** Post Challenge request *****

    Please can everyone give me the following information -

    Starting weight on MFP
    Current weight
    Goal weight
    How much you'd like to lose by the end of September

    If you are happy to post in here (thank you) or you can pm me if you'd prefer.

  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    So, let's meet each other -

    Hi, I'm Jules! I'm 45 and I live in the UK.
    I amd married to Alan, have 2 grown-up boys (James 20 and Tom 17) and I work as a Community Mentor for the local government.

    I've struggled with my weight since my teens - a typical yo-yo dieter! I was over 17st (243lbs) at my heaviest and now weigh 11st13.8lbs (167.8lbs). I joined MFP in May of this year and it was the BEST thing I've done!

    Last year my husband suffered a heart attack at the age of 42 - whilst it was a huge shock to all of us at the time - our lifestyle had contributed to it over many years (too much junk food, not enough exercise......). So our lives changed for the better. However, for me it was starting MFP that really changed my life!!

    I loved the August & September challenges and cannot wait for October!!

    I've always fancied being a bit of a pirate!!!

    It's a pleasure to sail the seven seas with you ladies :laugh:
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Avast ye, Wenches!

    scapez here, but you may call me "Swashbuckling Sherri"!

    I be 44 voyages old and live in a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA. I've been here on MFP Since May of this year with a starting weight of 150 lbs, and as of this morning I'm 134.8. During this month's challenge I hope to lose 5-6 scurvy dog pounds.

    Arr mateys, let's weigh anchor, get our sea legs and set sail - dead fatty tells no tales!!!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Thanks Jules for letting me join the team.

    My name is Crystal

    Starting weight on MFP 220
    Current weight 205
    Goal weight 140
    How much you'd like to lose by the end of October 190

    So my name is Crystal and I turned 40 this year. I live on Vancouver Island, I have a wonderful husband. I've been blessed this year with my newest little guy, Sam who is 7 months old, my other little ball of energy will be turning 4 shortly. I'm a stay at home Mom. My weight problem started 12 years ago, I was in a terible car accident and went from running every day to doing no exercise for 2 years while I healed. While my body healed my mind did not and I became an emotional eater. Then 2 pregnancies later in life, the pounds added up. The highest I have been (without being pregnant) was my starting weight on MFP 220 lbs. I cried that morning in September when I saw the scale, but resolved to do something about it, while googling for sites I found my new FMP family. I have lost 15 lbs so far and looking to lose more with my new wonderful team. I didn't join a team last month but I followed along by myself, looking forward to being surrounded by fellow pirates, and I promise you wont have to make me walk the plank.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Ok ladies, here's our official banner!


    Code: oct_challenge.png Copy and paste into your signature and change the uppercase (IMG) to lowercase (img).

  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Thanks for the team banner Sherri!! :flowerforyou:
  • jmh35slh
    Hi. My name is Jackie. I'm 43 years old and I live on the east coast of the US. it's cold, rainy, damp and dank here. Hopefully our pirate ship will be sailing in warm sunny waters! LOL
    I started here on MPF on June 2 2011 at an all time hight of 257 pounds. Even pregnant I didn't weight that much! I've lost about 40 pounds so far and feel soooo much better. Here are my stats:

    SW: 257
    GW: 150
    CW: 120 (i've gained a few back from my posted low of 217)
    I'd like to bury another 10 pounds by the end of October. I'll trade it for the t reasure!!

    This is my first challenge, and i'm excited and ready to go!!

    Thanks in advance for all of the support and teamwork!! Let's GOOOOO!!

  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Hey how do I post the "Team Hidden Treasures on my post...I love it...
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Ok ladies!! I'll post about me as soon as I get to my phone would take me three hours!! I'm so happy to see "renewed" faces and NEW ones!! Be back soon!!
  • ashley26704
    ashley26704 Posts: 72 Member
    Starting weight on MFP: 173
    Current weight : 155.8
    Goal weight: 130 ( I might want to lose around 5 more pounds when I get there but it all depends.)
    How much you'd like to lose by the end of October: I would love to be in the 140's by the end of October! :D

    About myself:
    My names is Ashley. I'm 19. I've always strugled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I decided that it was time for a change at the beginning of the year.
    Then my weight loss stopped for about 6 months because I simply quit trying, I worked and saw results but I just quit trying.
    I'm back here now to get the weight off for good.
    During those 6 months, I maintained, so that's a good thing.
    I wish you all luck this month! :))
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi My name is LaVette - my MFP Fam call me GABBY...

    I'm 44 years old, married for 3 years - the mother of a 20 year old (son to be 21 in Nov) and step mother to a 21yr and 23yr old...

    I LOVE the LORD and ALL that He has done in my life.

    I started my weight loss Journey on November 18, 2010 after visiting my aunt in the hosptial. She was dying from diabetes. She would be my second aunt in 2 years to die from diabetes...not to mention a grandmother who passed from the very same thing. I realized that at 5'0" 194lbs this could very realistictly be my fate if I didn't make some serious changes. I've suffered with HBP (high blood pressure) since 2006 and thought that was enough...I am TOO YOUNG to have so many health issues.

    So on November 18, 2010 I decided I would start my journey to getting healthie. I promised my doctor I'd get to 150 and promised myself to get to 144-140 - that is still my goal.

    I am now at 156-157lbs and I see the finish line, but have to admit my eating has become my BIGGEST enemy.

    I hope that by the end of October I will be at 149 or more.

    I love all the support of MFP and looking forward to this challenge.

    To my team I pledge to give this my accept ALL support and to be supportive... I Pledge to GETTING HEALTHY and LIVING a life full of ALL that God intended for me to live.

    SW 193.4
    CW 156.6
    GW 149 (by the end of Oct)
    UG 140
    AGE 44
    HEIGHT 5'0'
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Hello there!

    Another Jackie here - also 43, but on the west coast! I am married to my best friend, and we are the parents of 5, my oldest is 25 with a baby of her own, and my youngest are 7 year old twins! And they ALL live with me!! My hubby is actually the one who joined MFP first, and pulled me in after he lost 18 pounds!!

    I joined MFP in January at 140 lbs, current weight is 129, and I hope to hit 125 by the end of the month. I am only 5' 1", so I don't know that I should go any smaller than that - haven't been smaller than that since before my son was born 13 years ago! But when I get there, I will see!

    Good luck everyone! Happy to be on your team!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Hey how do I post the "Team Hidden Treasures on my post...I love it...
    Gabby - if you copy Sherri's link into your signature - just change both IMG's to img

  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Does the challenge start on Monday?
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Does the challenge start on Monday?

    ARRRRHHHHHHH!!!! Yes we set sail on Monday!!
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    Hi all! I'm excited to be part of this team, and to get to know everyone else. This is going to be the most booty-kicking October ever!

    Starting weight: 260
    Current weight: 240
    Goal weight: 185
    End o'October goal: 230

    I've been heavy my whole life and come from a family of 10 other very big people. I was 200+ pounds by the time I was 12 years old, and by 25 years old, I was 375 lbs. That year, on my 26th birthday, I started a drastic weight loss program that got me down to 219, but that was very unhealthy and unsustainable. Now, a few years later, my weight started to creep back up and at 265 lbs, I decided to do the right thing - working hard to lose the weight slowly, safely, and forever. My motto right now is little changes and life in the same.

    It is so inspiring to see others on this journey to health and wellbeing, and to be able to support each other in the process. Many thanks to all of you, in advance, and to our captains for leading the charge!

    Let's get to shivering some timbers!!! :happy:
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Aye Mateys! :wink:

    I'm Monica, a 44 yr old Wife (24 yrs) and Mother of 1 daughter (19yrs old). :heart: :heart:
    I am an elementary school Library Manager for Los Angeles Unified School District and live in Orange County, (Southern) California.
    I am bullemic and have yo-yo dieted but that was in my past life..:laugh:

    I joined MFP on June 1st, 2011, when I feel my new life began! While healing from a broken ankle (March 2011) and sitting in bed, I realized that I couldn't continue living in a fat body .. It's just not acceptable and I refuse to live my life this way. My friend and co-worker Erica B., turned me onto MFP and now I love my MFP family and new friends because they're a wonderful source of inspiration and encouragement!

    I joined the September Challenge and was on Team Jungle Jewels and Loved everyday of challenging exercises as well as helpful information from Jules and Jill, our captains, and Gary for positng inspirational messages and support.

    I look forward to making "Fatty" walk the plank and Allowing my Hidden Treasure to SHINE! :bigsmile:

    My stats are as follows: Height: 5'4'' SW: 250 pounds CW: 208 GW: 140 Final October Weight: 200 or less
  • mathlete99
    mathlete99 Posts: 133 Member
    Hello to Everyone!

    My name is Jennie and I live in Southern California. I am married and have three college aged daughters. I teach high school math and love everyday of it :)

    In January of 2011 I picked up my tennis racket again and joined a ladies' doubles league. I really enjoyed it, but quickly realized just how out of shape I had allowed myself to become. I knew if I lost some weight I would play much better tennis :) I had my thyroid removed a few years ago and have fluctuated greatly in my weight. If the doctor gave my too high of a dosage, my heart would beat out of my chest and I would be a jittery mess, but I would lose weight. Too low and I could barely get off the sofa and my weight would shoot up. It was not fun getting my dosage dialed in. He finally got it right, but by then I had given up on weight loss. I was resigned to the fact that I could not lose weight on my own at a lower dosage. Well, I was wrong. The few months of playing tennis had resulted in a small weight loss and I saw a glimmer of hope. I stumbled upon MFP at the end of May, thought about joining for a few days and joined up the beginning of June. One of the best decisions of my life.

    My starting MFP weight was 242 and I am currently at 209. I am 6 feet tall and have a goal weight of 190. As that goal gets closer, I might change it to a lower weight, but my body will let me know. I would like to lose 6 pounds this month. In the beginning of August I had a blood clot in my arm that scared me almost to death, literally and figuratively. I have had every test under the sun and the doctors can't figure out why. For now I am on medication and wait for the next round of tests. The clot slowed me down, but did not deter me one bit. In fact, my resolve was strengthened thinking through the other possibilities a blood clot could have had.

    I am looking forward getting to know all of my teammates and encouraging all of you toward your goals. Here's to October!
  • DavyRockhit
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Looks like we're going to be a formidable group!!! Nice to 'meet' those of you that I don't already know! :flowerforyou: