Please Keep This Post Bumped!



  • dhayeskc
    Grow up people. Gary's comment was sincere, on target and well stated. Conspiracy theories are fun, but they're only that - fun. In a world where politicians can't even keep news about what they do with their privates private, health care companies couldn't deep six a cancer cure, auto companies couldn't hide engines that run on water and the music industry couldn't replace Paul McCartney with a look-alike

    Let's not get silly and let personal prejudices derail something that was very serious. Gary made good points. Steve Jobs was a marketing genius the likes of which this country hasn't seen in three generations. This country spends billions, perhaps trillions of dollars poorly every year, money that would have more impact if it were spent on research to reverse cancer and search for cures to other diseases ranging from diabetes to autism.

    It's a serious topic. Treat it with respect.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    I agree ..we need to stop the mindless spending on stupid things and concentrate on this CURE.

    I'm walking 10/15/11 in the RACE FOR THE CURE

    My Mom n law is a survivor and I am doing this with her!
  • cba4994
    cba4994 Posts: 147 Member
    Lost my 50 year old mother to colon cancer. Screening colonoscopy at the age of 50 for most, age 40 with family history, people.
  • jhamby5579
    jhamby5579 Posts: 14 Member
    awesome post love it, powerful, awesome job on your accomplishments!!!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    For Susan G. Komen charity very little goes to research.

    Education $134,194,870
    Research $98,548,445
    Screening $37,803,949
    Treatment $22,023,764
    Total Program Expenses: $292,571,028

    Chief Executive : Hala Moddelmog, Chief Executive Officer
    Compensation*: $481,704 plus bonuses