

  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    WEEK 1 – DAY 1

    In view of Gary still being MIA, I am setting an alternative challenge. If like me you are running out of time, please complete ONE of the following:

    Plan A (Low Impact)
    2 sets of 21's (you will complete one set by doing each move 7 times),  2 sets of 8 - 12 Swimmer's Presses,  100 punches (while standing or sitting in a chair quickly extend and alternate each arm while punching a target straight in front of you. (I always imagine myself punching fatty!)  Do these as quickly as you can being careful to not pop/snap your elbows.  Take a break.  Sometime today walk for 5 - 10  minutes.  As slow or as fast as you can.  If you can't do 5 - 10 minutes than walk as far as you can!  Remember your are stronger than you think.  Record how far you walked and tomorrow determine to walk farther even if its just one step farther

    Plan B (Mid Impact)
    2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers AND 1 mile walk, jog or run.

    Plan C (High Impact)
    4 min Tabata, Overboard in October exercises on

    Please keep checking the above website and it Gary posts this weeks challenges, please let me know (via the forum) whiich set of exercises you completed.

    Raise your swords treasures !!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    DAY 1 - WEEK 1

    4 min tabata - done
    Overboard in October Exercises - done
    Under cals - done
    Water - over!!!

    Jules - DONE :wink:
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    So everyone should get a laugh out of this, call it mommy brain or what ever. So I was so excited to see that Jules had put up a challenge I start out with option A, then proceed to do option B then I come back to get the web page with option C on it and guess what I realize that I don't have to do all the options just had to pick one. Seeing as I want to challenge myself, I'm off to try the Overboard in October Exercises. Will check back shortly.

    Hopefully I can follow directions in the future better, please don't make me walk the plank.
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    So everyone should get a laugh out of this, call it mommy brain or what ever. So I was so excited to see that Jules had put up a challenge I start out with option A, then proceed to do option B then I come back to get the web page with option C on it and guess what I realize that I don't have to do all the options just had to pick one. Seeing as I want to challenge myself, I'm off to try the Overboard in October Exercises. Will check back shortly.

    Hopefully I can follow directions in the future better, please don't make me walk the plank.
    I am SO amused!!!
    Love that enthusiasm - just don't over do it !! :laugh:
  • jmh35slh
    I feel a little silly asking, but is there somewhere that explaines how the exercises are done? I don't see a description for the 21's, swimmers presses, wood chops, or lawnmowers. :embarassed:

    Thanks everyone.

  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    I feel a little silly asking, but is there somewhere that explaines how the exercises are done? I don't see a description for the 21's, swimmers presses, wood chops, or lawnmowers. :embarassed:

    Thanks everyone.


    Sorry - my fault - all the videos are on - September Exercise Video Links -

    Good luck :drinker:
  • DavyRockhit
    Hi everyone, it was so nice catching up and reading all about you.

    My name is Crystal, also known as Davy Rock-Hit #214 Queen of the Derby Frontier. I am 27 years old. I am a social worker, I currently do therapy and psychosocial rehabilitation. I live in Idaho, I have two sons ages 6 and almost 8 and I have been married 9 years. I am encouraged about losing weight but the process is very sl-o-o-owww for me. I am sure that there are many people with that in mind. I like these challenges though and figure that being toned is so much better because of the benefits… especially in relation to derby…endurance is everything and I definitely need to increase my strength and stamina so bring it on!

    Starting weight on MFP 234.6 (July)
    Current weight 209.2
    Goal weight 145
    How much I'd like to lose by the end of September 10lbs

    Today’s exercises are Plan C (High Impact) done, along with my calories and water being in check! Thanks for being such a great team!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    DAY 1 - WEEK 1

    Option A - Done
    Option B - Done

    Under cals - done
    Water - over by lots

    Looking forward to tomorrow, maybe I'll reading everything twice and maybe get it right, I did say maybe.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    DAY 1 - WEEK 1

    4 min tabata - done
    Overboard in October Exercises - done
    Under cals - Not done with my day yet, but I'll be under. :)
    Water - over!!! :drinker:
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    It is great to e-meet all of you, and thanks for sharing your stories!

    Today's successes:
    Plan B (Mid Impact) - done!
    Calories - done!
    Water - done!

    Plus 8 miles on my bike. So, I'm pooped, but happy. :-D
  • jmh35slh
    Hello from wet and cold Pennsylvania!!
    So, since today was my first day, I went with Option A
    Over on the water and under on the calories!!
    I have a few extra calories so I think a bag of Kettle Korn microwave popcorn is my evening snack

    Have a great day everyone!
  • ruelman83
    ruelman83 Posts: 97 Member
    2 sets of 15 lawnmowers, woodchops, swimmers press, 2 sets of 21s
    walked 3.1 miles
    under cals
    over water

    And Jules and Jill - I'd like to change my goal for the month from 8 to 9 lbs! (I was pissed this morning when I gained a pound back since the end of the last challenge! LOL.... I'll blame that pound on the alcohol I had Sat night...)
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    DAY 1 - WEEK 1

    4 min tabata - done
    Plan C Overboard Exercises - done

    Cals under!!
    Water over!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    So everyone should get a laugh out of this, call it mommy brain or what ever. So I was so excited to see that Jules had put up a challenge I start out with option A, then proceed to do option B then I come back to get the web page with option C on it and guess what I realize that I don't have to do all the options just had to pick one. Seeing as I want to challenge myself, I'm off to try the Overboard in October Exercises. Will check back shortly.

    Hopefully I can follow directions in the future better, please don't make me walk the plank.

    TOO FUNNY!! Gotta love a person who can laugh at herself!! Great work!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    2 sets of 15 lawnmowers, woodchops, swimmers press, 2 sets of 21s
    walked 3.1 miles
    under cals
    over water

    And Jules and Jill - I'd like to change my goal for the month from 8 to 9 lbs! (I was pissed this morning when I gained a pound back since the end of the last challenge! LOL.... I'll blame that pound on the alcohol I had Sat night...)

    Awesome Randi!! Take yourself out of the comfort zone and reach for it!! Behind you all the way!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello from wet and cold Pennsylvania!!
    So, since today was my first day, I went with Option A
    Over on the water and under on the calories!!
    I have a few extra calories so I think a bag of Kettle Korn microwave popcorn is my evening snack

    Have a great day everyone!

    Fabulous!! Gotta start somewhere and that's as good a plan as any!! Proud of you!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    It is great to e-meet all of you, and thanks for sharing your stories!

    Today's successes:
    Plan B (Mid Impact) - done!
    Calories - done!
    Water - done!

    Plus 8 miles on my bike. So, I'm pooped, but happy. :-D

    Fabulous glad to have you on board the Good Ship Hidden Treasure....raising my grog to your day!! Now, go on up to the poop deck!!! ;)
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member

    Just want to say that I am really happy to be on this team - so friendly, and such support!!

    Day 1 -

    Water goal met (exceeded!)
    Challenges done - I did mid level
    Under calories - yay!

    A little iffy there cuz I munched on my favorite chips at lunch, but made was able to work it out by the end of the day!

    Have a good Tuesday everyone!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Darn...had a big entry done and my internet went down...taking my note with it!!

    I'll try to's tough this time of night...ha! Well, I've checked the challenge exercise blog and nothing has been put up yet....our esteemed leader hit the challenge spot-on though...just do what she says and she'll be happy...hee, hee!!

    Jae....great day!! You're a constant in my chaotic days...can always count on you, girlfriend!! careful with that back....thanks for making the effort even though you weren't "feelin' it" tonight!! You rock!!
    Jules...Ms. Puppy Uppers!! You're turning into a machine my twinny...I can't keep up with you!

    So, my day:

    Cals Under....check
    Water over....check
    October overboard....check

    Let me say to our newest team came in at the right time.....the October challenge exercises are GAAAAREAT!!! (ok, I admit it, I stink at "pirateze"!!!) I'm lovin' them.....well, except for the side planks...don't LOVE 'em, but I do them because I KNOW they'll be effective!!

    Everybody that has checked've done oustanding today!!! I don't like to miss people, but I must get some work done...AND some sleep tonight!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member

    Just want to say that I am really happy to be on this team - so friendly, and such support!!

    Day 1 -

    Water goal met (exceeded!)
    Challenges done - I did mid level
    Under calories - yay!

    A little iffy there cuz I munched on my favorite chips at lunch, but made was able to work it out by the end of the day!

    Have a good Tuesday everyone!

    We're so glad to have you too!! We have such a great team!! GREAT day today....and you've nailed the name of the game working off your munchies!!